OK! Mag: Brad & Angelina are expecting twin boys, will marry in France

Another day, another Brangelina story. I like OK! Magazine, I really do. Maybe “like” is too strong of a word. I “sympathize” with OK!. I’m rooting for OK! Magazine to find their foothold in the tabloid industry. I want them to decide whether they’re going to be nice and celebrity-ass-kissy, or whether they’re just going to be a full-blown trashy ‘bloid. Until they decide, we get covers like this. Brangelina WEDDING!!! Based on comments Brad made about marrying Angelina… several weeks ago. And OK! Mag is just running with it now. Also: note the photo of Angelina on the cover – they changed her black trash bag SAG dress to white. Get it? Because she’s bridal! OK has no qualms about doing that, just like they have no qualms about running with this insipid fake-story. Oh, and the “wedding” (in France, because NO ONE has ever claimed that before) isn’t the only “story”. OK! also claims Angelina is pregnant with twin boys (shock).

Brad Pitt, 48, and Angelina Jolie, 36, plan on having a small, romantic wedding at their 16th-century French château, reports OK! mag. This will be Brad’s second walk down the aisle, and Angie’s third.

“Brad and Angie have kept this quiet, and they’re talking about how and when to announce it,” an insider tells the mag. “They really get a kick out of teasing people with this whole thing.”

Unlike Brad’s 200-plus wedding he had with Jennifer Aniston in 2000, the source says that Brad and Angie prefer something subdued and private, which their $60 million, 35-bedroom Château Miraval could easily accommodate.

“It’s a place that they all absolutely adore,” the source says of the French property. “With the vineyards and the gorgeous wide-open spaces, they will really be able to create a dream wedding, right on their own property.”

Although the couple originally vowed they wouldn’t get married until same-sex marriage was legalized everywhere in the U.S., their kids demanded they put a ring on it asap.

“The kids are all extremely bothered by the fact that Mommy and Daddy are not married, which is the only reason Angie has agreed to through with it,” the insider claims. “They’ve finally worn her down.”

And even though Angie’s caved into her children’s pleas, she’s not crazy about the fact she’ll be sporting a ginormous baby bump down the aisle, as she’s reportedly pregnant with twin boys.

So how will Brad and Angie be spending their honeymoon?

The source says they’ll be busy “painting the nursery for their twin boys.”

[From Hollywood Life]

I just… I won’t start. Instead of discussing this like it’s a legit tabloid story, let’s just talk about OK’s disastrous editorial decisions. I understand the whole “let’s just make something up about Brangelina” editorial decision. Tabloid covers with Brangelina will always sell. I also half-heartedly like the fact that OK isn’t doing yet another “Angelina is evil, poor Brad” tabloid story. But if you’re going to make something up, at least TRY to make it interesting, or something we’ve never heard. I miss the “Angelina is into voodoo” covers.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

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41 Responses to “OK! Mag: Brad & Angelina are expecting twin boys, will marry in France”

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  1. whatthehell456 says:

    I’ll believe it when I see it.

  2. Ari says:

    Maybe Brad is actually having those twins by the way she is holding him in that last pic LOL (I love them)

  3. Veruca says:

    I wouldn’t be the least surprised if they were already married, and just playing this card for the publicity.

    All I know is they seem happy, and so do the kids. No hating from me.

    I’ll save that for Chris Brown. What a douche. Sorry to all douches for that comparison.

  4. Rita says:

    @Kaiser: Your thread headlines can be confusing.

    What’s the big deal? “Brad and AJ are expecting twin boys to marry in France”….hopefully not to each other. I think that’s illegal, even in France.

    • Sue L. says:

      As amusing as your comment is, please re-read the headline….. it says: are expecting twin boys,(that’s a comma which separates two thoughts) will marry in France….

    • Beatrix says:

      haha, yeah – you’re right. Was a bit of a run-on there 🙂 (looks like it was changed…)

  5. rachel says:

    i just dont get the pregnancy rumors at all…how the hell can someone that thin get preggers?

    • gab says:

      IVF that’s why it’s multiples of course! 😉

      • ahoyhoy says:

        Lots of women need help getting pregnant…even obese women. Don’t imply it’s shameful to need help to conceive. Infertility is such a painful issue for many women.
        You may want to assume she’s used it, and her size is the reason. I have sisters skinnier than her who had no problem getting knocked up, and a SiL who had triplets without ‘help.’
        The real point, though, is please don’t shame your fellow women for wanting to conceive. By slamming Ang, you just add to the stigma.

    • storyteller says:

      Because she can? People have been bitching about Angelina’s weight for years. People seem to have forgotten the first pics of her and Brad in Africa. She was as thin as a rake, even then. And yet in between all the hullabaloo over how thin she is, she managed to have Shiloh and the twins. Seriously.

      • ahoyhoy says:

        Thanks, storyteller–My three sisters are naturally boney (all of us are, brother too) and they have all had healthy children without medical intervention.

        How about those starving mothers in Ethiopia? ‘Somehow’ they get preggo too.

      • No IVF says:

        Skinny means nothing- look at all those starving 3rd world moms- THAT is skinny & they get pregnant constantly. Fat people have fertility problems, too, but that would be “rude” to mention. Even if you want to call Brad & Angie liars for the heck of it, there is NO WAY they did IVF- IVF is a long & painful process and by no means guaranteed to get you a baby- look it up or ask someone. Angie was still pretty young then (under 35) & they got pregnant very quickly both times they tried. It is cruel to people who have gone through IVF to twist facts just to call celebrities you don’t like liars- fertility can be a very painful subject. Don’t even start trying to be a first time bio mom over 40 unless you are prepared to deal with a lot of pain & failure.

  6. CL says:

    Having a wedding won’t make those two any more married than they already are.

  7. snakeyes says:

    They photoshopped her dress from black to white on that cover – fail.

  8. tinker says:

    ^60 million dollar chateau and she said she is glad she isn’t shallow. But I really wonder how you can justify such large materialism when she is as she said witness to so many that have so little and have suffered so greatly. It just doesn’t add up. I myself would never be able to be so grand. I would be embarrassed.Even though I believe people should be able to spend their money any way they want. Such extravagance concerning these two is hypocritical.Don’t bother to explain why this is acceptable.I would expect her to do the exact opposite of Jen. Unfortunately the venue is very similar. Over the top. She should do it in a hut in Africa if she wants it to be unfamiliar.

    • Asli says:

      Agreed. She’s so ”real”, it’s very refreshing. *Snort*. She isn’t any more real than other celebrities.

  9. wunder says:

    Maybe they should have photoshopped a ‘baby bump’ too.

  10. ahoyhoy says:

    Even if she were pregnant, she’s not far enough along to know the sex yet.

    • Kasey says:

      THANK YOU! You put it more succinctly than I just tried to type.

      Onto editorial decisions….. This reads like The Onion to me. Maybe that’s what OK is going for and they just haven’t made it official yet-a parodial and satirical tabloid.

      • ahoyhoy says:

        NP, Kasey, lol. ‘Science’ and ‘facts’ are like a foreign language when they tabloids to sell.

    • WickedSteppMom says:

      I can’t believe I’m even going to comment on this ridiculous non-story, but in theory-she could have done IUI or IVF using Microsort for gender selection. It is generally only used in the case of genetic health issues that affect a specific sex, but some docs will use it for family completion (meaning if you already have a certain # of one gender and you want the other.)

  11. Newtsgal says:

    There is a strong comitment already there and a piece of paper isn’t what makes it.
    I wish they would just leave these two alone already!

  12. Bernice says:

    She is the thinnest pregnant with twins person I have ever seen. They seem happy though and I think that is nice.

  13. tracking says:

    True. She would have to be 4/5 months pregnant to ascertain gender. Does she look like a woman who is 4/5 months pregnant *with twins*? Lordy, it doesn’t look like she’s eaten a full meal lately, much less pregnant at all. And hasn’t it been quite a long time, e.g. years, since they’ve been photographed on the French property?

    All these bizarre fabricated stories! That said, I do hope they marry. Just to shut down some of this crap.

  14. Maria says:

    body language doesn’t lie…they seem so in love with each other. It’s been a few years now and I hope it lasts. Them seem so interesting and are so invested in different organizations that help others.

  15. tinker says:

    Well they would know the sex if they did in vitro with gender selection. And the way she seems to love her bio boy more than her bio girls I wouldn’t put it past her

  16. cmc says:

    Um…did they actually get an exclusive, tell-all interview with Heidi Klum? If so, they made it a sidebar and used some fanfic as the cover story? Does not compute…

  17. foozy says:

    why not an alien in her belly whilst they’re at it…

  18. original sandy says:

    wishful thinking on my part, there would be a lot of little brad’s running around, how cool would that be?

  19. love says:

    I hope that this is true.

  20. Meecey says:

    I wish an alien would actually come out of her belly then their stories might be interesting!!! Not!

  21. MAMAKOWALSKA says:

    I don’t care what they have or do, I’m happy just for the pleasure of viewing their lovliness!

  22. anonymous says:

    If Angie is pregnant she could be further along than we can see. All she has to do is alter a larger size dress of any style she desires, that’s when you have money to burn. Maybe that is how Beyonce did it too since her mother is a seamtress and clothing designer.