“Jonathan Rhys Meyers is your newest (non-sparkly) vampire” links

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is coming to NBC. To play a really weird, awful version of Dracula. I mean… I’m glad he’s sober (??), but this sounds horrible. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Christina Aguilera without makeup – kind of nice, actually. [Evil Beet]
Kate Bosworth is trying to get attention. Haha. [Popoholic]
Snooki is going to film herself giving birth. Cough. [The Blemish]
More photos of Jennifer Aniston and the fake baby. [INFDaily]
Mila Kunis & Ashton are living together? Ugh. [Celebslam]
Arrested Development script!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Gawker]
I love this Twihard video, and I’m not going to make fun of her either. [CDAN]
Taylor Kitsch’s butt. [OMG Blog]
Get your Sons of Anarchy news here! [Celebs]
OMG, look at JK Rowlings’ treehouse!!! [Limelife]
Rachel Zoe “loved” her pregnancy curves. Cough. [Life & Style]
The Situation has a new girlfriend? Bedhead thinks he’s gay, right? [Reality Tea]
Before They Were Famous: Jeremy Renner. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Elisabetta Canalis & Steve-O are back on. [Hollywood Rag]
Vanessa Minnillo is super-preggo, but she hasn’t gained any weight on her face. [Bitten & Bound]
Keira Knightley doesn’t want to do big movies anymore. [Starpulse]

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36 Responses to ““Jonathan Rhys Meyers is your newest (non-sparkly) vampire” links”

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  1. Sirsnarksalot says:

    Call me crazy but I find him incredibly hot and he reminds me of Joaquin Phoenix (who I also have quite the weakness for). Put them together in a costume drama and my ovaries may spontaneously explode.

    • searching4grace says:

      He looks like a cross between Phoenix and Eminem to me. He’s got those crazy eyes going for him.

    • Kellie says:

      If you’re crazy, I’m insane. I think he is divine.

  2. LeeLoo says:

    I’m just glad JRM is sober. I can go back to having a huge crush on him again.

  3. Esmom says:

    I used to find him hot. I swooned over him in Match Point. Now, not so much. He reminds me a bit of an aging Elvis Presley without the bloat.

  4. Roma says:

    I think JRM is the only celebrity that I actively fan-girl over and I might cry if I met him in person.

    I’m glad he’s seemingly sober and hopefully this won’t be epically awful. He makes me miss HGF.

  5. however says:

    christina actual looks better with less makeup she has great skin, minus the puffy face

  6. RocketMerry says:

    I think the Dracula thing could work. It might. They need to be meticuolosly careful with the script and make it critic-proof.

    As for Keira… I kinda get her point. As long as she does movies that I can watch over here in Italy, she has my blessing 🙂

  7. mia girl says:

    Why is JRM wearing wicker chair? Honestly, I was not aware that Pier1 had come out with a clothing line.

  8. Turtle Dove says:

    It doesn’t sound that bad, BUT remember that other vampire series that failed a couple years ago, “Moonlight”? I liked it, but it got cancelled after one season.

    JRM is too good for regular network shows.

  9. Lucy2 says:

    With that one little photo, Ron Howard has made my week. Possibly my month. Long live the Bluths!!!

  10. Kimlee says:

    If Mila Kunis & Ashton are living together then in the next couple of weeks I expect to see Demi in another photo op or story of her BF living with her that woman desperation knows no bonds.

  11. blondie10101 says:

    He’s an amazing actor as well as a BEAUTIFUL Irishman!

  12. Barbara says:

    Pleased to see he has been addressing his demons. He is really an “actor”….

  13. mln76 says:

    I don’t know where else to post this but between the Cruise/Holmes split the K-Stew Twi-hard craziness this is going to be a summer of major gossip.

    As a Brangeloonie I’m going to say 7 Hail Marys to pray for their happy home.

    I’m only half kidding.

    • normades says:

      I know. This summer has been epic. Travolta, Depp, Cruise, Robsten, Jacksons…I haven’t been this excited since Bleo. Thank you gossip gods! I keep thinking one more BIG bomb will come before fall. ***fingers crossed!!!***

    • thyphoid marys says:

      I want to comment on Vanessa Minillo, she looks so gorgeous while pregnant! You can tell she has taken really good care of herself eating quality food, unlike some blonde blimp i know of who ate for 3 and ordered fried oreos, slutties and buttered pop tarts while pregnant. Good riddance, Lachey! Can’t stand blimpson.

  14. Blue says:

    I don’t find him hot anymore. He has the components but something about him seems off now. I love his eyes though.

    Damn Vanessa Minnilo is allllll belly.

    • gg says:

      Because he’s not posing his face all sexily. Maybe he’s gotten over himself – he’ll be a better actor now. I’m glad they’re going back to real vampires now. Sick of the candyass version. Vampires are supposed to be ugly and evil, according to the original version.

      • lrm says:

        I think b/c he used to model first, it took awhile for him to lose the ‘model pose’ in every photo or even on screen-the way he would walk was runway esque sometimes….
        regardless, i love his acting-and thought he was gorgeous in younger days-and that accent!!!! sigh.

  15. mln76 says:

    Can’t forgive JRM for the racial slurs drunk or not.., Demi and Asston were never legally married which is why they’ll never legally divorce and hope everyone forgets about the marriage.

    • lena80 says:

      Thank You!

      Everyone in here talking about how hot he is and how they fanggirl over him is disturbing!

  16. Sumodo1 says:

    Mila could do soooooo much better. Jes’ sayin’

  17. ZenB!tch says:

    JRM is way too femme for me BUT I think he has the cheekbones to make a fantabulous vampire. Good luck.

    Jeremy Renner as a stoner looks more 80s than 90s. I laughed.

    Mila could do sooooo much better. Anyone can.

    Xtina wears way too much make up.

  18. dlc says:

    I’ve always thought Christina A was prettier without the drag queen makeup…

  19. juicyjackie says:

    He makes my panties moist. That is all.

  20. alonsyalonso1 says:

    Don’t do it, JRM!!!!! I ‘m still mourning over Michael Sheen doing that crap! You’re too good an actor!

  21. GoodCapon says:

    I had a dream about him the other day. 😉

    I think he’s hot -especially in The Tudors. Only slightly eclipsed by Henry Cavill.

  22. Sean says:

    I find him so sexy!

  23. liteNOTSObrite says:

    Yes. JRM is H O double T HOT!

  24. liteNOTSObrite says:

    Yes. JRM is H O double T HOTT!

  25. Onyx XV says:

    He must be desperate, because that sounds awful. No. More. Vampires. The vampire motif has been played out.