It’s the new thing, you know. Mothers wearing crazy heels while holding their infants. I feel like it’s a trend on par with the whole “not wearing your drawers and flashing the paparazzi” thing of 2006. These are photos of Charlize Theron holding her son Jackson Theron in Paris. We just saw photos of Jackson for the first time two days ago, also in Paris. I think that was Charlize arriving in town for a quick promotional stop for Snow White and the Huntsman (Kristen Stewart was also in town), and in these photos, Charlize and Jackson are boarding a flight to London. Is that a private plane?
Does the “wearing high heels while carrying a baby” issue really matter in the age of celebrity special treatment? My guess is that Charlize was only walking in those heels, carrying Jackson, for a short distance, for a short amount of time. Then she was resting comfortably in first class… or, if this is a private plane, there was even less time and distance involved. And it’s not like she has to carry her own luggage or juggle all of the baby crap while holding the baby. What I always hear from commenters is “I would never even dare wear those heels while carrying a baby because what if I fell?” Have you ever seen Charlize The Fierce Bitch unable to work her stilettos, though? She won’t fall.
But yeah… traveling in stilettos? I’m not cut out for it. I swear, sometimes I’m all “Damn, my flip-flops are pinching!” I’m a weak bitch when it comes to shoewear.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Work it .
She sure is!
But doesn’t this cuddling the baby soften up the ice princess Charlize is supposed to be?
Look how she is holding her baby, and how he is cuddling against her. Fashion accessory, he is absolutely not. He is rather wrinkling her shirt! Love it.
I don’t get the ice princess thing. Every time I’ve seen her in an interview or guest spot (Top Chef!) she always seems really relaxed and comfortable. And funny. To me she seems like someone you could have beer and pizza with in your pajamas.
Funny how different people get different impressions.
I agree with Zelda! Charlize seems very nice and down to earth to me. I don’t think you need to act like a disney princess to be a nice person. You can have a sense of humor too!
Can I just say how GORGEOUS she looks here? Her face is just breath taking. Her little guy has quite the face too! So cute!
I think Charlize is rather misunderstood , mistaken for an “Ice princess”. Don’t remember who had called her this on another thread… But I think she has hot-tall-goddess syndrome.
She used to look very coolly at people, almost looking down from her tallness, and cut you with her eyes. But in my experience, a lot of tall beautiful women do the same with little men trying to get their attention.
She does look so soft in those pictures! I think it’s the motherhood glow.
Is this bitch still trying to get herself laid by Michael Fassbender?
Guuurl he’s NOT biting ok. Move on ice (botoxed) queen. lol.
if she can walk then I don’t have a problem with it, and the little man is sooo cute!!
My sentiments exactly!!
Me too. I love heels and have yet to fall because I was wearing them.
Please. It’s a 30 second walk from her limo to her private plane. She’s hardly running the marathon on those shoes. She looks cute, BTW.
Yup. And who knows, once in the plane or in the car, she’s switching to her flip flop or flat shoes. It’s just for the paps taking a pics. At least that’s what I do. LOL
Isn’t it lovely that these actresses have to follow Angelina’s trend of posing with an adopted child for the picture.
I actually thought that the reason is as an actress she tried to maintain her appearance with the wardrobe, nothing to do with following Jolie. I think she doesn’t want people to see her as a dowdy new mother. Hence she was dressing up as a one hot mama! 😀
What’s the big deal? I’m sure she has more than enough practice wearing heels.
Line from an episode of Remington Steel : famous tennis player asks private investigatgor Laura (Stephanie Zimblist) how she runs in high heels. She replies “Same way you hit a perfect backhand every time – years of practice”.
Me, I wear Birkenstocks in the airport. True sissy girl here.
Those heels look like they might snap any second. My ankles are breaking just looking at them.
Jackson is such a gorgeous baby.
I know. He is the cutest baby! How can anybody even spare her a glance? Okay, that bag is gorgeous too and I wouldn’t turn down those shoes…
Wow she is so tall and beautiful ,the perfect body.
I know. She looks amazing. I’d hate her if I didn’t like her so much.
Oh well, my short little self is off to eat a muffin. Haha
Makes me think of this week’s Modern Family. lol
I was just thinking the same thing! LOL!!
Me too! My bf was laughing his *ss off at that episode – I wouldn’t wear heels to Disney but when I do on a night out he gives me the side eye.
that bag! what is it? i wants it!
I don’t understand the criticism. I think heels is a bigger issue for pregnant women not adopted mothers. The extra weight throws off your balance. I’ve never heard of mothers giving up heels after children.
On a sidenote, I thought Charlize was an environmentalist. She and Kristen Stewart actually had separate private planes. Which is ridiculous considering they are going to the same places at the same time.
Eh, I have a pilot’s license and it depends on how big the private plane is and how many people/luggage. For example,
think of the plane crash Aaliyah died in while in the Carribean. With security, a nanny, stylists, PR agents, makeup, etc I can easily see there being two planes.
Oops, the exactly is not my moniker, was just something
I used to agree with someone yesterday.
Do you remember how Britney once almost dropped her child? And she was wearing flat shoes.
The same with jessica alba. She dropped honor almost too and she was not wearing heels.
A person can trip wearing any type of shoes. Maybe humans need to stop walking around carrying babies, if that’s the case. The whole thing is ridiculous.
That is one lucky baby, he has the most gorgeous mom ever!
I can’t walk on shoes like that! Good for her. and why nobody criticize Victoria Beckham???
LOL at your flip-flop comment, Kaiser.
She looks to be doing just fine. High-heeled boots are fairly easy to walk in. And she wasn’t going that far.
We should be talking more about how fabulous she looks here! Seriously, this is one gorgeous woman.
Yeah, but C didn’t rock a pillow for 6 months. She kept this whole situation with her adoption private, as B shoud have…then she wouldn’t be in this mess. People are fed up with her..please, stilettos at 9 months and jumping into a van all hunched over. Not. Possible.
Let’s not forget that Jessica Simpson was wearing heels well into her pregnancy. She was wearing them up until the last 3 weeks I think.
OMG Jackson is tooo cute!
I know. I can’t look away from him to check out his Mother’s shoes. Charlize lucked out in the cute baby department.
The only thing that makes me nervous is the stairs but nothing happened. I don’t understand why someone would wear stiletto heels on a flight though why put oneself through the torture?
But yeah… traveling in stilettos? I’m not cut out for it. I swear, sometimes I’m all “Damn, my flip-flops are pinching!”I’m a weak bitch when it comes to shoewear. – I LOVE IT!!!
I’d be more worried about the pants. Cleaning baby puke or poo off those must be a total bitch.
Damn, she looks amazing. Honestly, my only issue with it is if she’s not used to wearing those heels but she clearly is. I would never wear them but I only wear heels during special occasions so I have NO practice. My mom came from the whole 1950’s era and she wore heels everywhere too and she didn’t go from limo to plane. She walked everywhere.
The heels do look crazy tall though.
He’s so tiny 😀 Cutest thing ever!
photo op on her part. nanny had kid right before she exited plane and right after. if you are really dealing with a child, no way you can wear those shoes.
and this is coming from someone who is quite comfortable in killer heels.
You might be right…But what are papps doing next to the plane? I mean how did they get through security?
Fabulous PR for Charlize. The mini-van majority will rally round her now. Just what she needed to melt her ice-queen image. Well played.
Except spinner Charlize doesn’t have an ice queen image. Her image is as a fun, blunt gal who you can have a beer with. Only lainey tries to make it something else. Charlize has always seemed like she did not give a crape about her image. If this was for PR don’t you think she would have sold baby photos and done magazine covers with her baby?
I wouldn’t wear those shoes holding a baby, but with a pregnant woman, their center of balance is thrown off to begin with, so wearing high heels seems really stupid.
Babies are light. Its not hard to walk in heels and carry 10 lbs. I wore heels the whole 42 weeks I was pregnant with my first and the 41 weeks I was pregnant with my second. Im a heel woman though 😀
I hear you! I gave birth to my first two months ago, and I wore 4-inch heels the whole time. (I did, in fairness, wear flats home from the hospital.) I don’t understand the “changed center of gravity” thing as a reason to judge women for wearing heels. Um, if you’re used to wearing them, that doesn’t matter, and if you’re not, don’t start at 35 weeks. That’s all.
Fwiw, I wear heels now, too. Trust me: I need all the body confidence I can get post-baby, and heels do that for me.
I seriously don’t understand why we judge other women for their choice of footwear. Aren’t there better things to do?
Because that’s what women do. We police each other’s pregnancies, the footwear we carry our kids in and a whole mess of other inconsequential crap.
OMG! She’s carrying a baby wearing those shoes! It would be ok if it was just herself getting hurt for her stupidity, but her poor innocent little baby doesn’t deserve to be potentially seriously injured because of it.
She is ridiculously hot. I love his expression in the second pic. He is like “what not those paps again!” so cute.
If you know how to wear heels, it’s no different than a clumsy person in flats. It’s not like she’s wearing drag queen shoes so it’s all good.
they both look cute, that baby is adorable, about the different planes who knows, Kristen has like 4-5 people with her all the time.
I said it before (I fly), you would be suprised at how low the weight limit is for most private planes, even the nicer ones the celebs use. When you add in bodyguards, stylists, nannies, PR people, luggage, I can easily see there being two planes.
She’s gorgeous! And I’m pretty sure she knows her way around a pair of stilettos. They probably feel more natural to her than a lot of other shoes.
Aww…Jackson is adorable. She looks in love. So happy for both of them.
Charlize is the type of woman who’s more comfortable in heels rather than in flats. With her background in ballet training, it’s only natural that she can work a pair of high heels, very well.
I wonder if Charlize get offered a lot of FREE baby designer clothes for Jackson.
It was her own private jet. There’s an article in the Daily Mail about how Kirsten Stewart got on Charlize’s plane by mistake and had to walk off again.
I’m sorry, this is so f*cked up. If two people are leaving Paris and are going to the EXACT SAME PLACE AT THE SAME TIME then I don’t know how they can justify taking two planes instead of one. Its just so wasteful. And those planes are not tiny. They could fit both people’s entourages in one easily. Count the windows on the plane.
And u know the plane is big enough for both entourages how? All of those private jets have different designed interiors and being a flight attendant Lila is exactly right about weight and balance issues . If you want to be judgemental about something have the facts first
i am stunned you are defending an actress having a private plane.
yes. that is what stands out for me in this piece…the private jet. i couldn’t care less about the heels.
an actress and her infant need a private jet??
no wonder the 99% are getting so pissed off. makes me want more occupy events when i read of such greed, privilege, and excess. she is an ACTRESS!!! ugh.
My husband is a pilot who flew for a private jet company for over five years, and now works for the flight department of a large private company. People really don’t understand the necessity of private planes. Not everyone can fly commercial all the time. And most people who ‘own’ their own plane actually time-share it with other owners, or allow the company who manages their plane to subcharter it out to other customers. I very much doubt that if Theron actually owns her own plane (and I doubt she owns one that large) she only ever uses it for her own personal use. At most she probably charters out the same plane from the same company. The majority of my husband’s passengers were businessmen who had a last-minute type meeting in another state who literally didn’t have the time to find/deal with the airport for a commercial flight to their destination and back.
Of course she refuses to give up her leather pants and stilettos – she still needs a daddy for her baby as Fassbender didn’t fall for her desperate attempt of public manhood praising.
Uh no. She was just accepting an award from her costar and showing her great bawdy humor. Same thing George Clooney did, but because she’s a woman she’s desperate? You took it too seriously. She is content being single and enjoying motherhood. You can’t take a joke and assume she wants Fassbender to be the daddy. Lol. She is Charlize Theron. She doesn’t need to be desperate. Let a woman enjoy being single and a mother without those sexist claims.
Well put Navy Blue! She and Fassbender had worked together for months on Prometheus and her candor should be taken as friendly collegial banter, not a desperate woman throwing herself at him. However I myself would throw myself at him shamelessly!!
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I don’t feel like overanalyzing or judging her maternal skills. I am a mother myself; but I don’t get what is a big deal about her wearing leather pants and high heels. The only thing I would like to comment on is that this woman is so beautiful. I saw her interviews and she is intelligent, has a sense of humor, confident, elegant. Well, I obviously have a girl crush on her:)
Flawfree. Love her. Work those heels mama.
And this is how you hold a baby January Jones. lolll
OMG look at the second photo. Baby Jackson is soooooo cute and looks so comfortable and content in mama’s arms. People who claim she is using him for image or PR can shutup after seeing that photo. You can see the genuine mother/son bond.
My only thing is I personally feel she should have Jackson in a koala pouch just to be on the safe side. However, I would say that even if she wasn’t wearing heels.
Jackson is spookier adorable! I want to kiss his cheeks!!
That is an extremely cute baby and she doesn’t look in danger of falling, but anytime I see a woman wearing this type of shoes all I can think of is deformed feet, back problems and pain.
If she’s exiting a car and going to a waiting plane where is the car seat? Seriously, the rest of us don’t carry our babies unless we’re at home, otherwise they’re in stollers or car seats. It’s baby as accessory . . . it’s kind of sick.
Kind of sick for you to call a baby an accessory and to accuse someone you dont know of adopting just to have an accessory.
Anyone who has ever adopted can tell you the hassle, time, effort and money wouldnt make it worth it for an accessory.
I carried my baby everywhere not just home.
What? Babies are in strollers or carseats all the time? Sucks to be those babies. The only time my daughter was in the carseat past the first week was in the CAR. And she never tolerated a stroller until 9 months. I carried that kid everywhere. 🙂
I’ve never heard you’re not allowed to carry a baby while wearing heels (now I know what to wear when I visit one of those mothers who try to ‘cure’ me of not wanting children).
Did Charlize have the fat taken out of her cheeks? Didn’t she used to have pudgy cheeks?
I have pudgy cheeks, so if she didn’t have sugery, I’d like to know what she DID do.
I had a baby 15 years ago and wore heels as did all my friends. This isnt a new trend. Unless you cant walk in heels there is no reason not to wear them while holding your child.
He is SO cute.
I didn’t know there was an issue with wearing heals and carrying infants…I mean, I understand the worry of falling, and if you have that worry then don’t wear them. But most of the celebrities I’ve seen have worn heals nearly up until they were on the birthing table, so would carrying an infant be much different? And although these are heals, the don’t look really hard to walk in, especially for Charlize.
The only message her heels and leather pants send me is: Charlize is not really the one who takes care of the baby, and there is a nanny/ nannies/ someone else who takes care of everything.
I am sure she has a nanny, as we had even more than one, but during the time that you are taking care of your child, there is no way you can do that while wearing stilettos and leather pants.
Sorry. That is just sad.
Do not bring a child to this world/ adopt if you are not going to take care of you child.
Nannies are supposed to help/ be there during the time you are working, but this is only to help. Not to replace you.
At least she knows how to hold him. Beyonce should take note.
I’m trying to think of a smarmier way of saying this but…that’s just dumb. A woman wearing heels and leather pants “obviously” isn’t really taking care of her kid? Says who?? I’m not a movie star by ANY means–I’m a pretty average, everyday mom in the Midwest–and I wear heels frequently. Even while carrying children! *GASP* I even have a pair of suede pants that I wear on occasion (they’re great because baby puke wipes right off!). It takes me literally no more time to put on nice clothes and heels then it does to put on sweats and sneakers. I actually refuse to leave my house wearing anything less then nice jeans and a blouse. Not only do I not have a nanny, I’ve never had anyone I wasn’t related to even babysit my children. Get over yourself.
Enough with the mommy shaming! And to mommy shame women you only “know” through the tidbits you get from the media…that sh*t is just sad.
She is GORGEOUS!! Her face is completely striking.
Charlize is one gorgeous woman.
Jackson is completely comfortable with her. Babies gripping is cute and a lot do it but you can tell Jackson feels secure in her arms. He’s just laying there relaxed.
He’s not gripping her at all because he knows he doesn’t have to worry about anything and doesn’t need the baby security of gripping mom in a clutch grip. He can feel that she loves him and has him and won’t drop him.
Come on, she’s holding him, like, 30 seconds for the paps and 20 meters to he plane, the rest of the time he’s probably in a pram. you know, the pram the nanny is currently pushing out of sight along with a few thousands bags for all the baby stuff… this is PR, people !
Why is she supposed to be matronly? This Victorian notion of motherhood and femininity: aka submissive, needs to end once and for all. Why do women have to take to a mother personality? Men dont define themselves by fatherhood why should women be defined by motherhood/submission/feminine. Men who expect this are weak, shallow or just plain undeveloped. No one is obligated to do/be anything they dont want to. And no one is behind anybody (Behind a great man is a great woman. If she is equally great, them they stand side by side.) or bowing down to anybody anymore. This image of women as docile, emotional, care giving, feminine, submissive is all a figment of men’s imaginations 200 years ago and something you’d expect in the 3rd world. It is outdated and these double standards needs to end. We need to all get into the 21st century. Only stupid people (racists, narcissists, weak etc)assume gender or racial or class roles and spew it into others and expect others to follow. Lets evolve from this.
Why cant mothers wear stilettos? Motherhood doesnt define a woman anymore. She defines herself by what she wants. No one defines anybody else. We all judge but no one tells anybody how to live and be. Men base their manhood by demanding weak submissive mommmy-like women lol! And white people claim how great they are by taking cheap shots at natives, blacks and minorities lol! Seriously lets evolve from this level of judging people by their labels: mothers, sluts, blacks, latinos, working class etc. Lets just let them be and carry on.
For the record I never wore maternity clothes or matronly clothes. I had 2 kids big deal. I am still who I am. Those clothes arent sexy and my sense of self is the thing my husband loves the most, not my parenting. Thats why marriages have issues once the kids appear. The woman is supposed to be in the house with the kids only for the washing up. The mistress for the hanky panky. No wonder American culture is where it still is. Lets evolve once and for all.
I don’t like her anymore.
I’ve lost all respect for her and it is not because she is wearing heels and carrying a baby. I question her true motives for adopting this child.
If the plane has an emergency, would you rather be wearing heels, or shoes you can run in?
Imma go with the “shoes you can run in.”
I use to like Charlize Theron a lot but the more I read about her and see her in interviews the less I like. She keeps giving herself away with every spotlighted interview where she looks down her nose at us ‘commoners’…the latest, a charity date where afterwards she went on TV and told everyone how creepy and weird the guy was. It was for a charity cause then turns around and bashes the guy she had dinner with. She has made statements to infer that poor people can be creepy people and throws in there for good measure that rich people can be creepy too. Yes, right Charlize, we commoners are all poor and all creepy folk.
Before she became a celeb her mother reportedly shot and killed her Father in a family dispute. She shot his brother but didn’t kill him and the family never speaks about it. After her last break up, she adopted this baby, much like the other trendy Moms in hollywood do. She and Bullock don’t want to ruin their figures.
Walking on 5 inch heels when you are already nearly 6 feet tall when holding an infant is stupid and selfish. If she trips, how much further and harder will that fall be?
Just one question, where oh where did she get those sexy ass pants?
Just one question, where oh where did she get those sexy pants?