Hairless Sphynx cats enjoying enormous popularity as pets

The weird-looking, some say ugly cat breed, the Sphynx, has been enjoying enormous popularity as a pet that is relatively mess-free. While it looks hairless, most cats in the breed have a small amount of peach fuzz type hair and are technically not hair free. They’re also not all hypoallergenic as people are generally allergic to cat dander, not their fur, although some allergy sufferers say they are better able to tolerate the breed.

With an appearance that wavers between pitifully cute and diabolically mean, the breed is quite friendly and outgoing, often seeking out humans to cuddle with and keep warm.

Sphynx cats come in all colors, with their skin taking on the spotted and color patch characteristics of cat fur. Their skin is often described as suede-like in feel, and needs special care. Some Sphynx cats require a bath once a week due to oils building up on their skin, although not all members of the breed have oil build up. They also need to be sheltered from the sun and cold as a lack of fur leaves them exposed to the elements.

The first Sphynx was born in 1966 as the result of a genetic mutation. They’re in high demand now, with breeders often having a long waiting list for kittens. Sphynx kittens usually cost from between $1,000 – $1,500 in the US.

These are some of the cutest photos I’ve seen in a while. Thanks to BARM at Fame Pictures.

This is for Daisy and for our right-leaning friends who are hanging in there. We can all agree about cute pets and stupid celebrities!

[Details thanks to, Wikipedia, and Bemisu Cattery.]

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26 Responses to “Hairless Sphynx cats enjoying enormous popularity as pets”

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  1. Baholicious says:

    I’m sorry to any fans of this breed out there but these things are just gross.

  2. Mairead says:

    I can has cute? And coat?

    And I couldn’t resist this…

  3. GG says:

    They are the most loving little creatures in the world. I have had one for 5 years and she is not a cat. She is a “creature”. Absolutely ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!

  4. Roma says:

    My good friend just got this kitten a few months ago, and he loves it.

    I, however, get freaked out when it paws at me with its bare knuckle.

  5. geronimo says:

    So sweet! I love them, a friend has 3 and they’re incredibly affectionate.

  6. Syko says:

    There’s something Yoda-esque about them.

    I don’t find them attractive, but when I vacuum up another clump of Maine Coon fur off the rug, or wake up in the morning with cat hair stuck to my lips, and have to use part of my weekends to brush Simon so he won’t get dreadlocks, then I think the Sphinx is a damn fine idea!

    By the way, cat skin IS the color of the fur covering it. Very odd. I once had a tortoiseshell, and she reacted to a medication by going bald, and she looked pretty hideous, all that splotchy orange, brown and black skin. Poor thing.

  7. jennifer says:

    OMG I love these kitties 😆 I don’t think of ANY animal as “ugly”, I just can’t, but I know some aren’t as…erm…typically aesthetically pleasing as others hehe. But to me even the “not typically aesthetically pleasing” animals are even CUTER BECAUSE of that. Oh man *gush*

    Sorry, I just can’t help myself… 😆

    Syko – I hear ya re: the fur. Sometimes it’s like the Old West in my apartment – clumps of fur floating by like tumbleweeds…I can practically hear the Bonanza theme song… 😆

  8. Syko says:

    LMAO @ Jennifer 😆 As long as Hoss doesn’t show up, I’m good with it.

    I like those little hairless dogs too. Anything weird is okay in my book!

  9. Codzilla says:

    Syko: I knew someone with a Maine Coon, and he was the second coolest cat I’d ever met. (The first being our beloved Julius, of course.)

    And I bet my hair-clogged household would give even the most animal friendly people nightmares. We try to keep up with it, but with the dogs and cats working together, the fur always wins.

  10. emmma says:

    Those cats are so cute but creepy at the same time.. They kinda freak me out! :>

  11. masquedance says:

    LOL @ Jennifer & Syko!! I have two long-haired kitties that *ahem* leave little trails behind them if they aren’t brushed every few days. We call them tumbleweeds in our house too!! They’re worth the extra cleaning and brushing time, though!! >^..^<

  12. JayBird says:

    I used to work at an all cat vet clinic and had to give vaccinations and such. It never freaked me out because you couldn’t see anything with the fur, but with the Sphinx cats it was totally gross because you could see what you were doing. They were also extra squirmy and hard to hold down. They’re very snake-like in their movements. I don’t know, I’m still afraid of them. I have several Sphinx-induced scars on my arms.

  13. jessieg says:

    @Syko…A friend of mine has one, and his name is Yoda.

  14. Elle says:

    The last picture is terrifying. I don’t know if that one could live with me.. the non-hostile looking ones could though.

  15. vdantev says:


  16. Jenna says:

    Ouu, the very last picture of that cat. Tyra Banks would call the look in its eyes so FIERCE!

  17. kitty says:

    my friend’s mom breeds these wonderful cats. They are soo soft, like velvet, and probably one of the more affectionate breeds i’ve ever encountered. One day i’ll own a sphinx and a maine coon simply for the bizarre contrast 8)

  18. hello says:

    @ Syko

    I LOVE that your cat’s name is Hoss. I love Mane Coons. We had one when I was little. They can jump really high…and they like knocking things over.

    I also love this little alien kitty. So nice that they cuddle!

  19. Princess Leah says:

    We have two of these cats (Elliott Nest and Liza Skinelli) and they are just the best cuddlers in the feline kingdom. You just have not lived until a peach-fuzz kitty snuggles up next to you on a cold winter night.

    We did not name them, by the way. We adopted them as adults from a breeder. I get the distinct impression that folks who breed these cats sit up nights thinking of clever names.

    Our first Sphynx was named Yoda. He lived to the ripe old age of 13 and was a lovely gentleman right up to the end. The most fun was watching the reactions of the kids’ friends upon seeing Yoda for the first time. My favorite reaction of all was a girl who shouted ‘What did you do to your DOG??!?!’

  20. Jeanne says:

    Hairless rats are cuter.

  21. Pet Memorial says:

    Enjoyed the read! Have bookmarked your site and plan to check back often!

  22. Petbey says:

    My sister has one for two years now and she is so adorable

  23. Linda Chec says:

    We have 2 sphynx cats and 2 traditionally furred cats. Who loves us best? Hard call-but the two sphynx certainly make a point to demonstrate their love and affection as often as possible. The little one climbs up our legs onto our laps and nuzzles in. The big one is a little more aloof during the day, but come nightime…he makes his round to each bed in the house. He loves nothing more than to climb into the master bed at 6:00 AM and throw his big soft buddah belly across my face to head butt and smother me. That’s his routine. It’s the greatest alarm clock I”ve ever had. If you love cats, you should experience the love and affection of a sphynx at least once in your lifetime. I’ll never be without one. They are the best.

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  25. Sphynxlair says:

    The Sphynx cat is unlike any other pet in the world! Sphynx Cat Forum

  26. Pbones says:

    I guess the Sphynx cat pretty well destroys all theories regarding “Intelligent Design!”