“Michael Fassbender & a bunch of hot guys in beards are fine by me” links

Michael Fassbender

Michael Fassbender leads a gallery of hot facial hair. [A Socialite Life]
Brad Pitt hangs out with Sam & Aaron Taylor-Johnson. [LaineyGossip]
Janelle Evans makes me question my newfound allegiance to Ke$ha. [Dlisted]
50 magical gifts for rabid Harry Potter fans. [Pop Sugar]
Cate Blanchett might be playing Cinderella’s evil stepmother. [Pajiba]
“Nashville,” Episode 6 is full of fug with a little fab. [Go Fug Yourself]
Justin Bieber made out with a Selena Gomez lookalike. [The Blemish]
AnnaLynne McCord attacks a taco truck in hunger frenzy. [Buzzfeed]
Evangeline Lilly has a new, awful, misguided haircut. [Evil Beet]
Neil Patrick Harris dreams in puppet, obviously. [Jezebel]
Bill Ranci honors his son with a fake tattoo. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Megan Fox puts us on Hot Mom alert already. [Popoholic]
Kate Moss & Naomi Campbell do a topless magazine shoot. NSFW. [ICYDK]
Anne Vyalitsyna demonstrates how to apply sunscreen. [Celebslam]
Camille & Kelsey Grammer are battling over real estate. [Reality Tea]
Adam Levine called out by the Roxy for douche behavior. [IDLYITW]
Lindsay Lohan probably won’t be back for the Life Size sequel. [OMG Blog]
Bobbi Kristina kicked her K-Fraudy boyfriend to the curb. [Bossip]

Jake Gyllenhaal


Russell Brand

Michael Fassbender

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet

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46 Responses to ““Michael Fassbender & a bunch of hot guys in beards are fine by me” links”

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  1. mssnarnd says:

    Damn! I thought you were going to follow the CRJ story with Radar’s claim Mariah Yeater’s attorney is renewing the request for Bieb’s DNA.

    Match in the gas tank. Boom, boom!

  2. Astrid says:

    oh My!

  3. Rita says:

    Fondly remembering threads of “Hot Guy Friday”. Gosh, those were the days. The good die young. Here today, dong tomorrow. *Sniffs* Christmas will be here soon.

  4. BW says:

    One of these things is not like the other.

  5. CG says:

    Mmm … Common. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • deehunny says:

      yes, I’m glad that Common was included in there. he’s absolutely beautiful on Hell on Wheels. I had no idea that he has so much acting talent.

  6. Camille (TheOriginal) says:

    I’m surprised that there are no photos out there from The Hobbit premier yesterday. ๐Ÿ™

    • Amy says:

      Yes me too! Surprised Kaiser hasn’t covered it actually, there were lots of hot guys at that premiere, especially Richard Armitage and Aidan Turner! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Camille (TheOriginal) says:

        Aiden Turner ftw! He’s gorgeous and has a sexy accent too.

        I don’t see/get Richards appeal though, but loads of women were going gaga for him.

      • Kaiser says:

        I was hoping we would get pics at one of our agencies, but alas, we did not. Do you think I would actually sit on new Cate Blanchett pics?!

      • Camille (TheOriginal) says:

        Kaiser- Yes I did wonder about that, not like you at all! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for letting us know.

      • Addison says:

        Aidan Turner! Miss him on Being Human. It is not the same without him. I could have done with the other two being gone but all three did make a great team.

        Kaiser, post ASAP (if you are able to get pics). Aidan is the only one who could possibly (maybe) make me look away from Fassbender.

      • Amy says:

        Camille – Yes I love Irish accents! And he is so fine, I definitely think that he will be the new Legolas in The Hobbit (just sexier IMO)!
        Richard Armitage is one of those people that you have to see in motion I guess. He is very charming and down to earth and then of course there is the incredibly sexy voice. Although I actually think that the main reason why he has so many fans is his acting ability and his dedication to every role he takes on. I can’t wait to see him as Thorin Oakenshield, I was so excited when he got that part. I’ve been a fan of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit since I was a child so I’m just dying to see the movie now and I really wish that I lived in New Zealand!

      • Camille (TheOriginal) says:

        Amy – I live in New Zealand and it was a great day on Wednesday :). I even live in the city where the premier was, but couldn’t go to the red carpet unfortunately. I did however go to the 2003 red carpet for TLOTR- ROTK, and it was AMAZING. I was in full on Orlando Bloom crush mode at that time (not so much any more lol), and got horribly sun burnt but it was so worth to be able to see the stars of the movie up close. Great memories :).

        And from what I have seen of Richard in The Hobbit he looks/seems perfect in the role, he is like the new Viggo and Aiden is definitely like the new (but hotter and more talented) Legolas. I think I will have to see if I can check out Richards other work. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Nev says:

    Naomi and Kate!!!!


  8. Sara says:

    Yummy, Fassy. Thank you for that!

  9. Chatcat says:

    Thank you Bedhead! Although if all 5 pics had been of Fassy that would have been better…and if all five of those where of Fassy with little to no clothes, well then that would have been spectacular!

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I know, Chat..why does he need to wear a suit or clothes at all really?

      That’s my only suggestion for improvement for Fassy-stop wearing clothes!!!

  10. Jenna says:

    Why wasn’t Tom Hardy under that list of delicious scruffy beards?!?! ๐Ÿ™

    At least they got Captain Sexy. -sigh-

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      It’s an ommission definitely but I still think Hardy looks better sans beard. That mouth!

    • V4Real says:

      Yes yes, thanks for Captain sexy. Finally a pic of him on C/B that didn’t have you know who attached to it.

      Love the title “Hot Guys in Beards, sounds like the making of a Broadway Play.

  11. Holden says:

    Perfect timing, I was just whining about this beard I’ve got going for movember, now I’m re-energized!

  12. Sandy says:

    I don’t get why people think Fassbender is hot. He sometimes photographs well, but often times he looks just meh…..and the facial hair is not doing him any favors. Maybe he needs to be seen without clothes to appreciate him?!

    • wacky wednesday says:

      thank you.

    • Christina says:

      Until a few months ago, I thought Fassbender was the hottest of the hot. Now… not so much. Sure, he can look smokin’ (usually when he’s not wearing very much) but a lot of the time he looks like he could do with a good shower. And he comes across as rather annoying too. And you’re right, that beard does NOT look good on him.

    • GoodCapon says:

      Fassbender looks good. I think it’s his charm that attracts women (and men?) to him more than his looks.

  13. ds says:

    I kind of don’t like this suit on Fassbender…eats him up where it shouldn’t and tightens him where it shouldn’t… oh well, I’ll take it anyway

  14. TheOriginalKitten says:

    So much beard sex here. I feel like “beard sex” might mean something else but I’m not taking it back.

    This is sexy beardy hotness.

  15. KellyinSeattle says:

    I hate scraggly facial hair; clean-shaven does it for me…

    • Addison says:

      I too prefer clean shaven men. Fassbender is the exception though. However he is, is how I like. His movie choices have made it that his look is just very diverse. With him I don’t care how he looks, I just like to look at him. Aidan Turner looks good too with facial hair, but not too much and not too much hair like in The Hobbit. His Being Human look is best.

  16. Carolyn says:

    …sorry, where are the hot guys? I’ve seen Fassy look far better than this.

    • Addison says:

      I agree, the pictures of the 24/25 ? chosen are not their best. And the article doesn’t specify that these guys are hot, it just says they wear beards. Because most of those men on there I don’t think are attractive. (I guess I’m shallow). I think Michael looks best with some facial hair but I really don’t care how much he has or how little. With Fassbender however he wants to look is just fine.

  17. Stubbylove says:

    I like me some Rusty Brand best.

  18. SusieQ2 says:

    I like a little facial hair, but not full grown beard, so not feeling it from these guys.

    Hmm, now my current little facial hair crush is Charles (Chip) Esten from ‘Nashville’ who used to appear on ‘Whose Line is it Anyway?’. He’s hot with a capital ‘H’, sings and plays guitar….swoon.


    Is anyone watching? I swear it’s NOT all twangy C+W music, because I couldn’t stomach it if that were the case. The music is so, so good.

    Oh and I don’t work for the network! ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Mew says:

    Why oh why do these Hollywood dudes refuse to wear dress pants that would actually fit?

  20. Loulou says:

    Andrea Casiraghi looks good with a beard right now, for you youngens.

  21. Miss M says:

    almost had a Fassyfever. HGF…Those were the days! *Sigh*

  22. GoodCapon says:

    Not all men can pull off the beard. But when they do… BAM!

    I think Kevin McKidd is a perfect example of this. He didn’t look too good in Rome (and standing next to Ray Stevenson half the time probably didn’t help matters) but then he went to Grey’s and had a beard and mamma mia! Hubba hubba!

  23. GoodCapon says:

    Bill Rancic’s tattoo move was tacky. There are a thousand ways to show how you adore and love your son. Thank God it’s only temporary.

  24. aston martin says:

    That Wil Wheaton link is SO SO Fantastic. Always loved that guy, since, like, forever.

  25. madpoe says:

    I <3 beard p0rn ๐Ÿ™‚