Brad Pitt also says he fell in love with Angelina making Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Brad Pitt is on the upcoming cover of Rolling Stone Magazine and US Weekly has some advance details of the interview. He talks about his mortality and defends his partner, Angelina Jolie, against accusations that she manipulates the press. As for when he fell for Angelina, he volunteers the potentially controversial tidbit that they fell in love on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, confirming a statement that Angelina made to the NY Times. He’s got to know that he’s fueling the gossip press with statements like that, but maybe he’s just firmly standing behind Angelina and showing that he supports what she said:

“Angie and I do not fight anymore,” he says. “What occurred to me on this film, and also with the passing of her mother [actress Marcheline Bertrand in 2007], is that there’s going to come a time when I’m not going to get to be with this person anymore. I’m not going to get to be with my children anymore. Or friends, people I love and respect. And so, if we have a flare-up, it evaporates now.”

Adds the actor, 44, “I don’t want to waste time being angry at someone I love.”

During the interview, Pitt also gets defensive about Jolie, with whom he has six children.

Asked about a recent New York Times article stating how good Jolie is at controlling the press, Pitt says, “It sounded to me like the story made Angie out to be manipulative in some way. She is savvy.”

He continues, “I get defensive. [They’re] talking about not only the woman I love, but one of the people on this planet who I have the greatest respect for. I think she’s as honorable as anyone I’ve ever met.

He adds Jolie got him into flying.

“She’s definitely more experienced,” he says. “Yeah, she’s badass.”

[From US Weekly]

Rolling Stone has a segment of the article available online in advance of the print version, which is out Friday. The writer says that Pitt was nervous during the interview, pacing and fidgeting, which sounds consistent with the way he’s looked in other interviews recently. He doesn’t seem entirely comfortable promoting his films, and who can blame him with the way that his words are twisted and his family’s privacy is invaded?

Pitt does tell a couple of anecdotes that might show that he needs to keep a closer watch on this children’s access to media. He says that he saw Maddox on looking at a white supremacist website he accidentally stumbled on when searching for weapons online. Pitt also admits he took Maddox to see the Clint Eastwood Western The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Is that violent film appropriate for a seven year old?

“Our seven-year-old was searching the word ‘weapons’ on Google the other day and ended up on some white-supremacist site. I’m sure now we’re on all kinds of watch lists…”

Pitt took his oldest son, Maddox, to see The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Maddox loved it. “I have this fantasy of my older days, painting or sculpting or making things,” Pitt says. “I have this fantasy of a bike trip to Chile. I have this fantasy of flying into Morocco. But right now, more and more, it’s about getting the work done and getting home to family. I have an adventure every morning, getting up.”

[From Rolling Stone]

It’s called “Net Nanny,” Brad, you should really install it. Despite saying that he fantasizes about his youth, Pitt told Extra that “I like wisdom that comes with age. I wouldn’t trade it for youth any day.” We all fantasize about the older days, but I know when I was young and free I was also dreaming about true love and a family someday. Sometimes it’s hard to appreciate all the great things that you have.

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106 Responses to “Brad Pitt also says he fell in love with Angelina making Mr. and Mrs. Smith”

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  1. rules says:

    A seven year old is allowed to look up “guns” on the internet? They are clearly not parenting this child.
    And shave your upper lip, it just looks gross.

  2. LOL says:

    When was he completely neutered?

  3. doodahs says:

    Their 7 year old was searching for weapons online? He was actually of his own volition, searching for weapons online? 😯

    Is it me or is this statement just……?

  4. lady garden says:


  5. prissa says:

    Gosh can they quit beating the dead horse at this point? And I always thought Maddox was a bit of a badass…

  6. Christine Baird says:

    Maddox is going to be big trouble when he get’s older. Right now he’s small and cute – give him 8 – 10 years. He may still be small but he won’t be cute and neither will the stuff he’ll be doing. By then Angie and Brad will be old and ugly and no one will be interested in them anymore. But everyone will want to see more of their delinquent kids.

  7. Baholicious says:

    Searching ‘weapons’ on google? How about teaching your kid how to use a dictionary first?

    A 7-year old shouldn’t be ‘badass.’ I’m beginning to think he’s a very bent little boy…

  8. Zoe says:

    Cue ranting 🙄

  9. Bodhi says:

    🙄 I imagine that 7 year olds across to globe have looked up way worse stuff online before.

  10. Alison says:

    I think it is normal for a little boy growing up in today’s world to google anything he hears of – especially things like weapons. He is a boy. The question to ask is why is no one supervising his internet activities to stop him? Or block ‘dangerous’ websites.
    They are strange people and I like Brad Pitt less and less. why would he even bring up when he fell in love with her? Is he trying to hurt, embarass his ex-wife or continue this ridiculous claim of wanting privacy but sharing such an intimate bit of information? My husband and I don’t talk to people about when we fell in love because it is private. Not a big deal, we aren’t famous, but why share then run away claiming the need for more privacy? Did anyone watch the Oprah episode where he wouldn’t even acknowledge his tattoos?

  11. vdantev says:

    Been Here. Done This.

  12. MSat says:

    Well, duh. Of course they fell in love doing that movie.

  13. Codzilla says:

    Why is Brad on the cover of RS’s “Best Albums of the Year” issue? Oh, and I want to know more about Willie Nelson being “Old, Stoned and Unstoppable” but I wouldn’t cough up a hairball in exchange for a copy of RS. That mag blows.

    Ps: Brad was probably pacing nervously during the interview because he knew the consequences would be dire if he forgot his lines.

  14. Alecto says:

    “Brad Pitt also says he fell in love with Angelina making Mr. and Mrs. Smith.”
    Uhhh…big surprise there.
    “He doesn’t seem entirely comfortable promoting his films, and who can blame him with the way that his words are twisted and his family’s privacy is invaded?”
    They make statements like this:
    “Our seven-year-old was searching the word ‘weapons’ on Google the other day and ended up on some white-supremacist site. I’m sure now we’re on all kinds of watch lists…”

    If they don’t want their family put out there in the world then they should stop putting them out there. The more often they run to the press to renew interest in something that was dieing or show the world how different they and their kids are the more over exposed they become. I used to be a Brad and Angie fan but I’m sick of hearing about every bowel movement they make. I’m tired of looking at their faces especially her perfectly unwrinkled forehead. Give me a break. They need to disappear and make movies every now and again already.

  15. Samantha says:

    Its no secret he teaches his kids about guns and I can only assume and hope gun safety as well. Nothing wrong with the kid googling ‘weapons’, maybe he was looking at different kinds of arsenal. As long as they are being responsible in teaching them about guns, I see nothing wrong with it.

  16. cara says:

    I’m sorry, but I too have a problem with a seven year old looking up “weapon”. I’d be more paranoid that if some strange twist of fate came about and some investigative team looked into what someone was looking on on that particular computer, and they find “weapons”, someone’s in a heep of trouble. (i.e: like a paparrazzi get’s shot, shanked, etc.)

  17. geronimo says:

    I couldn’t care less what Maddox is looking up on the internet – not my problem or business – but WHY OH WHY share that particular story in an interview?? Pitt MUST know it’s likely to be swooped upon and dissected? Seriously poor judgement.

    He seems like a nice, decent guy but I’ve never rated him as being too bright and he’s kind of proving it here.

  18. Alecto says:

    My point exactly. Why make those statements when they are only going to be swooped up and make their children more exploited. Then why bitch about it when it happens.

  19. Saffron says:

    Who cares? They’re a boring couple! And their kids are going to have Issues! when they’re older. There’s no way they can get the emotional attention they need from their parents — not nannies — when there are so many children in the family.

  20. Samantha says:

    I completely disagree saff. Just because there is a big family doesn’t mean they wont get enough attention…I know many big families that were really brady bunch-esque, kids did not grow up with issues. Its more when there is an only child..*cough*Suri*cough* But she will have a hard enough life as it is.

  21. Frenchie says:

    hey celebitchy, your 2 last sentences are so true and nice to ear… going from gossip to deep

  22. PJ says:

    This is the first time I’ve ever heard him publicly say he loves Angelina.

    It is sad that he is afraid to say anything to cross her because he’s so afraid of losing the kids (does that sound like a healthy relationship?). I still think their relationship is all about the kids…

  23. Marla says:

    1st of all, Brad Pitt has gone way DOWNHILL!!!UGGGG!!! His looks are awful, so is his attitude, of course he’s sticking up for AJ, but the truth is AJ deserves all the critisism she gets and so does he. What they did was wrong, how on God’s earth can anyone look upto thoes 2 people, when you are in the public’s eye, doing children’s movies for heaven sake you have to be very careful of your decisions and actions. Showing the world it is okay to cheat on your wife, Steal someone else’s husband?? and YES you can steal someone’s husband you just be a tramp, flaunt your stuff in his face and allow shit to happen. Grass is always greener?? I don’t think soo!! We need to look upto celebrities with good morals and who make the right decisions no matter how hard. Yes Brad left JA, for a skank who used sex as her tool. Men mostly think with 1 thing, C’mon Angie can you really trust echother when you went into this relationship dishonestly? NO. Some women get off on taking what they can’t have, biting into the apple…AJ is one of thoes women!! she did the same thing to one of her prior Husbands. He had a girlfriend and along comes AJ (The Astronaut Farmer Dude). Now Brad and AJ they have children and are making more mistakes. What will happen when they grow up, have a relationship, love, lose, get cheated on, and they will find out what their own mother did, she is the CheatEE. WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!!! I am getting so sick of seeing there ugly faces and ugly comments, yeah give money to charity, try to be good..TOO LATE< WE ALL SEE RIGHT THROUGH BRAGELINA< THE WORLDS UGLIEST COUPLE!!!!

  24. Heidi says:

    Way to go hero! Nice to know we’re judging a kid & predecting he’ll be trouble when he grows up.

  25. aleach says:

    they need some new stuff to talk about, right?!
    we get it, you guys are in LOOOOOOVE, you fell in love on the set or a movie you were in together, you have a lot of kids, and they do funny stuff (most kids do, i wouldnt think they are any funnier than every other kid in the world) and you dont like being in the public eye or promoting your films…(uh ok, whatever you say…?). i mean, if youre gunna do interviews, fine! but lets get some new material here folks!

  26. aleach says:

    woah marla, a little too emotionally invested, are we? 😛

  27. HallieB says:

    Marla, you are a complete puzzle to me. How can you be so angry, so very judgemental, about people you do not personally know? Why do you rant about their lives to the extent you do? Anyone with any intelligence knows that they fell in love while making MAMS, just as a married Tom Hanks did with Rita Wilson? Why all the venon reserved for this couple? They love each other, they have six kids together, they clearly have a strong bond. Who are you to determine what happened in these perople’s lives? Can you read, fell in love does not automatically equal an affair? Why is Jen saying Brad is amazing if an affair happened? Maybe, just maybe, Brad and Jen did not love one another and they realized that and decided to split. That scenario is as realistic as yours. You seem to be having some really terrible personal problems in your life in focusing all your bitterness on this family. I feel sorry for you. Brad loves Angelina and their kids, and he is saying how he feels. That is everyone’s right to do so. 2009 is in a few weeks and you are still living back in 2004. Let go for your own mental health’s sake. Blogs should be fun and snarky.

  28. maxi says:

    as i was reading i first thought the article was saying brad was searching online for weapons and saw maddox on the website, however i should have realized it was something so benign as “Our seven-year-old was searching the word ‘weapons’ on Google the other day and ended up on some white-supremacist site.” if that is to be believed they need a better babysitter

  29. Leandra says:

    It’s not that big of a deal. Weapons will hold no mystique for Maddox when he can learn about them now, proper storage and safety too. It’s the kid who finds Daddy’s gun carelessly put away on the top shelf of the closet, then blows his little brother away with it that you have to worry about. Chill.

  30. daisyfly says:

    Marla, what’s your major malfunction?

    Maddox looked up guns online? Big deal. There used to be a time when kids shot real ones at real things at his age. How many kids his age and younger are watching cartoons and shows that are violent and psychologically mind-bending? I can guarantee you a lot of them are – parents rarely monitor what their kids view on television anymore (it’s why ours comes with a parental lock)

    Brad hasn’t aged well, but I never expected him to. He’s totally got Chupacabra genes.

  31. bros says:

    all of the people who are freaking out about the googling of a word should chill the hell out. if google was around when I was 7, there is no end to what I owuld have been typing in there. fairy, barbie, princess, sex, gun, sword, dragon, everything. kids that age now know how to use computers. 7 year old boys tend to like their play guns and numchuks (sp) and swords and whatever else and of course they are going to look it up. i thinks its a perfectly reasonable thing to look up. I dont understand why youre all getting your panties in a bunch of decrying pax’s future deliquency and murderous intentions when he is older, as if you could ever do that with any kid based on what they type into google. you all are seriously warped.

  32. Celebitchy says:

    Maxi that part about Maddox “on” a white supremacist website was misleading, you’re right, and I’ve reworded it. Thanks!

  33. Kaiser says:

    There is a distinct failure of Hater Logic around here. Maddox googled “weapons” and ended up in a place he shouldn’t be. His father caught it and the situation was handled. What is all of this whining and breast-beating about supervision? Brad caught him.

    Bros – I hope no one is watching me as I google “Gerard Butler naked” day after day. 😆

  34. Marla says:

    Sorry, LOL, they just anger me, not on the gun thing, kids do stuff all the time, you can’t watch them every second, but admit you guys went about your relationship the wrong way and maybe this all will end? Enough already, Please tabloids!! enought about Brad, AJ, and JA. By the way please don’t feel sorry for me, my life is great, although sometimes I am too opinionated, that’s all.

  35. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa says:

    I agree with CB that the Brange want to have their cake and it eat too… Do they want privacy? Do they want to “protect” their family from the media? OR do they want to throw out funny anticdotes and set up allegedly random photo op’s of them playing in the park? I know they’re rich, powerful, manipulative – er I mean, “savvy”, and they do a lot of good charity work. But even they have to learn to practice what they preach. And BTW, between the fidgeting and everything, I’m starting to wonder what his problem is? Could he be sick or on drugs or something? Paranoia much there Braddy??

  36. Cheyenne says:

    I always suspected Brad and Angie fell in love while making MAMS but it’s nice to hear both of them confirm it.

    Brad never had to come out and say he loves Angie; his actions speak louder than words ever could.

  37. kate says:

    so sick of these two.

  38. Val says:

    Man people can be so judgemental.
    My 9 year old is a black belt martial artist. He trains 6 days a week about 3 hrs a day. And he is fierce, he knows exactly where to touch that can paralyze an adult. However, he is very well informed about the art and that it is not something you try on people or show others. He wants to go the olympics oneday and he is trained extremely hard and sometimes even difficult to watch as a parent. He actually carries an ID that states his level and that he is licensed to defend his self if necessary. Does that make me a bad parent? My son has never brought home a report card that was not Straight As. He is brilliant and focused, mainly because of the discipline he received from this art that some may think is violent. When you inform children they grow up to be well informed adults. When these kids grow up they will have been so open to many things that they will be less likely to sneak around and experiment. No one really knows about their home life so we should not be so judgemental.
    Its better to supervise and explain when they find something then hearing it the wrong way from others later on.

  39. prismacolor says:

    you would have to be in a coma for the last decade to miss that much of our current violence is connected with media violence and youth as passive observers. so yeah, here is the outcome of some weirdness these two pass on to their kids–star in violent films, have guns in your home (while you have surveillance and bodyguards everywhere) AND then take pictures of yourself with exploited persons living in poverty, often because of violence….

    Decades of psychological research confirms that media violence can increase aggression.

  40. NotBlonde says:

    I’m glad Brad Pitt caught him and everything but both of them are encouraging an apparent interest in weaponry. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing, if taught how to properly handle such things, but the only reason why either of them has needed to do that is because Angelina keeps a collection of knives and daggers in the house. In a house full of children under 10. That just seems massively irresponsible. Even if you teach kids “don’t touch”…they are gonna touch, handle, play with and possibly injure other people with whatever it is when you aren’t around.

    And neither of them can complain about not having privacy. Telling cute little anecdotes about your kids is fine, but don’t turn around and say that everyone is in your business and you want to keep your family life as private as possible. No you do not.

  41. Granger says:

    I’m guessing the people who freak out about Maddox googling “weapons” are childless. Because anyone with a son in the 7-year-old range knows about their hilarious obsessions with Star Wars, Spiderman and Batman, and every weapon one of those characters has ever handled. It doesn’t mean they’re warped. It means they’re KIDS. When I was 7, every boy I knew loved Ninja Turtles and G.I. Joe. Same difference.

  42. gilly says:

    Val congratulaions on having such a talented son, the difference here being martial arts not only teaches about conflict but about discipline, god knows how the jolie pitts discipline their kids but however dont think its actually working.

    When will these two shut the hell up

  43. nina says:

    That’s “childfree”, not “childless”. That’s the new lingo.

  44. Anne says:

    At this point, Pitt is just stirring the pot for publicity and we shouldn’t even pay attention.

    My main concern – who approved that photo!? The man is wearing so much makeup, it looks awful and very obvious.

  45. Baholicious says:

    I am less a child, not less for not having a child so ‘childless’ doesn’t bother me 😀

  46. Jess says:

    At least he is aware that his kid is looking up guns on the internet. How many other “parents” can say that they know what their kids are doing? And then they’re SO surprised and shocked when they shoot up their school!

  47. Samantha says:

    I think if we are all so tired of reading about the Jolie Pitts, we should stop reading the articles written about them. 45 comments on this page…and quite a few directed at how ‘im so tired of reading about them’ blah blah whiny fest. So don’t read about them, so very simple. 😮

  48. irl says:

    Oh geez the same tired stuff outta these 2. “We fell in love, we don’t want attention, blah.”
    We get it – do they? Who are they tring to convince?
    And I wanna know where he “took” Maddox to see The Good, Bad & Ugly. Didn’t know that ancient movie was still running at the theaters. Most people would get it on DVD these days.

  49. Rosanna says:

    BP’s rant is *obviously* a reply to JA’s take on “not cool” AJ.

  50. bros says:

    ok notblond, then I guess they should get rid of the kitchen knife set? what about having knives or daggers at home is ‘massively irresponsible’? I doubt they leave daggers in the twin’s playpen or put knives in the bath with zahara. they are most likely put away somewhere safe, like any normal parent would do with things that could hurt a kid. have you read any stories of one of them being rushed to a hospital due to accidental dagger slashes? dont think so. massively irresponsible. boo freaking hoo.

  51. Cheyenne says:

    A suggestion to everybody who is “so sick of reading about these two”: DON’T CLICK ON THE THREAD.

    It ain’t rocket science.

  52. orion70 says:

    for me it’s not about what he Googled per se…but why would anyone leave a 7 year old unsupervised on a computer? Sorry, but IMHO, any 7 year old should only be on a computer if they happen to be sitting on their parent’s laps or something.

  53. Syko says:

    Kids are curious. Nothing wrong with googling something that interests you, and sometimes you end up somewhere you don’t want to be. I would not want anyone to know some of the things I google (they’re along the same lines as Kaiser). I don’t think it makes me a perv.

    I’d rather have a curious kid who uses a valuable tool, the internet, to try to find out things and learn about things, than to have a pasty faced blob playing with his XBox.

  54. nina says:

    He looks like Scatman John on this photo.

  55. Cheyenne says:

    Why in the world is Brad saying he loves Angelina a “potentially controversial tidbit” that “fuels the gossip press”? He has been with her for four years. She is the mother of his six children. He has every right to tell the world he loves her. If Aniston’s fans can’t deal with that, too bad. She’s got a new man. She’s trying to move on with her life. It’s time for her fans to move on, too.

  56. Kristen says:

    I’m with Cheyenne on this again… if you hate them so much WHY DO YOU READ IT?

    Brad & Angelina are a family. Yes he was married to Jennifer (but marriage alone doesn’t always make a family). I am sure that he loved Jennifer – but when you have children with someone I think love becomes a totally different thing. So just because he was married to Jennifer – he’s never supposed to talk about his partner and children? I doubt that Jennifer’s ego is that large. But let’s see if she says Brad is uncool now!

  57. Jess says:


    Um, I appreciate what you’re trying to say, but please remember this–

    Just as you say a marriage doesn’t necessarily make a family, neither does having kids. My husband and I are a family whether we have kids or not.

    I would say that the love is different because Angie and Jen are two differnt people–and loving someone is just as individual as being an individual.

  58. Goddess711 says:

    What is it about these two that seem to think advertising infidelity and naming it “falling in love” is doing them any good? Jennifer must’ve been a bad, bad wife to have her nose rubbed in their sh** over and over and over again. This guy’s a complete jerk for doing this out loud yet again. They’re both narcissitic rich brats and thats the way they’re raising their kids to be.
    To heck with anybody else involved, think with your crotch and tell everybody about it!
    The only thing worse than BP being a little weasle d**k is BP being a HUGE weasle d**k. Can’t stand him or that 1 star Ho’ he’s with. Who the hell is watching the kids or is this family entertainment at the Jolie-Pitt residence- Googling “weapons” and seeing who’s more “badass”? 🙄

  59. Aspen says:

    Lots of people who have never handled guns feel like so many of you seem to.

    I don’t have guns in my home because neither my husband nor myself are sportsmen who use them. We choose to rent on the rare occasions that we go target shooting.

    Gun safety, however, is perfectly suitable for a 7 year-old. Many young American boys learn to hunt at around 10. I, myself, went on morning hunting trips with my parents as a very young child about Maddox’s age to observe and learn.

    There is nothing violent about a young boy interested in guns. He’s not interested in killing people, for God’s sake. He’s interested in firearms. Those of you who cannot separate the two in your minds have a skewed perspective on what guns really are to the people who use them in recreational and safety-related ways.

    It is neither abusive nor likely to induce mental illness for this young boy to google firearms.

  60. Mairead says:

    Oh God, nina, how I hate so much of this ludicrous PC-lingo. It’s the 60th anniversary of the UN Declaration of Human Rights and nowhere in that august publication is “Everyone has the right to live their days without ever having their feeeeeeeeeeeelings hurt. EVER!!”

    Anyway back on topic. So let me break this down into a simple mathematic equation:

    Maddox + Google + “search term Weapons” = Bad and setting himself up for a life of crime.

    Maddox + an Encyclopaedia + “search term Weapons” = Good. And an inquisitive student.


  61. nina says:

    Well, Mairead, probably that’s how 50 years ago people felt about being advised not to use the n****r word. Only that the minority in question felt differently. Many of the people who choose not to have children feel strongly about that too.
    Back to the topic: I wonder what J-P kids will think later in their life about so many stories about them having been in print in their childhood. For instance, if Shiloh would be battling gay rumors (if she grows up straight) and get stories quoted about how she wanted to be called Peter. Sort of a stupid example, but you get the point.

  62. Jess says:

    Um, childless and childfree are two different things.

    Childless implies the desire for children, but for whatever reason, children are not in the picture, either temporarily or permanently.

    Childfree is the choice NOT to have children.

    Huge difference.

  63. Lila says:

    he is not aging well.

  64. Mairead says:

    NIna – you’re completely missing my point of view, just as you’re completely missing the point of Shiloh wanting to be called Peter (and how that translates into gay rumours is beyond me – transgender and homosexual are two different things).

    I’m not talking about saying something to deliberately demean someone else. People should be treated with respect because it’s the right thing to do – not because we have to be policitally correct.

    I’m talking about sterilising language so much to try and avoid every possible permutation of offence that someone could dream up. Like short people being called “vertically challenged” which is a nonsensical term.

    Take childfree and childless – a fairly basic term to denote someone without children becomes a complete PC minefield where you are the meanest person in the world to someone who does want children by accidentally calling them childfree and you completely insult the reproductive rights of the other not to have children by calling them childless.

    We are deliberately creating social minefields where there needn’t be any and all the while so busy concentrating on PC language that we neglect to actually work on actions that would improve the lives of minorities whose rights the whole blasted PC movement was supposed to improve falls by the wayside.

  65. Susan says:

    The question now is not did they have an affair (because they have now tried very hard to tell the world that they did – strange when for the last couple of years Brad and Angie were desperate to say they didn’t – as Brad stated on Larry King “the emotions came after”) but why say this now? There is a reason Brad brought this up. He was not responding to a question – he purposely made this statement. There was a reason for it. I personally don’t know why. Perhaps the Brad/Angie fans do. Brad knew the minute this was in print it would be argued about, printed in the tabloids, etc. He obviously wanted this kind of attention. Why? He obviously wants this triangle to continue but for the life of me I can’t think of why. Can anybody shead some light?

    Also why would he mention the Maddox thing? Just like on Oprah with Zhzara and the dog poop. It really is odd. Either he really is a bit dumb or he wants the flack – because any sane person knows that a 7 year old surfing the net for weapons is not really good.

    Anyway what I love is that Brad and Angie know their fan base so well and have worked so hard at getting themselves where they want to be that they know they can admit to an affair, admit that their child researches guns on the net, etc and their fans will never ever question it. It is almost like a cult. Kind of scary.

  66. Bodhi says:

    Googling “weapons” is a lot different than searching the net for weapons, especially for a 7 year old. Children are gonna look up stuff they are interested in on Google. I HIGHLY doubt that the boy spends hours scouring the internet for stuff about guns. Its much more likely that this was a one time deal. Cha cha chill out

  67. Codzilla says:

    When I was seven, I was OBSESSED with Star Wars. My friends and I would have mock fights with our light sabers, and run around “blowing things up” on our pretend tauntauns. Yet despite all this, I somehow grew up to be a peaceful (physically, at least) adult. While I’m ambivalent about Brangelina, I really don’t think Maddox Googling weapons is that big of a deal. As long as the parental guidance is there, he’ll be fine.

  68. nina says:

    Mairead, I understand what you are saying, but I disagree with you. The language evolves, and our norms shape it, but in turn it also shapes our perception of things. It is not about the intention to demean, it is about the underlying meaning of things, the connotations etc…For instance – childless was always regarded as something not by choice, but this notion is changing and so are the words that we use to describe it. The change in the words further drives the change of perception. But it is a long debate and I do not want to take up space here.
    I know that Shiloh was just joking, what I meant is that in the future, innocent comments may get decontextualized and misused in a hurtful manner, because unfortunately they were unnecessarily made public, for everyone to decontextualize.

  69. Cheyenne says:

    No, the question now is not whether or not they had an affair — the question now, after all this time, is: SO WHAT IF THEY DID?! What earthly difference does it make? People need to stop acting like a bunch of sanctimonious nitwits. Two people in love having an affair is not exactly an apocalyptic event. The sky is not going to fall and the oceans are not going to dry up if either of them admits they were knocking boots before the ink was dry on Brad’s divorce.

    Maybe Brad is sick and tired of having to keep his feelings for Angie private so as not to piss off Aniston or her fans. Maybe he’s been wanting to tell the world how he feels about Angie and now he’s finally decided to say how he feels and screw anybody who doesn’t like it. Maybe Angie feels the same. This is not an affair any longer, it’s a long-term commitment. They are a family. How long are they supposed to be “sensitive to Jennifer’s feelings”? It’s FOUR YEARS already. Everybody needs to get the eff over it.

  70. whatevs says:

    Uh, I’m sorry, but where exactly does he confirm/admit to falling in love on set? I just read the damn thing 3 times, and not once does he mention MAMS.

  71. DD says:

    Oh gawd 🙁 Why would he share that kind of information… He is truly an idiot.

  72. Cowbell says:

    Just about to ask that Whatevs. Can someone tell me where he makes this statement that is the header of the article?

  73. Susan says:

    “How long are they supposed to be “sensitive to Jennifer’s feelings” Neither of them could care less about Jennifer’s feelings. Move on, move on. This has nothing to do with jennifer’s feelings. My question is why now why didn’t they do this 3 years ago? There is a reason – what is it?

  74. NotBlonde says:

    bros: Having kitchen knives in the house is fine. Typically what parents will do is baby/child-proof the drawers, aslthough that doesn’t always work either, but kitchen knives are a necessary part of any person’s life. Having a collection of who knows how many DAGGERS and other such weaponry (I believe she also owns a katana or two) is massively irresponsible and totally unnecessary. She needs to keep those things in storage, if she doesn’t. I have no idea if she does or not.

    My dad kept a gun in a safe on the top shelf of the closet. Me and my sisters were poking around the house after my parents divorced and my mom was at work and found the safe. After fiddling with it for about an hour we got it open, saw the gun, and my little sister took it out and held it.

    My older sister and I then basically freaked and told her to put it back, but what if it had gone off?

    You can take as many safety precautions as you like but kids WILL get into stuff. Period. It’s a part of their inquisitive nature.

  75. Candy says:

    I adore Brangelina…but wonder about Maddox…his fascination with guns is …well, a concern… I would hate to see something happening to this gorgeous family.

  76. Cheyenne says:

    Oh Candy, for heaven’s sake. When I was coming up, every little boy I knew had a cap pistol or an air rifle or a BB gun. None of them turned into homicidal maniacs.

  77. Di says:


    Get help. Learning about martial arts can be wonderful; it teaches discipline, health, power and a great mind/body balance. But your focus on your child’s ability to paralyze an adult is deeply disturbing. No 9-year old is emotionally mature enough to handle that kind of responsibility. You are putting other people in danger by turning your child into a weapon. If your child loses his temper, he could hurt somebody very badly. I’m sure he knows this, but children should be ALLOWED to lose their tempers without being afraid of what they will do.

    You are also making him train too much. You are not giving him enough time to be a child. He needs to know that you will love him even if he is not an olympian. You are setting your child up to hurt somebody physically and to be hurt emotionally because you are privileging what he DOES over who he IS.

    You are putting too much pressure on your child. And don’t tell me he’s doing it because he wants to. He may enjoy it, but he’s working beyond what is healthy because he wants your approval. Let him know that has your approval without having to be a martial arts superstar.

    I know you’ll dismiss this warning because if you truly cared about your child’s well being more than you care about bragging about how dangerous he is, you wouldn’t be in this situation. But ten years from now, you will be facing a very dangerous and disturbed young man, and it will be too late. Then, your son’s ability to paralyze people won’t be “cute” anymore.

  78. Celebitchy says:

    The detail about Mr. and Mrs. Smith is from the advance information about the interview available at US Weekly:

    As for his favorite Jolie film?

    Their 2005 action flick Mr. & Mrs. Smith.


    “Because you know … six kids,” he says. “Because I fell in love.”

  79. whatevs says:

    Ohh, okay. I figured it was something like that, I’m just too lazy to try and find it.

  80. Kim says:

    Sigh* I know not where to start.

    Here we go: It is offical. Brad Pee pee is an IDIOT.

    How I wish I had a stronger word to use. I hope JA ccomes back with another ‘uncool’ to ruin this cad. This interview is one PR disaster. Lets see how long this love of his life lasts.

  81. Kim says:

    He is a jerk and a liar too. On Larry King, he said ….emotions came later… when Larry said they had something going on.

    Heck, he is an attention seeker. But he is using this love triangle to get attention for a movie that is going to tank.

    Atleast he has pulled the rug out of the feet of his so called fans /apologists. Now people can hate him without any doubts. Next he will be confessing that when Angelina talked about having had some loving the night before on Ryan Seacret while promoting MAMS, she was alluding to a sexual realtionship they had while he was still married.

    Do you apologists remember that he went on holiday to Mexico with his then wife after MAMS? Right he was in love with this knife cutting, blood sucking, brother fucking prosititute.

    I feels sorry for Maddox when he gets to blogs since he uses the computer unsupervised.

    First his whore of a mother gives him knives and now his idiot of a father tells us he like weapons. Does he stillgo to school any more?

    God, I could go on and on. But the beauty about this interview is that the lid is off Brangelina and now they will be hated more than ever.

  82. Mairead says:

    “Right he was in love with this knife cutting, blood sucking, brother fucking prosititute.”

    oooooh hark at the big words! 🙄

    Kim, sweetheart, I’ll say it in very small words and quite slowly so that you will understand… their… apologists… do… not…. care.

    80% of the worlds population probably doesn’t care.
    60% of the world’s population are barely aware of them.
    10% have never heard of any of them.
    (all complete and utter guesses – and no it’s not all meant to add up to 100%)

    My point is: Get some frigging perspective please. Still going on about them sleeping with each other before the decree nisi was signed? That’s just being anal for the sake of it. Once you’ve legally separated that’s pretty much it. It’s generally only in films that a divorce is called off. In some countries you have to be separated quite some time before being granted a divorce – up to 5 years in fact.

    What on earth are you doing all day if working in an aid situation in Africa has convinced you that lying and (alleged) adultery are the worst things in the world.

    Sorry sweetheart “lying” isn’t more devastating than the systematic rape occurring in Congo and which occurred during the Balkan wars.

    Neither is one’s husband falling in love with someone else worse than war, famine, lack of safe drinking water or living in a regime of fear.

    And I’m pretty sure that if you asked most people in the western world what gets them really angry – losing their job/house/poor healthcare/education/infrastructure even bloody Global Warming will trump Brange-fucking-lina every single time.

  83. Granger says:

    Kim, seriously, you need to mellow out. They’re vapid CELEBRITIES, for god’s sake! You don’t even know them! They’re not worth so much vitriol!

  84. 88modesty88 says:

    Kim: “God, I could go on and on.”

    Dearie, you do!

  85. Kristen says:

    Jess ~

    That comment sounded a little different than I meant it. I surely did mean to imply that you and your husband aren’t a family. I guess I was just trying to say that they do have children together and I think (just my opinion) they both should be able to talk about each other and their family without being criticized. But I also believe that Jennifer has the same right too.

    I should have worded that better and I do apologize.

  86. Kristen says:

    I’m from Michigan and it’s almost considered a rite of passage to give your son a rifle. We gave our son his on his 12 birthday this year. Although he’s been shooting for years. He took Hunter’s safety course. Our guns have trigger locks on the weapons and they are in a locked case in a gun vault. When taught properly I do not see anything wrong with this.

    But that could be from where I grew up – everybody feels differently and this is obviously a hot topic.

  87. Kim says:

    Mairead, I amsure sooner than later, when they are desperate to sell another movie and have another public fall out on their hands, they will come out and give us juicy details of all the sex the had on MAMS. After all, it was only last year that Brad Pee Pee Douchebag told Larry King that quote ‘the emotions came later…’ didn’t they say in 2005 that nothing was going on? Why didn’t they tell us that they were falling in love at the time?

    Methinks these are two manipulative consumate liars. Soon the truth will be revealed. We all know they had a full blown affair before the divorce. Who was Angelina talking about having sex with the night before on the Ryan Seacret show? Brad was not yet separated remember?

    Wait and see. Thena gain, you will just come up with new excuses for them as usual.

  88. daisy424 says:

    No excuses Kim, just the facts. 😛

    You can worship Jen on another thread today, she is ‘whoring’ herself promoting her new film.

  89. Mairead says:

    Oh forget it Daisy – there’s no point in talking to someone whose world is so rarefied or who’s just completely fixated on other people’s sex lives.

  90. geekluva80 says:

    Wow Kim, it sounds like you went to the Susan School of Logic to me!

  91. Spike says:

    I wish the would both stfu about their romance.

    I think they do some good deeds, but then they open their mouths… You try to look away but they’re ubiquitous.

    And I was a big AJ fan back in the day.

    Please stop being famewhores.
    Take care of your children. Stop talking about them. It will hit them in the ass as they grow older…
    Do good works, but stop advertising them. It cheapens the intent.

  92. KateNonymous says:

    “That just seems massively irresponsible. Even if you teach kids “don’t touch”…they are gonna touch, handle, play with and possibly injure other people with whatever it is when you aren’t around.”

    Depends on how they’re stored.

    Now I’m just waiting for the next headline: “What Brad did was really uncool.” And then the criticism of the magazine for printing it.

  93. ff says:

    I think you can be in denial about stuff for a long time if you really don’t want to admit it.

    And if you’re attracted to someone while married that’s one time you won’t want to.

    But later if you separate and then start a relationship with person you were attracted to you’ll be more willing to recognise when the feelings started.

    I think this is what’s happened. But to be sure he is in part defending Angelina publicly.

  94. RAN says:

    He’s a piece of crap… this just illustrates it.

  95. Alex says:

    lol – is that so far fetched! There are tons of educational kids books on history and weapons (I used to work in a library so I know). And when I was a sweet little 9 years old girl I read all of my parents murder mysteries and true crime books.

    Sounds to me like the kid is normal and curious! He likes weapons. So do many little boys. And what parent hasn’t taken their eyes off of a kid only to find him into something he shouldn’t be.

    Reminds of the time my friend (around seven at the time I might add) found and was playing with her parent’s vibrator…

    I just hope he used it as an opportunity to educate his son on how wrong white supremacy is!

  96. aleach says:

    Val: totallu OT but your 9 year old has to carry a card around saying that he knows how to paralyze adults and that he can if he has to? so is that like a lisence to kill or something??
    maybe he should just take some time off from the karate…and be a non-killing machine child.

  97. Cheyenne says:

    I read Rolling Stone this afternoon. I can totally understand why Brad wanted to sell the twins’ photos to People and Hello instead of letting the paparazzi sell them for whatever they could get. Those people are ghouls. Brad told Rolling Stone that while Angie was in the hospital waiting to have the twins, a paparazzi rented the room directly above hers and tried to chop a hole through the floor so he could get exclusive photos of Angie and the twins in their hospital room.

  98. Jinx says:

    I think everybody’s got it all figured out already anyway. Brad and Angie both lied. However, they suit each other better than Brad and Jen. I never thought Brad and Jen made a good couple. I thought Jen was clingy and wanted a trophy husband to show off. And Brad was more interested in just having a pretty thing to plow every night, keep him in line, and respect him. I have never seen him as a romantic. Angelina likewise. They do however love their mini-mes and that is admirable. Jennifer, for whatever reason, likes John and that is… well, that’s something.

    A plausible reason for telling now: Babymama is getting crap from cranky ex although the Banshee had their crap rubbed in her bony mug for years. Chupacabra (LOVE IT) has to stand by Babymama or no hanky panky for the Chupacabra. Chupie’s parents were good buddies with Banshee, and they are suddenly seen supporting Babymama’s frail frame at some movie event. A show of solidarity. Ex gets cranky from no support, and whines some more about Babymama. Camp Pajamas should stay quiet but probably won’t since Babymama is another alpha female that likes to rant and rave and claw up the place. She is subtle, at least.

    I don’t like any of them really but I don’t know them, and do not want to know them. I don’t like the idea of losing all my money and showing up in a charity video and that’s probably the only way I’d meet the Pajamas. I don’t eat enough salads in ritzy restaurants to meet the Wicked Witch of the West. It’s so much more entertaining to make up stories about them and read everybody else’s generalizations. 😀

  99. Christina X says:

    You know, just a little bit of an unbiased observation here.

    Why does Jennifer Aniston get burned at the stake for bringing something up that’s actually legitimate to be bitter over, but no-one says anything about either one of these two when they talk about their love lives for the eight millionth time?

    I can understand falling in love with someone, but these two make me want to puke, and it doesn’t help matters that they’re so self-righteous about it.

    I think if my husband left me for a woman, lied about it for 3 years, and all of a sudden stopped all the presses to say that he had an affair, I’d want to castrate him.

    Sorry, but emotionally cheating is no exception, and if their marriage was in fact on the rocks, it’s his fault for either not trying to make it work or leaving when he saw the signs.

    The hell? Between the three of them, they have enough money in the world to go see a counsellor…and people say incriminate Jennifer Aniston for her insecurity like it’d NEVER happen to them if their husbands or wives did something like that to him.

    I hope none of you get old. I hope that your tits don’t begin to sag one day and your husbands no longer find you attractive, because he might cheat on you…and I’m sure you’d blame it on yourselves, huh?


    Maybe I’m in a bad mood, but cue vomit.

  100. Rosebudd says:

    personally think that since Angelina got a lot of slack for admitting they fell in love during MAMS, life was HELL at home until BP was willing (forced) to come clean in press. Because AJ didn’t say SHE fell in love, but THEY. JA probably feels better that he finally admitted it, as if she didn’t know. I like them all, but, BP-AJ must care what people think if they picked up on the AJ “manipulative” lingo.

  101. Codzilla says:

    Christina X: I know I’ll be skewered without mercy for saying this, but I completely agree with you.

  102. Aspen says:

    On the childless vs. child-free thing: I just call you, “people who don’t have kids.” I refuse to play word games with people who choose to identify themselves totally around not having kids. I think there’s something a little “off” about people who make sure that everywhere they go and everyone they talk to…their state of not having children and LOVING IT is the central focus. On the same token, I find it just as annoying and simple-minded when people fixate on their status as parents. I don’t understand people who desire to be identified by how often their uterus has or has not been occupied.

    I’ve listened to some long and very hateful, emotional, and extremely immature “battles” (because they aren’t debates) over this little issue of semantics. The women who don’t have kids demand that everyone genuflect and give them a special label because, they say, otherwise everyone would be thinking, “She secretly wants kids and isn’t fulfilled.”

    First of all, how narcissistic is that? I think nothing of the sort when I meet a couple sans children. I don’t think that much about other people’s deep inner emotions unless I really know them in a personal way. I don’t think anyone else does, either.

    So whatever. So you don’t have kids. Good for you! It’s not that important to anyone else. It just isn’t.

  103. eajk says:

    They are already old and ugly. Brad became very unattractive the second he dipped his wick in Jolie’s bottomless pit. And she looks like Olive Oyl.

  104. nina says:

    @Aspen – not only women ask to be called “childfree” vs. “childless”, but also their significant others (husbands and boyfriends). How would people with babies feel like if they were habitually called “breeders” instead of “parents”. It is not what people define themselves by, but it is a definition of their status in regards to procreation. Why not be precise?

  105. Luz says:

    i think we all knew it… but it is wrong to do that!
    I mean have some respect for your ex!!! for the woman you used to love!, or at the very least, for another person!
    why on God’s name would you go around saying you fell in love while you were still married?! to think i used to love him…

  106. lovuh says:

    I have googled totally innocent words or phrases and come upon links that have simply sickened me. Children should not, under any circumstances, be allowed to google unsupervised.

    And, he’s just a prick.