First of all, I have to applaud GQ for using a really great photo of Joseph Gordon Levitt for their cover – this is one of the best, one of the sexiest photos I’ve ever seen of JGL. At times he can photograph as “too cute” and I feel like a predator for being attracted to him. But in this GQ photo shoot, he actually looks like a boyishly handsome MAN. A man who is perfectly capable of doing dirty things. Anyway, you can read the full GQ piece here, and here are some highlights:
Growing up, Joseph Gordon-Levitt admits he was “a sort of serious little dude—snobby,” and tells GQ’s Amy Wallace that he was dangerously at risk of becoming a “hopeless ivory-tower douchebag.” It was somewhat fitting that he played an old geezer trapped in a boy’s body on “3rd Rock From The Sun.” According to his ex-costar, John Lithgow, “he was a very mature boy—I remember him carrying on about the ecological damage that is done when people build new golf courses. What teenager worries about that? And now he’s a very youthful adult. He’s done a flip-flop.”
Joseph Gordon-Levitt on not going to his high school prom: “I thought the girls my age were very frustrating. They were, like, looking in their compact mirrors and s–t, and I thought that was evil.”
JGL on how Hollywood is crumbling: “The entertainment business as it has been is not going to be around that much longer. The way it’s going is, there’s going to be artists, and they’ll make their s–t, and they’ll connect to their audience, and you don’t need any of the middlemen—the studios or the agents.”
JGL on how he hates Americans’ fawning over celebrity: “I really don’t like this notion that some people are more important than other people. These stories about these elevated people called ‘celebrities’ teaches you”—and by “you” he meant regular, nonfamous folks—”that what you have to say doesn’t matter. It’s degrading.”
“The Dark Knight Rises” director Christopher Nolan on Gordon-Levitt: “He has a tremendous charisma and that incredible kind of positivity that can’t be faked.” Which makes him perfect, of course, for Commissioner Gordon’s protégé. “We really needed somebody with a sense of idealism to contrast with Gordon’s weariness. I thought of Joe first and foremost.”
GQ even notes the rumors that JGL is playing “Robin” to Christian Bale’s Batman, although I don’t really know if that’s on the level or not. JGL basically sounds like a sweet little hipster dude – hipster dudes aren’t my type, but I might make an exception for him.
Oh, and some of you wanted me to mention this – while JGL was at Comic-Con to promote Looper, he was doing press alongside Emily Blunt. According to reports, JGL was asked about working with Emily and what he thought about her and he said some variation of “She’s funny… and let’s face it, most pretty girls aren’t funny.” A Variety reporter claims that Emily “visibly bristled” at the comment. So… is JGL a dimpled misogynist who thinks that only ugly girls can be “funny”? Does he merely patronize “funny” pretty girls? Have at it.
Photos courtesy of Nathaniel Goldberg/GQ, GQ’s slideshow, WENN.
JGL knows funny like Lindsay Lohan knows sober.
You must have watched his SNL intro too.
He is obviously ignorant and douchey.
We have a whole board of hot, hilarious bitches!
woot woot! where the heck has he been? I thought funny was the new black.
Oh my god, his SNL was really annoying! He was way too excited — running, screaming and jumping in the end. I wanted to give him Ritalin.
Yes, yes, yes. And Eve, seriously, you crack me up every day. The ritalin comment was right on the money. However, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think he was hot and a cute little dancer.
I remember that too, he was such a spaz that I didn’t like him again until Inception, where he was great.
Actually I felt that his SNL intro was enthusiastic and well done. He is a performer, and he performed. I’d take a JGL host over most any day.
Is he suppose to be the second coming of Leo D. or something, cuz this bitch annoys the hell out of me …hipsters dude aren’t suppose to be sexy and charismatic since they are so ironic
Haha. I always thought he read more gay, but I guess it was just that he’s a hipster that feigns sensitivity (for the environment and other “key” issues) but lets his douche flag fly (when it comes to misogyny). Most of the gay men I know wouldn’t play so fast and loose with stereotyping women.
I have it on good authority he is gay!
@rhianajay : There’s always someone for saying that… all hollywood actors can’t be gay..
I don’t know about that, MDID. My good friend’s INSUFFERABLE partner can barely contain his contempt for the fairer sex. Most gay men love women, but there are a few exceptions, and they can be NASTY about it.
It’s definitely not “feigned sensitivity,” read up on who his parents are and what they do. He’s very well-educated and sincerely passionate.
Well that wasn’t a very smart thing for him to say. Especially considering his image is like, “sweet cute boy”, and he’s one without a lot of controversy. He should keep it that way, I think. But I guess now I can believe he used to be a douche, and now is more of an undercover douche.
I love him
i get mad at guys saying women are funny but he said something different. i wont bash him for that because its the same with guys. the really good looking ones arent funny or you find average guys hot because they make you laugh like crazy.
from my pov most male comedians are ugly.
it just seems not so attractive people must find other ways to be noticed by potentional partners.
Uhhg, you believe in these stereotypes?
Then you must also believe all blondes are dumb.
SOME(key word) stereotypes ARE rooted in truth-though I certainly wouldn’t put the blonde one in that category. Certain “pretty” woman, at least a couple I know, do in fact spend so much time focusing on their looks that they don’t really seem to cultivate much of a personality, or at least a sense of humor. If that’s what he meant, and not to have it all-encompassing, I can agree. However, of course it couldve been worded better.
I think he means girls whose entire identity is about being pretty -and you know those girls exist.
You get mad at a guy for saying a woman is funny?? When did being a humorous person become an insult?
I’ve been told I’m funny. That *MUST* mean I’m hideous? No wonder I’m single (eye roll) Thanks JGL. Thanks a bunch.
@alonsyalonso1, just to clarify, I was refering to Julie’s first line, not what JGL said.
Once again I have clicked ‘respond’ in the wrong spot. Apologies.
He sounds like a jerk going off that pretty girl quote and his smug face annoys me.
I’m actually liking the bottom picture the most out of all of them. I have a thing for black and white pictures, everything is more flattering.
The more I read his interviews, the more I think of him as a less obnoxious James Franco – if his website is anything to go by, he loves what he does and thinks of it as an art form of sorts but doesn’t go completely overboard by writing about museum trips and analyising tweener films on HuffPo. The pretty girl comment was a bit off, but I reckon he probably meant it as a back-handed compliment that didn’t come out quite right. I’ve heard mates say similar things
Yes please.
I’d love to be in a room and listen to him and Franco try to outdo each other!
Mort, I read that wrong and thought you said, do each other.
Now that would be an epic douchefest.
@tiff, haha. Well, there might some angry make-up sex after they duke it out intellectually.
Have you ever read any of his interviews in the past? How are people shocked that he might be an a**hole? Anyway looking good on that GQ cover sir 😉
I love douchey interviews. Are there any of his interviews that stand out in your mind? Cause I wanna read them. One of my favorite things to do is read quotes from Gwyneth Paltow. heh
Honestly any interview where he talks about his “art”. He is incredibly pretentious, but I love him anyway.
Absolutely. This is not new, he’s made misogynistic comments before. I don’t think he thinks very highly of his female audience, to be honest. But that’s okay. *pats JGL’s misogynistic little head* I still enjoy his on-screen charisma and he enjoys that I’ll pay money to see his movies. We don’t have to respect each other. 😀
Actors say all sorts of douchey things, I’ve begun to avoid interviews with those I actually like watching on TV or on screen because they all end up saying something straight-up dumb or douchey.
Entertain me and we’re good.
Honestly, in my experience, a lot of girls (and guys really) that are drop dead gorgeous never really had to develop a personality. They get used to being fawned over just because of the way they look and then so many become just vacant and vapid. They never had to work on it. This is of course a generalization and not all pretty girls and guys are dumb, vapid, vacant, or not funny. But I think that’s where the stereotype comes from.
Yeah..I hate to say it but you have a point. I think that standard applies to really good-looking guys too though.
also my best friend always say he prefer to f**k less good-looking women because they’re not lazy in bed (yes,i know he sounds like a jerk but he’s very funny and clever)
Kitten…this is exactly why I dumped Joe! I had seen/read interviews and he came off as less then expected. He tries too hard to sound intelligent and cool. Now Fassy is the real deal, read or see his interviews and you can tell by his timing and his responses that he can bring it! Oh and picture #2 of the first W shoot. Whew wiping neck with tissue…..
Ok so a nice toned body is good, nice hair and facial features…but you better be able to verbally spar with me and make me laugh with witty repertoire to really attract me…leaving me wanting more.
PS Hope that Curtis thing doesn’t come creeping on CB today. What a tool huh?
@ Carrie-I always say that I prefer dudes that aren’t super good-looking because they work harder in bed and have more personality.
For the record though-I think my boyfriend is really handsome and works hard in bed, but he’s an exception 😀
PS CHat-you made the right decision with Joe Mang. Eventually we all get old and wrinkly and you need a man that can keep up 😉
You mean Curtis-The-Hottest-Guy-On-The-Planet? The guy who rejected Kate Upton because she wasn’t “toned” enough for his liking? 😉
Kitten…do you think Curtis is really TommyGirl gone off the rail and creeping here at CB? Just a thought…
Oh yes, and the more I thought about it what kind of foreplay could Joe offer? I mean really? Now with Fassy, while eating wings and drinking Killians we’d have this great little back and forth wit and humor going working up to the “can’t wait to get in the sack” moment.
Chat and kitten, I finally read mr Curtis this morning and promptly blasted away:)
Wow, really? You people must be all ugly then.
@ Chat-LOL! Well maybe that’s why he thought Kate Upton was fat, because it’s gay TC undercover! 🙂
GET HIM, Tiff! 😀
I can always count on my ladies for back-up 🙂
Yes, I think she said that, as well.
As a first time visitor following a crosslink, I have to ask (not trolling) about the style or culture of commenting here … are you all in middle school, or is this the expected level of chat?
yep. i would say the same thing he said about guys.
there is drop dead gorgeous and there is pretty. Youre right. Nobody expects Adrianna Lima to have anything worthwhile to say. But id totally give it to Emily Blunt. You can see it in her eyes that she has a sense of humor. Shout out to all the ugly Ducklings that became Beautiful Swans.
@kitten @chat, I saw that exchange yesterday. Guanocephalic…really? WTH. LOL
Hi Mort!- “Guanocephalic” LOL! That was a guy (if it truly was a guy, I think it may have been a pro-anorexic troll) who was really banking on the use of big words to strengthen his argument. Um, FAIL. 😉
Kitten, I had such a laugh reading you rip down Curtis, highlight of the thread 🙂
Thanks, Amelia!!! 😀
The danger is acting on stereotypes. For example, if a director respects JGL and gives him a choice of female co-star, he may pass over a pretty girl assuming she’s not funny, even if she is the best choice. Thus, the pretty girl is not “allowed” to show that she is funny and the stereotype continues, because, hey, there are no pretty girls on TV, movies, etc. being funny. The stereotype can be proven because it has been made into reality. I know many good-looking people with personalities and are funny. I don’t know any runway models so I can’t speak on who they actually are as a person.
I remember Goldie Hawn saying something similar. That she had to develop an “ugly girl’s personality” by being funny because it took her a while to grow into her looks.
I’m going to give him half a pass for this one. Look where he works… So he’s being a little bit of an ass he might have been trying to be funny but it just looks like he’s not paying attention.
I was thinking the same thing Feebee.
They seem to have a type in Hollyweird. Even when someone starts out original they end up going cookie cutter. I have a hard time telling the actresses apart on the red carpet.
And if you handed me a bunch on their interviews and told me to guess which one belonged to who, I don’t think I could.
I see his point. But back here in normality I do know pretty girls who can be funny. Those bitches have it all!
God..I would hit it so hard.
I have a lot of male friends that think pretty girls can’t be funny. I think the issue is more with guys’ perception: guys are generally insecure and can’t handle the idea of a woman being both gorgeous AND hilarious. Too intimidating.
Well said.
I think he’s adorable. And so what if he’s a little hipster-ish, as long as it’s not on a James Fanco “everything I do is ART”-level I think it’s sort of cute 🙂
But for the record I do think some pretty girls I know are totally funny.
I really regret ever following him on twitter. He turned out to be a super pretentious twat.
Not surprised. That’s what he’s giving me in this interview.
Oh JGL…how I’ve wanted to hit you up, down, front, back and sideways since ‘Inception’. UNF.
I fully co-sign on this comment. ^^
I think we should spank him.
Pretentious spoiled douche. And I think the flippant comment about women not being funny has more to do with his immaturity. And the fact that he is gay but has to remain closeted to remain Ryan Gosling’s main competition for the role of hipster heartthrob.
he didnt say that women arent funny
I always thought he was gay, but I think we’re in the minority. Whenever I see a post about him I rarely see anyone else who thinks he’s gay.
I’ve never seen him dating anyone. And for as long as he’s been in the business that seems a little suspect right there. Plus the snark about pretty girls just sounds like something one of my nastier gay male friends would say.
JGL is a womanizer. Fact. I find it amusing that some people find his statement offensive but powerful men using women for sex is okay.
I actually don’t understand what his sexuality has to do with the topic anyway.
He has had relationships w/various women. JGL does not talk about his love life or take them to premieres(like Paltrow and DiCaprio). He was involved w/Larrisa Oleynik for years, Meagan Good, and dated a burlesque dancer names Lexy Hulme for quite some time.
Haha. You’ve got a point. I said upthread that most of my gay friends wouldn’t stereotype women this way but, now that I think about it, there is one guy I know that I could see saying this.
@Lila, if his sexuality has nothing to do with the topic then why write a diatribe about him being a womanizer?
@lila: Alex Mack! I used to love that show. I didn’t know they dated. I wonder what became of her…
and Devon Aoki. Who seems like a very high maitanece chic with little sense of humor.
Kaiser, back up. Hands off. JGL is mine! lol I have had a crush on this dude since I was a kid.
Well that’s kind of a broad statement. However, I think I can see where he’s coming from. It was my experience when dating that the conventionally gorgeous men didn’t appeal to me because it seemed as though they were too concerned with their faces and bodies and therefore took themselves too seriously to be good-humored. Perhaps he sees the same?
I realize though, that the scenario is broadly generalized by the statement and not fair and he did sound douchey… but I don’t think he meant to come across that way. I read it as a poorly thought-out backhanded compliment to Emily.
I think you may be right as he said in the interview he hated the girls constantly checking their make-up.
I do too. Sometimes I’m talking to my friend and she’s looking in her compact from every angle and it feels like she’s not even paying attention. It’s make an excellent Frisbee…
Given the industry he is in, and there are a lot of pretty faces that rely just on that to get by, I can see where in his “world” most pretty girls are not funny.
But let’s turn the table and be quite frank, most good looking guys are not funny or have personality; they rely on their looks too.
I agree completely. Our society, at least as a superficial consumer-driven whole, tends to glorify or fixate on good looks, whether it’s a beautiful face (natural or not) or a thin/muscular body (natural or not). Even though beauty is in the eye of the beholder, attractive people do tend to rely on their looks and it takes a bit more awareness and drive to better themselves to not just be that pretty one. Unfortunately, a lot of the entertainment industry is full of one-trick ponies who rely on their looks/bodies.
Maybe it’s wrong of me since it’s such a huge stereotype or bitchy of me, but I tend to respect actors/actresses more when they date/marry beyond their field or models.
He’s just parroting Adam Carolla, unfortunately. So, in one sentence he can say that “celebrity” teaches “us” that what we have to say doesn’t matter, then in the next sentence knock what girls have to say.
Pretentious jagoff (and yes, I’m eyeing him from the inside of my Evil Compact Mirror).
Adam Corolla’s was worse IMHO. He essentially he said “if my daughter had a mediocre sense of humor I’d tell her to be a staff writer because they have to hire a certain amount of women and they couldn’t fire her”.
I think JGL was trying to make a joke and fell flat, and came off like an idiot. But I really don’t think he INTENDED it to come off that way.
I’d still hit it. Any day.
So seriously, gals. Can you name one SUPER-hot guy that’s also really really funny? I’m drawing blanks…
Most of the men I think are funny might be attractive, but not gorgeous.
Also, think of all the funniest/popular women in show business right now. The ones that come to my mind are cute girls (sample-Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Sarah Silverman, Kristen Wiig)but I would argue they don’t look like supermodels. I think they are more attractive because they are funny but right off the bat, not gorgeous.
None of those people you mentioned are GIRLS. I wish people would stop infantilizing women.
@bk, I also called them women. Also, as a girl, I’ll call them whatever I want. They are girls. Girls can be grown up or children. The word refers to what sex a person is. If you want to see the word as referring to children, that’s your problem.
@ Marigold-There isn’t a guy I know that doesn’t have a crush on Tina Fey. All the GIRLS ( 🙂 ) you mentioned are really pretty and funny, they’re not model-hot but very pretty.
@kitten, obviously Adam Sandler. Impossibly hot and an Oscar-worthy body of work. Jack and Jill was amazing!
Agreed. I also think Paul Rudd is pretty hot.
RDJ, Paul Rudd and Jon Hamm are three “funny guys” that I’d definitely say are SUPER HOT too.
I agree with all of your choices and these are all VERY attractive men but are they *model-hot*? You know what I mean? Hamm…well yeah he could be a model. AND he’s hilarious. Paul Rudd is super cute and maybe he could be considered gorgeous back in the day. Also used to have a crush on Sandler back in the day.
RDJ. Man. He’s kind of wins for total package-sexy, funny, smart. Omph.
How would a “model-hot” guy or girl get a job in comedy since we assume they are all so unfunny? What studio, manager, etc. would take that kind of risk, regardless if they were actually funny, and especially since there are so many unattractive and/or fat people who are assumed SHOULD be funny, waiting for their chance too.
Jon Hamm and Joel McHale.
@Kitten – ‘Super-hot’ ‘model-hot’ are subjective terms. Of course models are expected to have a certain physique + looks. A funny guy will be super hot for me, so he need not be the conventional super hot and funny.
RDJ, for me, is both attractive and gorgeous. I don’t have to say he’s funny. He can stop talking and I’ll still live with that gorgeous smile of his.
I also think Ewan McGregor is funny, chilled out, attractive and definitely gorgeous for me.
Clooney is funny, smart, charming, and attractive. Not his fan but he’s good.
I know someone who hooked up with JGL after meeting him at a bar, and she said he was a huge asshole. Then again, she hooked up with him anyway.
Is this the same girl who said they went to his place and got it on on the couch, that story was hotttt
If it was a joke it didn’t come off very well, and if he was serious, he needst to stop generalizing people and feeding into stereotypes.
I don’t care what he thinks, he’s just nice to look at yummo!
He looks like he’ll resemble John Slattery when he gets older, which is the highest compliment I can pay a man.
That said, his personality is going to get annoying.
OMG…what a yummy silver fox he is. In both shows I’ve seen him in, Desperate Housewives and of course Mad Men, he is either evil (DH) or reckless and a pig…but when I watch him, all I see is the sexy!
The “pretty girls aren’t usually funny” comment doesn’t bother me at all. A woman could say the same thing about cute guys and no one would bat an eye. Honestly, good looks are put on such a pedestal that people who have them don’t really need to develop other positive traits for people to adore them. Of course, plenty of gorgeous people are hilarious, but I agree its a bit more rare to find in them than in someone who has had to find other ways to be likable when people aren’t instantly enchanted by their prettiness, regardless of their personalities.
PS- JGL is a flawless human being. GOD. I adore him more and more.
He’s not flawless…come on! No one is flawless.
I find it better when someone grows up as an “ugly duckling”, and has to develop a personality…create different interests…and then grow up to be a hottie! It happens! And those people (although rare), are the hot ones that are actually funny and interesting
AGREED! I am so grateful (now) to have not grown in to my face until high school was almost over 😉
I adore JGL and think he’s still growing into his ideals.
Lainey outed him at her SMUT soiree, so the pretty girl talk is kind of funny.
A gossip blogger who didn’t even have the guts to put his name on her site or show any proof that what she said was true is considered fact now. Wow. I remember reading that blind and it said he was bisexual. Do any of us know? Having sex w/someone of the same sex doesn’t make someone gay. They may have been bicurious at the least. But I guess bisexuals don’t exist though,right??
The comments about him being gay are homophobic. JGL is a gay douchebag so of course he said that. It does not have anything to do w/his sexist comment and what is the point of saying it unless you are trying to put him down. It comes across that way to me imo.
@ Andy, yeah i have read the blinds too. Whatevs, to each his own. I was more curious how and why Lainey would out him, especially at her Smut Soiree.
@andy, how is making an observation about his sexuality homophobic? And where are you on the Cruise threads crying homophobia when everyone is making similar observations?
Furthermore, if you think someone making an observation about his sexual orientation is “doing it as an insult,” I think it says more about you then it does about them. I, for one, think he is gay. I’m not saying it to insult him. I’m saying it because I think he should live his truth (just like Anderson Cooper and other openly gay celebs). I think it does more for the gay community to be open about it, then to be closeted.
He should live his life openly like AC?? How do you know that he is gay? Maybe because he’s not and so he’s not living a lie.He has had long relationships w/ women so maybe he is straight. Bisexual? You don’t know what someone feels about others so don’t pretend to. To say I KNOW HE IS GAY and needs to come out w/no proof is ridiculous. Someone mentioned a blind as proof-yeah right. Everyone man is gay according to the internet. Mick Jagger and Bowie supposedly had a fling. So does that mean that Jagger and Bowie are both living lies w/the women they have been with since? I have no doubt that Bowie and Iman are in love but ignorant people can’t seem to wrap their head around the fact that sexuality can be fluid. It does not mean someone is living a lie. People love who they love.
And yes saying he’s making a bitchy gay man comment like one person said upthread is insulting.
@Andy, I did not offer a blind as proof. I don’t feel the need to offer up “evidence,” because this isn’t a court of law. This is a GOSSIP blog, fueled by speculation. I’m of the OPINION that he is gay (and open to the idea that he may be Bi, as you suggested). I’m also on board with the idea that sexuality is more or less fluid. Anna Paquin came out as Bi because she wanted to show her support for the LGBTQ community. I think anyone who identifies as LGBTQ should live openly and embrace who they are. Please don’t lump me in with “others” whose comments you find insulting, just because I’m of the opinion that he is gay.
I wonder if he can smash while picking you up…
I agree with his comment
Pretty girls aren’t funny? So is he saying his bff Zooey Deschanel is ugly, or unfunny? Lol Pick one, JGL!
Meh it was a backhanded compliment. If I were Emily I would have just patted him on his little boy nugget and said “Aww he’s a such sweet kid”.
Sexiest JGL photo shoot was the one he did with Claudia Schiffer for GQ in 2008. Hot hot hot! That’s when I stopped thinking of him as the girl from Third Rock From the Sun.
What a load of misogynistic bullshit. True, some girls are super hot and have never needed it back it up with a personality. But I know a lot of beautiful women who are HILARIOUS, and equally I know ‘plain’ women who have never made me slap my thigh and roll back my head laughing. JGL, I think you’re cute, but please don’t make general statements like this about women. It makes you a prick.
Say it ain’t so Joe. Say you’re not a sexist douche. Pretty please? 🙁
I like him and all ( I really do, but it kind of annoys me that he goes around saying he “hates fame”, but I find it kind of hypocritical because if you hated fame so much you wouldnt be in this business. And yeah maybe he loves acting, but he could always do theater or whatever. He chooses to be in movies (and hes been doing more blockbusters), he chooses to do interviews and do red carpet events. If he hated fame so much, he wouldnt do it.
Anyway, just my two cents. I still think hes a great actor.
I can hear Heath Ledger in 10 Things I Hate About You:
“You sayin’ I’m not a pretty guy?”
Lol! This, so much.
Ugh another full of himself ungrateful, young actor.
He hates fame so much he chose to pose on a national magazine cover. He isnt very smart either is he.
I know a few people who have met him around NYC. They say he’s super nice and friendly to everyone.
That makes me like him 🙂
He’s a try-hard. Try-hards are boring and pretentious.
Doesn’t it bother anyone that he basically called Emily Blunt a girl? I’m sorry, but she’s a fully grown 29-year-old with a career and a husband. What “adult” milestones does she have to achieve before this douche calls her what she is– a woman?
sh*t…say what you want, but I would rather be unfunny if it meant I can get a satisfactory answer when I ask the mirror who the fairest of them all is!
Tina Fey. End of discussion
Man, this is so sad to read that he is known to be a douche. I watched 500 Days of Summer several weeks ago and found him incredibly charming and sweet in that film. Dammit! I also liked him on 3rd Rock from the Sun when I was growing up but he has seriously matured into a handsome young man. I usually don’t like hipster dudes either, but right now I am having a bit of a crush on JGL. I can’t help it.
By stating that Emily Blunt is an exception to the rule that pretty women aren’t funny, JGL is simply acting in accordance with what seems like a pretty widespread belief: you can’t really compliment a woman unless you insult other women in the process.
See also: any compliment that involves calling someone a “real” woman.
meh. I still see him as that dorky kid from 3rd planet from the sun.
Same here. He hasn’t changed that much since his 3rd Rock days. I’ve seen him on talk shows and it seems like he’s awkwardly putting on an act.
His comment at Comic-Con was a stupid generalization. You would think after all these years in the public eye he’d be more adept at answering reporter questions.
He gets better looking with age still he’s teeny tiny
Supposedly, he was trying to compliment Emily Blunt in a “pretty girls aren’t usually funny but Emily is! look at that!” but it just came across as douchey.
As if male comedians are hot pieces of arse? Seriously have you took a look at male comedians JGL? Not the most attractive bunch of funny people. Women and men often differ in how they present their form of funny. Maybe thats why we may assume women are less funny? The delivery not the actual ‘funny’ part is where the main difference is IMO. I have met some seriously funny women and some humorless men. He’s a little pretentious but at least he was honest in his opinion.
Damn that sucks I am funny as hell so I must be uuuuggly.
I think he’s douchey, sure. I think he’s also trying to come across as more likeable. And I think the statement he made was taken out of context. I read it as him trying to pay a compliment.
He annoys me. He’s good looking and everything, but i feel like he’s got his head up his butt. Really, he’s a celebrity in a multimillion dollar movie with questionable artistic value complaining about how americans care too much about celebrities while he gives an interview about himself and his new movie in a popular magazine? Uh anyone else feels thats slightly hypocritical? Why doesnt he do indie movies? Or is it that he enjoys the perks of being a celebrity and just not the circumstances that grant him those perks. Also I have seen some beautiful and funny women. Ever heard of aisha tyler? Why would a womans looks have anything to do with her comedic mind? Is it that a woman who puts effort into her looks has no substance and therefore can not be funny? Or is that a woman who is genetically gifted cant be born with a good sense of humor too? Seriously this guy sounds like a formerly socially awkward guy who no one would talk to and ended up forming a superiority complex because of it.
LOL. Yes he does seem like that. He is going down the same path as James Franco. He is also giving that ” I am an ARTISTE” vibe just like JF.
Did anyone notice the “it was reported” part of the pretty girl/funny comment? That’s the biggest tabloid fake crap you can say. And this time it’s like passing on information that was ‘reportedly reported’! I don’t believe it. And as far as SNL goes, it was refreshing to see someone who was really excited and appreciative of the fact they were on the show. He put effort into it. And as far as what he said in print, that’s why they invented emoticons because how many times have people had disagreements or were insulted or misunderstood because imply our own thoughts/emotions onto what is written? Tone of voice, body language, is just as important as the words when we decipher what we perceive is being communicated. This is not the most eloquently typed message, but I’m major tired but just had to get it off my chest.
Ok scratch the first few lines of my post. But I just watched the clip and I really think it didn’t come out like he meant it. It was a sincere compliment and he’s pretty good friends with Zooey, who I think is a smart, funny talented person. So maybe in his experience Zooey and Emily are not what he’s typically experienced with other actresses who are more heralded for their beauty. Someone like Blake Lively comes to mind. Apologies to Blake fans.
I’m really over all the hate at him and James Franco and referring to them as douche bags just because they are different and have opinions. They are well read and highly educated intellectuals, and they have a hell of a lot more to talk about in interviews then muscle building and who they’re dating. As for saying he’s up himself because he thinks he’s above all that Hollywood crap, anyone with any brains would think that!
^Absolutely! And thank you. JGL’s parents are activists I highly respect, and it warms my heart to hear him speak, with in-depth knowledge, on things like geo-politics. He’s truly well-educated, and all these accusations of pretentiousness speaks more about the people making them. If you pay attention to what he says, and have a bit of substance between your ears, you’ll realize he’s neither fake or pretentious. He’s a just a smart, well-rounded kid with a strong set of morals. He’s also a very talented musician, as well as a powerful actor. I think that more than qualifies him as an “artist,” so guess what, he gets to talk about his art, people.
Oy! Actors and actresses who use their glossy spreads in magazines to bitch about the shallowness of celebrity culture get on my last nerve. No one in the world would care what this moron thought about anything if he weren’t a celeb. A good way to not play into a culture you think is meaningless would be to not do GQ covers whenever you have a film to sell.
I think the phrasing is not insulting.
Think about these two sentences:
“Most pretty girls aren’t funny.”
“Most funny girls aren’t pretty.”
The second sentence is an insult to funny girls – but he did not say that. He said the first sentence. The first sentence is not an insult, it is true.
There are a lot of pretty girls.
There are not a lot of funny girls.
It is easy to find a pretty girl, but it is not easy to find a pretty girl that is funny.
Well, I’m just glad that Emily didn’t laugh at his “joke”. That gets on my nerves when I see women kissing the ass of every man they see.
Didn’t he also say that Batman doesn’t need to promote itself too at Comic-Con? Uggh this particular Batman triology isn’t as big as something like Star wars,LOTR,Star Trek,Spiderman. Whats he talking about. I never got the fuss over Christopher Nolans Batman and why people think its so great. Its not.How big is his role anyways?
Heh. Do you get it now?
I Honestly think that his comment is reflective of his own experiences. Perhaps in his world he encounters many vapid beautiful women who never developed a sense of humor because they were more concerned with other things. I actually do think he is an artist, he can blend into so many drastically different roles seamlessly, and breathe depth and pathos into them. Perhaps his comment isn’t truly accurate of all pretty women out there, but the fact that he made the statement does not make the guy a douche.
On the one hand I’m a little offended by his comment. On the other hand alot of humor is really rooted in painful experiences and really good looking people tend to have fewer of these experiences as people fawn over them and tend to want to make them happy. Atleast he’s honest about he was a bit of douche and he’s growing out of it.
Dear JGL!
I see that a lot of girls are angry but I’m not so will you just marry me already?
Oh,I guess I’m dreaming again…