Taylor Swift to guest-star on ‘New Girl’ finale: will it end up a bangsy Twee-Off?

Have you forgotten why you disliked Taylor Swift so much? Can she come out and get pap’d on the regular again? Because she is! These are new photos of Tay-Tay at Bristol Farms yesterday in LA, doing some light grocery shopping. What’s your grocery shopping schedule? Unless I’m sick or I just had some brain fart and forgot something important, I only go grocery shopping once a week and I get everything I need. Since I just live with my dog, my grocery needs are pretty simple and I don’t even keep a list. I always need the same thing. Dog food, yogurt, ginger ale, bananas, some stuff from the deli. Still, I manage to fill up the cart every week. I’m amazed by people who go grocery shopping every other day. Maybe it has something to do with having kids and running out of stuff more often? But then how do you explain Swifty’s general lack of bags? She must have just run out of a few things: tampons, glittery nail polish and apples?

I put this in the links last week, but it’s worth repeating – Swifty is going to guest-star on the season finale of New Girl on May 14th. Taylor’s songs have been featured on New Girl before – Nick Miller memorably danced to a Swifty song to make Jess feel better after she had been dumped. But Swifty isn’t going to star as herself, she’s going to play “a character named Elaine, who is an ‘important guest’ at the wedding of Cece (Hannah Simone) and Shivrang (Satya Bhabha).” First of all, ten bucks says Cece doesn’t even go through with the wedding. Second of all, if Swifty sings, it’s going to be a Twee-Off, Bangs-Off disaster. If Jess and Elaine do a duet… well, it better not be one of Swifty’s songs. But! It would be funny if Swifty came on as a love interest for Schmidt or Nick. Just to mix it up.

Also – Swifty has partnered with Keds on a full-range collection of sneakers. You can see the collection here. All of them are perfectly appropriate for a tween or even a teen. But I fear roaming bands of 20-something hipster girls wearing these Keds.

PS… Does Swifty not own any sweatpants?

Photos courtesy of Owen Beiny/WENN.com.

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34 Responses to “Taylor Swift to guest-star on ‘New Girl’ finale: will it end up a bangsy Twee-Off?”

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  1. marie says:

    no, NO. I like the New Girl, so ridiculous. I don’t think Cece will go through with it either. Watch, she’ll probably end up Shivrang’s secret girlfriend.

    Also, if this were me, I would have parked the cart and carried the bags to the car.

    • Len says:

      I think she’s hoping the shoppingcart will make her look normal and down to earth. Look at me being normal! There is hardly anything in the bags. And she spent some time in front of the mirror before going on this photo op.

    • FLORC says:

      But if she carries her bags to her car she could put on muscle mass. How is she suppose to find a husband if she doesn’t look like a dainty flower that will wilt in the hot sun?

    • Kate says:

      My guess is that she is Cece’s fiance’s ex and will stop the wedding.

  2. Leigh says:

    I go everyday.
    I hate it, but I do… I don’t “plan” dinners – so I end up there on daily basis getting stuff… and yes, ppl with kids, who are a bit scatter brained (me) , run out of stuff more often!!

    ps. Still can’t stand her. Hate that she’s on a show I like… Similar to when Britney Spears was on Will & Grace and How I Met Your Mother…

  3. Rachelstein says:

    Ugh asif Zooey deschanel wasn’t enough bangsy ‘quirky’ annoyingness for one show!

  4. Justyna says:

    I love New Girl, I really like Zoey and their sweet style and possible twee-off doesn’t bother me at all. Other things do – first of all, will Swifty be able to pull off the acting part? I think her short acting attempts in music videos were absolutely dreadful. Especially her boyfriend impersonation in “We are never, ever…”. Other than that – New Girl’s main audience are women in their 20’s and 30’s rather than boy crazy tweens and I doubt she is considered a sweetheart among this age group. After her recent comments about hell and feminism, she is more likely the opposite of that. Why cast someone who is hated by most of the target audience? She would be more suited for iCarly or other Disney/Nickelodeon show. I will watch it anyway and I think so highly about the NG writers (the recent Chicago episode was amazing) that I hope the script will be so good that even her appereance won’t be able to ruin it.

  5. Abby says:

    Swifty was OK on SNL, I think she will be ok on New Girl. It’s my husband’s and my FAVORITE show. Schmidt and CeCe need to be together, but she wants babies yesterday! I cannot wait to see what happens with Nick and Jess. Not sure where Taylor will fit in, but I could see her pulling a younger Jess vibe. Should be good!

  6. Maya says:

    Of course Swifty doesn’t own sweatpants! Sweatpants aren’t ladylike! Do you think a 50’s housewife would ever wear sweatpants?

  7. L says:

    Jeebus does she have to wear that awful red lipstick EVERYWHERE? Even to the grocery store?

    I go to the grocery store/farmer’s market every other day. I do a big run on dry goods and stuff like that on Sunday, and then go there (or to the market) every other day for fresh produce. I’m ready for summer to get here so my greens will come up already and I can make fewer trips.

  8. valleymiss says:

    Swifty better stay away from Nick Miller if she knows what’s good for her! Grrrr

  9. E says:

    Bleh, New Girl. Bleh, Taylor Swift. But yay, grocery shopping! No kids here, but we do go a few times a week. We cook with fresh produce a lot and it runs out quickly. My husband & I work from home though, so we eat more meals at home than most. But seriously, why didn’t she just carry those bags???

  10. Kcarp says:

    Does Taylor Swift drive? I dont remember seeing her drive.

    • Wembley says:

      Her boyfriend wouldn’t let her drive his pick-up truck, so she’s been pouting ever since.

      • Kcarp says:

        Oh ya…that stupid old pick up you never let me drive?

        I am so ashamed I just sang that sitting here in my cube, and I am not even close to a teenager. Hides face… I am 34.

  11. Sweet Dee says:

    Those Keds were the ugliest shoes I’ve seen in awhile, after the ones she’s wearing in these photos.

    Anyway, boyfriend and I go to the store together once a week for most things, but then he goes to the farmer’s market most days for fresh fish and a veggie. He loves to cook, but he’s a snob about ingredients. They must be high quality and fresh: no farmed fish, no dyes added, local produce (organic not necessary). It’s a good thing for me because the food he makes is incredible and healthy, and I never have to cook.

  12. Amanda says:

    I try to go to the grocery store once every two weeks. I make a list but I always end up forgetting something! And only Swifty would go to the grocery store looking like that. My grocery store attire consists of tshirt, yoga pants, sneakers and a ball cap.

    • EmmaStoneWannabe says:

      You and I sound alike. I go every couple weeks for the staples, in a tshirt…but might run in for a bottle of wine every few days after work. I’m a wine-o.

  13. Bread and Circuses says:

    A photo op to make her look like a regular, down-to-earth girl instead of a prissy, boy-discarding prima donna.

    I suspect Taylor OBSESSES about her image and this was carefully planned and staged.

    • EmmaStoneWannabe says:

      Oh you can bet on that! Even a few years back when she was “dating” Jake Gyllenhall, their photos screamed that every detail was planned..I still remember how she was holding out that Starbucks cup. Ugh

  14. TheOneAndOnly says:

    Like beyonce this is another one that would do well to concentrate on making grown up music rather than endless marketing; do we have to see her in Walgreens, Target, Kohl’s, Macy’s, Covergirl ( though I heard they didn’t renew her contract), etc. ads,
    If her music’s so great why can’t it stand on it’s own merits?

  15. Lizzie says:

    Her outfit looks SO similar to a school uniform from another school that was kind of near my high school. She needs to give up looking like a 15 year old (and this outfit is a super dowdy one that a 15 year old would have changed out of the second the bell rang).

  16. boredbrit says:


  17. KellyinSeattle says:

    Is she cut from the same cloth as a Stepford Wife? Absolutely a dead personality; not a fun person at all, plus she never laughs. (well, at the Awards but she scowled then)

  18. lylaooo says:

    NoooooOOOOOOOO!!! pleasee don´t!!
    i really like the show, I made my brothers to like the show! we watched the show together!! please don´t do this!!

    we can stand this girl! we dont care if the songs have been featured before….but having to see her for 20 min…ITS TO MUCH!!!

  19. dcypher1 says:

    She propbably buys organic food. Organic food goes bad faster cus they dont have preservatives. So u have to buy more food more often cus it goes bad faster. Thats what I have to do too if I eat organic.

  20. Al says:

    I usually go grocery shopping twice a week.
    One big shop on the weekend an a smaller “top-up” shop in Wednesdays or Thursdays. I find if I buy a lot of fruit & veg it doesn’t stay fresh enough for the whole week.

    I also don’t own sweatpants, and I would totally wear those Keds. I’m 29.

  21. kim says:

    The keds are uggo and cheapo made looking
    Swift looks like a golden girl in that get up
    New girl is boring which sux bc I iused to love it

  22. Ally8 says:

    I wish they would stop it with the Jess-Nick storyline on New Girl. The character and the actor playing him are equally tedious. Enough with the budget-Reality-Bites (now without charisma or good looks!) romance.

    Cancel the whole thing and resuscitate it as The Schmidt Show. Anyway, the best scenes are of the guys arguing amongst themselves… convincingly written, energetically acted, and shades of Mark Darcy-Daniel Cleaver chemistry/animosity!

  23. Jolene says:

    I tend to go almost every day, but I work right next door to one. I also don’t have a car so I can’t buy more than I can carry.