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8 Responses to “Vag jokes offend Paris”

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  1. Christopher Longaway says:

    Remember when I said I would never post on your site on Mollygood? Guess what? I lied.

  2. Gigohead says:

    I beg the media to stop giving her television time. this woman is famous for..NOTHING. Can’t act, can’t sing, can’t even act on a “reality show”.

  3. Toubrouk says:

    I have to agree with Gigohead; Paris Hilton is an useless hack you proven us that she don’t know about nothing including the need of underwear.

  4. lyric says:

    What a noble skank that Paris is.

  5. Poor Boopie says:

    I have a hard time believing that anything would offend Paris Hilton. I think she is a master at putting herself in the limelight and she’s done it again by hanging out with Britney Spears. Paris is trailer trash with a full bank account.

  6. Alix says:


  7. furch says:

    Paris Hilton, who is she? Nobody, a spoiled unattractive whore, a wealthy whore with messed up eyes and nothing to offer anyone, gimme a break. Why do people find her worth the gossip? Can’t ACT, can’t SING, looks like a SLUT *nasty* and in 5 years from now what would she be?

  8. Solitaire says:

    urgh she loooks rough & haggard in your main pic. I dont get what the fuss is either – getouttahere skank!