“Has Peggy Olsen left Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce for good?” links

Is Elisabeth Moss done with Mad Men?! NOOOO. Peggy 4 Eva. [Pajiba]
Morrissey is such a drama queen. He‘s officially retiring… in two years. [Dlisted]
January Jones‘s son looks less ginger here. [Pop Sugar]
Sarah Jessica Parker looks kind of rough here. [LaineyGossip]
Kourtney Kardashian is probably due any day now. [Celebuzz]
Justin Bieber‘s skull bandana. [The Blemish]
More royal family photos!!! [Go Fug Yourself]
Sparkles feels naked when he speaks with his regular English accent. [A Socialite Life]
What‘s with all of the cannibalism stories lately? [Gawker]
Kate Upton is not structurally sound. [IDLITW]
I think Leighton Meester is cute as a button. Boring, but cute. [Amy Grindhouse]
Damn, this salad looks really tasty. [LimeLife]
Ciara needs to put it away. [Yeeeah]
Mariah Carey & Dem Babies are in Paris. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Why can‘t I have a little piglet? WHY?!? [OMG Blog]
Jason Statham & Rosie H-W are still together. [Moe Jackson]
Miley Cyrus‘s engagement ring. It‘s not my taste. [ICYDK]
Wendy Williams: Jessica Biel is totally boring. [CDAN]

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60 Responses to ““Has Peggy Olsen left Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce for good?” links”

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  1. Naomi says:

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I refuse to believe it, Peggy is coming back surely?

  2. brin says:

    I love Wendy Williams!

  3. Boo says:

    I hope Peggy comes back with a new hairstyle. :O)

    • Jane says:

      LOL! Well, her hair looks good for the 60’s, especially if she is doing it herself. At least she isn’t clipping a tiny bow on the side, or even worse, right in the middle just above her bangs.

      • Boo says:

        True! But hey, if Megan Draper can have a timeless bob, they could cute up ol’ Pegster a lil bit!

  4. Walice says:

    She becomes the competition; then she and Don open their own agency and drop Sterling and Cooper…. Just Sayin’

    I sincerely hope she is NOT gone

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, there’s still a lot of story left for Peggy. Just because her character has left the agency doesn’t mean she has to be off the show.

      • sarahtonin says:

        I agree. She is the main character who gives us insight into what it was like for a career-driven woman in that period. She will still be in the show.

        You could argue that there isn’t much further for her to go now at SCDP, in terms of interest . She’s in a rut, and so is her character’s storyline. By leaving, we get to see her try to make it in a new firm, and the issues that arise while proving to strangers, (incl her subordinates), that she deserves to be there.

  5. Tiffany says:

    I don’t think Peggy will leave for good. Don is too much of a father figure for her, she will be back after accomplishing something to make him proud.

    I also got kind of a skeezy vibe from the guy that interviewed her for her new job. Maybe he will turn out to be a bigger creep than first thought?

    • Susan says:

      Me too! I got the sense that her new boss was after more than her talent. Didn’t he say “our first work day will end at [insert restaurant name]”? That struck me as foreshadowing of an inappropriate agenda.

      I love Elisabeth Moss and I loved Peggy. I have too many unanswered questions. Her boyfriend? The adopted baby coming to light? The constant drinking? Does she maintain her Mojo?

      • Esmom says:

        Yes. When she left she made it seem as though nothing, and no amount of money, could get her to stay. But between a creepy new boss and Lane’s death, she may be willing to reconsider.

  6. Tiffany27 says:

    I will gladly sign a Keep Peggy petition. I really can’t imagine the show without her 🙁

    • Eleonor says:

      If you start tell me: I’m with you.
      I love Peggy, she is the only one who can tell Don to go to fuck himself (I loved when she yelled at him, during that thing for a fromage/cream) and I suspect he likes that too!
      I want Peggy back.

    • Seagulls says:

      I agree! They keep that little monster Glenn around but set the stage for Peggy to leave? NO! And I haven’t even watched this season (yet I torture myself by reading spoilers everywhere).

      Glenn is one of the most chilling characters on TV. I know he’s Matthew wiener’s son, but yuck…

  7. Aqua says:

    She’s the only person on Mad Men that I could tolerate on the show this season.I’m hoping she comes back but if she doesn’t her exit was perfect.

  8. Macey says:

    Mad Men is one of the shows Im dying to pick up but I dont want to watch the new ones until I go thru the old episodes.
    That said, Im not familiar with Elizabeth Moss but just judging from those pics she would have been much more suited to play Liz, reminded me of her just from the headline pic.

    • Linny says:

      It would be pointless to watch without watching from the beginning. You’d be totally lost. I highly recommend watching, though! It’s worth it and the seasons aren’t that long.

      • Esmom says:

        I just started watching this season and enjoyed it on its own and didn’t feel lost. I did read some old recaps to catch up on some backstories, but I really think you don’t need the background to start watching.

      • Linny says:

        Sorry Esmom but I feel you missed a lot about Dick Whitman and his marriage to Betty and Betty’s relationship with Sally and all Don’s cheating and Joan’s history with her husband and Peggy and Pete and I could go on and on. Reading to catch up doesn’t cut it.

      • Marie Antoinette Jr. says:

        @ Esmom,It’s not pointless to watch (if you don’t mind knowing the whole plot if and when you do go back.) We started watching last year, and it inspired us to watch all the previous seasons on Netflix. Knowing the entire back story is preferable, but each episode also stands on it’s own, imo. 🙂

        For some people Mad Men is the best thing since sliced bread–but for us it’s just a very good TV show, so we don’t get too bent out of shape if miss one or whatever…

      • normades says:

        I’ve been watching MM since the beginning but my husband only got hooked last season. He didn’t feel overly “lost” (I filled him in here and there)and became totally engrossed by the ambiance of MM.

        I think MM is so visually stunning that you can pick it up and enjoy whenever. A harder series to follow would be Breaking Bad. THAT you really need to see the pilot to understand.

    • Happy21 says:

      Apparently the previous seasons are available on NetFlix – if you have that service, of course 🙂

      I picked up the DVDs last December and was ready when the new season began in March!

    • ZZZ says:

      Watch! And ENJOY!! ☻

    • Tiffany says:

      Macey, watch the show from the beginning. It is one of THE best shows I have ever watched in my life. The way they allow so many things to be said without being said is just amazing. It is like an Oscar caliber film every week.

      The female characters are so complicated and so well written. It also really makes you appreciate being a woman in 2012…as opposed to 1960.

    • ZenB!tch says:

      you could read wikipedia 😀 I did that with the Hunger Games because I couldn’t stomach the books but loved the movie.

  9. Blue says:

    People need to stop with the bath salts. Eating people is not cool.

  10. Linny says:

    Kate Upton looks ridiculous. It’s not even remotely flattering to shove giant boobs into a tiny top. It makes her boobs look fat and gross.

    • Macey says:

      agreed! I think she’s doing more to make a fool of herself than helping her ‘career’, whatever that may be. between those pics and that creepy video with Terry R., this chick pretty much sealed her career fate as nothing more than a pair of jiggly boobs.

      • Happy21 says:

        Totally agree!

        That particular set of photos was just nasty. She’d have looked better with nothing covering her tatas!

  11. Happy21 says:

    Please someone say it isn’t so!! I can’t lose the Peggy element to my favorite show!

    She was JUST becoming a strong confident woman. We need to see more of her in that role!

  12. anons says:

    she is by far one of the most talented of the ensemble. peggy is a significant player, not to mention, instrumental character to don; and elizabeth portrays her so well. they’d be insane to write her off.

  13. Esmom says:

    It seems odd that Jared Harris was completely surprised by being written off. The foreshadowing seemed fairly obvious, not to mention every MM-related blog was lit up with speculation that he would be the one to die.

    But I guess when you are that close to the story maybe you don’s see it? Or like any layoff you are just hoping it’s not really going to happen?

    • Tiffany says:

      From what I have read, he said that he wasn’t surprised, Matt Weiner had a conversation with him. However, he didn’t tell his agent. He was worried that if he got a new role during pilot season, then everyone would know ahead of time that his character was being written off.

      • Susan says:

        Wow thats very selfless and strategic of him.

      • Tiffany says:

        I agree Susan! An actor taking themselves out of pilot season for the sake of the show they just left is COMPLETELY unheard of!

  14. Maritza says:

    I think she’ll become their most fiercest competitor and that’s when Draper will be convinced she should be treated as an equal. They definitely should not get rid of her because the story would be left unsolved, at least where woman’s rights are concerned.

  15. pwal says:

    Come on, now. No need to panic… yet.

    After all, there was a time when it looked like Joan was out, after she married Dr. Rapist. Low and behold, she’s there.

    Of course, Sal probably looms in the minds of some, but his exit was inevitable because he was gay. Peggy, on the other hand, still, IMO, has unfinished business with Pete.

    • ZenB!tch says:

      Call me “young” and naive but why did Sal have to go because he was gay from the show I mean.

      Young = not understanding the 60s.

      • pwal says:

        Back then, men were arrested for engaging in gay sex. It was considered a mental illness or deviancy, so there was a huge stigma associated with it.

        For the first two seasons, Sal was closeted, although there were instances when men made overtures towards him. He never took the bait and eventually, he started dating and eventually married this woman named Kitty.

        But then, the facade began to slip, like when he invited Cosgrove home for dinner; clearly he was more into Cosgrove than Kitty. Then, in season three, he and Don went on a business trip together. Per usual, Don proceeded to cheat on a pregnant Betty and Sal was getting the eye from a young bellhop. The bellhop came to Sal’s room under false pretenses and needless to say, things got gropey. Unfortunately for Sal, the fire alarm went off and Don utilized the fire escape that happened to be situated next to Sal’s window. Don didn’t see anything too incriminating, but it was enough to get the gist.

        And on the plane ride home, Don implied that he will never mention what went down between Sal and the bellhop. However, Sal caught the eye of Lucky Strikes Jr., who kept cornering Sal and pressing him to service him. Sal rebuffed Lucky Strikes Jr.’s advances; Lucky Strikes Jr. got mad and demanded that Sal be fired. Don told Sal to lay low, but when Lucky Strikes Jr. saw that Sal was still around, he spat fire, threatening to close his account. Roger got mad that Lucky Strikes Jr. wasn’t happy and ordered Sal out. When Sal asked Don to intervene, Don got mad and said something about ‘you people’, which sort of implied that Sal didn’t have a right to object to Lucky Strikes Jr.’s sexual advances. And with that, Sal was out.

        Along with hiding his sexuality, Sal also felt compelled to ‘make good’ since his parents were Italian immigrants, therefore the facade was very important to him.

  16. Amelia says:

    No wonder Whiney Cyrus’ ring isn’t too bad – Hemsworth chose it. I wouldn’t pick something like that myself, but I do prefer it over gigantic show-offy pieces.

  17. maggiegrace says:

    I’ll always think of Elizabeth Moss as “Scorch.”

  18. Issa says:

    I predicate Peggy will be offered Lane’s spot as partner. They do need to fill his spot. Ken, the only other option declined being partner. Joan & Peggy together as partners, my dream. Weiner is silent, so far. So don’t give up on bringing back Peggy! Jared Harris (Lane) was only privileged to have this seasons scripts. Who knows what Weiner has planned for next season?

    • Susan says:

      I’d love that. I wish you were writing for the show. I cracked up when Ken said he wasn’t interested b/c he saw what was involved. So well put.

  19. Newtsgal says:

    I always liked her on West wing

    • Susan says:

      She was great on West Wing. God I miss that show. Josh, Toby and CJ were among my favorite characters on any show ever.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        LOVED West Wing! (Wasn’t CJ just AWESOME?) And Sports Night! 😀

  20. Orange Cone says:

    I want to kick Lesbeaver’s ass!

  21. sheri says:

    I always loved her, but now feel a little weird about her, knowing she is a Xenu believer.

    • Marie Antoinette Jr. says:

      Me too sheri. It’s totally illogical, but the scientology BS kind of ruins Peggy for me. hmmmm…I wonder if they brought in the Krishna story line to try to tell Moss something? I want to think they did!

  22. Dumbisthenewblack says:

    The difference between the Lane character and Peggy is that Lane was born to “die” (in the Mad Men universe). When I am watching the show it always strikes me how much it is about being a survivor and naked ambition. Lane had none and Peggy has plenty. She’ll be back.

    Plus- her character wasn’t killed off 🙂

    • Susan says:

      I hope you’re right. Great name btw.

      • Dumbisthenewblack says:

        Oh Susan! You made my afternoon. I just thought of that name and have never had a screen moniker before! Thanks chica 🙂

  23. K_T says:

    I think that Ginsberg is a serial killer ala Son of Sam and that next season’s storyline will focus on him terrorizing the city on the down low. I think that the underlying discord of Ginsberg and Peggy will put her in harms way. I don’t think she is gone. I believe the show is from the POV of Ken and that the dynamic between him and Peggy is very important.

    • Susan says:

      Hmm, you may be onto something there. There’s something very ominous about the way Ginsberg’s personality is presented. For someone who relies so heavily on his funny shtick, he sure seems to have a dark side.

      • Issa says:

        We all have dark sides. Its one of the themes of mad men, everyone has a secret. Don’t believe Ginsberg as a serial killer is one of them.

    • Esmom says:

      Oh geez I hope not. I have a soft spot for Ginsberg. Yes he has a dark side but I like to think that makes him deep rather than evil 🙂

  24. Gabriella says:

    hey Kaiser, I see we’ve been getting way too many Lilo’s stories (almost daily) and none about Britney’s new marketing stunt: creepy personal videos. http://www.viddy.com/BritneySpears

    What is that supposed to do for Brit’s image? I wonder what goes on her publicist’s mind…

    • Tiffany says:

      Jason, her fiance/co-conservator/producer for X-Factor, is actually an investor in Viddy. He is pimping her out in order to get buzz for his business investment.

      And to think people thought he wasn’t another K-Fed!

  25. the original bellaluna says:

    RE Cyrus’ ring: I react to gold, so both my engagement and wedding rings are platinum.