Did Antonio Banderas cheat on Melanie Griffith with a mystery blonde in Cancun?

Star Magazine claims that Antonio Banderas was spotted out with a blonde in Cancun in late March. They have photos to prove it, and while Antonio and the blonde aren’t seen to be kissing or anything, they do look overly familiar. I have to hand it to CB – she really didn’t want to believe this story, and she went about trying to prove that Antonio‘s “mystery blonde” was some female relation. We don’t have the photos that Star Magazine used, but I’ll describe them – Antonio was photographed partying at a nightclub with a busted-looking blonde woman. To my eyes, she looks mid to late-30s, styled like a Real Housewife of Orange County on a night off. Too much makeup, a really bad bottled-blonde hue, giant earrings. CB thought the woman looked younger, though – and could possibly be Melanie Griffith’s adult daughter Dakota. But! Dakota is beautiful – and the chick with Antonio just isn’t.

“To be married in our profession is not an easy thing,” Antonio Banderas once said of his relationship with Melanie Griffith. “There’s too many beautiful people around, very interesting people.”

Now Star can reveal that Antonio gave in to the temptation, connecting with one particularly beautiful, interesting person at Cancun nightclub Coco Bongo on March 24.

Antonio, 51, was spotted getting down and dirty with a younger version of Melanie, 54, from 11 p.m. to 2 a.m. at the crowded hotspot – and she wasn’t the only one. “He was partying and dancing with lots of women,” an eyewitness tells Star.

A source says Antonio was in Mexico for several days without Melanie – and turned to this young woman for company. Antonio and his gal pal were “singing, dancing and partying” for hours, the source says.

Did Melanie know? She does now!

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

There have been tabloid rumors about Antonio maybe-probably fooling around on Melanie before – in 2007, he was photographed with another busted blonde, although that time, he didn’t look quite as friendly with her, and I could buy that they were just friends.

Antonio has talked with a lot of honesty about his marriage in interviews, and he always comes across as a very decent man who adores his wife. I don’t know what to make of these stories – I don’t have a huge problem thinking that Antonio might be screwing around. It could happen. But that doesn’t mean he won’t always go home to his wife?

PS… Maybe it’s just a SPRING BREAK hookup in Cancun? Is Antonio a douchey college boy?

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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37 Responses to “Did Antonio Banderas cheat on Melanie Griffith with a mystery blonde in Cancun?”

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  1. Tiffany27 says:

    He cheated on his first wife with Melanie so…..yeah.

  2. Alexis says:

    I’m sure he’s been cheating on Melanie for years.

  3. Jayna says:

    Newsflash, men are prone to cheat, especially those that are powerful with freedom away from the wife. Read Shirley McLain’s book. On set affairs are rampant. It’s your own little world four months or more away from the family working with beautiful people…At the right time in a marriage, very troubled, maybe feeling unappreciated many who think they would never cheat might be susceptible. Melanie is a drug addict/alcoholic who seems to relapse every few years. He’s been a saint to still be with her actually. They won’t split a longtime marriage over this. I’m sure it wasn’t his first affair.

  4. mln76 says:

    I’m pretty sure he has carte blanche to do whatever he wants and Melanie won’t leave. He’s stood by her with all of her drug use and craziness and the death of her career. I still think he loves her in his own way.

  5. curegirl0421 says:

    Okay that header picture just made me laugh; “Antonio Says ‘WHAAAAAAAAAAT?'” 🙂

    Anyway I think they probably have a fairly open marriage – an understanding, if you will. I don’t think there’ll really be any backlash here.

    • X says:

      Yes! I love the header photo with the headline. Perfection.

      And I hope the story is false.

  6. LeeLoo says:

    Either way, I find it very unlikely that Melanie would divorce him over this. I think he’s had free reign for awhile now. He stood by her with the drug problems and that is no easy task to manage, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had to find release somehow. If he has been honest with Melanie about it then I don’t see the huge deal, they are grown adults and can do whatever they want. I do however appreciate the fact he is being discreet and it actually seems like he wants to get to know the woman before he sleeps with her. He’s no Ashton “hot tub worthy” Kutcher.

    • Tiffany27 says:

      Ashton Kutcher is such a d-ck. Ugh.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        If you’re giving Antonio a pass why not ashton? Just because Antonio seems to be more likable, doesnt mean he’s entitled to a pass.

        Just to play devil’s advocate, one could argue that both men “stood by their wives” while they struggled with addictions, so why is Antonio entitled to a pass while Ashton isn’t?

      • LeeLoo says:

        If you’ve read my past comments you would see that I do give Ashton a pass. I think Demi emotionally manipulated him for a long time and as more details about her have come out I think he only cheated after he couldn’t convince her to divorce. The reason for the comparison is the fact that Ashton is a shallow douchebag who rates girls as hot tub worthy and he strikes me as arrogant enough to think all girls will get creamy at the sight of him. At least Antonio is wining and dining the woman and talking to her before sleeping with her.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        @leeloo, if I were Melanie, I’d be more angry that he’s romancing women. I think real feelings are more likely to develop over a candle lit dinner than in a hot tub with a co-ed. Plus, and I hope this doesn’t offend the young twenty something’s here (yourself included), I think it takes a little more effort to bed most 30 something women, than it does most 20 something co-eds. Only because we’ve learned a thing or two from past dalliances.

      • LeeLoo says:

        @Mort It depends on whether or not Melanie has given Antonio free reign. I suspect that she has. If she hasn’t then in no way is his behavior okay in any form. Cheating to me happens when someone has been deceived and there is no evidence of her having been deceived (mind you there’s no evidence vice versa either). The way I see it, if she’s not divorcing him over this then she obviously doesn’t have a problem because I have no doubt she has been made aware of this story and of the photos. Looking at it from the point of view of a 20 something co-ed (mind you I’m 27 never was actually a co-ed and am 2 months away from an Anthropology masters thus making me more nerd girl academic than party girl), I was terribly insulted at Ashton’s treatment of the girls he slept with and treating these women like they were on a conveyor belt. While Antonio’s cheating may or may not be sanctioned by Melanie, I find it appreciative that he is showing some semblance of respect for both the woman and for Melanie by attempting to be as discreet as possible. That is something Ashton never did for either Demi or for the two girls he slept with. The way Ashton cheated on Demi, he was practically flaunting it.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        I agree with the first part of your statement. However, people stay in a marriage for a number of reasons (fear and insecurity being among them). Her staying may appear as though she is condoning his behavior, but she may just be afraid to be alone. My father is a champion cheater. My mom is miserable in the marriage but won’t leave because she doesn’t want to be alone or give up half her money (a little insight into why I won’t condone cheating and how it affects others tangentially). I certainly understand your perspective, I’m just a tad too jaded by personal experience to give myself over to it.

        OT, congrats on your degree. I was an anthropology minor. (Very interesting stuff).

      • LeeLoo says:

        I can see where you are coming from Mort. My world when it comes to ethics though is pretty black and white. That being said, I mean no offense to you, your experiences and anyone else who has experienced such pain. Here’s how I see it, if a grown adult who is capable of making decisions makes a choice to stay with someone who is cheating for any reason they are effectively saying they are okay with their partner cheating, knows that partner will cheat, and has accepted that staying in that relationship will mean that partner will cheat again. Even if they find a middle ground like couple’s therapy, promises of no infidelities means that being in this relationship is more important that the risk of that person cheating again. I know that makes it sound more clean cut than it is but ultimately that’s what it is. Sometimes people don’t really have another option or feel trapped, sometimes people are in denial but that in and of itself is a choice. Does psychology play a factor? Sure. But in some way shape or form a decision was made that they accept this situation in the present moment. That can change in the next moment and I’m not saying there is a right or wrong answer but staying is a choice, leaving is a choice, finding a middle ground is a choice. Depending on a person’s values and morals they will make a choice to either condone the behavior or not condone it. In this case because Melanie has not spoken publicly about the accusations I assume she condones it until she comes out and says otherwise.

  7. heidiho says:

    Love the bowl cut and turtleneck, sexy like Spock! Not hitting it!

  8. Gene Parmesan says:

    kaiser you just wanted an excuse to include Fassy Pics 😉

  9. Dusty says:

    That explains why Melanie looks so sickly.

    • gast says:

      I guess she looks sickly because she never really took care of herself, is a recovering addict and had plenty of, rather bad, surgery. I don’t wanna excuse Banderas if he is cheating. Melanie Griffith seems to be so insecure about herself and so possessive about him. It’s uncomfortable to watch. I wonder if she was ever really happy in her life.

      • holly hobby says:

        A few years ago Melanie had really bad plastic surgery – trout pout, plastic face etc. I think she gave that up and now things settled. She looks older because she didn’t take care of herself and her lifestyle was a big cause of this (drugs/alcohol).

        That’s such a shame because I just watched Working Girl and she was stunning!

  10. Dap says:

    He put up with her drug/alcohol/narcissist problems. He totally deserves a little bit of decompression time. Besides, if it allows their marriage to go on (and more copping with her drug/alcohol/narcissist problems), it’s really better for both of them (and their daughter)

    • Original Lucy says:

      Thats bullshit…if she had cancer, you wouldn’t be saying this crap…did you ever hear of for better or worse, in sickness and in health. Melanie had those problems long before she met antonio. He had to know about her problems. I’m not going to pin a badge on him for standing by the woman he made a commitment to. And I’m certainly not going to give him a pass if he is cheating on his wife!

      • LeeLoo says:

        Depends on whether or not he has had these discussions with Melanie. I think her issues took a major toll on their relationship and since he values honesty as he has stated I think it was agree upon that this was okay. I take the Dan Savage approach that if she is okay with it it’s not cheating. Cheating happens when boundaries are not aligned and dishonesty takes place. If Melanie files for divorce in the next year and says she has been cheated on then yes you are correct. I suspect that won’t happen because this is okay behavior for THEIR relationship

      • Dap says:

        To each their own, I guess. I have more respect for a man who stays with his trouble wife and deals for years with her addictions problems even if there are one or two mistakes now and then than for the one who throws his significant other under the bus at the first sign of weakness. + there are a lot of different ways of cheating on someone: to fall back into alcohol is one of them – and an ugly one.

      • gg says:

        I totally agree. If not, why get married? But this is Hollyweird, a totally different planet, where people delude themselves, each other and the media, and vice versa, because all they are really focused on is themselves.

  11. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    After seeing the Fassy pics, I didn’t even have to scroll back up to see who wrote the article. LOL

  12. Ravensdaughter says:

    Melanie has to be super hi-maintenance and Antonio has been good to her and their family since…forever. Perhaps he deserves a discrete diversion every now and then.

  13. sup says:

    i’ll be very disappointed if this proves to be true!

  14. skuddles says:

    Frankly, I’m just surprised that they’re still married…

  15. Betty says:

    I have to say that I’m rather shocked by the number of people who give him a “pass” because she’s got problems. Whatever happened to “In sickness and in health”?

    • LeeLoo says:

      This is Hollywood, in sickness and in health went out the window a long time ago. At least he didn’t divorce her at the height of her addictions. Compared to many in Hollywood he has been very discreet about his liasons.

  16. Str8Shooter says:

    I think the better question would be: Did Antonio Banderas go back to Ancient Rome and steal Caesar’s hairdo??

  17. Izzy says:

    I think watching someone you love relapse time after time is the mst exhausting, saddening and angry ways to live. You pour all your effort into helping them and it’s never enough.

    I don’t think he should get away scot free if he did cheat, but it seems more relatable to me that he’d want to find someone without problems to give him attention and get away from it all.

    It’s still a terrible thing to do to your wife, especially if she’s an addict.

  18. RdyfrmycloseupmrDvlle says:

    First of of all, i thought banderas was gay??
    This seems to me a tactic to convince us he’s straight.
    Secondly, I am unconvinced their “marriage” is legit. No way someone like him would stay “faithful” and “true” to a woman hellbent on drinking and drugging herself into oblivion. whatever his persuation they lead separate lives, thats what Ive read.