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9 Responses to “Heidi Klum’s Halloween Costume”

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  1. Angelika says:

    Gosh, I just LOVE this woman – how can you NOT love this woman? She’s simply funny, genuine and friendly!

    Please go and watch this youtube video of her brilliant entrance at the Ellen Degeneres show, dancing with her big belly:

  2. Vern says:

    That is cute! Seal is scaring me though.

  3. Solitaire says:

    she does seem absolutely adorable doesnt she, no airs and graces, just a beautiful woman inside and out – AHHHHHHHHHHHH

  4. AC says:

    yup! love her too!

  5. Viv says:

    I love them, they make such a great couple. I think these two are going to last.

  6. Action says:

    That is a totally cool halloween outfit! She must be a pretty decent person to be willing to dress up like this cause, let’s face it, it’s not particularly sexy or flattering. She already knows she’s the sh*t and doesn’t feel the need to prove it.

    A breath of fresh air, if I say so myself!

  7. RaeJillian says:

    I love this, and like sooo many others, it makes me like her more. She seems so real and happy, and I like that Seal went along with it. They seem really fun and very well matched. I hope they last the long run.

  8. Poor Boopie says:

    She looks like one of the fruit of the loom guys.

  9. Action says:

    LOL, Boopie! You are so right! But I think she looks like the fruit of the loom guys on acid or something. That snake and face are pretty scary!