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7 Responses to “Paris Hilton Role Model”

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  1. No.. the message I get from this is that if I drink and drive, I TOO can get a Seventeen cover AND a glmaourous looking ad. Ugh.

  2. Viv says:

    Nice find, WTM!

    One of the articles at the bottom says “Get Sexy Eyes” am I the only one that finds this ironic?

    We should have a poll over who has wonkier eyes, Paris or the cat.

  3. Toubrouk says:

    You said “Paris Hilton” and “Role Model” on the same line! *GASP* What a scary thougnt! 😀

  4. VIX says:

    Funniest thing I’ve heard since last week! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The things people do to sell magazines…

  5. ER says:

    X17 has pics of Paris with her nipple hanging out (shocker, I know), her hair seriously messed up and her eyes all glassy….but it’s ok for her to be drunk because I’m sure the dork in the ‘Members Only’ jacket is driving her home!

  6. JT says:

    One of these days the media will quit senting her up the ladder like some Saint that she is not. Unfortunatly she sells magazines and that is what makes them hungrey for her. The publisher I worked for said she was the best thing for print since (of all people) Cindy Crawford. Thankfully cindy didnt act like a total hoe in order to draw attention to herself.

    The day they stop hyping her is the day she goes away. The company I work for now is very conservative and they made it a point to tell traveling exec’s they are FORBIDDIN from booking rooms at Hilton hotels. Besides, Hyatts are much nicer.

  7. paris herpes says:

    I’m not sure what her posing has to do with drunk driving exactly, I’m sure it was lost on all the teens reading the magazine…they probably were more in awe of the “cute” sweater she’s wearing or something…