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4 Responses to “Nicole Richie is Good Charlotte’s Yoko Ono”

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  1. Bitch Please says:

    Weird, though. When he dated Hilary, she was getting scary skinny. I guess this guy likes his women starving.

  2. Maria says:

    they talk about how benji says joel and nicole are moving to fast look at him after 5 months he is getting engaged to someone who is probably trying to profit from his celebrity staus to gain her own!!! good luck to both of them they’ll need it, who dates woman that skinny it’s gross and very unhealthy. As an avid good charlotte fan who has been with them since they first came on the scene they seem to be letting Hollywood and the L.A. scene take there whole lives over. I still got mad love for you guys hopefully all works out, 5 months barely scratches the surface of knowing anyone find out what they are capable of be with them for atleast a year then make a huge decision like marriage!! congrats benji

  3. Natalie says:

    Yeah i agree w/ Maria…
    How can you know what someone is all about in just a few short weeks or in Benji’s case a few months? I guess they know there situation better than us but it seems like things are moving along very fast! My opinion is if Benji asked her to merry him then he must see something in her. good luck to him and her!

  4. buldak says:

    i love Joel maddEn bUt i haTe nicole so mucH