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12 Responses to “More SAG arrivals: Reese, Ashton & Demi, Cate, Patricia Arquette”

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  1. Bex says:

    Oh, I *LOVE* Demi’s dress. I love the cut and the color.. It would be better if she smiled more often though.

  2. alexi says:

    Demi always looks GORGEOUS, a million dollars of plastic surgery or not.

    Ashton, I am not grooving on his hair tho. He looks like Shane from the L WORD (Catherine Moening) with a darn moustache!

  3. Iva says:

    I wish Reese would go out on a limb – granted she looks great – but it’s the same thing over and over again – just a different color.

  4. MaiGirl says:

    I am so glad that Patricia Arquette FINALLY found a way to properly clothe her bodacious body. She has a great, womanly figure, but she usually does it no favors by wearing ill-fitting, ugly dresses.

    And Ellen Pompeo…besides the fact that I hate her character on Gray’s (since when is selfish, whiny, indecisive and capricious attractive?) she really is severe looking naturally, so she really needs hair around her face and soft lines in her clothing to tone down the battleaxe factor.

  5. frewtloop says:

    I think good taste completely bypassed the Arqette family altogether.

    Cate, Reese and Demi look fantastic but that Pompeo chick? Ugh.

  6. Captain Obvious says:


  7. Vern says:

    Cate’s dress is nice, but once again she chooses a colour that pretty much makes her look like one big beige blur

  8. Mr. T says:

    Ashton looks good with his mommie. Demi looked good with her son. How can we spell I-N-C-E-S-T, oh wait, they are not related. Nice boob job on the knee’s Demi. Demi is not the brightest beotch in Hollywoodland.

  9. KIM says:

    Demi’s face looks way too puffy- maybe injections or something to fight the jowels that are coming on? She just doesn’t look good.

  10. legless says:

    Hey look, Ashton brought his mom with him.

  11. Iva says:

    Demi needs to do something with that hair – I know she probably feels that the long hair makes her look/feel younger – but it really makes her look old – especially with such a large forehead – she needs to shorten it a little and put some layers into it – soften it up around her face.

  12. Caygill says:

    Demi is hot, and those two are a nice couple!