Was it common knowledge that Khloe Kardashian isn’t really a Kardashian?

This morning, Radar has a rough story about Khloe Kardashian and her mysterious paternity. We’ve discussed this before – when Kris Jenner was promoting her book, she talked about the affair she had around the time that Khloe was conceived. Although Kris’s timeline doesn’t add up, I think we all know that she could easily be lying. Plus, it just seems like Khloe doesn’t share the same genetic makeup as Kim and Kourtney. She’s taller, she’s lighter, and she just seems… different. Better, in my opinion, but just different. Anyway, Radar/Star’s report is about how Robert Kardashian’s wives (after Kris Jenner) claimed that Robert always knew that Khloe wasn’t his biological daughter:

Khloe is not a Kardashian! Robert Kardashian’s ex-wife and widow have come forward in a Star magazine exclusive in which they both claim that the late Kardashian expressed his doubts about the paternity of Khloe.

“Khloe is not his kid — he told me that after we got married,” Jan Ashley, 63, the woman who married Robert after Kris Jenner, revealed to Star.

“He just kind of looked at me and said [it] like it was a matter of fact. He said, ‘Well, you know that Khloe’s not really a Kardashian, don’t you?’ And I said…’OK,’ and that was it.”

Ellen Kardashian, 63, married Robert in 2003 just two months before his death, after dating for nearly six years — and she has also come forward after eight years of silence to “tell the truth” about the Kardashian family.

“Khloe brought it up all the time,” Ellen told Star. “She looked nothing like the rest. She was tall, had a different shape, light hair, curly hair. Didn’t look anything like the other three children.”

And while Kris recently admitted in her new book that she cheated on Robert during their marriage, both Jan and Ellen said they’ve always known she cheated, and so did Robert.

“Robert did question the fact that Khloe was his,” Ellen said. “Any normal man would if they knew their wife had cheated on him.”

Since Robert’s death in 2003, Ellen fell on hard financial times — filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in 2010 and last October the home that she and Robert shared in Indian Wells, Calif. was sold after going into foreclosure.

But in a final bombshell, Ellen claims Robert told her that he and Kris weren’t even sleeping together at the time Khloe was conceived.

“[But] he never would have considered a DNA test,” Ellen concluded. “He loved her very much.”

[From Radar]

Wait, Robert loved Kris very much or he loved Khloe very much? Because I think Robert Kardashian probably did love Khloe very much, and even if he had suspicions about her paternity, it seems like he was happy to raise Khloe as his own kid. I come away from this feeling sorry for Khloe and her paternity drama, and I hate Kris even more.

Here’s a vintage photo of Khloe as a blonde – it suits her, doesn’t it? I don’t think she’s a natural blonde, but her natural color is a lot lighter than “Kardashian brunette”.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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144 Responses to “Was it common knowledge that Khloe Kardashian isn’t really a Kardashian?”

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  1. Jana says:

    He loved her and raised her, so she is a Kardashian. Shame on the woman for selling that story to make money. How hurtful to Khloe.

    • Emily says:

      THIS x1000. Well said.

    • someone says:

      agree! poor girl, she’s the best of the kardashians, she deserves a little better than this!

      • JF2010 says:

        i simply see this as jealously and envy of the families success using the “Kardashian” name. So what if Kris cheated, so what if she’s not a Kardashian, what are u trying to get at She just never thought that the name would be bankable so she’s trying to make some quick cash. Shame on you woman. Only 2 of Jolie Kids belong to her and Brad, and yet the others everyone consider them hers.

      • Bluebear says:

        First it was hurtful and money hungry to sell such gossipy story, if for no other reason than it is a “duh” situation. You nailed it, she is the best of the Kardashians… because is ISN’T a Kardashian and she is lucky for that break.

    • Natasha says:

      @ Jana,

      How about shame on Kris for cheating and never telling the truth to Khloe about her REAL father??? Isn’t THAT “hurtful to Khloe”?…

      • Sara says:

        100% agree, Khloe deserves to know who her father is. Hopefully he is alive and she can have a relationship with him if she wants one. Actually, Khole is the only one that is not an idiot in that family. I wish her luck in finding out the truth and shame on her mother for being so selfish.

      • Jayna says:

        Whatever her doubts are are between her and Kris and Khloe and her dad when he was alive if he wanted to talk to her about it. It’s none of the world’s business. She didn’t need her dad’s private conversations about her sold for money.

      • Jolene Jolene says:

        Uh, Natasha–How do you know Khloe doesn’t know already? You realize there are many things that celebrities just don’t share and keep private from the public/media, yes? Yes?

      • Carolyn says:

        For a family who has made millions by presnting a sham family lifestyle and manipulating facts and outright lying for their selfish interests I’m Ok with the truth being put out there about Khloe having a different father. It’s what has been said now for months on reputable gossip sites like this anyway. I also don’t mind the women making some money out of their stories.

    • Petunia says:

      Agree. What an awful story to have printing on check-out line magazines. It must really hurt her to see this.

      I think she’s the prettiest and most real of all the girls. I just cannot stand Kim.

      And if it’s true, you really can’t totally hate on Kris for doing it because she got a lovely daughter out of the affair.

      • Petunia says:

        Er, “printed,” not “printing.”

      • DarkEmpress says:

        Yes you can hate on Kris for being dishonest. For lying to her daughter her whole life and denying her the opportunity to meet her bio dad
        especially since her other dad is deceased. She has also subjected her daughter to gossip and embarrassment by revealing an affair in her book knowing that ppl would question khloe’s paternity even more. Khloe’s wonderful and it would great if she would escape the kardashian klan and be her own person. She already changed her name to Khloe Odom. I would welcome a red-haired or blonde Khloe Odom over a brunette khoe kardashian.

      • deltona lakes says:

        I don’t like her mother or the step-mother. This is horrible since Khloe always talks about the close bond she had with her father and how his death affected her. I have much repect to Robert Kardashian who had his doubts but treated her as his daughter. I think I would feel differently towards my mother.

    • Photo Jojo says:


    • Tweakspotter says:

      I totally agree…how mean to bring it up to make money. Khloe knows…there was even an episode where she was trying to swab her mothers mouth for a DNA test. Even then I thought it was silly since it was obviously her fathers mouth she needed to swab. Supposedly, she took her fathers death the hardest so this is just cruel. GOOD LORD I hate myself for knowing this much about this family…

    • bluhare says:

      Couldn’t agree more.

    • Victoria says:

      This has nothing to do with the public. How dare anyone question who her father is. Her stepmother looks pathetic, and shame on her for making a single cent off of this “story”!

      • EllaJane says:

        That is what they opened themselves up to when they decided to expose/exploit their personal business for profit. How is it anymore disgusting than kim/ray j staging then leaking own sex tape to begin/boost their career? Or Kris admitting to affair to sell books? Really the ex-wives just expounded on a topic she opened the door to. This was not a revelation to anyone including Khloe and they are just trying to generate sympathy after the fake wedding backlash. They can not get mad because another Kardashian by marriage wants money too. Right now Kris is quiet she will soon come fwd and make money with her victim interview and sell more books as long as ppl talk they get paid.

    • darkladi says:


    • JaneWonderfalls says:

      I agree, it;s funny how this story generates when the women is having financial problems, I’m going to be honest, I don’t like any of the Kardashians even Khloe, and I believe she was not his biological child, but I agree that does not mean he didn’t love her. Kris and Khloe have stated in previous interviews how Khloe felt like the outcast because she was different how she could actually pass for white while her other sisters had more exotic looks and features.

  2. Franny says:

    I could see that being really really rough on Khloe. She always talks about how she was really close with her father, and says his death had the greatest impact on her. Even if she isn’t his biological daughter, he was her dad and having that lie her whole life could be devastating to anyone.

    • Petunia says:

      Let’s hope that she knew somewhere along the way.

    • TG says:

      I wonder if knowing she wasn’t a Khardashian isn’t part of the reason she has had the most struggles with self confidence and her weight all her life. I mean that self-absorbed brat kimmie tries to make Khloe feel fat and ugly and different all the time. And since being a “Khardashian” means being special (at least in their eyes) it must be hard for her knowing she isn’t one of the special ones.

    • Sab says:

      I think it is unkind for his ex-wife to bring this up as Khloe obviously always considered Robert K to be her “father”, and was very close to him. They wouldn’t say this type of thing if there were an adoption, how is this different? He raised her as his own therefore she IS his daughter.

  3. bee says:

    Khloe looks like Kris Jenner. If you look at old pictures of Kris Jenner, that’s who Khloe looks like. Khloe gets her height from Kris. Kourtney and Kim are small because their father Robert Kardashian was a short man.

  4. dorothy says:

    I don’t like the Kardashian’s but Khloe does seem to be the one that actually has some brain function and morals. That being said I don’t really understand why this would be put out there now. It’s hurtful and embarrassing.

  5. truthful says:

    I’m sure Khloe knows, Star magazine has a big story too.

    this is something Kim would do, she is her mother in every sense.

    too nab they are too cheap to pay and keep stories like this under wraps.

    despite everything, Khloe seems to b winning and the most gorunded.

  6. brin says:

    It wasn’t a coincidence that their was an episode on KUWTK about this.

  7. Kiki says:

    Poor Khloe. I like her. She does not deserve this crap.

  8. DenG says:

    I like the images that come to mind when people “break their silence” or “finally open up” or “painfully reveal” something. Always sounds like they’re forced to do it. Maybe they just require attention/money.

    • amanda says:

      Yeah and she “keep her silence” so long because she 8 years ago nobody carried about the Kardashians and plus now she needs the money.

  9. CaramelKiss says:

    Ok, so I’m confused. Isn’t Rob Kardashian Jr. YOUNGER than Khloe? So if Kris had an affair and had this so-called “love child”…did she and Rob Kardashian Sr. reunite and have Rob Jr.? I’m just trying to get clarification on the ordering of the kids…I mean that would be insane for that topic NEVER to come up if they did in fact have Rob Jr. after Khloe…no?

    • Jules says:

      Yes, Rob Jr. is younger than Khloe. Guess they hit a rough patch in their marriage, but went on to resume sex with eachother eventually.

    • Bluebear says:

      I’m not trying to be harsh here, but the conception of a child in no way proves the strength of a marriage. You only need to have sex once.

  10. Happymom says:

    This just proves that Robert Kardashian was always attracted to women who would do anything for a buck. I am no fan of this family-but I think it’s disgusting that she would sell out someone else’s secrets.

    • Bluebear says:

      Further proof that Khloe isn’t a Kardashian. The “Kardashian’s” have no morals, she does. Khloe is always the one pointing out the awful things this family does to one another: Kim’s constant stream of “your just jealous of me!”; Kris contemplating changing her name to her ex’s name because “it’s a brand”; Kourtney’s refusal to get married despite her long standing relationship and her two children. Khloe is the only one with BRAINS! Definitely not fully related, thank God.

  11. Asli says:

    I don’t know what to say to this so I’m just going to say that I love Khloe! (As much as you can love a Kardashian anyways)

  12. Liz says:

    She’s still “really” a Kardashian. There’s more to family than having the same DNA.

    • Suze says:

      Agreed. In every sense that matters, Robert Kardashian was her father. And she is very much part of that family.

      This story is really distasteful and that’s saying a lot when it comes to the press about this family.

      • MyCatLoves TV says:

        Amen! I was shocked to learn after my parents’ deaths that my biological father was not my Dad. But my Dad was, is and will aways be DAD to me. He kept the family together and loved me like his own even when some (maybe most) men would kick out their wives for cheating. There IS more than DNA in the making of a “Dad” — so much more! And mine will always be my hero. I was lucky to be able to have a relationship with my biological father as well before he died. I know he loved me, too, and only backed away because in our situation it was the right thing to do. When the parents all act like responsible adults for the sake of innocent children, it can work out. Sure, I wish my mother had told me herself before she died but she had her reasons.

        Khloe will be just fine. She’s a tough girl.

  13. Aria says:

    Khloe is by far my fav. The rest are insufferable

  14. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Of course she’s not a Kardashian-she’s the only one that doesn’t COMPLETELY suck so this would make sense.

  15. Marjalane says:

    Oh Khloe! Drop to your knees and thank God you have less Kardashian in you than the other two!

  16. SRM says:

    True or not, just because she doesn’t look like the rest of them doesn’t mean that he couldn’t be her father too. I have 2 sisters and a brother. None of us look related but we are all full siblings. My older sister is 2″ taller than me, my younger sister is 3″ shorter. None of us have the same build. I have straight fine hair, they have wavy course hair. My brother is tall, thin and blond. I feel bad for her. Jerks trying to make a buck!

    • TG says:

      I agree with you. I commented earlier and didn’t address this but as much as I like a good scandal/gossip this is a nonstory because it isn’t verified it is just Robert saying he doesn’t think he is that father. I mean if he truly wasn’t having sex with Kris at the time than it is a story but lot’s of men question the parentage of their child. Not everybody is an exact carbon copy of their parents.

    • anon says:

      I agree. Until they show real proof. I will just think this is a way to make money for Kris and his RK ex-wife. The man is dead and he didn’t put it in writing. His ex is low to reveal private conversations with her dead husband and Kris well, what everyone else has said. BTW I do not know how this can be proved but I am sure it can be done. Or provide Khloe’s real father for a test. Until then she is a Kardashian as far as I am concerned.

    • jc126 says:

      True. I’d really like to see a side-by-side pic of Khloe and Robert Kardashian, who, DNA aside, absolutely WAS and IS her FATHER.

      Height/build tells nothing. I tower over my two sisters and have a much bigger chest. My oldest sister looks just like my mom, the other sister is a mix of our parents, while I look just like our father.

  17. Smarty says:

    This makes me sad for her. I know what it’s like to have everyone around you know that the person you call your dad isn’t your dad.. because no one had the balls to tell me until I was in college.
    Don’t worry about it Khloe, because the man that raised you, and loved you is your father, irregardless of paternity.

    • Bluebear says:


    • mssnarnd says:

      Well said! I think Khloe is very pretty, too. I’m tired of people making her out to be the “ugly” one. She’s anything but that. And she seems like a decent, kind human being.

      I can’t stand the K clan, and I don’t watch any of their shows; but, I know Khloe has relocated to Dallas with her husband. Actions speak louder than words.

      Good for her! Hope Kim keeps her bitch fests away from Khloe and out of DallASS.

  18. Meg says:

    I bet Kortrashians have much more dead bodies in their closet. Horrible people.

  19. Jules says:

    Khloe is my fave too. It doesn’t really matter who her biological dad is, Robert Kardashian was her father.

    • Vanden says:

      Exactly. All this speculation must be hurtful to Khloe, whether its true or not makes no difference but it must be a very special relationship she had with her father that’s being questioned.

      Kris is disgusting. And if Rob Sr was still here i’m sure it’d break his heart that Khloe was going through it.

  20. lw says:

    I have a feeling everyone in the family knows about this already. But can’t you just see Kim busting it out in arguments with Khloe? There is some serious venom between those two that doesn’t seem to exist with the others.

    • Hope says:

      Agree! Did you see the episode a few weeks back where Kim tore into Khloe, all because Khloe tried to wake her up ?!?? I know that most people don’t come out looking good when they are angry, but some of the things she said – to her own sister? – were foul and ugly (it says something about Khloe though, that she didn’t respond in kind – mainly b/c it was obvious that she was very hurt)

      • TG says:

        Yes, that evil kimmie is always saying really nasty things to Khloe or about Khloe. Remember when she even put Khloe down for marrying Lamar who is super tall? And look what Kim ended up with a Neanderthal for a husband.

  21. Kaboom says:

    Bigfoot’s footprints outside the bedroom window were something of a giveaway.

  22. Anaya says:

    Khloe has just responded (indirectly) to this on twitter. Khloe is pissed off with her stepmother about this and I don’t blame her one bit.

  23. mikamoo says:

    Khole is better than any of them. I recently started watching Kim & Kourtney take NY and I’m appalled by these people. Kim is the worst of them all… the way she acts and treats other people is disgusting.. nothing but a narcissistic bitch.. and her mother is the same way. Kourtney is a cold human being.

    The episode where Kim send Khloe that nasty text message because Khloe woke her up to say good bye.. disgusting.. I cannot believe that anyone would be associated with such a person in any way… let alone have her name attached to their business.

    • TG says:

      Agreed and notice the chemistry between Kris Jenner and Kimmie Dearest? Dearest Kimmie can’t marry anyone as long as mommie dearest is around. They are mirror images of one another. Both extremely self-absorbed and wrapped up in how wonderful they are. And the nerve of Khourtney and Kimmie to run off to CT for a weekend and then get pissed at their men for going to Toronto.

  24. GiGi says:

    When Rob K. was on DWTS, they had a little photo package of him growing up and in one of them there is a young Khloe – maybe 15ish? I had to pause the TV because she looked so much like… wait for it… the Jenner girls! I couldn’t figure out how they would be in a picture that old, but it was Khloe… dun dun dun…

    I think she’s a Jenner.

    Even in the pics when they were small the other three were very dark and petite and she was much lighter and obviously different looking.

    • Lukie says:

      My sister and I totally agree w/you and have said this for a long time.

      We think her affair was with Bruce Jenner, except he left his marriage 1st, and for whatever reason, she stayed and had Rob, then left.

      Khloe looks like her mother.

      But her and the taller Jenner girl look more alike than the 2 Jenner sisters…

  25. hstl1 says:

    This must be so hurtful. My older sister was not my father’s biological child but he treated her like one. Her a** of a father refused to let my father adopt her just to stick it to my mother.

    When she started high school, she was forced to use her biological father’s last name instead of my last name and that was really devastating for her.

    I really feel for her if this is the truth.

  26. Lisa says:

    Kris Jenner is a wh0re who will do anything for money and attention. So it’s no surprise that she would have a child by another man. I for one think this story is 100% true and too bad for Khloe, but it’s time that these h0es get exposed for who they truly are. Some cheating, deceiving attention slores.

  27. BerMan says:

    I can believe that Khloe can come of this on top. She’s a smart chick and can take this ride in her favor. No worries chica!

    • duncecap says:

      I agree! As horrible as this is, it’s a chance to distance herself from that horrible family, which she already seems to be doing.

      I’m not saying she should cut off all ties completely and burn bridges, but moving away with Lamar seems to be step in the right direction.

  28. jess says:

    I think Kloe looks like kendall. I dont think she is a jenner but i dont think she is a kardashian either. The sad part of the story is that she is definatly Kris’s biological daughter. thats gotta be more depressing.

  29. Snappyfish says:

    As far as this vile family goes, I’ve always liked Khloe best. I always thought she had different paternity as it is v v odd when 1 child is so much taller, bigger than the rest of the siblings, including the boy.

    It seems the father loved her & that is really all that matters.

    • Fatkid says:

      No that odd or uncommon. I’m one of four kids and look very different from my siblings. They all look alike; blond, blue eyes, pale skin, petite. I’m taller and darker on all accounts, but we all most definitely have the same biological parents.

      I’m just shocked that everyone is ok with making a genetic assumption based on some appearance differences. She looks more like her sisters than I do mine. Let’s try to withhold judgment.

      That being said, true or untrue this speculation and gossip must be painful for Khloe. Poor girl

      • duncecap says:

        That’s always bugged me, too. It’s like when people assume a dog is male or female based on what breed it is. One of those silly knee-jerk things we never question.

  30. Agnes says:

    No wonder I sort of like her. She has a different vibe and doesn’t seem as vapid as the other Kardassians.

  31. Nev says:

    love Khloe…cannot wait for the new season!!!

  32. Quinn says:

    Dear Khloe,
    Consider yourself lucky!
    The World

  33. anne_000 says:

    Kris Jenner shouldn’t have mentioned her affair in her book. That just added fuel to the fire and speculation about Khloe.

    But I guess Kris needed the money, or she really needed the publicity for her family, because they don’t have enough, right?

  34. Naye in VA says:

    Meh. i dont believe the second wife. shes to be doubted just for releasng a hurtful story like this. secondly my brothers look like spitting images of my father. i look like my mom. my sister, who is the oldest, looks like well…herself. and for some reason im extremely lightskinnes whereas the others are of medium complexion. point being… there are 16milliom possible cobinations of the 26 chromosomes that make up the genetic blah blah from what i remember of BIO. It doesnt matter WHAT she looks like.

  35. Jezi says:

    If this was true, which even Khloe doubted that her father was her biological father, couldn’t this woman been decent enough to share this info with Khloe and not a rag mag? Pretty disgusting on her part. She must need some cash.

  36. NO SH¡T says:

    Everyone knew Big foot aka Khloe wasn’t Robert K Sr.’s bio child.

  37. Bella says:

    What a sellout! Plus, is this really telling the truth on the Kardashians?

  38. Jessica says:

    she looks GORGEOUS as a blonde!!!

  39. Palermo says:

    She seems to have more compassion and empathy than the other two stone cold faced sisters.

  40. ... says:

    khloe is the only one I like.

  41. Lauren says:

    I don’t feel too sorry for Khloe.. finding out you’re only half related to these ‘things’ is more than a blessing.

    • duncecap says:

      I don’t see how that’s the case. Also, why all the people are saying it’s better not to be a Kardashian. Remember, her father is the Kardashian. Kris Jenner is the horrible one, and Khloe is still mourning for her dad, whether its his dna in her or not.

      Is bizarre to rise to prominence in your field, die a slow, crappy death and then have your name smeared by a famewhore ex-wife, kids, and a slew of reality shows.

  42. Rhiley says:

    I actually don’t buy that she isn’t a Robert’s biological child. I think she looks a lot like him, especially in the mouth and the shape of her face. Either way, does it matter? He was her father and she his child and nothing, not even a paternity test, will change that. Oh, and as far as her shape, is shaped just like Kris- tall, with hips, and waistline.

  43. paola says:

    Ha! This is so cool! I couldn’t cope with the fact that i actually liked one of the Kardashians but now the truth is unveiled and..she is not a Kardashian!! I feel good now, i can still look at myself in the mirror!

  44. Ash says:

    Khloe called her disgusting via twitter and I don’t blame her. That was not her step mom’s place to announce something like that.

  45. Amanda G says:

    Whoa whoa whoa… You mean to tell me the blonde in the middle of Rob and Kourtney is Kloe?!? Wow, she is gorgeous in that picture! I never thought Kloe was attractive, but if she lost a few pounds and stopped trying to compete with her sisters, she would probably be the prettiest!

    I’m guessing her real father won’t be revealed for a few years. Kris will wait until they are almost out of the headlines to drop that bomb. She probably has a master plan to stay in the tabs.

    • Paloma says:

      Unless the reporters track down who it is; maybe the guy mentioned in mom Kris’s book? It has to be common knowledge who this guy is. C’mon reporters, enquiring minds want to know.

    • Original Tiffany says:

      I know! She looks amazing there. Go blonde and break away Khloe! I’m so happy she’s in Dallas, though we miss Lamar in LaLa Laker land!

      The mothers in question are both ho-bags for this crap.

  46. Sara J says:

    Its disgusting that so many people are assuming that he is not her father just because of the way she looks. I mean, honestly, don’t you people ever watch shows with DNA tests? Looks dont mean a thing! Also, if you look at pictures of Rob SR.’s parents, his mother was a natural blonde! Kim even posted a picture of her father and paternal Grandmother with a caption about seeing where Kylie gets her coloring from. On top of that, the Jenner girls look NOTHING like Bruce, so why would people think that simply because Khloe, Kylie and Kendall favor Kris, that they all 3 share the same paternal DNA! Grow up! How would you feel if your child looked like you, so the person you know is the father has people questionning their paternity for him even though he raised the child as his own!

  47. Floridaseaturtle says:

    Klohe is the only of the K’s I have endearment for also. (Not including Rob, or the younger girls, of which I have no opinions of either way). I do not see a downside to this. IMO, any negativity is directed at the mother, whom I personally consider a madamm and a tramp. My first husband and I were divorced 2 months before our 3rd child together was born. (He had chronic alcohol problems and was facing charges, again). Later, I met and married my best friend, soul mate. He already had a teenager, and we had one more child together. The children are all aware of their biological dad, and there is no ill-will. My husband is “Daddy”, and they love, love, love him dearly. He is the type that works, cooks, plays games, and disciplines them. I have no idea how we got so lucky, except for God. Point is, I can totally understand Khloe’s bond with her ‘father’. Real love and a bond like that is fluid, can never be separated, and need not be tested by DNA.

  48. Brittany says:

    She’s still Kris’s daughter….

  49. Paloma says:

    What is just as troubling is the report that came out today over at Radar that Bruce Jenner is a cross dresser. Remember the picture with his youngest daughter? He has what looks lipstick on and he definitely has earrings.

  50. Onyx XV says:

    Like a lot of others, I like Khloe the best as well – she’s the only Kardashian with a likeable personality, IMO. I always wondered why she looks (& acts) so different than her two sisters! This explains it. & I’m SO not surprised. Kris is a complete & total ‘ho in every sense of the word.

  51. Jenna says:

    Actually, Khloe is a natural blonde. If you ever saw any of the E! specials, you can see Khloe at a very young age with blonde curly hair. And at the end of the day, family is what you make of it; DNA isn’t everything.

  52. She’s still a Kardashian regardless of who her biological father is. He raised her and by all accounts loved her very much and called her his own. A father is the person who raises you, who loves you, who keeps you safe. I wish I’d had a father(and mother)growing up. Biology wouldn’t have mattered to me.

    That said, Kris Jenner is a modern day Medea. An awful woman.

  53. Elizabeth says:

    Firstly, Robert Kardashian Sr. is a prince for never going public with his doubts/ beliefs about this in spite of how obvious it was to him. He clearly appears to have loved Khloe regardless. He never asked for a DNA test because he didn’t want to hurt a child who was completely without blame for this whole issue.
    Secondly, how could anyone think otherwise. I said it before on this site, I will believe she is a Kardashian when I am shown ONE relative on father’s side that she resemnbles. Tough spot for Khloe to be in though.

  54. SamiHami says:

    She’s always seemed to be the best of them. I will say two things, though:

    1. Good on Robert Kardashian for loving her and accepting her as his own even if she wasn’t his bio daughter.

    2. She looks beautiful as a blond! She should totally go back to that color-it suits her!

  55. Frenchie says:

    maybe knowing the truth about how she has been conceived, and with who, would help her conceive herself ? ….

  56. Nows your chance…run for your life,Khloe!

  57. LondonLady says:

    Why on earth did her mum put the affair information out there, was it essential reading for her book..??

  58. Jayna says:

    I love Khloe. The only Kardashian I love, and shocker, I like Scott Disick, too. And the Jenner daughter having her 16th birthday the other night acted with more maturity and class than her mom, Kris.

    Whatever she knows or doesn’t know or suspected, losing your father (or mother) is devastating. I have been through it. She loved him dearly and was greatly affected by his death as anyone who watches the show knows. I have a feeling she does know or knows it might be a possibility she’s not biologically his. BUT to hear a private conversation with him saying she’s not a Kardashian, even though intellectually she would understand he didn’t mean it like it sounds, because he loved her like his biological child, but it would in your darkest hour make you wonder if he really didn’t love you like the other two girls because he brought it up to the two women and it plays with your mind. And you have no closure with your father to discuss it. Deep down she knows how much he loved her, but shame on them for selling this story to the public of their husband’s private conversations about it and not caring how this affects her.

  59. Meg says:

    if this ellen woman has fallen on hard financial times, then she has incentive to go to a tabloid and ‘give them’ a story- whether she has one or not. just make it up.
    her connection to the constantly talked about kardashian’s is her ticket to $

  60. Lisa says:

    It wouldn’t surprise me a bit if it was Kim behind this…rumors abound of how she’s jealous of the following Khloe has and like everyone else, she’s my favorite too….Who really cares? I also agree with everyone else about Robert Kardashian, he had crap taste in women….It seems there is nothing Kris Jenner won’t endorse….Khloe seems the most grounded of all of them, love her!!!!

  61. Aurelia says:

    Scott D is my guilty pleasure.

  62. Trek Girl says:

    Khloe actually is a natural blonde. If you look for pictures of her when she was younger you’ll see that she really does have blonde hair. It’s adorable.

  63. hotcoffee says:

    khloe is a kardashian if ppl thinnk she dont look like her siblings they need some glasses real quick.
    it is not uncommon for armenians to have light colored skin either.

    LOOK AT HER NOSE!!!! She didnt get that from her momma.

  64. Moi says:

    I can’t stand the Kardashian clan, but Khloe seems to be the only one close to normal. I think Kris is the one with the crazy genes though (and not Robert).

    First of all, Kris did not have to write her book. Second of all, she did not have to disclose that she had an affair.

    Supposedly Khloe is angry at her former stepmoms for spilling the beans about Robert not being her bio father. If Khloe wants to lash out at someone, she should get mad at her mother for not being honest with her. Robert must have been a pretty good guy to put up with Kris and to raise Khloe. I think he really did love Khloe like his own.

  65. Kim says:

    Uh duh! I think alot of people were always aware she wasnt a Kardashian. This is just a whole new level of evil from her mother — not being honest about Khloes paternity. Khloe asked her many times. she had many opportunities to tell her daughter the truth. Kris really is one sick, really messed up woman.

  66. vicky says:

    My father, a Mediterranean, has 6 blood brothers and one of them is a blond pale blue eyed man and another is darker than JayZ. AND my maternal grandparents, Mediterranean as well, were both dark and all their 4 children were blond pale and green or blue eyed. So not because one is different than the other brothers means that is not genetically related to both parents.

  67. DirtyMartini says:

    Of course she’s a real Kardashian. He loved her. He raised her. And his name is on the birth certificate as her father.

    It doesnt get more real than that.

    Shame on anyone who raises this issue 30 years later.

    And ps–she’s lucky to have another father who loves her too and helped raise her. Bruce.

    It is beyond reprehnsible to discuss

  68. ...(the original) says:

    Poor Khloe. I cannot imagine what she had gone through and is still being forced to go through in the tabloids. She seems so genuine and witty I simply cannot hate her.

  69. Me says:

    I’ve always liked khloe. She’s my favourite…she seemed so different. Now i know why. Luv her more

  70. beth says:

    I have no pity for this woman/child. She is the one who loves to talk in her baby voice, i.e. lam lam. Ick. She knows the facts. In that idiotic episode of her family’s show where she tested Kris’ dna. Give me a break honey, you knew she was your mommy, now dad that’s a different story. The Kardashian woman have a history of cheating..maybe she’lll learn from the past of her evil mother and sister Kim. See ya Kartrashians or whatever it is Khloe’s name really is, only God and Kris knows.

  71. Isa says:

    Kourtney used to be a lot prettier before she started trying to make herself look like a made up corpse.

  72. ViktoryGin says:

    Haha. I had the misfortunate of having an episode of the “KKK” inflicted on me and it was the one in which they were celebrating Kylie’s party. I swear Kris is a superannuated cow with the psychological capacity of a pre-teen…and an idiot one at that.

    Many have said this, but basic genetics proves that physicalcharacteristics are an extremely

  73. Marta says:

    This story reminds me of an old Paul Newman movie called Hombre. He was raised as an Indian child with his piercing blue eyes. At the end of the film you see him in a black and white photo grouped with all of the Indian children he was raised with and he sticks out EXACTLY like Khole does in any family photo. Tough one but it least its better than everyone calling her a tranny for years and years. Poor thing can’t win.

  74. Jayna says:

    I find it fascinating big-mouthed Kris Jenner is mum. It broke this morning. She is such a famewhore about everything else but not defending her daughter’s paternity? Hmmmmm. Either it’s true or Kris has been busy all day selling her interview to the highest bidder. What a mom.

  75. ViktoryGin says:

    Screw mobile devices. Now, I’m going to try to try this again.

    Genetics 101 prove that physical expression of genes in terms of hair, eye, skin coloation, etc. are highly variable and difficult to predict. It is completely possible for her differ physically fromm the Kardashian trifecta and still genetically be Robert K’s biologicaly daughter. I believe the term is “continued variance”. As I’m not a science head, any bio major out there feel free to correct me.

    Now, with that said, do I believe that she’s genetically his? Not a damn bit. Why? Because Kris is a whore who would totally perpetuate a lie rather than deal with the inconvenient task of having ethics.

    Khloe’s apocryphal parentage may very well be the purple elephant in the room, and there will always be a distorted sense of identity despite the fact that the person you called mom or dad did, indeed, love you. My aunt discovered upon my grandmother’s death that the she wasn’t biologically my grandfather’s when her “real” decided to show up and disabuse of her of everything that she had known. And she still refuses to accept it. And really who can when it can potentially negate the very foundation of who you thikn you are.

    I do feel badly for the woman, but when your family has made a hustle game out of trivializing every aspect of their lives for public consumption, you tacitly give permission to the world to do the same. Not even this is sacrosanct. It’s like a girl who dresses like a slut, and then gets upset when she gets treated like one.

    • Dawn says:

      This is absolutely right. And this has been floating around the rumor mill for years anyway. Fame is a double edge sword and along with the good comes the bad.

  76. skuddles says:

    She is really lovely as a blonde. I recall hearing recently she’d like to go back to blonde but Mama Kris insists she remain “Kardashian brunette”. Khloe, tell her to p*ss off and just be who you want to be. You seem to be the only one who has a clue… about anything.

  77. laura says:

    Khloe is my favorite Kardashian…she’s funny, gorgeous and has an actual personality unlike Kim. Who her biological father is or isn’t is a very personal matter and should be kept as such…it shouldn’t be a matter for public speculation. How painful it must be for her to hear what people are saying and writing about her.

    • Bev says:

      If she hadn’t put every single aspect of her life on display for all to see for almost 5 years on a reality show….nobody would know who Khloe K was and her heartache wouldn’t be shared by any of us.

      • laura says:

        Yes, Bev, she did. But, I doubt she anticipated things would go this far. My father passed away three years ago and if the public began to scrutinize my relationship or his paternity, I would find it unberable. Just saying,she may be getting more than she bargained for when she signed on to be her sister’s and mother’s pawn in their fame game.

      • Bev says:

        Point taken. Well said.

  78. Kloops says:

    I think she’s a real Kardashian. This nonsense just drums up more interest in this vapid family.

  79. Amanda says:

    How come Khloe looks so much different in the old pictire as she does now? I can’t beleive its the same person!

    • nancy says:

      Her mother mentioned on their tv show that when Robert, Sr. passed away, Khloe started to lose her hair and a great deal of weight due to stress. A lot of times after a woman gets a divorce..same result you actually look good from feeling bad.

  80. kc says:

    She needs her own show- breaking away from the kardashians!!!

    In all seriousness, I literally learned last weekend that my aunt was not my grandfather’s child: my g-ma was pregnant when they met, but that girl was his. He loved her with every ounce of his being no matter the real father. I hope khloe knows this abouther father but this family shows the downfall of America

  81. thegorilla says:

    well that’s classy of those wives to come out about, true or not. but she’s definitely the only one that I’d be able to spend time with, the rest just seem kinda nutty

  82. Feebee says:

    Of course this other wife is trying to sell a book but Kris can’t call her out on it.

    While it’s possible Khloe is not Robert’s daughter, simply because she looks different from the other kids is not enough. I have a sister who looks like my maternal grandmother and the rest of us look more like our father’s side. We were horrible enough to tell her she was adopted. My point being there might be height in the family somewhere as well as lighter colouring, nature is a fickle beast.

    That said this rumor will dog them for a long time.

  83. Greek girl says:

    Genetics are fascinating. I had twins 17 months ago. My son has olive skin, brown eyes and looks like the little Greek/Spanish/Italian mix he is. My daughter has bright blue eyes, pale white skin and blonde hair. She looks like no one in our immediate families. Go figure.

  84. Kimberly says:

    No offense but who gives a rat’s ass?

    what the hell is this?

    This shit happens every day, somehow I don’t think Kris will mind the story hitting the rag mags because it give the Cuntdashians 15 more seconds . . .

    tick tick tick

  85. kikilo says:

    Saw Mama Kris on GMA this morning and she totally did not deny this story, just stuff about people wanting attention blah blah.
    But at this point, what does it matter? She’s Kardashian because he raised her, or at least considered her his own.

  86. aud says:

    this situation sucks for Khloe… I’m not a fan of anything Kardashian, but this sucks.