Tom Hardy is furry, gorgeous in Deep Mag: would you hit it?

This is just to bring you some joy on this very pleasant Canada Day: Tom Hardy. Forever and always. Tom covers the August issue of something called “Deep Magazine” – I’m gathering that it’s a Spanish-language publication (I’m a genius!!!), perhaps South American? I can’t really find any interview excerpts… which is fine. I love Tom Hardy, I would hit it so hard, but I don’t NEED to read his interviews, you know? I can make do with the photos.

But in case you were interested in reading something from Tom, he gave a recent interview with SFX Mag, and he discussed The Dark Knight Rises (obviously), Christopher Nolan and special effects. Some highlights:

Working with Nolan: “A lot of directors in the world today attempt to bring character and spectacle together, and fail. And Chris is in the position where he’s a general among leading players who vie for that position of director…not just a huge spectacle, pushing and pioneering with visual effects ect, but also on a simple “warts and all” level, which is, for me, my bread-and-butter, which character analysis, armchair psychology, and showing people the terror in relationships. And he’s incredibly successful as well. He’s got lots and lots of money to do it, which is also a huge draw because there certain things you can achieve with that money that lesser talent would splurge up the wall in a away that wouldn’t be anywhere near as exciting as what Chris does.”

Tom likes that Nolan doesn’t just do CGI: “For example, CGI over visual effects. He’ll prefer to build something as opposed to have it painted on a notepad. And the steely resolve and scrupulous effort he has to get things done properly is incredibly exciting, because you attract people who want to challenge themselves. I feel really grateful to be part of it, part of the Nolan team, because I know that everyone n that floor will be ready at some level to challenge themselves to do something they haven’t done before. Very rarely do you meet someone on the set who is lazy.”

[Via Flicks & Bits]

I get a little bit tired of everyone kissing Nolan’s ass. I mean… yes, he’s a genius, and yes, he deserves more awards than he actually gets. But Nolan is an incredibly dark and violent director and while all of his films are technically brilliant, I think he uses darkness and violence to get out of his films’ plot holes and lack of storytelling. That being said, I can’t wait to see The Dark Knight Rises and I’m assuming that it will make all of the money FOREVER.

Also, guess who was the last cover boy for Deep Mag? Oh, how did I never see this cover? My lovely Fassbender in the same post as my lovely Hardy. *sigh*

Photos courtesy of Deep Mag.

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41 Responses to “Tom Hardy is furry, gorgeous in Deep Mag: would you hit it?”

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  1. Mlle says:

    Kaiser, I love the thought about referencing another country’s national holiday. Much appreciated! Quick correction, though; Canada Day was yesterday.

    Source: This info is written into my (Canadian) genes.

    • Kaiser says:

      I looked it up – the site said if the 1st falls on a Sunday, Canadians celebrate the holiday today, the 2nd. I actually did look it up.

      • Mlle says:

        Yeah, today’s a federal holiday, but more of an “if Christmas is on a Sunday, you get Monday off in lieu” thing. Everyone still celebrates on the 1st. Fireworks, BBQs, etc. all happen on the 1st.

        Admittedly a bit of a petty distinction on my part, especially since you were cool enough a) to know that Canada day was around now, and b) to point it out in an article. My bad. This was a pre-coffee post, and I shall shut up now, and just enjoy the gossip 🙂

    • Jackie O says:

      we celebrate on the 1st, but since it fell on a sunday, most workers get today off. no actual celebrations today, though.

      thanks for the shout out.

  2. lu says:

    Oh yes! He’s a fantastic actor too, I hope he gets some more work after Batman. Hardy and Fassbender would be delightful together!

  3. Jill says:

    NO. She is overrated.

  4. Raven says:

    No, but I’d use it to mop my floors.

  5. Tabita says:

    Kaiser, I agree on Nolan. I wouldn’t be as generous as you, he is not worthy of anyone calling him a genius. He is a good film maker but has only made one great movie, Memento, his last movie basically looked like a big budget remake of that movie but without the depth. He does epic well and is technically brilliant (but so is danny boyle, a much more versatile film maker) but lacks depth. He is so loved because he makes intelligent blockbusters i guess. But genius? No way
    Now Paul Thomas Anderson, thats a man worthy of the genius tag. Cant wait for his next movie.

    If you love tom hardy you should check out these great pictures with Noomi Rapace in Blag. Still rocking the beard. So fine!!

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      PT Anderson is brilliant. Can’t wait for The Master!!
      Nolan is a very capable director, but I wouldn’t go so far as to call him a genius.

    • Eve says:

      I agree with you that Kaiser is being a way too generous with Nolan, but I’m going to be even less generous than you: I think he’s incredibly overrated.

      It’s annoying to see how his die-hard fans talk about him — I saw one of them comparing him to Stanley Kubrick AND Billy Wilder (on IMDb — the place where you can find the worst Nolanites ever).

    • mia girl says:

      I’ll join in on the “Nolan has no clothes” chorus. He’s not as overrated as Cameron, but he’s pretty close.

      And yes, PTA beats Nolan in rock-paper-siccors everytme.

      • Eve says:

        Yeah, but I don’t think James Cameron believes his own hype like Nolan seems to.

      • ZenB!tch says:

        James Cameron believes his own hype.

        PS: I love Nolan but I like dark and violent. I hated Titanic.

      • Biggus Dickus says:

        I suppose I shouldn’t piss on anyone’s parade. But, if you look closely, you’ll find some significant issues with PTA’S films. Particularly the editing of Boogie Nights and Magnolia; and the lack of women (or explanation of) in There will be Blood. The There will be blood issue has been discussed several times over. I’m a little surprised that hasn’t been brought up in the Master discussions.

        BTW, this is coming from someone who enjoys both PTA and Nolan. Nether are genius by definition, which is kind of the point…

      • Pilar says:

        Nolan makes remakes (insomnia) and superhero movies mostly. Well made movies but ultimately forgettable. I don’t really feel like he has had an original idea since 2001. Big budgets and hollywood killed his originality.
        Paul Thomas Anderson has a way better body of work. There will be blood. Magnolia and Boogie Nights are great movies. PTA just gets better as he goes along.

      • Biggus Dickus says:

        Not sure if PTA is original as you think he is. Both Boogie Nights and Magnolia structure are heavily….um… “influenced” by Robert Altman’s Nashville. Whether he’s getting better is debatable since i haven’t seen “The Master”. There will be blood’s ridiculous final scene and the lack of women still bother me though. Not sure if “genius’ is how I would describe it. Nevertheless, the movie is entertaining and bold. I would say that The Coen Bros No Country for Old Mean or Spike Jonze’s Adaptation have “better” execution.

  6. AmyWinelake says:

    Tom Hardy? Yes, yes and yes! He is so hot his hotness needs to be continued onto the next guy!

  7. Amelia says:

    Sneaky addition of le Fass 🙂 me likey. Nicely done, Kaiser

  8. Liv says:

    Oh my god, he’s so hot in the 2nd picture!

  9. jazzmin says:

    I would hit it, wreck it and leave him incapacitated, bring him back to consciousness and then do it again.

    • Blerg says:


    • Issa says:


    • Issa says:

      Hardy is my Fassbender. The voice, masculinity, and yes, I like them a little dirty, lol. Btw…rumored he has actually shaved off the beard for Mad Max? George Miller apparently decided he didn’t want Hardy to keep the beard for the movie.

  10. sarah says:

    Furry, yes. Gorgeous, no. Don’t get his appeal or Fassbender’s appeal. Bleh.

    • katiem says:

      I never understood the Fassbender thing until I watched Jane Eyre last night. (Horrible) Anyway, I got all hot over Fairfax Rochester, and then looked a little harder. It’s Fassbender, and he was smoking….I GET IT!

  11. Mia 4S says:

    I’d hit it, but sorry the beard needs to go first.

    As for Nolan, I do think the guy is a genius filmmaker. His films are among the very few this decade that were blockbuster spectacle that still had me feeling for the characters. Yes they are dark and violent but at least I’m not just sitting there going ” wow cool FX!”. To make critically acclaimed, award winning films, that audiences actually watch? That is a hell of a skill!

  12. LittleDeadGirl says:

    Sorry I was going to make a post about Batman but I lost all blood to my brain after seeing the Fassbender. He’s just so beautiful. Anyway, loooove Hardy and I can’t wait to see him in Batman. The beard does nothing for me … but I’m not a beard kind of gal. He is still beautiful.

  13. TheOriginalKitten says:

    I hate his beard. I don’t mind a little facial hair but this is some straight-up Grizzly Adams shit.
    But yes, after a trip to the barber shop, I would hit it like nobody’s business.
    Nothing is sexier to me than talent and Hardy is one of the best right now.

  14. Eve says:

    Yeah, I’d hit it…with high-pressure water.

    • corny says:

      and some windex?

    • normades says:

      lol eve!!! Seriously, I never had an opinion about this guy until I saw an interview on France’s Grand Journal for that movie at Cannes. He was so aloof and douchey! Shia was wayyyyy more charming and gracious which surprised the heck out of me.

      • Eve says:


        If someone like Shia LaBeouf managed to be more charming and gracious than him, then he (Hardy) must have been a huge dick indeed.

  15. Jenna says:

    Not with that beard. He does have a nice pair of lips though…unf.

    • ZenB!tch says:

      I’m not feeling the greased back hair either. I get the beard is for a role but the greased back hair?

  16. stellalovejoydiver says:

    I watched the Lawless press conference in Cannes and he came off as a major douche. Plus I´m pretty sure that he was fooling around with Jessica Chastain, it was disgusting considering he has a beautiful fiancée.

  17. Alexis says:

    You always ask…and I always say “FK yes.”

  18. SFRowGuy says:

    Hit it? (Bang!) Damn right I’d hit it. (Bang!) Every (Bang!) single (Bang!) day. (Bang!)

  19. ZenB!tch says:

    Fassbender ruined this for me.

  20. natalina says:

    after he told a magazine he’s gotten it in the “arse” i havent liked it as much; he’s a shorty too