Taylor Swift: ‘Never let the guy BE your life, never make the guy your world’

Taylor Swift was in England yesterday! She went to jolly old England for Election Day, which is just a weird thing to do. I don’t think so little of Swifty to assume that she doesn’t care about politics – if anything, I bet she supported Pres. Obama (she dated a Kennedy, for the love of God!), but she didn’t want to discuss her politics in public because she doesn’t want to A) alienate any conservative fans she has and B) let her fans believe that she would care about anything other than BOYS BOYS BOYS. So maybe she voted absentee in Tennessee, and then she went to England for a pre-Christmas celebration which had her switching on the Christmas lights at a shopping center and giving a performance in support of her new album. Even I have to admit – whatever she’s doing, it’s working. She’s selling albums like hot cakes.

Anyway, getting back to the only real thing that Swifty cares about, there are two quotes from recent Swifty interviews that I wanted to pick apart. Here you go:

Swifty on BOYS and relationship advice: “My advice about guys has to do with how you prioritize them. They can be a part of your life but never let the guy BE your life. They can live in your world, but never make the guy your world. Knowing who you are and being independent and strong will be attractive to the right guy. Trying too hard to impress a guy or putting him before your friends and family shows you’re not OK with who you are. One of my goals is always to be OK with who I am aside from love and boys.”

On who ‘Red’ is based on: “The idea was based on this experience I had with someone who was kind of this unreliable guy. You never know when he’s going to leave, you never know when he’s going to come back, but he always does come back. My visual for this song is, there’s a guy on his knees sitting on the ground outside of a door. And on the other side of the door is his girlfriend, who he keeps on leaving — and he keeps coming back to her, but then he leaves again. He’s saying, ‘This is the last time I’m going to do this to you.’ And she’s saying, ‘This is the last time I’m asking you this: Don’t do this again.’ And she’s wondering whether to let him in, and he just wants her to give him another chance, but she doesn’t know if he’s going to break her heart again. It’s a really fragile emotion you’re dealing with when you want to love someone, but you don’t know if it’s smart to.”

[From Hollywood Life and NPR via HuffPo]

For Swifty’s relationship advice and her message of “self-love, self-knowledge, then be in a relationship” – it’s a great message to give to young women. Unfortunately, Swifty is a crappy messenger. I’ve had girlfriends like this – capable of giving you really great, empowering, inspirational advice about loving yourself first and loving the dude secondarily, and all of those girlfriends were total disasters when it came to their boyfriends. They were all codependent doormats who could never follow their own advice.

As for Swifty’s “hints” about who the entire Red album is about… Jake Gyllenhaal. Jake. It’s Jake. It’s not John Mayer.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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52 Responses to “Taylor Swift: ‘Never let the guy BE your life, never make the guy your world’”

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  1. Ranunculus says:

    Strange, she completely relies on guys to keep her in the news. Who is dumb enough to buy what she is selling, and I am not even talking about her crappy music. She is sick!

  2. Amelia says:

    “Never let the guy BE your life…”
    Well then.
    Pot – meet kettle.

  3. marie says:

    ah Swifty, sound advice that you should take.

    • Meg says:

      Exactly. All these things said girl who is ALWAYS pressed and obsessed with her men/boys and relationships.

      • KO says:

        Ain’t it the truth? A friend of mine from long ago used to front a confident attitude (while fawning herself over any guy she found compatible, going so far as inappropriately flirting with her best friend’s boyfriend, who seemed quite uncomfortable with it). But when her first relationship ended, all she ever did was complain and talk about him. Very conflicting – brag about being over a guy and “valuing” personal space while complaining and wondering where it went wrong. Nonstop. I hope more young women don’t adapt to this mentality.

  4. I.want.shoes says:

    Never let the guy be your only claim to relevance

  5. Micki says:

    I don’t buy her as a relationsip guru.

    • Ella says:

      Yeah, when did she start talking like Elizabeth Taylor? As though she’s SO experienced that she’s already disenchanted at 22.

  6. StaceyP says:

    Hmmm, sounds like “do as I say not do as I do.”

    Biotch Please!

  7. dorothy says:

    P L E A S E. She’s the poster-child for “cling on”.

  8. lucy2 says:

    Yes, by all means, let’s take advice on guys from TAYLOR SWIFT.
    Anyone who doesn’t know enough to stay away from John Mayer is forever disqualified from giving any and all advice.

  9. SmokeyBlues says:

    How does a woman her age really have nothing else to contribute except this middle-school sleepover babble about “boys”!?! It’s so asinine.

  10. T.C. says:

    Says the girl whose life and music career revolves around boys, boys, boys. LMAO. Oh and good one having an entire album dedicated to a 3 month showmance with Jake Gyllenhaal. I’d feel sorry for this girl if I didn’t see her as a fake making $57 Million a year with this ‘boy crazy’ schtick.

  11. Chelley says:

    Interesting how she gives good advice (for the most part) but never takes it. If she didn’t make songs about her experiences with boys, she would not have a career. And she’s not independent because she’s had a lot of boyfriends in a short period of time.

    I don’t know why she’s considered a role model. All she talks about is “love and boys”. She contributes nothing intellectually. I’m not expecting her to be a rocket scientist but it would be nice if she had more substance.

    • Lauren says:

      Taylor has had so many boyfriends, that i have lost count. And none of them are long-term. I like some of her music, but T seems to have become rather vindictive & catty. A lot of geniuses are emotionally stunted, and T. has turned her revenge songwriting into a very lucrative career.

      • Chelley says:

        Agreed 100%. I like some of her music as well but I don’t think I would ever want to be associated with her in real life. I can’t deal with someone who’s so obsessed with relationships and all that.

  12. Bowers says:

    Wishful thinking on her part.

  13. gg says:

    She just learned this. Now put it into practice.

    • carrie says:


    • EmmaStoneWannabe says:

      Yep. She is 22. Not like most people make the most brilliant decisions in their love lives around that time. Guess everyone expects her to be perfect because she is so popular…she’s just another human trying to figure it all out. Geez

  14. Saphana says:

    looking at fast she jumps from guy to guy and how her songs are about the guys you can say that she is completly dependent on men. emotionally and financially.

    • carrie says:

      but she never looks devasted so i guess she’s more in love of love

      • ladybert62 says:

        Hi carrie – that is exactly my opinion of her also – I have mentioned it several time but I will say it again – she is in love with love and not the person – it is all about the emotion of love and her enjoyment of it.

        I feel sorry for any guy she gets involved with!

  15. pretty says:

    Her “I knew you were trouble” song is so catchy! I can’t stop listening to it 🙂

  16. Green_Eyes says:

    Especially when you can immortalize the love you had for him and how he crushed your tender heart in a song…

  17. daz says:

    For a better break-up song by a better musician, listen to ‘I was an Eagle’ by Laura Marling.

  18. Molly says:

    Well, I like her. She’s a goofball. She sings about love and gets criticized. She dates a lot of guys and invests emotionally in them and gets criticized. She makes a ton of money and gets criticized.

    I went through a particularly awful breakup over the summer (and still suffering feeling hollowed out from it) and listening to her songs makes my pain feel normal, makes me feel like it is just a part of life, and makes me less ashamed to have invested so many years of my life in this guy and loving him, and to stop feeling stupid and ashamed that loving him was somegow foolish since thete wasnt an ROI in the end because I’m not who he wanted, and celebrate having been able to love.

    Anyway, a lot of her songs help.

  19. Molly says:

    She sings about love and gets criticized. She dates a lot of guys and invests emotionally in them and gets criticized. She makes a ton of money and gets criticized.

    I went through a particularly awful breakup over the summer (and still suffering feeling hollowed out from it) and listening to her songs makes my pain feel normal, makes me feel like it is just a part of life, and makes me less ashamed to have invested so many years of my life in this guy and loving him,

    Anyway, a lot of her songs help.

  20. Evie says:

    She’s self-centered

  21. kate says:

    Looks like she is wearing a traditional Amish dress straight from TLC’s “Breaking Amish”. She is so boring. How she sells millions of records and creates so much interest is beyond me.

  22. Jess says:

    Every interview I’ve ever read of hers implies that she wants the guy to make her their world… So she’s just selfish.

  23. Madriani's Girl says:

    I’m not for one second suggesting she has to follow the pack and walk around with her bewbage hanging out, but would it kill her to dress like a modern 22 year old rather than a frump from 1952??? She looks like she’s ready to join Ralph Malph at a sock hop.

  24. Dani says:

    Just because her album is titled RED doesn’t mean she needs to wear it all the time in more than one way. Red lipstick ages her. But sound advice from the girl who can’t be without a boyfriend.

  25. Grace says:

    Poor Stalker Swift is not very self-aware is she?

  26. Sweet Dee says:

    “Never take relationship advice from Swifty. Her words are designed to deceive you. Always do what Swifty doesn’t do. Swifty did it? Don’t do it.”

    –Relationship advice from Sweet Dee.

  27. holly hobby says:

    Then follow your own advice hun. Stop acting butt hurt if the guy isn’t the “one.” Stop embarrassing those guys with your lame songs.

  28. Kosmos says:

    I have to totally AGREE with her sound advice, but if she had never put the guys first that she dated, would she still have had a need to write slightly bitter songs after these relationships ended? I mean, you don’t do that if you just go your separate ways, feeling you just didn’t meet each other’s expectations, right? You just quietly move on…

  29. Rex says:

    I think she’s great and as far as Jake is concerned – he is way too gay for her and I don’t think she wants to be a beard!

  30. anna says:

    She said she got an absentee ballot because she knew she’d be out of the country. And she voted for Obama in ’08, supports LGBT rights etc, so I guess she’s a democrat.

  31. Lulu says:

    FFS. All this hoopla over songs she write about guys? Maybe you haven’t noticed but most of the songs are about love and the opposite sex. Taylor is just so in your face about it but she, nor her music, is any different than what I hear onthe radio. And, who cares if she writes about her own relationships? Adele did the exact same thing and she gets nothing but praise on here. Both are love sick puppies who desperately wants love-but one is praised and the other is vindictive. This site really has their favorites.

    • dean travers says:

      Right? People go insane on her!! I believe I saw the word “sociopath” tossed around once. Dude she seems to be a bright girl who has done well for herself.I think I hate her music, but I can’t hate on any chick for making money off of snarking on exes. So she’s a little bitchy? You would think that would be met with open arms here…

  32. Palefire says:

    Wish I Knew this @ her age. And realized it and acted upon it…..

  33. piedlourde says:

    Taylor Swift is the real-life counterpart of Charlize Theron’s character Rita from Arrested Development. SWEET JEEBUS, this tedious bitch is emotionally a middle schooler.

  34. Ben says:

    That’s what true love is. When your spouse is your whole life. I’m guessing Taylor is too annoying for anyone to want her to be their whole life.

  35. Deryn says:

    I honestly thought when I clicked on this post that the entire story would read thusly: “AAAAHAHAHAHAHA. Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee! Oh. Oh heh. HEH HAHAHAHAHAH,” etc.

  36. thepastyousayyouneverknew says:

    I read a post somewhere on tumblr about a fan wondering whether Taylor was a mean girlfriend, I mean, we’ve never actually heard from one of her boyfriends about what she’s like when you’re dating her, we only hear about it from her point of view, but I honestly think she’s someone that comes on way too strong in relationships, like everytime she’s in a relationship, she thinks this is the one, therefore I must give this relationship my all. I think she’s giving great advice but I doubt that she’ll stick to it, she’s such a romantic and in such a naive way too. Love her but I think it’s true.

  37. Grace says:

    Why in the world is this girl so obsessed with someone she dated for three months when she was 20 yrs. old?

  38. Ravensdaughter says:

    Just went through a major s–tstorm because of a guy I fell in love with. Almost got stuck in his legal problems, too, because he said, “Baby, it’s all about trust-trust me”.
    I knew my version of what Taylor said in my mind, but not in my heart. This guy always said to me, “You are my world”; and he became mine.
    Judgment, self-preservation-ooops!-out the window.
    LISTEN TO TAYLOR-her advice, regardless of the source, is wise.

  39. BaZaam says:

    Sorry, but you’re not particualrly “swift” when it comes to this subject. Been married 30 years, still happy. Yes, you can make that person the center of your life, but it’s called love. The word is thrown around a lot, but when you really share it with someone, you’ll know. Wondering why it ain’t happenin’? Try making it a genuine priority instead of a hobby. You’ll need to make some sacrifices. Good luck.