Radar: Brandi Glanville loves to drunkenly dirty dance with drunk Taylor Armstrong

I’m still struggling to understand why Radar is going so negative on Brandi Glanville these days. Yesterday, Radar had a story about Brandi going all drunk-Mean-Girl in the new season of Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. Brandi tweeted about it, and then she sent her best friend to talk to RumorFix about it. Brandi’s BFF Jennifer Gimenez told RumorFix, “It’s ridiculous, there are a lot of leaks about what’s going and most of them are not true. Brandi has a feeling she knows who put this out there and it’s sad. She is a very happy and secure person.” Jennifer says that she’s currently living with Brandi, and she (Jennifer) is six years sober, so there’s not a lot of drinking and partying at Brandi’s house: “She has her kids half of the time and she is the BEST mom that she can be. She has a book deal, a dress line and a Las Vegas show all happening – she works hard every day and she’s blessed to be where she’s at. Brandi doesn’t start fights but she does fight back — no one is perfect. If she goes on vacation without the kids I think it’s fine for her or anyone to all let her hair down and have a little fun.”

So, today’s Radar story. Apparently, Brandi likes to drunkenly dirty dance with Taylor Armstrong. Because OMG DRUNK LESBIANS.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills stars Taylor Armstrong and Brandi Glanville have been “dirty dancing” with women while partying hard, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting.

As we previously reported, Eddie Cibrian’s ex-wife and Armstrong are becoming notorious during filming of the third season for their partying whenever the cameras are rolling. Taylor had a catastrophic meltdown recently during a trip to Ojai, California, which left her co-stars fearing for her future if she doesn’t seek treatment for her drinking.

During an episode last season, the cast went to Maui for a birthday party for Kyle Richards’ husband and Brandi admitted on camera that she had taken Xanax and had been drinking. Glanville certainly appeared to be under the influence during the episode and was slurring her words.

“Recently, whenever Taylor and Brandi have had too much to drink they begin to dance extremely suggestively and extremely provocatively with other women. It’s very embarrassing to watch, because it’s so obvious that it’s only being done by both women to get attention. It’s sad to think that the only way they feel they can get attention is to behave in such a brazen manner. They both need to grow up already. They are both mothers and aren’t college co-eds,” a source close to the situation tells RadarOnline.com.

Meanwhile, as RadarOnline.com previously reported, Glanville is becoming the new mean girl on the reality show. “Brandi has been extremely chummy with Lisa Vanderpump this year,” a source close to the situation previously told RadarOnline.com. “She just doesn’t seem to be in a good place right now and she has been definitely hitting the bottle a lot harder this year during filming, which is cause for concern. Brandi becomes much more aggressive when she drinks and she is turning into the new mean girl on the show. It’s hard to tell if it’s the alcohol that is the cause for the drastic mood changes, if it’s just Brandi trying to be provocative, or if she feels pressure to act a certain way during filming.”

“What is absolutely obvious is that Brandi is extremely insecure and very unhappy. it’s truly sad to see,” the source said. “She is a totally different person than she was during the second season and it’s not for the better.”

The third season of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills will air this fall on Bravo.

[From Radar]

This source sounds like such a judgy bitch. Of course, if I saw two Real Housewives drunkenly grinding on each other, I would have my judgy bitchface on too. But it’s more likely that someone with an squinty axe to grind is just leaking all kinds of stuff to Radar. Maybe that’s unfair of me to assume it’s someone in LeAnn’s camp – it could also be someone from Bravo, someone trying to hype the show.

As for the veracity… Brandi just now tweeted this:

[Via Brandi’s Twitter]

That was a decent way to handle that situation. Good for her.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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86 Responses to “Radar: Brandi Glanville loves to drunkenly dirty dance with drunk Taylor Armstrong”

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  1. brin says:

    Love ya Brandi…don’t let the jealous beotchs get you down!

  2. Anahata says:

    Ugh Leanne. Give it up.

  3. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Another fascinating non-story.

  4. nomorerimes says:

    SleazeAnn was quiet on Twitter since coming back from her wildly popular (not) concert tour. How many were 2 for 1? Have an argument with Eddie, did you?? Or was she busy planning this little story with her “friend” who supposedly works at Bravo. Nice try, SleazeAnn. We know that Radar’s nose is so far up your butt that most of their stories you concoct! Grow up little girl! You remind me of a child who always has to have the final word. Go away!!! By the way, are you going to let us know about the Sagebrush Cantina episode?? It will come out eventually. LOL

    • brin says:

      Ha! Wonder if Ediot is sporting a black eye.

    • QoFE says:

      I want to know about the Sagebrush Cantina episode! I used to hang out there long ago…..spill the dirt!

      • nomorerimes says:

        I’m as curious as you–this was posted on a blog while SleazeAnn was away on her tour. Nothing more has been said–but I imagine “ho” husband was drilled about it when Sleaze got home!!! Any more info??

      • ria says:

        I’m curious too. It was interesting what Rita reported on the other previous Brandi story. Although married men who are looking to cheat usually leave the ring off. He did that with scheana. I believe he did cheat, the description of the guy fits to a T, and what single guy gets a room for a couple of hours unless they are married. Eddie often eats sushi when out. LeAnn has been quiet on twitter. I thought that someone might just be putting out something to watch leann become a nervous wreck over it, but it seems that’s not the case, there is some truth to a spotting.Serves her right, no sympathy for a cheater and a passive aggressive stalker.

    • Stephanie says:


    • claire says:

      Her 12-day tour? That involved 4 shows or something, 1 cancelled, many days off and even a fly-home break in between? LOL.

  5. Macey says:

    I actually think this may be coming from one of the RHW, like Taylor, Kim or Kyle. Taylor knows she’s on her way out as Brandi is coming in and the other two are clearly jealous of her. Probably more so since Brandi does get a lot of favorable press aside from LR’s publicity stunts.

  6. eileen says:

    It could only be two people in my opinion: Kyle from RHoBH or Leann’s insane nutjob mouthpiece DiannSteph/Stace/Drp2U who claims Celebitchy offered her a writing job and claims she worked as a PR person and thinks she’s going to bring Brandi down….who she once worshipped. Ehhhhhhhh, F#ck it. I can’t keep up!! B!tches be crazy! lol

    • Macey says:

      LOL @ her claiming CB offered her a job, Id like to hear CB’s take on that.

      I dont have a twitter but I do look at them sometimes and Ive seen that nuts(stace)posting, she seems truly certifiable. so much so that I wonder if it isnt one of LR’s fake accounts.

  7. jasperkitty says:

    She has no reason to justify her actions (good or bad) to anyone..imo.
    It’s too bad she feels she has to…but I guess this is what happens when you are in the public eye?

  8. nomorerimes says:

    Love your dress, Brandi. Let us know where you got it so SleazeAnn won’t have to waste her time looking for one just like it!! Won’t be long and Sleaze will be wearing one just like it but not looking near as good!!!

  9. Rita says:

    Kaiser, I love your take on the McSquinty vindictivness but as with all McSQuinty’s plans, this too shall fail.

    These stories only bring attention to Brandi and the show. When people watch the show they’ll see Brandi is just a good gal who enjoys herself. Even I won’t be offended if she’s doing a little “one off” dirty dancing because I know she’s just having fun. If she was grinding on some gigolo, then that would be different.

  10. nomorerimes says:

    Just re-read the article and loved your comment about “squinty axe to grind”!!!

  11. claire says:

    I think Brandi’s doing a good job just letting some of this recent stuff roll off her back. The more popular she becomes, she’s going to have these sorts of things printed about her, so it’s good to just not take it all too seriously, unless it really does deserve a justification.

  12. Jezi says:

    I actually don’t think this is Leann. How would Leann know about where Brandi is and with whom she’s filming with at a given point? She’s a stalker yes but she wouldn’t leave Eddie’s side to find out where Brandi is. This reeks of someone whose in the cast or Bravo. I think Leann is being quiet because this story about Eddie being at Sagebrush Cantina rings true.

    • Rita says:

      LR has been unusually quiet so somethings up. All I know is the Sagebrush thing was little more than a rumored sighting. Is there any more than that?

      • Jezi says:

        No, that person never came back to state anything more. Damn it!

      • brin says:

        I think Eddie was just craving a nice soft,warm taco since all he gets at home is cold sushi. Can’t blame the guy for wanting something different.

    • thetruthhurts says:

      I agree. Reading it I thought it was probably Pam or Kim.

    • Jennifer12 says:

      Personally, I would not put it past Leann to slither up to people on Brandi’s show and/or whomever she can so as to discredit and hurt Brandi while keeping her own paws clean.

    • brin says:

      Wow…never would have guessed (if true).

      • LAK says:

        @Brin – RHOBH are my secret [not any more!!} guilty pleasure. That last reunion show really opened my eyes to Adrienne. It would not surprise me if she was doing this, although this seems more like something Kyle/Taylor would do.

    • eileen says:

      Makes sense! I thought Stace because she’s so delusional, I figured she’s just pulling sh!t out of her insane mind and running with it! lol

      • Jezi says:

        That I’m sure has happened. I think definitely the Celebuzz Exclusives were that.

  13. ria says:

    If aid is the source I’m shocked. Would not have seen that coming. Brandi needs a knife proof kevlar to protect her back.

  14. Bella Bella says:

    Brandi FTW!
    But I kind of have some sort of crazy weird crush on her so I’m totally biased.

  15. Jayna says:

    I thought aBout her because of the reunion. She seemed to turn on Brandi and was then furious that Brandi admitted telling Lisa that Adrienne was calling that private meeting about ganging up on Lisa. Adrienne was furious.

  16. why? says:

    Someone asked, what would Leann do if Scheana received more media attention than Leann. Well you have your answer. Leann is paying Radaronline to release negative stories about Brandi. Because if people are too busy focusing on the negative story about Brandi, then they won’t notice that Scheana released a single, which may or may not be about her affair with Eddie in 2009. Is anyone surprised by the fact that these stories are coming out the same week that Scheana is appearing on a TV show and of course hyped up the promotions for her new single with an interview with Wetpaint? Just 2 weeks ago, the same thing happened with Radaronline. Scheana released her new single two weeks ago, now think back to the negative stories that were released about Brandi from Radaronline and Celebuzz. It’s Leann. She is trying to get rid of Scheana by throwing Brandi under the bus.

    • thetruthhurts says:

      Ehhhh, as much as I think LeAnn plants most of the B stories on Radar, they are usually not Housewife related. Not to mention, I really don’t think the media gives a crap about Schaena and that she released a single, i mean, where’s the airplay? Scheana is nothing compared to Brandi and I don’t think she will become a star AT ALL.

      • why? says:

        But Leann does care about Scheana and her new single and obvioulsy Leann belives it’s a enough to do damage if people and Eddie paid attention to her and her new single. I don’t think that Scheana will become a star either, but in Leann’s mind the resurfacing of Scheana is a real threat to her marriage. You see how Leann got the foot tattoo in response to Scheana being on the RHOBH?

        Leann released a housewife related story to Radaronline about how Brandi wasn’t going to be a fulltime member on the show because the boys wouldn’t be on it. Brandi said it herself, the only person she talked to was Eddie. So that right there supports that Eddie or Leann via her fan who “works” at Bravo is releasing housewife details about Brandi to Radaronline.

      • Macey says:

        I never connected the foot tattoo to Sheana but that makes so much sense now.
        I can just hear him telling her even tho he was married to BG for 13 yrs, screwed around on her for 3 yrs with Sheana and maybe more (who knows) but that she was his only mistress that mattered….too funny!

      • why? says:


        Leann’s “the only one that matters” foot tattoo is similar to what Scheana stated in 2009 when she gave Access Hollywood an interview about her affair with Eddie. So did Leann single white female the quote from Scheana’s 2009 interview or does Eddie just tell all of his sidepieces the very same thing? The only difference is that Scheana used “no one” and Leann used “that”, as if Eddie considers Leann to be be more of an object than a person(ie-a bank account that can walk and talk).

        From Scheana’s interview with AH in 2009: “Amazing. I mean, it was just like no one else mattered. It was just me and him,” she said. “We had such a good time together that I never wanted it to end.”

    • Jayna says:

      Scheanna is a nobody, below a Z-lister. You talk like she is a real celebrity releasing a single. Not. No one will hear it nor care to hear it.

      • why? says:

        Nope, just stating the obvious. Leann seems to think that Scheana is a REAL threat to her marriage, which is why these negative articles about Brandi are popping up at the same time you notice that Scheana is promoting something.

        The only thing that went on this week was Wetpaint’s interview with Scheana and of course everyone is preparing for the holiday. So are the articles from Radaronline Leann’s way of “preparing” for the staged bikini fest she has planned for the weekend and Monday? Or perhaps Leann is trying to hide something?

        Leann could easily find out what is going on by requesting to monitor the footage to make sure that the boys aren’t featured on it or she could be getting info from her BFF who works at NBC Universal.

      • nomorerimes says:

        Substitute SleazeAnn’s name in place of Scheana and it’s interchangable!! LOL!

      • thetruthhurts says:

        Why- “Leann could easily find out what is going on by requesting to monitor the footage to make sure that the boys aren’t featured on it or she could be getting info from her BFF who works at NBC Universal.”

        Hun, you give LeAnn waaaaaaay too much credit. Remember, Andy Cohen RUNS Bravo. There is no way he or the network would allow her to monitor shit. She is not that powerful. She has no influence in Hollywood or the Industry. People in it know that.

    • justsayin... says:

      @Why?….100%….LeAnn so twitter quiet cause she’s been chumming it up with Radar and trolling CB under various names defending horsey comments made about her #hardlifeofastalker

      • jasperkitty says:

        commenting on thetruthhurts…way too much credit where credit is not due.

  17. justsayin... says:

    3…2…1……..LeAnn and Adrienne bffs on twitter

  18. skilo says:

    I couldn’t care less if Brandi dances with men or women, if she dances dirty or ballroom style. I just really hope I don’t see her getting her boogie on with Taylor Armstrong, if I had a choice I’d rather not ever see Taylor Armstrong. I can’t stand that fake, nasty, warped lipped bitch.

  19. Heidi says:

    Brandi Glanville has a beauty and style column if anyone is interested


  20. skuddles says:

    I don’t get the appeal of this woman… Which isn’t to say I don’t admire the way she’s handled (mostly) the whole MeAnn Eddie affair fiasco, and I feel a certain amount of pity for her too – nobody deserves to have MeAnn permanently sewn to their ass, but otherwise? She looks like a melting wax statue, she possesses no discernible talent aside from peddling fast food and fake tans, and she’s kind of trashy and tacky… I must be missing something.

  21. Vesper says:

    Maybe the focus shouldn’t be the dirty dancing, but the excessive drinking. On HWOBH she seems intoxicated a lot, and she always has a drink in her hand.

    Allegedly, she has had a reputation for years as a sloppy drunk.

    • why? says:

      Aren’t Leann and Eddie always photographed with alcohol in their hands, even when they have the boys they have been photographed with alcohol in their hands? Remember when Leann took all those twitpics of her and Eddie and Liz during their vacation to Mammoth with the boys? Well Eddie, Leann, and Liz were drunk then. So then does that mean that Eddie and Leann have the rep of being sloppy drunks?

    • Incognito says:

      I don’t understand you. Why do you slander Brandi and her drinking, when one can throw right back in your face Eddie and his drinking bouts–that he’s had over many years (and right in front of the kids). FYI: Eddie drinks a lot, and I mean a lot.

      You truly are an ignorant person.

    • Sal says:

      Seriously you make no sense. LR and Eddie are rarely to never seen without a drink in there hands and LR almost ran down a woman with a pram when she was driving drunk. Its a cheek to talk about Brandi and drinking when LR and EC are far far worse. Maybe LR and EC need an Intervention.

  22. lori says:

    I admire Brandi not for her tv personality but for her strength and courage. She didn’t just have her family broken up by a lounge singer and her paid for paps. Brandi was obsessively, sociopathically stalked. If Leann could murder Brandi and make a skin suit out of her to wear, she would do it. That level of psychosis coming at you, and your little kids, every day, with all the money and power of celebrity, is frightening. Leann hires people to help her stalk and bully Brandi. It is sick and scary. Brandi is a role model for surviving a traumatic experience and standing up for her family.

  23. why? says:


    That still doesn’t change the fact that BRAVO is a division of NBC Universal and at the end of the day, Bravo has to answer to NBC Universal. Leann has a whole network(ENews/Eonline) kissing her behind, so obviously that is proof enough that Leann knows which strings to pull. If Bravo doesn’t have to answer to anyone, then Bravo wouldn’t have given into Eddie and Leann’s demand last year about not having the boys on their show. A big indication that Leann knows which strings to pull are Eddie’s jobs on Chase, CSI, Hallmark Channel, and The Playboy Club. The orginal actor on The Playboy Club was fired to make room for Eddie and Eddie had Leann at the “audition” with him and we only know because they made it a photo-op and release several articles about how Eddie was the man for the lead role on TPC.

    It’s not about giving Leann way too much credit. It’s stating the obvious. People wanted to know how it was possible for Leann to get info about what Brandi has been filming and doing while she was filming for RHOBH. Brandi is involved in a dispute with Eddie over the kids being on her show, he even made threats to sue her last year. So you can’t ignore the fact that he is going to check to make sure that the boys aren’t on the show because he wants that much control over Brandi. We all saw the threats Eddie made against Brandi over their Christmas plans. If Eddie would threaten to put Brandi in jail for not returning the her kids to him and Leann at the correct time and date, then you had better believe that he and Leann are pulling strings so that they can monitor Brandi’s scenes just to make sure that the boys aren’t in them.

    Based on Leann’s single white femaling actions alone, we know that she and Eddie had to have been monitoring the episodes before they aired on TV. Leann showed up at an airport on Monday with the same side braid that Brandi was wearing in the episode, but the thing is that the episode hadn’t aired yet so how did Leann know to wear the side braid? She knew about the side braid because she had seen the episode before it aired.

    • skuddles says:

      Yikes, did LeAnn seriously copy Brandi’s braid like that??? She’s not even trying to hide the fact that she’s stalking Brandi’s every move… too creepy.

      • why? says:

        Leann single white femaling Brandi’s side braid was documented in the “Leann single white females Brandi” montage that one of the BBs had put together.

        Leann did an interview with Maya Angelou on Mon,October 3. In the photos from her interview with Maya which happened on Mon, Oct 3 and at the airport later that same day, Leann is sporting the side braid. Leann’s mouthpieces reported on the interview with Maya on Tues, October 4(because Leann had already staged 2-3 photo-ops on Sunday and exploited the boys at her concert), but they both indicated that the photos were from the previous day. Leann had the side braid in her hair before the episode of RHOBH had a chance to air. The only way Leann would have known that Brandi would be sporting the side braid in the episode of RHOBH that was going to air on Oct 3 (and thus copy it on Monday), was if she had seen that episode before it had aired on TV.

        This was around the time that Leann made a big deal about the drunk driver running into her fence.

    • jasperkitty says:

      omg, heaven forbid that I wear my hair with a side braid tomorrow….like half of women do that can…geshk. You could really nit pick this to death. Some things are obvious…but some things….just let it go.

      • why? says:

        On the episode of RHOBH, that aired on Oct 3, Brandi was wearing a side braid. Now what are the odds that on that very same day(but before the episode even airs on tv) Leann shows up wearing the same side braid for her interview with Maya Angelou and her staged airport photo-op later that same night? Leann has no one but herself to blame because she provided the photos from her interview with Maya on Monday to x17 and she tipped off the paps so that they could see her at the airport Monday night. She wanted people to see her sporting the side braid. The side braid SWF was already documented in the “Leann SWF Brandi” montage along with several other examples of Leann SWF Brandi.

      • why? says:

        The comment duplicated itself, so I just deleted the second comment.

    • lori says:

      She cannot stop her obsession. It’s interesting also that yesterday Brandi’s twitter page had news about her new style blog. (Which looks interesting)
      Later on, Leann had the Chicago stylists she uses put up a post about Leann’s (hillbilly) styles of 2012, then it showed up on her twitter page. She is super obsessed with Brandi and can’t let a day go by without stalking her. I think Leann stalks Brandi to relieve her own tensions of being on the road, knowing Eddie’s cheating and she can’t stop him, not being considered for the X factor spot etc. I also think touring is stressful for Leann, her career is winding down, and being on the road must bring up memories of a lonely driven childhood and anger at her parents.

      • skuddles says:

        Wow, what an insightful comment, thanks lori! I think you’re probably bang on in all your observations.

      • Snowpea says:

        @lori – I look out for your LR posts. You’ve said before you have no professional background in psychology but gee wiz you are so on the money 100 percent of the time!

        Everything you say is so insightful and brimming with astute observation that I really really think you should consider going to university (or whatever it is where you are) and becoming a psychiatrist! Or at the very least, a counsellor.

        You have such a gift for really getting inside LR”s head and appraising the landscape with nuance and understanding. I don’t know how you do it! A-mazing Ms Lori!

    • Heidi says:

      @why? I don’t doubt what you say and I wish others would consider the idea that there is an insider connection of Leanne’s. You give one excellent, irrefutable example, but there have been many. Certain things could only have been known by someone on the inside.
      We don’t know if Brandi is fully cognizant of what’s going on behind her back, but, I’m guessing, Eddie regards her as a ‘dizzy dame’. Heck, look what he was able to pull over on her throughout the 13 years without her ever suspecting. Would it surprise anyone if they have a PI trailing her moves to entrap her in order to bolster the case for full custody? Either he wants to hurt her by taking away the kids or he’s not fully happy with his wife and wants his boys 100%. But there’s no doubt something’s going on behind-the-scenes.

  24. lori says:

    I agree with the idea that LR thinks Scheana is a real threat to her marriage. She probably is. I still think that it would be interesting to watch the reaction if Brandi and Scheana became allies. (Even if it was only for show) I think Eddie would be really intimidated and paranoid and that LR would lose it entirely.

  25. ria says:

    i thought that was interesting too, about the style blogs. Brandi provided a link to her blog piece and soon after LeAnn posted a link to a blog written about her style. They should have wrote the piece about Brandi because that’s where she gets her style from. swf every article of clothing Brandi possesses, next on the list a pink bikini and maybe buy the Susan Lucci autobiography. How embarrassing to be that obvious yet her twitter fans still don’t get it. Her life is one big sad mess. Not to be envied. She is empty on the inside, and dangerous.

  26. Erica says:

    Brandi looks so pretty in these photos. How long before UgLeann gets brown contact lenses?

    Ugleann is too quiet on twitter. There must be something to the Sagebrush Cantina story. I wanna know, did it have something to do with a certain waitress or 2 girls having drinks that night?

    I don’t know why she is so obsessed with Brandi. She better be worried about Mrs. Cibrian #3. CrazyHOrse wastes so much time stalking Brandi that she isn’t paying attention to the real threats right under her nose. The Writing is on the stall…

  27. nomorerimes says:

    Another item on radar about Brandi being a diva on RHOBH. SleazeAnn just doesn’t give up, does she? If I were married to a guy who I knew was cheating, my pride would make me throw him out. But guess Sleaze doesn’t have any!

    • brin says:

      She’s pathetic. I’m sure that Sagebrush Cantina post was true, EC is up to his old tricks.

  28. nomorerimes says:

    Three days in a row for negative stories about Brandi.. Sleaze must be getting desperate. Wish Radar would pull their noses out of SleazeAnn’s behind.

  29. ria says:

    Can Brandi sue? The only way to stop these roaches is to sue the online gossip site and get to the source. They are on par with that one magazine that prints bizzarre bat boy stories, but aimed at celebs. No truths. You wouldnt see them pull that act with celebs that are known to sue for untrue articles. Also noticed that the EVIL STEPMOM wrote the evil step mom today, and she wrote

    “focusing all my efforts on the positive things I can do for our family & that’s all I can do.” Swf the ex, allegedly plant stories, keeping a dog on his leash to stop him from humping other dogs, stage pap pics with and without kids allegedly, I’m sorry, I fail to see where any of this is positive or doing right by anyone. She is however focused, and not for good reasons.

    • lori says:

      I looked at that article on evilstepmomspeaks about how Leann is a role model of a stepmom. It includes a long list of all of Leann’s career accomplishments. It looks like Leann has a full-time publicity firm that pays for stories and blogs about her with a direct focus on competing with Brandi. This is two in a row, the last couple of days it was a blog about Leann’s great style, the day after Brandi debuts a style blog on She Knows.com. And later Leann brags all about her new projects and important meetings. I agree that because the new season of RHOBH is coming up and Scheana is promoting a single and a film, Leann is very threatened and desperate to seem relevant. You can track her obsessive stalking of Brandi daily.

      • ria says:

        She is pathetic and Evilstepmom blog should feel ashamed pushing LeAnn in their readers face. She is not somebody to be looked up upon. I find her to be a horrible stepmother. She may not physically harm the boys but the games she is playing, is and can be emotionally damaging. Its all documented online for those boys to see when they are older, and dad is going to have to explain why he sat back and did nothing. The youngest may not understand but the oldest is rarely seen with her. I hope that the child is becoming aware of the real leann and that’s the case. Step moms already have a bum rap, pushing leann as the role model is inconceivable and ludicrous. I dont think of her as a stepmom, a bonus mom. I think of her as a temp, a babysitter. Until Eddie decides to employ someone else. Its inevitable.

      • ria says:

        Edit: I forgot to add what the heck has leann’s musical achievements got to do with being a good stepmom? How starstruck of this F lister are evilstepmom blog? Just because she can sing and have achievements that doesn’t mean a squat. Joan crawford was a good actress and earned achievements and yet she was a horrid mom to her adopted kids., which was speculated she adopted them purely for publicity reasons. I’m not trying to say she’s like Joan, but achievements mean diddly squat. Evilstepmom is not a blog I would recommend to any stepmother. Tacky and starstruck.

      • cb says:

        I’m so over people acting like she’s been this mega successful artist. She’s been around a long time, but hasn’t been THAT successful, that she’s some icon like they like to describe her. Her fans always say, Brandi is a loser, Leann has sold 40 million albums. Enya, freaking Enya, has sold more albums than Leann Rimes. For that matter, so have The Monkees, and Sade, and The Pet Shop Boys, and Enrique Iglesias. LOL.

    • why? says:

      So before Leann sets up the staged “happy family” photo-ops where she and Eddie exploit Brandi’s kids Thur-Mon, Leann pays the EvilStepmother blog to write a fluffpiece about how she is a good stepmother. And Leann seriously thinks that the article from that blog will lessen the backlash she will get once the photos of her and Eddie with the boys hit the internet? How is it that when Leann was on tour, that we didn’t see any photos of the boys, not even with Eddie and according to Leann’s tweets we know that he had the boys. Yet the moment Leann comes in contact with those kids, their faces are once again plastered all over the place?

      I find it funny that the ESM blog said that Leann was a good role model for stepmothers when there are photos of a drunk Leann making out with a drunk Liz while a drunk Eddie watched and took photos while the children were just a few feet away. Yeap, every stepmother should aspire to level right? If they wanted to pay homage to stepmothers, why not talk about a stepmother who doesn’t exploit her stepchildren or who hasn’t publicly allowed her fans and staffmembers to harass the children’s mother? It sounds like that site is praising Leann for all the bad things she does and did to Brandi. Why would Leann respect Brandi as the children’s mother, when media outlets like the ESM blog is telling Leann that what she does is okay?

  30. nomorerimes says:

    C’mon SleazeAnn–please let us know what you found out about the Sagebrush Cantina comment. Is Eddie still conscious? Bet he is a shorter leash yet. FYI–Sleaze goes on another “successful” tour with concerts on June 6 and 9th both in Louisiana. Will Eddie be forced to go with her so she can keep an eye on him–will she cancel because of illness–or hire a PI to follow him around if he stsys home???

  31. ria says:

    She probably has read the comments. I also think it was him. Pronounced Dimples, Cuban, got a room for a couple of hours, skinny blonde and the restaurant is closeby. Eddie would often take the ring off to cheat on Brandi. LeAnn’s twitter silence, now resuming but no mention of Eddie after she tweeted on how she was so excited to see him before she got back home. I think that’s strangest thing. Although probably will now after reading this comment since its been reported that she comes here to spy or that DrippyAsS**tTroll2U who made all those anti leann comments and a video. I did think those comment were pretty spot on about LeAnn.

  32. ria says:

    delete duplicate.

  33. nomorerimes says:

    Come on, Sleaze–the Sagebrush Cantina story will come out sooner or later—unless you paid a lot of money to keep it hush-hush! Why don’t you go there and get a drink and find out what is going on–but don’t take your “ho” husband!! People there might recognize him!!

  34. why? says:

    Wow, Radaronline posted it’s 4th negative article about Brandi. Not at all surprised. Yesterday SheKnows posted an article about the interview that Scheana did with Wetpaint.

    And the story from today’s Radaronline article also includes attacks against Lisa. Why? Because both of the articles mentioned that Scheana might appear on Lisa’s spinoff about SUR. Poor Leann, so now she has to deal with Brandi being a fulltime member of RHOBH in addition to seeing and hearing stories about the woman who is a major threat to her marriage. Whatever will Leann do? Distract by paying Radaronline to write negative stories about Brandi?

  35. nomorerimes says:

    Wonder if Radar will try for a week of spewing out garbage??!! Gosh all this talk about Scheana must have SleazeAnn’s empty head just a reeling!! What to do next, huh, Sleaze!!??

  36. cb says:

    I think it’s likely a housewife leaking stories, or the producers, to drum things up, or, who wouldn’t surprise me at all? Dana.