Amanda Bynes was involved in a hit-and-run in LA, but she wasn’t charged

Just before Easter, Amanda Bynes seemed to feel like she had to put herself out there as the new child-star-turned-train wreck, the new Lindsay Lohan. Bynes was arrested (and held) on a DUI charge after she (drunkenly) plowed into a cop car. After her arrest, Amanda continued partying – and I mean that literally. Like, as soon as she was out of jail, she went to The Standard and they refused her entry. She was also spotted outside of the Marmont a week later, where she was presumably behind the wheel again after partaking in some beverages – and she was also texting and driving, and she hit a curb too. There were other incidents too – enough that everyone feels this girl is just a mess. But still, it’s California, and the legal system is a joke, so Amanda is still drinking and driving and thus, she probably got into a cracked-out hit-and-run on Friday:

The bad news: Amanda Bynes was involved in another hit and run in Hollywood [on Friday]. The good news: She didn’t hit a cop car this time.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … a man was driving last night near the intersection of Crescent Heights and Melrose Blvd. when he claims he was sideswiped by a Range Rover that was trying to pass him on the right. According to our sources, when the SUV didn’t stop, the guy called police and reported the hit and run.

But the guy didn’t let it go there. According to our sources, he began to follow the SUV himself (which wasn’t difficult because there was traffic). We’re told cops responded to the scene and even dispatched a police helicopter to track the SUV, unsure of how severe the accident was.

When cops finally caught up to the Range Rover, we’re told the driver was none other than Bynes … who told police she had no idea she had struck another vehicle. Our sources say the damage to Bynes’ SUV was so minimal, it is possible she didn’t feel the accident.

Law enforcement sources tell us Amanda was very cooperative with police and cops had her exchange information with the other driver. We’re told she was not given a citation and cops will not be investigating the incident further. Bynes was arrested for DUI last month after she clipped a cop car.

[From TMZ]

First of all, this girl needs to stop trying to “pass” cars while she’s loaded. That’s what happened when she hit the cop car! She was trying to pass the cop (always a horrible idea, by the way). As for the whole “I didn’t know I hit someone” argument – for real? AND THE COPS BOUGHT IT? So of course she wasn’t cited or anything. Ridiculous. I bet she doesn’t even have to pay the city for the excess of police presence her little hit-and-run ended up costing – People Magazine notes that in addition to an LAPD helicopter, “a total of six police cars arrived on the scene and made contact with Bynes.”

The police spokesman also notes, “It turned out the damage to the pick-up truck was so minor that it was very plausible she had no idea that she hit anyone. Because of that, we decided not to charge her with hit and run, took a traffic report instead and sent her on her way. There were no arrests made and no one was injured.” They didn’t Breathalyzer her either.

As for her original crime, the DUI, Radar says that the DA will charge Amanda with “failure to take a chemical test”. A police source tells Radar: “Amanda Bynes refused to take a breathalyzer test, or blood test, which is required under California law when someone is arrested for a DUI. Bynes will be officially charged with refusal to take a chemical test in connection with being arrested on suspicion of DUI, and this should happen in the next one-two weeks. Amanda’s first court date will be in Beverly Hills at the beginning of June. She won’t be required to be there because it’s only a misdemeanor.” In convicted, Amanda could lose her license for a year and face a 48-hour jail sentence. Basically, a dumbass slap on the wrists.

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.

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34 Responses to “Amanda Bynes was involved in a hit-and-run in LA, but she wasn’t charged”

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  1. Risa says:

    Well….. She’s got nice legs…? Lol

    I need to move to California….seems like the closest thing to a lawless society!

  2. samira677 says:

    Not trying to defend her but a sideswipe isn’t the same as a crash. It is possible that she didn’t know. As for Amanda’s driving what is her problem. She actually drove with while have the jacket over head. She had a friend steering. Which one wonders why not have the friend drive.

  3. Carobell says:

    I have no problem with her partying, after all, its her life to waste.

    But consistently getting into a car impaired, consistently hitting things and other vehicles speak to a lack character.

    That I have a problem with.

    • bettyrose says:

      Exactly. I partied plenty at that age, and turned out okay in my 30s. The problem is that these kids insist on driving themselves everywhere. I guess that’s an LA ego thing. Move to a city with a mass transit culture (NYC, London, Paris, even Chicago or Philadelphia, wherever) and party your little heart out, take the train (or hail a cab) and no one’s the wiser. I’m sure it’s possible to call a taxi or car service in LA (and that they can afford it), but it’s not the culture to do so there.

  4. Laura says:

    Maybe she just needs to take some more driving lessons or get a smaller car? Just a thought

    • the original bellaluna says:

      She also needs some common sense lessons, like “Don’t drink and drive. Hire a driver. Hail a cab. You can afford it, dumbass.”

  5. kate says:

    Two questions: Why doesn’t she have a cover on her IPhone? Is that what most people do when they don’t care about money? And is that a band-aid coming off of her heel in that last picture with the legs? Celebutards have ill-fitting shoes, too? haha

    • Meecey says:

      @Kate, her feet are covered in band-aids! Take another look at the other foot too. Lol. What is up with that? Spend some money for good ole tennis shoes for cryin out loud!
      As for her driving- one word- chauffer

      • BeeCee says:

        You know what? I absolutely LOVE that she’s like us normal folks and suffers from crummy blisters while wearing pumps and needs to resort to band-aids while wearing something she really really likes. Makes me like her a bit.

  6. spinner says:

    It’s like she wants to get busted.

    Her outfit & demeanor reminds me of Lohan.

  7. Olive says:

    I was hit by another car once and didn’t feel it. Well not until my father was screaming at me to pullover because someone had hit us. Again minor minor damage, so I can see how she might not have noticed. Passing on the right though? Always a bad move.

  8. Hanna says:

    Lol who the fuck cares.

    • ol cranky says:

      the person she hits (and/or their family, if that person dies) if she continues to get away with “minor” incidents while DUI. If she hurts someone before the state finally holds her accountable for continuing this activity despite the earlier arrest, can the victims sue the state as well as Bynes?

  9. dragonlady sakura says:

    Lohan better step up her game if she wants to battle this new challenager for the crown of “waste of air.”

  10. LittleDeadGrrl says:

    Yeah it’s hard to tell you sideswipped a car when you’re wasted. I think nothing I hate more then these dumbass drunk drivers who get into accidents and learn nothing. These celebrities wouldn’t bat an eyelash if they killed anyone as long as it didn’t interfere with their lives. Makes me f’ing sick.

    • Original Lucy says:

      Yeah, and the way its going, it WOULD NOT interfer with their lives if they drunkenly killed someone…in Cali that’s probably, what, 36 hours in jail for vehicular homocide?

      • Sugar says:

        don’t forget if overcrowding doesn’t do it first there’s always good behavior to shorten the LACJ stay.
        I sometimes wonder if cops in training
        in the celeb populated area have a
        paragraph devoted to how to say “ah shucks ma’am/miss/sir didn’t know that it was you behind the wheel…”

      • LittleDeadGrrl says:

        The legal system in Cali has gone beyond becoming a joke to just being outright infuriating. There shouldn’t even be a pretence anymore.

        Oh we saw you on tv … go right on ahead miss … and YOU dude that got hit by a car … why were you crossing the road?! Can’t you see your blood go all over her BMW …

  11. jellyfish says:

    Drinking and driving is serious and these dumbass celebrities get a slap on the wrist for it and make it seem like its okay for anyone else to do it. Call a cab or call a friend for a ride, it is not that hard. I go out and get drunk and I still have the sense not to drive. People can die, not only the drunk driver, but innocent people.

    A few girls in my town were recently killed by a drunk driver, who had two teens in the bed of his truck. The girls all died the kids that were in the bed of his truck flew out I think it was like 40 feet or something and are in critical condition. And the drunk driver walked away without a scratch.

  12. drawbackwards says:

    It’s infuriating to me a DUI, and subsequent refusal of a breathilizer or blood test, results in such a pathetic sentence. Misdemeanor? Sure, this time. If she goes on to kill a family, since clearly her driving abilities are lacking even without intoxication, then authorities will up the charge. Get your pink, frosted weave out of your ass, Bynes.

  13. Dani says:

    Why the lack of a alcohol test???

    Suspose she had gotten back in her car and hit a family head-on, killing them and she is found to be impaired at that point.

    Surviving family members could sue the police force and city for millions. Isn’t it their job to protect citizens and not has been starlets.

    This lady apparently just doesn’t get it.

    • Veruca says:

      With the Hollywood Legal System, where’s the incentive for any of these people to get it?

      At least RDJ did time — and learned from it. Why did the philosophy change?

  14. NerdMomma says:

    There is no excuse at all for drunk driving. That is what cabs are for, designated drivers, etc. I believe she didn’t feel the impact- she was too damn wasted. I think the fact that she’s out partying after her DUI, or even driving at all, is just shameful.

    What kind of line do they draw in kissing up to celebs in the legal system? I mean, Amanda Bynes was popular for a few minutes about ten years ago. Can any z-lister who’s been on the Bachelor get this special treatment? Or do you have to be a super fancy d-lister to merit such consideration?

  15. Reece says:

    LAPD has been having some extremely bad PR…a couple unarmed shootings lately. They’re trying to be “soft” on everybody.
    But WTF? I guess she’s gonna have to take out somebody for them to do something.

    • LittleDeadGrrl says:

      Come to California, our police will you shoot you unarmed and if one of our celebs runs you over with their car well that’s your fault too. You should have reconsidered not being rich and famous. 😛

  16. the original bellaluna says:

    LAPD, meet the new Blohan.

  17. Swats says:

    Can you please stop trashing the entire state of California? Your problem is with LA. California is great. LA is the problem. LA will do anything to protect celebrities because they ARE the economy.

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Yes, the entire state is NOT the entire problem. We’re talking about one or two specific counties here: LA and BH.

  18. skuddles says:

    Oh Lindsay… sorry I mean Amanda (I know how much you hate to be compared to the mighty Cracken), you really need to rethink this whole wasted driving thing – it’s just not working for you.

  19. Krock says:

    Shes got that dead look in her eyes. I have a feeling things will get worse before they get better for her.

  20. Beck says:

    Amanda makes those bandaids look dead sexy in her heels. Seriously.

    Anyone who wears high heels bare foot often enough to have your feet covered in blisters like she does knows that you ultimately have to wear band-aids if you have any hope of making it.

    So why don’t people stop giving Amanda such a hard time about her band aids and start praising her as the beautiful, sexy, young woman that she is and seriously try to encourage her to return to acting where she belongs. Band aids and cigarettes and all!

    We love you Amanda, please come back!