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53 Responses to “Brad and Angelina argue over how to treat household staff”

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  1. GrnMtGirl says:

    Before reading this article I was sure that it was Brad who was befriending the staff and Angelina who was being cold with them. Now my whole world is turned upside down. 😯

  2. geronimo says:

    The truth, as with most gossip, is probably somewhere in the middle. Although I’m having trouble imagining Pitt laying down the law about anything!! I’m sure he’s a nice employer and a professional one but a strict one?! Just not registering!

    But I do think this is a far more realistic pic of their relationship than the one where people have AJ saying jump and BP saying how high.

  3. devilgirl says:

    Could this story be part of her manipulation of the press- painting Pitt as the “strict employer” and her as the “good cop” in this instance, in order to soften her image.?

  4. busybee says:

    To be honest, I know someone who has worked for them, and there were some VERY strict groundrules.

    He wasn’t even allowed to look at AJ or the kids. Let alone talk to them. That was out of the question.

    Maybe it’s more of the inner circle of “help” that she talks to, like the nannies. That would only make sense since they’re with the kids all the time.

  5. Mairead says:

    Before reading this article I was sure that it was Brad who was befriending the staff and Angelina who was being cold with them. Now my whole world is turned upside down.

    Oh I know GtnMtGirl. I was warming up my eye-rolling muscles as I clicked the link and am now finding that I have a cramp in my eyebrow-raising ones instead!

    Although AJ does seem at times to be the world’s biggest chatterbox, I’m not sure that this story is completely true. (And come on, pretty much everyone except the most die-hard of fans expects them to argue just like 90% of other couples)

    Brad is right though, you can be friendly with your employees all you like and try to be a likeable boss, but while you’re paying their wages, they’re still employees and can and will leave at some point. Doesn’t mean he’s a cold-calculating elitist though, which is the way the “source” is phrasing it.

    EDIT: Really busybee. How interesting. Without getting your friend into trouble, was it one or t’other doing the whole “upstairs downstairs” thing or both?

  6. geronimo says:

    “He wasn’t even allowed to look at AJ or the kids.”

    Hmmm. Not doubting you or anything but how would somebody enforce that particular rule? LOL!

  7. SeVen says:

    I can imagine Angie giving gifts to the help on holidays and fun times and Brad having fun with it, but I remember last year i think it was, someone shot out the window of one of their vehicles, so i can understand his need for privacy / security.

  8. 88modesty88 says:

    LOL, I have to agree with GrnMtGirl — I thought it must be Angie who’s standoffish and Brad who’s the nice guy…

    It’s a pleasant surprise that Angie’s the one who’s blurring the lines, I think!

  9. Kristen says:

    I knew someone would throw in – Jolie’s trying to soften her image.

  10. Mairead says:

    On a sadder note though – that botox vein seems to be back on her forehead 🙁 it’s a real shame as she looks fab in these photos otherwise

    Brad’s ‘tache is kinda growing on me though. Perhaps it’s the influence of the tux?

  11. Celebitchy says:

    I would believe that she is friendly with the staff and Brad is more careful about it. Just compare their interview styles – Angelina is the chatty one and is much more open while Brad is guarded. This is a cute story – Ceilidh is right!

  12. 88modesty88 says:

    Mairead, I have a vein like that on my forehead… No botox, no “heroin use” (I don’t buy the latter rumour, in any case)…

    The vein started appearing a couple of years ago — from coughing and sneezing with great force (asthma and prevailing sinus troubles). I also have veins that seem to be a hairbreadth from the surface of my skin.

    I’m 35, a few years older than Angie, but I’m thinking the bulging vein may be just because of her veins being close to the surface — as seen in all the pics where her arms are visible.

    Just sayin’!

  13. Kaiser says:

    I bet Angie is demanding of staff, but nice about it. She’s been able to keep her assistant on for like a decade – either she pays really well or she’s a good boss. Or both.

    It does seem more likely that Brad’s the pushover, though. Hmmm….

    Edit: Man, they look gorgeous in these premiere pics. Yea!

  14. busybee says:

    RE Mairead:

    It was Angelina that was more standoffish and made sure he knew that they were NOT to be disturbed or the children even looked at. (Which, I can understand the premise considering their life, and the rumors surrounding them all the time.) But he told me she a was so-and-so about the whole thing.

    It made it really difficult when he had a question about what he was do to, in order to do his job.

    He said that Brad wasn’t that into anything, and he wasn’t around really. but then, my friend has a job to do, and that’s what he was there for. Not spying for ME… darn it!

    RE geronimo:
    The security was tight, but he was simply told not to even look at them if they happened to be in the same room.
    I’m not sure just HOW they would have enforced it.
    He didn’t know how they would do that either. But he got the idea that he was to just leave them alone as much as possible.

    I can only imagine having the “help” STARE at you in your own home. lol

  15. Mairead says:

    Thanks for the alternative view 88modesty 😀

    Jaysis, busybee’s story sounds like something out of The Madness of George III… “A cat may look at a king; what what?”

  16. Kaiser says:

    Wow, so The Brange doesn’t want to be gawked at in their own home. Shocking.

    Mairead – ZOMFG TRAITOR! Botox vein?!? She’s always been veiny! ‘Tis why she’s a saint! Oh Vein Saint!

  17. busybee says:

    Yeah, i really didn’t think that it was too much to ask for to not have the help stare at you.

    It was just HOW he was told the lowdown that bothered him.

    But then, I would be a mega biacht if i was famous like them. So, I can’t really blame them for giving him the rules in such a manner

  18. PJ says:

    Brad seems to have a lot more friends than she does. Maybe she’s lonely and wants to befriend the staff, while he can just call up one of his buddies.

  19. geronimo says:

    Thanks, Busybee, for that. Odd but intriguing!

    I might try that with my staff. Oh wait…small but admittedly vital flaw in my plan…! 😀

  20. Codzilla says:

    Oh man, this is going to be a crazy thread. And it’s my day off! Come on all, please don’t disappoint! 😀

  21. Kaiser says:

    People has a nice little story about the premiere. Brad’s parents came.,,20245084,00.html

  22. Mairead says:

    Mein Vein Sein(t) :mrgreen:

    Oooooh busybee – what did she say? Did she threaten to do her Alexander accent? Did she? Did she?
    At least she was giving the proclaimations herself.

    But to be fair, she has to lead by example for when Ms. Z is Empress of the Known Universe. 😆

  23. busybee says:


    I can only imagine the amount of crap these 2 have to put up with, especially with people who come in and work for them, or that work for contractors they hire.

    She didn’t do the accent, but that would have been funny.

    As for her befriending the employees, I guess their life can be lonely, too. Not knowing who to really trust with the tabs paying a ton of money to anyone who can give them a tidbit.

    Or maybe i’m just naive.

  24. Cheyenne says:

    Kaiser, saw that. It looks like the four of them had a good time together. Jane Pitt looked very chic and Angelina looked drop-dead gorgeous as per usual. The Pitt men were looking fine as well.

    Angie and Jane Pitt should have dropped a clue to Brad’s co-star, Cate Blanchett. Poor Cate looked like a dilapidated Christmas tree.

  25. geronimo says:

    💡 I think I know why they would have this stipulation in their employee contracts:

    Remember Michael K’s (dlisted) post when the twins’ pics were about to be released – he warned not to gaze directly upon them as the sheer, other-worldly perfection of them would very likely cause mass blindness in the viewer.

    This is why staff are asked to avert their eyes – it’s a Health & Safety issue…. 😉

  26. daisy424 says:

    Great story Ceilidh, thanks. 😉

    Kaiser, that link is fabulous, they all look so happy and at ease. Looks like Jane and Angie have buried the so called (PP) hatchet.

    I am surprised by this if true. Angie always has come across to me as being in charge of the kids, running the house, etc.
    Buying gifts for the staff is a sweet gesture and shows how much she appreciates them, good move.
    As far as the staff being instructed not to look at them, sounds iffy to me, a misunderstanding maybe??

  27. bwoz says:

    Seriously — is Brad TRYING to look like Snidley Whiplash in these photos, or what!?!?!??!?!

  28. Rosanna says:

    When one spends a lot of time with an employee (like a secretary for example, or a nanny, or a maid who comes over on regular basis) it’s only natural to develop a relationship… furthermore, IF the two hit off, professional or not, a closer relationship IS going to happen. If it’s true, I think Brad is stiff and unrealistic.

  29. aleach says:

    anyways i would have def. thought it was the other way around, brad the nice guy and angie the biotch! what a surprise!

  30. MsTriste says:

    OT: It’s nice to see Angelina with some weight on her. Why, she might even be wearing spanx!

  31. drm says:

    My GOD! A vein in her forehead!! Amazing what people will pick on…

    She is the most beautiful woman…I had twins in 94 and I NEVER looked like that…before or after.

    @Ms Triste – she probably IS wearing spanx! Even skinny minnies like Eva Longoria wear them. Has anyone on her tried any of that stuff? I’m thinking of going out and buying a couple of garments…are they uncomfortable?

  32. Mairead says:

    *clutches onto my BADette membership card* No can haz giving up card!!! 😯

    In relation to your second question drm – yes. But only if you’re larger. Get ones which have a light or graduated elastic at the legs and waist otherwise they can dig in. They give a great line under clothes though.

    @ geronimo: oh well, if it’s ‘Elf and Safetee ,that’s ok then.

    I just got the oddest vision of the entire staff wearing Hi-Viz jackets and bumping into each other as they’re looking away. Must be hell constantly looking at the ceiling or on the floor incase one of the little rugrats comes tearing by and you might accidentally catch sight of them!

  33. Codzilla says:

    drm: I tried a body shaper after giving birth, and the straps dug into my shoulders like crazy. I finally just took the damn thing off and let it all hang out. But this particular garment was on the cheap side, so maybe if you invest in a decent brand, you’ll have a better experience.

  34. irl says:

    Brad gathers his personality a little at a time from each woman he’s with.
    I think he must have picked it up from Gwynie.

  35. mollination says:

    I hate to be all know-it-all-ish but I totally had this pegged before opening the article. This is exactly the vibe i get from them, and why I get so frustrated at people for going off of “personas” only. Pay attention to the subtle details. Pitt is more guarded. Angie loves to share.

  36. Kaiser says:

    *wrenching BADette card from Mairead*

    You don’t deserve it after that vein comment!

    Ah, it’s quiet around here. Like the calm before the storm.

  37. Kristin says:

    They look so smug in that first pic.

  38. I’m sure this story is a little skewed (aren’t most gossip stories?) but if there’s any truth to it, it’s a very sweet little piece.

  39. Mairead says:

    *wrenching BADette card from Mairead*

    Hiiiiiiiisssssssssssssss MINE!!!

    Besides, you’re not the boss of me! 😛

    Princess Z is 😯

    If it makes you feel any better I love the photos in the link you posted. And she does look beautiful. Hell I even gave Brad a compliment earlier! How often do I do that, unless it’s about Make it Right?

  40. Kaiser says:

    Mairead, fine. I shall alert Her Royal Highness to your “vein” comment. Then she’ll take the BADette card from you! HAHA! 😆 😯 😆

    Edit: Okay, okay. But Princess Z sayz you’re on notice. They do look pretty at the premiere, don’t they?

  41. ak says:

    I’ve only ever known one person who had “staff”–a housekeeper. He felt that it was better for everyone if there was a minimum of personal gooeyness. Me, I could not stand having some poor woman cleaning right in front of me while I drank coffee with my feet up. But when I would ask her if, e.g., she wanted to join me for a cup, she did seem uncomfortable. She probably just wanted to do her job in peace without Miss Middle-Class Guilt butting in.

    On the other hand, if I had a bodyguard, I would want him/her to like me and feel personally invested in my welfare.

  42. jeannified says:

    Well, Brad was the bigger A list star before this, but they are both equal now. However, this is who Angelina is, and Brad needs to relax and just deal with that. If he feels that strongly about his position, though, I guess they WILL have the occasional argument. You can’t change who people are! I still think he’s MUCH better off with Angie than Jennifer though!

  43. Cheyenne says:

    Here is a very niice video of the premiere last night. Jane Pitt is speaking at the end of it. She’s showing off a gold charm bracelet with the names of all her 14 grandchildren on it. She says Brad and Angie gave it to her and it’s her most prized possession.

    Actually, I don’t think there was ever a hatchet between Jane and Angie to bury. It was more tabloid bullshit. Angie has given Bill and Jane six lovely grandchildren and if for no other reason than that, she is special to them.

    Go here to see the video:

  44. monica says:

    she looks like olive olle….

  45. Goddess711 says:

    Seems like BP is a control the younger broad freak and it seems like AJ is into that if we all have a look at her relationship track record…

  46. morgs says:

    I like it better when her hair looks softer. That updo makes her look too severe. Brad’s looking better, but Angie could’ve (and has) done way better.

  47. enchantress says:

    That is such an unattractive look for Brad. He looks like Benny the Banker – not hot at all.

  48. Ashley says:

    Wow I went into this thinking she would be the bitch.

    Personally I think they should be treated like human beings. I can see why some people treat their staff like family (Flipping Out anyone?). It might make you lose the upperhand but you catch more flies with honey.

  49. Yourself says:

    I can guess that this was recieved by an anonymous fax sent to page six. Clearly it is a attempt to make Angelina look soft and remove the resident bitch image. Sadly you cannot do that after admitting you had an affair with a amrried man and you continue hurting his ex who has never wronged you in anyway. Angelina = evil. It doesn’t matter how much she tries to maipulate the press.

  50. NotBlonde says:

    Hmmm…interesting. Reading through these comments I’ve noticed nothing but niceties and critiques about superficial things. Unlike certain other threads…and you people claim that “others” say the same horrible stuff about these two. Please.

  51. Jacqueline says:

    well, I certainly have big=problems taking my eyes off the Jolie-Pitts . . . . . . and bodyguards are paid to ensure safety, so they should definitely be looking all around 24×7.
    IF there is any truth in this information, I’d guess that staff were REMINDED that their job was to look-out rather than look-at. I’ve seen Brad do this a lot, and agree w. mollination: that Brad is more guarded.
    I’ve also noticed the children’s attachment to certain staff, so maybe Angelina tries to acknowlege their desires – it must be difficult for the children to understand that staff are not there to be firendly with.

  52. C says:

    Who is Angie actually friends with anyway? Any woman with a boyfriend/husband probably won’t be looking to be her friend. As for Brad – same for a guy with a girlfriend/wife. That’s why they are surrounding themselves with kids – those that don’t know any better yet.

  53. eajk says:

    MY GOD they look like Morticia and Gomez Adams!!!!