Princess Charlene steps out in Paris for the Versace show: lovely or exhausted?

Here are some newish photos of Princess Charlene of Monaco in Paris over the weekend. She attended the Versace show, which is notable because most modern princesses avoid Versace like the plague. Princess Diana loved Versace – specifically Gianni Versace, and Diana was one of the main guests at Gianni’s funeral just a month before her own. In the era of Donatella Versace’s reign, the clothes have gotten tighter, showier and more rock ‘n roll, and thus, you’d be hard-pressed to find Duchess Kate or Princess Victoria (of Sweden) or Queen Rania (of Jordan) wearing Versace. But if Princess Charlene goes that way? I would be fascinated. And yes, Kevin Costner was at the show and Charlene posed with him because her life doesn’t suck enough, I suppose. God, he’s annoying. But Charlene was probably just happy to be away from her insemination dungeon. Poor Charlene.

In other Charlene/Monaco news, I think I might know why Albert allowed Charlene to leave the dungeon for Paris Fashion Week – it’s because Albert was victorious in his lawsuit against The London Times. Memorably, The London Times was one of the many publications who questioned the authenticity of Albert and Charlene’s wedding and marriage – the allegations at the time were along the lines of “Charlene was forced to marry Albert, she tried to escape and he confiscated her passport,” etc. Anyway, Albert won unspecified damages. AND he’s gone to war with that new film in which Nicole Kidman is playing a very Botoxed version of his mother:

Princess Charlene and Prince Albert of Monaco fought for the reputation of the principality’s royal family this week, slamming a movie on Grace Kelly starring Nicole Kidman and winning damages from a British paper for saying Charlene had tried to flee Monaco ahead of her marriage.

Monaco’s Prince Albert and his sisters, Princess Caroline and Princess Stephanie, dismissed the screenplay for a film starring Nicole Kidman about their mother and former Hollywood actress Grace Kelly as glamourised fiction and said the film project Grace of Monaco contained “historical untruths” and that some parts were “purely fictional”.

The statement was intended to shoot down a story in a French magazine Paris Match, which said the Monaco royals had been reassured by producers about the credibility of director Olivier Dahan’s film project.

“Having in no way been associated with this project, Their Highnesses were quite surprised when they received the script,” said an e-mailed statement sent on Thursday. “The palace had submitted many requests for changes to the producers of the film, not all of which were taken into consideration.” Hollywood star Grace Kelly married Albert’s father Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1956.

The palace said it would not tolerate the suggestion in Paris Match that Albert and his family supported the film. Albert’s own glamour bride, former SA Olympic swimmer Charlene Wittstock, has often been compared to Princess Grace.

On Monday the royal couple received an apology and substantial damages from the London broadsheet, The Sunday Times over a story which suggested his marriage was a sham. The High Court in London heard that the article – published two days after the Prince’s wedding to Charlene Wittstock – claimed that the bride-to-be was forced to hand over her passport at Nice airport to prevent her fleeing Monaco.

The Sunday Times also claimed that Princess Charlene had been reluctant to marry after discovering the existence of a love child but agreed to the wedding in return for a payment with a view to obtaining an annulment after a seemly interval. Lawyers for the paper admitted none of the allegations was true and apologised. The Prince sued for damages of £300 000, although the exact amount of the settlement was not disclosed.

[From IOL]

What’s bizarre about the London Times settlement thing is that I feel pretty confident that they were just re-reporting and re-appropriating stories that originally appeared in the French tabloids (and the legit French media outlets). Just before Albert and Charlene’s wedding, there were MANY stories that appeared in French outlets, and the American and UK papers picked the story up from the French reporting. So… did Albert really “win” a legal victory or did he just choose the right newspaper to sue? Because I’d like to see if any of the French newspapers care enough to say that their reporting was wrong.

As for the Grace of Monaco/Nicole Kidman film – didn’t I say that the damn thing looked like a hot mess? It doesn’t surprise me at all that Albert isn’t happy with the film.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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29 Responses to “Princess Charlene steps out in Paris for the Versace show: lovely or exhausted?”

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  1. RocketMerry says:

    Sad, mostly. So, so sad.

    Sidenote, Kevin Costner looked really good.

  2. Bad Irene says:

    I don’t get the poor Princess Charlene narrative, she knew him for years before marriage and surely must have know what he was like but she stuck it out for the tiara, so she got what she wanted now she must endure it.

    damn I am grumpy without vast amounts of coffee!

    • LAK says:

      I see it as a parallel with co$. They don’t tell you all about xenu until you are several years and dollars down the road. Once you are at point of no return, they let you into the room with the truth about xenu. And so with charlene. She probably knew enough BUT not entire truth until the eve of her wedding. Either that or press suppression of reports of unhappy years leading upto the wedding until it finally leaked out. Her demeanour since a few months prior to the wedding and a few weeks afterwards has been markedly different to the previous years. Indicating that something bad happened. Whether the something bad was/is a result of Albert is speculative gossip at this point. However, the fact that Nicole Coste suddenly turned up in Monaco a week before the wedding, during the height of this gossip and has apparently, allegedly been banned immediately afterwards is catnip to the gossip.

      • Bad Irene says:

        If I had to guess I would say more of his children popped out of the woodwork, maybe conceived and birthed in the lead up to the wedding.

        Or maybe she discovered some kink of his, sorry for putting that mental image out into the internet, bleurgh.

    • Lisa says:

      I agree…she is a grown woman, she should have called it off if she really wanted to. He seems like a complete dick, but do not buy the victim angle.

      • Lauren says:

        In defence of Charlene it was widely reported in the media especially in the UK and France that she had in fact tried to call off the wedding and leave Albert at the last minute. However the Prince is said to have confiscated he passport making it impossible for her to return to her home country. Basically on her wedding day the press was reporting that she was crying so much because it was a ‘hostage wedding’.

  3. Lulu says:

    She definitely has a ‘photograph’ face doesn’t she?

  4. ms.steel says:

    i love her but i sooo hate the dress, the boots especially! looks so trying hard.

  5. Anmelt says:

    Mmm I am sure many will disagree but I do not find her that beautiful *runs for cover *

    • Mich says:

      I totally agree with you. South Africa produces some amazingly beautiful women (Charlize and Candice to name just two) but I don’t consider Charlene to be one of them. I think it has something to do with how incredibly vacant she looks in every picture – more like a wax figure than a real, live human being. Zero charisma.

    • GoodCapon says:

      She was prettier before she overdid it with botox. Nowadays she looks like she should belong in a wax museum and her sad, glassy eyes only compounds the situation further.

      • Louise says:

        Botox…three nose jobs, her entire teeth about twice, her eye lift that left a scar in her eyebrow that pulls upward, the boob job and what looks like golfball cheek implants. I’m just repeating what many have seen and that German papers report.

        Btw the French papers are sticking to their sources and refusing to divulge them.

    • GoodCapon says:

      edit: double post

  6. LAK says:

    I think too, that it isn’t a victory unless he sues the french papers that initially carried the story. The editor refused to back down from his story. US/UK papers simply repeated what was said in the french papers, and if I recall, always making it clear which french papers they were quoting from.

    I think she looks less sad/botoxed. Perhaps she’s come to terms with whatever the problem was and is enjoying the perks.

  7. alc says:

    Speaking of a hot mess, how about Donatella? Never ceases to amaze me. And I’m a little tired of the poor me, victimized Charlene. She should have run when she had the chance but I think her father wanted the wedding more than her. I remember thinking the whole thing was pretty fishy at the time. Albert is a douche! There have always been stories (I’m old!) about how he slept around using the “I’m a Prince” line and who knows how many kids he really has? And he is supposed to have quite a temper. And let’s face it, he is no Prince Charming in the looks department-his cra-cra sisters got all of those. Maybe there could be a show called “The Real House Princesses of Monte Carlo”.

  8. Hautie says:

    I gotta to ask.

    When did Costner get the hair implants? Or is that just a new toupee?

    Five years ago. He had maybe 8 hairs on top. And four of them were split.

    Now it is all full and fluffy!

    (Don’t get me wrong. I am all for men getting their hair done.)

  9. bea says:

    She’s got a fantastic face. I am not feeling that coat she’s wearing at all – the neckline looks all out of shape. Is it Versace? And the gold buckles on the knees of the boots. Terrible.

    DV looks downright scary. Her skin is grey. And KC looks like he had J Depp style him. Yuck.

  10. MacScore says:

    I SCREAMED when I saw the pic of Donatella! I’ve been seeing it as an ad on my computer for some time, and thought it was an ad for how plastic surgery can go completely f***ing wrong. Doesn’t she realise what she looks like?!!!! Oh my lord.

  11. Lance Repeat says:

    You are correct here that they just chose an easy target. The Sunday Times is the same paper that had to apologize in the same manner to Lance Armstrong and payout nearly 1 million in damages for reprinting the news of his doping accusations. Prince Albert is very close with Lance Armstrong and he probably advised him to target this paper.

    The only problem is now that Lance admitted he was doping all along. The Sunday Times is now suing Lance for all the money back. So the credibility for Albert and Charlene and their scam of a marriage apology is pretty much killed with the Lance story.

    I predict in the same manner as Lance, the Monaco hot mess of a marriage will be exposed as a fraud and the Sunday Times will have a “Lance repeat” and sue Monaco for its money back.

    I don’t see why they carry on with this charade. Charlene is clearly unhappy, a new heir is on the way through Caroline’s son Andrea. There is really no need for this charade anymore. Let everyone get on with their lives and be happy. All the lies must be getting exhausting. JMHO

  12. gogoGorilla says:

    Can someone tell me exactly what the charade theories are all about? I mean, the guy obviously looks like a troll, but I can’t imagine she was actually forced at gunpoint to marry him or anything. And sometimes ugly men are nice, too. 🙂

    Is he secretly a transvestite? a junkie? an S&M king? What’s the deal?

  13. Andrea says:

    I wish me knew the true story. 🙁

  14. Lindsay says:

    There is something VERY off about this gal. She looks completely vacant… Scary vacant. More so than anybody else who is accused of being vacant. Is she on medication? Is she nuts? Is that just how she looks?

    The whole fiasco with Prince Albert is weird.

  15. Suze says:

    Charlene’s plastic surgery works for her but she should stop RIGHT NOW. No more.

    Donatella – good grief. She has chosen the crazy train to oldsville. Hope she’s having a good time.

  16. Chrissy says:

    Well, she looks gorgeous next to Donatella.

  17. Amy says:

    Doesn’t she look like Katie Holmes pre-divorce? She doesn’t even have a kid tying her down to this guy. What does Albert have on her that makes her feel like she can’t leave? Maybe he threatened to divulge something about her–like maybe something scandalous about her swimming past (she doped? Sorry, clearly Lance Armstrong interview has distorted my view of any pro athlete) or something. If it’s a prince she wants so badly, Harry is free! That actually would be kind of amazing, considering Harry has already shown a penchant for girls from Africa.