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7 Responses to “My name is Lindsay and I’m an alcoholic. I’ve been sober for one week.”

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  1. pj says:

    What about the coke?

  2. ER says:

    Good for her for trying to get sober, but that is one seriously frumpy looking shirt!

  3. Jaime says:

    Not to be cruel, but… that is a questionable outfit.

    I wish her well, truly…I hope she gets her shit together.

  4. Adrienne says:

    Dude, not drinking for a week doesn’t exactly mean you’ve gone through the 12 steps or anything…

  5. Anonymous says:

    Good for her for getting help. It is a huge step to admit you have a problem. Plus, she is an an age bracket where everyone is partying. Hard to break away from the pack and be different.

    My friend is in AA. A big part of her success is celebrating her little triumphs. Even if it is a week it is a big deal with for anyone who is trying to change their life. The first week is a big hurdle.

  6. NYSailorScout says:

    I am one of Lindsay Lohan’s biggest fans! Unlike Paris or Britney, Lindsay can actually sing and she is a REALLY good actress. But, that being said……

    She never mentioned the coke. That means that she hasn’t stopped. There is no way that you would even casually forget something like that. Who cares about the alcohol! I would rather that she got drunk twice a week than EVER touch drugs. The coke will kill her and ruin her life much faster than the alcohol will.

  7. Toubrouk says:

    Good for her to trying to put her life together. Let’s see how long it will hold.