Brad Pitt to receive Ducati motorbike for 45th birthday

Brad Pitt, the weakest point of the Uncool Bermuda Triangle, will be turning forty-five tomorrow (December 18th), and what could we possibly get the man who has everything? Diapers? A tie? A leather hood? Binkies? Something in a whip?

Angelina Jolie has seen this birthday challenge and answered it’s call with a brilliant gift. And no, she’s not “gifting” him with another set of twins. She’s getting him a bike, of course!

Angelina Jolie has splashed out on a new set of wheels for Brad Pitt’s birthday.

The actor turns 45 [December 18th] and Angelina, 33, is hoping to have the motorbike shipped over for him from Italy.

“Since Angie is always in a dilemma over what to buy Brad, she’s getting
him the new Ducati Monster 1100S titanium,” an insider tells In Touch Weekly. “It’s a surprise. She ordered it from Italy months ago. It’s new and I believe it’s not out yet in Ducati stores. I guess a guy can never have too many bikes!”

[From Now Magazine]

Surprise! Whoops, who’s going to jump out of the cake? Fine, I’ll do it. But seriously, I like that Angie is so ambivalent with Brad’s insistence on being middle-aged on an expensive bike. It’s charming – she’s his “No really, honey, you can pull off that look” enabler.

Note by Celebitchy: I was trying to figure out whether we should run this because there was an earlier story about Pitt supposedly feuding with Tom Cruise over first dibs on a Ducati motorcycle that turned out not to be true, and this story sounds fake to me. Angelina bought Brad a bike for his birthday in the past, though, she even had one inscribed with the name of a Jeff Buckley song, “To My Sweetheart The Drunk,” so it’s possible that she bought him another one.

Brad Pitt is back in Berlin. He was videotaped eating lunch with his bodyguards at a restaurant today in Mitte, or the center of the city. Pitt is in the German capital filming Inglourious Basterds, directed by Quentin Tarantino.

Brad and Angelina are shown at the premiere of Benjamin Button on 12/8/08. Credit: PRPhotos

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39 Responses to “Brad Pitt to receive Ducati motorbike for 45th birthday”

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  1. geronimo says:

    ZOMG HIPPACRAT. Brad gets a hot-to-trot bike while his poor, maltreated, basement-dwelling, crust-nourished, rag-wearing, TV-deprived children have to make their own presents. Disgraceful. A hundred eyerolls.

  2. Syko says:

    Call Social Services immediately!

    Those poor kids probably have pinkeye too.

  3. Mairead says:

    What? How dare they!! If that wasn’t bad enough it’s a foreign bike! Oh noes! They hates America and they haven’t thruppence ha’penny to rub together and the children are going without. Oh the humanity!

  4. daisy424 says:

    I agree ladies! Kick ’em to the curb.
    Make them kneel on popcorn kernels in the time out corner.

    Hmmm….Brad looks Great Gatsby-ish in those photos…yum!

  5. meme says:

    how many bikes does this douche need?

  6. M.E. says:


  7. .... says:

    Why does this website/blog present stories that are from tabloids and that not true????

    Whoever owns this site always makes it seem like the stories are true, even when they are from the national enquirer.

    Anyways they ask Brad or Angelina about this at a premier and they said it was FALSE.

  8. irl says:

    No kidding – the kids can’t watch commercials so they don’t get greedy and materialistic. They have to make gifts and he gets a ducati?

  9. Enonymous says:

    Way to go green Brad, I guess he, like many other hypocritical people who go on and on about Global warming and helping the poor, also go by the belief of ‘do as I say don’t do what I do’ kind of thing.

    Despite if this story is true or not Bradangelina are well know for having a taste for the finner things in life and this includes Brad’s expensive interest in big toys. This douche thinks he is still a young, exciting guy, were in reality he is very quickly becoming an old fart. You are 45 dude, 45 years old, so ACT IT.

  10. Annie says:


  11. M.E. says:

    Brad is not 45 his ass is 50 plus!

    LMAO at these hollywood liars!

  12. Kaiser says:

    Maybe Angelina lied about getting him a bike when she was asked because it’s a surprise?

    I dunno. It sounds totally believable to me.

  13. Syko says:

    “How many bikes does this douche need?”

    As many as he wants.

    “Whoever owns this site always makes it seem like the stories are true, even when they are from the national enquirer.”

    That’s why it’s called “gossip”. Go to CNN for facts. Or to Fox News for more gossip.

    I’m shaking my head at him being too old for this sort of thing at 45. A good friend of mine just bought a Harley at the age of 63. Goes to Sturgis every year, having a blast. Please tell me where the rule is that only those under 35 can have fun, sex and money?

  14. Baholicious says:

    LOL Geronimo and Syko – Don’t forget impetigo!

  15. NotBlonde says:

    Syko: A Harley can be ridden until you die. A Ducati is for young men.

    By the way, what is happening with Brad’s hair in that third picture? He doesn’t need to do a comb-over…

  16. M.E. says:


  17. daisy424 says:

    @Enonymous – life ends when you’re 45? How exactly is a 45 year old supposed to act? Sitting in a rocker on his porch with a blanket on his legs gumming his food?

    It’s her $$ to spend how she wants; On a charity, her family or she can pile it all in the front yard and burn it if she wants to.

    Sure beats the crap outta what I got my husband for his birthday this year.

  18. carey says:

    What does “ZOMG” mean??? I keep seeing it in the comments, and I am not cool enough or young enough to decipher!!!!

  19. Syko says:

    It’s okay, Carey, we’re not young or cool either. ZOMG is just OMG (oh my god) with a little more excitement and oomph added on. I think Kaiser invented it.

  20. curegirl0421 says:

    WTF Brad Pitt is 45??? That’s just weird.

  21. Mairead says:

    Oh come on Syko – 35 is practically Antediluvian around here!

  22. morgs says:

    I’m sorry, but neither of them look hot in theses photos. Angie looks severe and Brad looks BEAT! Smoking and drinking will do it to you (not that I should preach as I am guilty of both).

  23. Codzilla says:

    So wait, I’m confused. Why can “older” guys ride Harleys, but not Ducatis? Is there some kind of underground biker logic at play that I don’t understand?

  24. Autumm Leaves says:

    I hope BP and AJ continue to live their lives to the fullest! Enjoy it like no one has a say in it.

  25. NotBlonde says:

    A Harley is big and burly. It’s like a manly motorcycle. And I’ve seen like, 90 year old guys with giant white beards on them. They can go fast but your typical older Harley rider cruises on one. A Harley is a motorcycle made for cruising and parking and showing off. You could travel across the country on one.

    A Ducati on the other hand is made for going as fast as humanly possible. It’s a tiny thing; aerodynamically exceptional and brilliant for speeding on tracks and on wide country roads.

    I guess the point is: Harleys are great for older bike riders because they aren’t made to get as much speed as possible. Ducatis are for younger men who have a weird fascination for going fast and being “dangerous”.

    Personally, I don’t think anyone with young children should ride motorcycles at all considering how dangerous they are.

  26. HallieB says:

    Not true. Brad denied this tall tale on the red carpet last week at the TCCBB premiere when asked specifically about this lie. Just another lie generated by a tabloid.

  27. debra77 says:

    Sometimes I think why try..But here goes. He did not say his kids did not get presents He said that part of their Christmas tradition is that everyone makes something for someone else. Their kids have a very fortunate life. A million toys will not make or break it. Brad even said that the kids are small and they like toys. I understand his point. Kids see the stuff and that is what they want. But if you have ever worked or been around kids, they really love playing with the simplest toys.. blocks, lego, puzzles ect. does not cost a lot, but these are the toys kids have loved for years. He did say that Angie was not buying him a bike. She already gave him one last year or the year before. Plus he has quite a few. Can we all stop believing every story printed in a magazine for once. jezzzz

  28. carey says:

    Thanks, Syko! ZOMG! I feel a bit hipper already! 🙂

  29. IMO says:

    BRangelina are stuck in high school. The tatto, the tattoo, the bikes, the ridiculous clothing.

    Brad was a mature man, but then he got into the famous midlife crisis, as many men do- when they reach the big 40 years old mark.

    How pathetic is it when old people try to act like teenagers?!

    Brad should be taking his children to school and to other activities with other kids.

    High school is over, dude. You’re 45- DEAL WITH IT.

  30. Kim says:

    Pitt will need that bike to ride away when Angelina finally gets out of the calm pyscho mode and takes blood from each of those kids to wear around her neck. When the kids grow and the baby thing wears off, these douches will be left with nothing to ride on. May be a Bermuda triangle but this time Miley Cyrus running off with Brad Pitt and having an affair with both Pitt and Maddox.

  31. Mairead says:

    Codzilla – you won’t have a clue who he is but THIS fella has a Harley:
    (bought for him by U2 in fairness)

    ’nuff said.

  32. Another's opinion says:

    hmm Angelina can buy all the expensive things for brad and it’s nobody’s business. it’s their money and they work hard for it. And when is riding a bike and having a tatoo so high school?? Military men sports tatoos and lots of Hollywood actors and ordinary people love bikes. You should go out in the real world and see what real people are doing not just posting none sense crap on the thread of a certain actor you hate.

  33. Another's opinion says:


    Huh when is sporting a tattoo so high school?? Military men sports tattoos so are half of the Hollywood actors/actresses. As for riding a bike hellooo why do you thing harley davidson and ducati are so expensive it’s because the companies that made these bikes don’t cater for high school buyers duhhhhhh!!!

  34. Enonymous says:

    daisy424, life surely does not end at 45 but at the same time Brad is far from spring chicken and he is only 4 years younger then my parents and my brother and I are in our twenties. Because he had his children so late in life does not mean he should act like a young dad because he is not. I agree with IMO and NotBlonde on what they said, BRADangelina ARE stuck in high school still and that is just sad. I am afraid that idiot George Clooney is rubbing off on him.

  35. Syko says:

    So, when you hit 40, you should give up doing anything that’s fun because you’re old? I hope, IMO, that you live to be 40 so you can eat your words.

    People do not change inside. The guy that likes speed and danger at 20 will still like it at 50 and even 80. He may not participate in it at 80 because the body does change and deteriorate, but what’s inside us, the thing that makes us who we are, does not change.

  36. Jacqueline says:

    Happy Birthday Brad !!!!! Hope you so enjoy your day, xxx
    Awww, come on you guys, Brad’s a great guy: diligent father, loving son, complementary partner to Angi; a fantastic actor – he must bring-in BIG money to the U.S.
    I know a few ‘biker’ guys – no, they can never have too many bikes, and will always have their favourite manufacturers. Ducati will be a top-prize – and I’m sure Angie would want to give Brad the most fabulous item she can. and hopefully she’ll get to ride pillion.
    Do stop the foul-mouthing about the Jolie-Pitts; DO enjoy, acknowledge and appreciate their positive attributes during the time we get to share with them during our time to-be-living. I’m fascinated by contemporary iconology (Elvis, marlon, marilyn, James Dean, Liz Taylor etc etc.), and I’ve NO DOUBT whatsoever that Brad & Angie will always be part of that culture- even after their deaths.

  37. Kim says:

    ‘People do not change inside. …’

    You said it. At 35,45,55,85 Angelina will see be the blood sucking, brother f*ucking, knife weilding self harming psycho. 20 children or not.

    Brad will of course be the botoxed dumb, adulterous, pussy whipped loser who morphs into his girl friends.

  38. Codzilla says:

    Mairead: Gotcha! He looks pretty tame for a Harley, but if U2 gifted me with a hog, I’d shelve my fears and ride that baby all over town.

    NotBlonde: Thank you also for the distinction. The only thing I knew about Ducatis before now is that my husband dreams of owning one, but sadly, our bank account isn’t equipped to deal with the stress. Although, he IS 38, so I suppose he needs to get a second job or something, because his time is running out.

  39. of course it happens. choosing a right gift for your love is always a tough task