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13 Responses to “Matthew McConaughey works out on the beach”

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  1. Solitaire says:

    I’m not into this guy but i must say his bod is hot hot hot!

  2. BRReader says:

    Thanks for the eye candy.

  3. Christina_J says:

    That is one FINE looking man!

    Gay or not!

    Who cares, he’s still nice to look at!

  4. Pepper says:

    i think he is weird and ugly and can’t understand why anyone would waste pics of him !

  5. Blech says:

    He is so GROSSSSSSSSSSS with those stumpy arms.

  6. answeringblech says:

    Not as grosssssssssss as his egomaniac little buddy!

  7. Shelby says:

    he looks like a lot of the frat guys i go to school with and not in the good way… he’s just not my favorite flavor

  8. Mr. T says:

    Well I’m a guy so all I can say is I hope he takes a shower once a day. Like I say, tell them to get married, help raise a couple of kids and see how hot their body is after they are dealing with teenagers.

  9. Liza says:

    Can I please have his life?
    Thank you.

  10. Caz says:

    He and Kate H would make a great couple in real life. I loved them in their first movie together, lots of chemistry!

  11. frewtloop says:


  12. Keri says:

    This guy must be the most vain and egotistical man in Hollywood, and considering the size of the egos in Hollywood, that’s really saying something.
    He should put on some clothes (personally, I don’t think he’s very attractive) and stop working out in full public view. Modesty and humility are FAR more attractive than six-pack abs and well-defined pecs.