Willow Smith, 11, shaved her head and put photos online: did she get permission?

My son is in first grade and his best friend is trying to get him to join Facebook so they can play games together. I said “no” and I plan to continue to keep saying that until he’s in junior high at least, at which point there will probably be a ton more social networking apps and sites to freak me out. This is what comes to mind for me when I saw this self portrait of Willow Smith that she posted to “Who Say” after she shaved her head. Does someone oversee her online activities, and did they ok her posting this? She seems to be taking pictures of herself and putting them up without asking an adult, but I don’t know that for sure.

I think kids should be able to pick out their clothes and hairstyles, within reason, although we’ve heard that Willow has a stylist. When I was in seventh grade, only slightly older than Willow, I shaved half my head and to my parents’ credit they didn’t freak out and just went with it. I don’t think kids should be able to independently use social networking apps without supervision, though. This is very young to be posting photos online, but I keep telling my kid that the Internet was only just coming out when I was in college. It’s a different world out there, plus Willow’s very privileged jet-setting world is much different than other little kids. She’s a pop star! Here’s more on her new look. She can’t “whip her hair” anymore.

Goodness knows what her superstar father Will Smith will make of his daughters outrageous new look.

But without her long locks she certainly looks more like her father Will than her mother Jada Pinkett Smith.

The youngster also decided to show off her love of ballet by posting further pictures on WhoSay, which styles itself as a social network service for VIPs and celebrities.

She posed for a picture where she sat on a chair in a dance studio, while in another she shows off her golden ballet shoes.

[From Daily Mail]

As a side note, please don’t make any mean comments about Willow’s appearance. She may look a lot like her dad that’s true, but try to remember that she’s 11.

In other news about Willow that’s kind of sad, Star Magazine has a cover story this week that her parents Will and Jada have split up and are on separate coasts with each of their kids. This is right on the cover, so chances are high that the kids have seen it. We’ve heard for some time that Will and Jada are having trouble:

With Jaden, 13, currently living in Philadelphia with Will and Willow, 11, living mainly in L.A. with Jada – almost 3,000 miles apart – it’s only a matter of time until the split is official. And sources say the children are already devastated about being a family divided.

“It’s always a shame when divorce splits up families,” Jada’s great aunt Estelle Pinkett tells Star. Indeed, as Will and Jada divide their assets and get used to living apart, one source says, “the kids are really suffering.

“They haven’t spent any time as a whole family in months,” the source continues, “and it’s not going to happen anytime soon – if ever again.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, February 13, 2012]

Will is in Philadelphia to shoot a movie, After Earth directed by M. Night Shamalan, and Star reminds us that Willow is going on tour in May. So it sounds Will and Jada are necessarily apart for work and are each trying to single parent one of their kids. Still, maybe Willow is acting out by shaving her head. It seems pretty normal to me. Going on tour at 11 isn’t normal though. I wish Will and Jada would try and shield their kids from fame instead of putting them in the family business.

Here’s Willow at a BET event on 1-14-12. She looks so pretty in that yellow dress. She’s also shown on 12-13-11. Credit: WENN.com

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80 Responses to “Willow Smith, 11, shaved her head and put photos online: did she get permission?”

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  1. someone says:

    11 year olds should be playing outside with their friends, reading books, and doing normal 11 year old things, not posting pictures of themselves online. to quote that meme all over the internet, “i don’t want to live on this planet anymore”. really.

    • kim says:

      co sign. They also shouldn’t be going on tours. They should be in school, having water balloon fights,and obsessing unnaturally about Justin Bieber.
      Also she’s probably acting out. When my parents split up I did weird things to my appearance too.

  2. Asli says:

    I actually like her shaved-look. As Oprah would say, she has ‘the head’ for it. Posting it online is very off-putting. I have a 14 year old sister and she’s not even on Facebook. She can’t go on before 15. And when I was eleven (yeah, like five minutes ago) I didn’t even know how to use a computer. I was outside with friends making tiny civilisations in the sand box. Kids really ARE growing up way to fast and I’m afraid Willow’s the front runner. Sad.

  3. lisa says:

    Wonder if this will make a tabloid cover.. I mean little girls and haircuts seem to be the big news thing now

    but nope won’t be seeing this on the cover of STAR of any of the other rags.

  4. serena says:

    Yeah she looks like her father but I think she is very very cute with her hair super short (that is, she shaved her head but they’re already growing back and are very short).

    • Newtsgal says:

      She sure does have her daddy’s ears, I’m not thinkin’ that’s the best haircut for those ears

    • RocketMerry says:

      I agree, she looks a lot like her father but she’s very cute. She’s not masculine or unfeminine, she has very girlish face features. So I don’t see the problem with that.
      Side note, isn’t there a “cutting-hair-to-eliminate-negative-alien-toxins” practice in Scientology? I thought I read it somewhere. Looks like it’s her turn now. Man, I wish that cult would just disappear.

  5. Day says:

    I have no idea what is up w/these idiotic parents buying their children all these fancy gadgets and letting them sit on social networks for countless hours. Why is it so hard for parents to control their children? There is NO reason for an 8 year old to be walking around w/an Ipod(saw this the other day); an 11 year old to be on twitter and facebook; OR, a 10 year old to have a cell phone(my o so bright cousin did this). Who the hell is that little girl supposed to call? Wasn’t facebook just for college students at one point? ugh. Parents are making it too easy for their children to become out of control and do bad things behind their backs.

    • Linney says:

      I see your point but I can’t see a problem with an 8 year listening to and enjoying music on an iPod. Would you ban them from turning on the radio, too? I didn’t grow up with an iPod but I sure did have a disc man and I turned out okay.

      • Day says:

        That was supposed to be Ipad, not Ipod. But, to answer your question: No, I don’t see anything wrong w/kids having Ipod’s. Those are the equivalent to walk man’s that me and most of my friends had as kids.

    • Day says:

      Okay, this comment came off a little more judgy than I would have liked. But, I still mean everything. I have a part time job at an after school center. It just amazes me how out of control and disrespectful these kids are to adults, each other and their parents. They stay fussing and fighting over the computers because everybody needs to update their facebook and twitter. Most of them are middle schoolers, so the ages rage from 11-14. Why are they even on these sites? Every six to eight weeks we get new kids in, and it is the same thing. I just don’t understand what is happening to the youth and what this means for this future.

    • Asli says:

      I agree, Day. I’m kind of embarrassed to be a part of this generation. Too much focus on material stuff. I saw a 9 year old smoking today!! Whaaaaaa? Usually, I don’t, but I kind of yelled at him and took the cigarette away :/ Prob shouldn’t have said anything but he was 9, I just can’t with stuff like that.

      • Petunia says:

        I think I’m in love! 😉

        Seriously, though, I love what you did! The world would be a better place if more people took an interest in other people’s kids doings, especially when they were misbehaving or doing something harmful. Who knows, maybe your action will keep the kid from smoking again. I’m all for it.

      • Pia says:

        I wish I was that brave! Here in the rural US I’d be afraid of speaking up or reprimanding someone else’s child for fear of getting the smackdown from some crazy mom. Sad, but true!

      • Asli says:

        Thank you both 😀 I have an eight year old sister and if I saw her smoke at this age I’d probably have a heart-attack. The kid was actually nice. He apologized!!!! :O Honestly I was kind of cranky because it was right after work, my bus was delayed by like half an hour and it was freezing 😛 The kid was very nice, but that’s Danes for ya, we’re like the European version of Canadians.

    • Jacquie109 says:

      Not to sound bitchy but my ten year old has a cell phone. I can understand what you hopefully meant, but please don’t judge. I get it if you’re talking about a 10 year old with a super high tech phone, who is better at texting than your average teen, but sometimes, that cell phone has a purpose, not only can a parent get in contact with their child at any point in time, it can also be used as a location point, GPS and all. It is not the phone that is the problem. It is the manor in which it is used, and how the PARENTS allow it’s usage.

  6. Kimlee says:

    People were talking about shiloh, i guess Willow wants to be a boy also.

    I think the new look is cute on her and I think her parents she be more conserned with Willow taking pictures of her self on a stripper pole in Vegas than no hair.


    • Julia says:

      Ewww, that’s so wrong !

    • Petunia says:

      I think the parents should be concerned about both actions. Kid has way too much independence if you ask me, and will end up in trouble at this rate, if she’s getting on stripper poles and shaving off her hair by the age of 11! Time to be more of a parent and less of a “friend” to this little girl while it’s not too serious and she’s not too old and involved with crazier things. Sheesh!

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        Isn’t it one of the beliefs of Scientology that children are just “miniature adults,” and should be allowed to make adult decisions? I’m thinking this is why they don’t stop her from working stripper poles, shaving her head and participating in social networking.

    • constance says:

      @Mort: Indeed. They are Co$ in demonstration. Sad.

      @that image:

      That is so wrong! Ugh… Vegas Chick? Bitch please, sit your little Ugg boot ass down and get a GD education.

      I would be beating my daughter (who is 13) with a telephone cord screaming “Ain’t no pu$$y popping in this M–F– house at no M–F– 11 years young!” But I was raised in Chicago. lol

  7. Naye in VA says:

    Its a website for VIPs and celebs, so im a little less off put by it. Also there isnt anything in the least inappropriate about her pics. Im sure her folks checked that or there would be major issues.
    Thirdly for all the child actors out there doing press and red carpets, why are we worried about her going on tour in four months.

    yes children should be ALLOWED to be children, but i dont think her parents are pushing her or her brother. I think they are creative children who are getting an opportunity others don’t. And who are we to say she is missing out on anything. She may still lead a very normal life when she isnt on tour, minus the school thing, but again TONS of child actors are home-schooled.
    Let her be. She is embracing being different. God knows thats a breath of fresh air

  8. Leticia says:

    In the yellow dress photos, she looks pretty and appropriate.

    • Erinn says:

      I was actually surprised by how good she looks! She looked AGE APPROPRIATE and sweet. Though looking quick it looks like a young Will Smith in a dress haha

  9. RobN says:

    I can’t stand this kid. She’s smug and entitled and her parents feed it instead of reining it in.

    • imabrat says:

      Even though I feel bad about it, I feel the same. It’s that smug look that is so undesirable on *anyone*.

    • spinner says:


    • Erinn says:

      I feel bad because I know I shouldn’t be hating on a child… but right from the start of this whole hair whippin’ business I couldn’t stand her. She really really comes off as an entitled brat. I HOPE she’s not as bad as she seems.

    • Diana says:


    • Petunia says:

      I didn’t want to say anything but since you have, I’ll chime in. I also noticed the very smug face and it bothered me. It’s never a good sign when a girl gets that look. It always seems to be related to rebellion. And she’s only 11. I would be worried if she were my daughter and sporting that look.

    • Princess Lizabeth says:

      I completely agree.

  10. Newtsgal says:

    I believe kids should have boundries, my sister-in-law thinks kids should be free to make their own choices at all ages. So she let my niece have free run on the computer. We all tried to tell her that she needed to keep a close eye on her but, she wouldn’t listen. That’s when the phone calls started, at all hours of the day. After doing a little checking, we found her profile on myspace. Our 11 yr. niece not only posted a picture of herself but she also listed her full name, address, and phone number. It was sick the men who where calling wanting to speak to a child. Thank goodness we were able to take that down and nothing bad happened to her.

    • Petunia says:

      I’m not a fan of posting kids’ pics online because no matter how innocent the pics might be, there is some creep out there who might use them in a nefarious way. And the story about your niece is hair-raising in the thought of creepy men calling and knowing she was just a kid.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        @petunia, @newtsgal, I agree. I was posting pictures of my two little boys (10 months and 3 1/2 years) on Facebook, so my husbands family could see them. Later, I found out his Aunt’s boyfriend is a registered sex offender (who molested his 3 year old son). She was showing the pictures of her great nephews (my sons) to her pedophile boyfriend (who she claims is innocent), and he wanted to drive 2 hours with her to see my sons. I had no idea he was a pedo until my SIL told me not to let them visit because he was on the sex offender registry. Point being, I think the photos were a trigger, and I didn’t even realize how sharing photos (with a small group of people on a social networking site) could lead to something so potentially dangerous!

        Willow should not be allowed to share photos of herself with the public no matter how innocuous. As a child of a celeb, the less the public knows about her the better (even if they are VIPs).

  11. gina says:

    o.m.g.!!! not kool at all. I’m sure her parents will be like “humphh, shes just expressing herself”, B.S.! I shudder to think what my parents would have done to me if i done that, lol.

  12. Kiki says:

    I completely agree with your take on posting pics online without permission. When should a child own a cell phone and also, what type of phone? I am vey anxious to read some answers.

    • Naye in VA says:

      the type of phone i can monitor track and control. Phone gets dropped in a bucket when you get home. Understand that your texts MAY be subject to review (apps are awesome arent they?) and there will be a GPS tracker on that baby so you better be where you say you are….still want a phone?

    • trillian says:

      My son is eight and he’s had a phone for like two years now. A very basic Nokia, no camera, no nothing. You can make calls, that’s about it. The first year it was just lying around, now I often make him take it when he goes outside to play so I don’t have to go looking for him when I want him to come home (he hates wearing a watch). He would looove to have an iphone 😉 but no way.

  13. Nina says:

    I think it is a GOOD thing that she looks like her father. Jada is … ugh. Just so busted. Willow is a gorgeous little girl and I like the shaved head.

    When my brother was in high school, his dyed his white blonde hair pitch black and my mom flipped out. Years later, after some serious medical things with him, the topic of hair color came up again. My mom’s perspective had changed and she said ‘As long as my kids are happy and healthy, I don’t care what they do with their hair.’

    I think that is a good attitude to have. It’s just HAIR. If dying their locks funky colors or shaving it off completely is the most extreme way a kid rebels, I think that’s getting off easy!

    • Naye in VA says:

      wow its like i totally forgot middle school. yea when i was in 6-8th grade kids had green hair and lip rings.

  14. mln76 says:

    I remember a few years ago the Smiths were on Oprah and bragged about their parenting style which was basically never saying no. I also remember Oprah in her typical celebrity ass-kissing way called it beautiful. Personally I think both of those kids are going off the deep end simply because they’ve never heard the word no…..On a positive note I like the hair.

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      Isn’t that part of the Scientology school of thought? Kids are just little adults in a child’s body, and should be able to make their own decisions 😒

  15. ladybert62 says:

    That girl is not pretty (mean of me to say this I know).

    Those clothes are horrible.

    What is she going on tour for at age 11?

    • Candee says:

      I couldn’t agree more .Normally I wouldn’t trash talk a child but they keep putting her in the public eye. And I can’t believe how many people keep talking how cute she is WTF.

  16. Sarah says:

    Damn, I’m trying to imagine the look on my step mother’s face if my 11 year old sister did that… Going to have nightmares tonight that’s for sure.

  17. Tazina says:

    Meh – no big deal. It’s just hair, not like she was caught having sex or toking a joint. She’s a cute kid and polite on talk shows. People are so quick to negatively judge a child.

    • Petunia says:

      Worry is more like it. Because either we have kids or sisters or friends and we know there are limits for kids. Kids without limits end up in messy situations. Willow using a stripper pole and shaving her hair at her age sounds like no limits.

  18. Tweakspotter says:

    I wonder if they call her “Will” for short??

  19. benny says:

    Her parents pushed her into the entertainment business, selling an image, but we’re not supposed to comment on her appearance?

    I think her whole appearance is over-done. Parents need to stop pushing her image so hard. As for her looks — they’re unfortunate, but scientologists love plastic surgeons (guess pschiatrists are frauds, but plastic surgeons are gods), so I’m sure she will look completely different when she’s older and has had a nose job, teeth capping, eyelid lift, and whatever else Hollywood thinks is important.

  20. Sandra says:

    That last outfit seems like it shouldn’t work, it seems too matchy with the pants and the boots, but it totally works. I’m going to try and re-create it!

  21. bea says:

    It looks totally cute on (or off?) her!

    Would she get permission from her publicist or her parents?

  22. Reece says:

    I generally believe that if you throw yourself out in public then you should be able to take the good with the bad. Since she is ONLY 11 I won’t say anything about her.
    She just reminds me of how much I used to like her parents until the skin started to crack and I could see the fug underneath.

  23. Alex says:

    Hey who ever wrote this article Jada Pinkett Smith back when she was just Jada Pinkett rocked a bald head for years and was bald when she got with will smith she put bald on the map in the 90’s for black women so I’m sure willow has seen her moms old pics so it’s no big deal to them also women being bald or having extremely short hair is more popular in the Afro American community

    • ccoop says:

      Yes, that’s true. Actually, I think she looks good – not that I would let my 11-year-old child do this, but hey, it’s a done deal now.

      But on Facebook at her age? Just NO.

  24. Amanda G says:

    I completely agree with your thoughts on young kids and their parents role, however, these are privileged kids of Hollywood actors. I guess they get to live in a different world. I also don’t think their parents should be pimping them out to keep the fame machine rolling. Maybe I wouldn’t have such a problem with them if their kids weren’t so obnoxious. Especially Jayden. He has his mother’s personality and that is not good.

  25. lucy2 says:

    Ordinarily I would agree kids shouldn’t put photos and info out there, but unfortunately her parents have already put her out in the public eye. I still don’t think she should do it, but the horse is already out of the barn on that one.

    That yellow dress is so pretty! The other outfit in NOT.

    If they’re divorcing or whatever, I feel bad for the kids. They already have a strange life, being pushed into the spotlight and made to have adult careers at far too young an age when there’s no reason they couldn’t wait. Going through a family split would be difficult.

  26. Maria_ says:

    she looks much more older than 11.

  27. Gast says:

    Ok, I work with kids that age and if I would see one of the “my” girls with a shaved head, I would immediately call the parents and ask them what happend! When Britney Spears shaved her head when she was about 25 everyone was shocked, when a 11 year old shaves her head it’s okay?

    • Pia says:

      An 11 year-old playing with their hair to express themselves and experiment is NOT the same thing as Britney Spears’ breakdown. The head-shaving was only one of many odd behaviors that were a cry for help. If Willow was acting strangely and attacking car windows with an umbrella, it might be cause for concern, but to say that there is clearly something “wrong” with a child who decides to cut their hair off is a bit extreme.

      • Gast says:

        Playing with hair means colouring or cutting not shaving – at least for an 11 year old. Of course, Willow isn’t a normal 11 year old, but her parents should drawn a line somewhere. I guess, there going down the road with “children should always make their own choices and experiences – good and bad” but that’s not parenting thats ignorant. My comparison with Britney might be a far fetch, but I don’t get why parents are still pushing their kids into showbiz after seeing so many childstars broke down. But (esp.) Will being a star himself, probably thought he could open so many doors for his kids, that they will never experience the bad side of the industry or whatever.

  28. Maritza says:

    She had already messed up her hair I think the only reasonable thing she could do was shave it off so it will grow even. She is a cute kid but I think the divorce will affect them, I hope they don’t get in trouble with the law in the future. I think they are sweet kids.

  29. NM6804 says:

    I find her a very beautiful girl with a FACE, I don’t know why anybody would call her names #kanyeshrug#
    Agreed on the part that she’s way too young to be famous and let her work like an adult.

  30. Jaxx says:

    I shaved my head once. You have no idea how wonderful it is to have no hair. The wind feels wonderful caressing your naked head. It was so freeing to get out of the bath and wipe a towel over your head to dry it and go. Can’t say it was the best look for me but it FELT wonderful. Wish I had the guts to wear it like that all the time. Everyone should try it once.

  31. KB says:

    She probably cut all of her off so that it would all grow back even.

  32. Palermo says:

    It’s always the kids who get hurt in these matters

  33. hillbilly in the corner says:

    The least electric gadgets and phones and computers they have the better they are…cause each one of these things opens up a world of temptation and influence young children do not need to be introduced to at a young age …and letting them have unrestricted use of these things is really dangerous and stupid on the adults part…I see 8 yr old little girls walking around in lipstick and heels with cell phones in her little hands and wonder what in the world was their mothers thinking…and the computers should always be in a room that is always in full view of the parents…and lord how many kids have been killed this year alone by driveing and texting at the same time..

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      My friends pregnant wife and the unborn baby (due in a week) were killed when a kid (who was texting) hit her head on. I will never text and drive because of that.

      • Lady D says:

        Hi Mort, OT here, but in your job, do you ever deal with people you have known? It would be so sad to have a friend as a client. I would hope there are safeguards in your industry, or is it even a problem? I’m curious Mort, honestly not trying to upset you.
        P.S. your texting story is just tragic.

  34. bored says:

    Well on the bright side – she’s acting like a kid and not a showbiz robot child. Kids will pull the odd boner.
    She is just like her dad. Bound to be a beautiful woman.

  35. Leen says:

    She’s actually pretty tame for an 11 year old kid in the entertainment business. I mean when I think of what Drew Barrymore was like at age 11 (didn’t she start drinking at age 11, and smoking at 9, and started doing cocaine at age 13?), Willow is very very tame for a kid in the industry.
    Also I understand the concern for kids using social media at a young age, however, I kind of doubt that she manages her social media accounts by herself. I’m pretty sure someone out there manages it too, whether it’s her parents’ PR people or her parents’ assistances. Plus, I think rather than ban kids on social media, it’s better to have them supervised. I have my sister on facebook (she’s 12 going on 13), I know who her friends are (I am her friend on facebook), when she uses her computer someone is always around to make sure nothing happens, what she posts and she always tells my mom and me about everything that happens in school. Giving your child or sibling more freedom is much better than shunning them, because they feel comfortable talking to you about things and therefore can tell them what is right and what is wrong and to also put a stop on it if there is potential danger.
    They also won’t go behind your back, because kids are kids and they will find a way, specially when they enter that god awful stage of 12-15 year old.

  36. HadleyB says:

    Why does she even have a WhoSay account ? Is she that much of a celeb to need one ? really??

    And I understand all this talk of parents saying the need of a cell phone at age 9/10/11 etc to keep trac of their kids. then they monitor their texts/ their calls etc… and then it leads me to thinking..how long does this go on? And what else do you do for your kids for “safety? it’s always said in the name of “safety”…

    kids are either over watched/handheld or given too much..where is the happy medium? Kids have survived years safely without cellphones..so I am pretty sure they can continue to do so.

  37. jwoolman says:

    The hair doesn’t bother me, but I do wish the parentals would put the premature “stardom” on hold for both kids. Neither of them show the kind of unusual talent that would get them such opportunities if their parents weren’t buying it all for them. No open auditions for the boy “actor”, obviously. Let them deal with real life for a few years. That will be enough of a challenge. If they still want to act or sing as adults, fine. Mommy and Daddy can buy them a career then, like other rich people do.

  38. scott says:

    easy answer with all the fooling around ‘styling’ her hair, she probably ended up with head lice.

  39. Lisa says:

    Hey, Cyndi Lauper was 11 the first time she dyed her hair. She turned out okay.

    However, Willow ain’t no Lauper. If anything about this kid bothers me, it’s her ego. Smug is a word I’d use, not tame.

  40. The Bobster says:

    “As a side note, please don’t make any mean comments about Willow’s appearance.”

    I guess I’ll have to save them up for the next seven years. How about her lack of talent? Can we comment on that?