Celebrity spirit channelers: Anne Heche and… Brad Pitt?

Brad Pitt is shown on 1/27/08; Anne Heche on 6/7/07. Credit: PRPhotos

This week’s tabloids have stories of two celebrities who are into holding seances and channeling spirits. One is unsurprising, but another is a celebrity you wouldn’t expect to be into that sort of thing. According to the National Enquirer, Anne Heche is friends with a seer who claims to contact the dead and Heche has been holding seances to talk to her departed relatives. If Star Magazine is to be believed, Brad Pitt also thinks he’s communing with the dead and is into “deep-trance spirit channeling.” I would bet that Pitt is only doing meditative practices when he can find the time and that Star is twisting it into something else. Either that or Star is trying to promote the documentary they’re name-dropping:

Pals say [Anne Heche] is hosting seances to contact long-dead relatives…

“Anne recently became friends with this New Age seer who sold her a psychic trip about connecting with ancestors going back to the 15th century,” said the pal.

The psychic claims she can see the dead and talk to them, and Anne now believes she has a long-lost sister whom she hopes to contact through the medium, said the souce.

“Anne’s held at least four seances with close friends and believes her link to the past will help her pave the way for a smoother future,” the source said.

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, December 15, 2008]

Pitt is said to be into a more individual form of contacting spirits – deep trance channeling. Star does get the first part of the story right as Brad has talked in interviews recently about his quest for meaning:

[Brad Pitt] is “having sort of a midlife crisis,” a source tells Star. “He’s asking the big questions, like ‘What do I want to do with the rest of my life?'” Brad is turning to spiritual leaders, including the Dalai Lama, for advice. He’s also taken up deep-trance spirit channeling, trying to commune with ghosts, after watching the documentary Tuning In: Spirit Channelers in America. Angelina Jolie is trying to be supportive but is now worried that Brad may become obsessed. Says the source, “He’s looking for a script about channeling, but Angie’s afraid that if he tries to bring it into the mainstream, people will really think he’s gone off the deep end.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition, December 15, 2008]

I highly doubt that Pitt is into this, but there are some compelling aspects to it and it’s different than a typical seance. The deep spirit channelers in that film that Pitt supposedly watched claim they’re channeling these evolved bengs that have messages of hope and understanding for mankind. Some, like Lee Carroll, have meditation exercises that help you relax and receive messages from what they claim is a divine source. It’s not something I believe but the themes of hope and personal enlightenment these channelers are touting are universal. You can learn more about it by viewing a few videos on YouTube, linked below. Some of the people seem somewhat sincere and others seem full of it.

It seems strange and rather bogus to me, but people get into this and it does provide a kind of guidance and belief system that is not unlike religion or self help in general. I’ve had friends that believed in stuff like this and I’m not one to judge. All that said, this is Star Magazine reporting this blurb and it seems suspicious that they’re mentioning a certain documentary. It could be the last time we’re hearing “Pitt” and “Spirit Channeling” together – at least until this rumor dies down on the Internet in about ten days.

Here’s more about “deep spirit channeling.” Some of these videos are kind of amusing, especially when you check out the expressions on these people’s faces as they “channel.”

– Trailer for Tuning In: Spirit Channelers in America
– Darryl Anka channeling Bashar, talks about “Abundance” and living in the moment
– A deep spirit channeling meditation that is similar to other guided meditations.
Lee Carroll channels Kryon.
– This guy was not featured in the documentary I just couldn’t pass this up. Bart Smit channels Dr. Williams.
Esther Hicks channels Veronica. She wasn’t featured in the documentary either.

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23 Responses to “Celebrity spirit channelers: Anne Heche and… Brad Pitt?”

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  1. Tess says:

    Too much money. Fundamentally empty lives. That’s really the issue.

    Oh, to be a celeb. Gotta problem? Ring up the Dalai Lama.

  2. Baholicious says:

    People have to be careful with this because for every one genuine medium there are about 1,000 New Age flakes. If anyone is interested they should look into attending a message service at a Spiritualist church. It should look like a regular church – because it is – it has a Christian service except the minister is a medium. There are messages for some people in attendance, depending on whoever ‘comes through.’ I went to such a service once and received a message. All I can tell you is this woman was the real deal. But again, look into where you go and it can be a very rewarding experience.

  3. Yourself says:

    Brad needs it. I guess he is wondering why he is living a dream but is so unhappy. Wait till the kids are teens and he is out of work. Then he will really need those seances

  4. doodahs says:

    Weird! I had a dream about Brad last night… We were in the desert and he was at a table (yes there were tables) with Shiloh and Angie and some bodyguards. For some reason I was invisible, so Brad and I went for a walk and he was asking me about the meaning of life and pressing me for details on the deeper meaning of his existence. Zoinks!

  5. susie leigh says:

    Anne’s off her meds again, I guess.

  6. Levi says:

    I’m with Yourself!

  7. Mae says:

    Maybe he is finally waking up and asking the big questions. Just maybe he is feeling bad and knows that the afterworld won’t forget like we all seem to do. Good for Brad bad for Angelina….when he wakes up he might not like where he is. Karma!

  8. SeVen says:

    My Karma ran over your Dogma ! RAWR

  9. Thumbelina says:

    @Baholicious: yes, going to a Spiritualist church service is a more genuine experience. I’ve attended and received messages that were right on the mark.

  10. Rosebudd says:

    People mesing w/ this stuff really ought to be careful. You never know what door leads into the dark side. Try praying!!!!

  11. lulu says:

    I can’t believe what the won’t do to promote a movie or get publicity.

  12. orion70 says:

    Brad looks like he’s readying to audition for bad 70’s porn.

  13. keltilass says:

    Anne has to be off her meds she pregger. As for Brad… I don’t buy it.

  14. Codzilla says:

    Why for the love of God (or insert your preferred deity here), does Brad let people do that to his hair? He looks like he should be driving a white Land Rover in a pink Nike sweatsuit. 😯

  15. Frenchie says:

    Are those things existing ? Like a psychiatric, I would never do unless I really need to. You don’t know what you might find… ignorance is bliss.

  16. vdantev says:

    Brad does remind me of this douchenozzle who drove past me in his HumVee 2 yapping on his cellphone, not minding the road.

  17. SeVen says:

    Rosebudd # 10 ….. youre not that crazy chick from Trading Spouses are ya… the ” God warrior” …..


    And a happy link for those of you who havent been subjected to the madness


    DORK SIDED. For the record, being Wiccan this kind of stuff can be fun if you treat it like you should treat life – dont take shit so serious!


  18. nemo2000 says:

    I don’t know about the Spiritualist Church… I’d have to attend a service before I’d have any kind of opinion.

    However, going on what I believe so far, that if there is a God well then God takes care of the afterlife, if there are ‘mediums’ out there then it seems like a lot of people wouldn’t try to seek comfort in God they would just try to find answers from a medium. Kind of like how some people really believe they can’t be forgiven unless they go talk to a priest first.

    I believe in a God, and that it’s a personal one…

    Also SeVen, in Rosebudd’s defense, she was in no way trying to enforce her beliefs on anybody. Not all followers of Christ are fanatic bible-thumpers.

  19. IMO says:

    If you make too many changes you can’t undo- you get stuck.

    He has lost all his confidence, stability and sense of self, and looks like he is going through hell and doesn’t know how to get out of the situation.

  20. IMO says:

    Brad is a great “cautionary tale” for all the men about to enter their 40s and go through the known midlife crisis.

  21. Liz says:

    I think it is healthy to continuously ask oneself questions of meaning, how life is going, what it should be, and the like. That doesn’t translate to “crisis”.

  22. Judy says:

    Just more hogwash LOL When does Pitt have the time to meditate about anything with 6 kids..much less go anywhere with this broad.lol

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