Robert Downey Jr. on his chance of eventually winning an Oscar: ‘I couldn’t care less’

Robert Downey Jr. covers the May issue of GQ, all to promote Iron Man 3. Considering there’s no Gwyneth Paltrow gumming up the works, I LOVE this photoshoot – you can see the Peggy Sirota photoshoot here – there’s one photo in particular where RDJ has his pinkie in his mouth that is SO SEXY. Unf. As for the interview (you can read the full piece here), RDJ comes across as confident, even boastful and almost arrogant and full of himself. Has he earned it? I think he’s earned it. Some highlights:

Robert Downey Jr. on his acting abilities and that of the current generation of actors: “I’m probably one of the best. …But it’s not that big a deal. It’s not like this is the greatest swath or generation of actors that has ever come down the pike.”

On his being a regular guy: “Nothing pleases me more than when somebody who was awe-inspired to be working with me realizes I’m just another schmuck that they’re bored of hanging out with on a set. I love that moment. I like it when that persistent illusion is smashed.”

On the inevitability of his winning an Oscar: “I, personally, would be shocked if we went to the end of the tape now and I didn’t have at least one. …Because I’m young enough, and I’m running down being occupied with these kind of genre movies, close enough. Even the next thing we’re doing with [my wife], I’m so confident about it. It’s the best script the studio has; it’s the best thing I’ve read in years. You know, honestly, my real answer to that is: I don’t care. I used to think I cared, and I couldn’t care less. Now, I’m not saying I wouldn’t get a little choked up, but it is amazing to see how people are literally hyperventilating when they get up there, because they have such an attachment to this outcome. I mean, it’s not like we’re at the f–king Olympics or something. …Look, even if I don’t get one directly, eventually they’re just going to have to give me one when I get old. So no matter how you slice it, I’m getting one.”

On the success of Iron Man and The Avengers: Downey has taken pride in being deeply involved in every stage of the solo Iron Man movies, but for The Avengers he fitted into Joss Whedon’s wider vision. “I really just showed up, hit my marks,” he says. “Joss would write some lines or I would come up with a line. It was very easy—it was so easy I didn’t see how it could work.”

On how much money he made off of The Avengers: Whatever contract Downey signed when he agreed to appear in multiple movies as Iron Man allowed him a share of The Avengers’ payday far bigger than anyone could have anticipated. The Hollywood Reporter recently suggested that the true figure was around $50 million. It’s not the kind of thing most actors are prepared to talk about, but I ask Downey anyway.
“Yeah,” he says, smiling.
Is that number about right?
“Yeah.” A broader smile.
That’s amazing.
“Isn’t that crazy?” he says. “They’re so pissed. I can’t believe it. I’m what’s known as ‘a strategic cost.’ ”

On his desire to compose music and direct a Halloween-themed film in which he plays a Village Voice reporter: “You know, I really miss composing music, writing music. And I want to direct—I think I’d do a pretty good job. Nobody has cornered Halloween as a market since Halloween. I will say only this: I am a Village Voice reporter on the run.”

On knowing what will and won’t work: “I’m very good at deconstructing. I’m a very good troubleshooter for why something is unlikely to work. And most everything is unlikely to work.”

GQ’s Chris Heath on how Robert Downey Jr.’s persistence landed him the role in Iron Man: Even after the film’s director, Jon Favreau, passed on the word from Marvel that it wasn’t going to happen, Downey refused to listen. (Favreau later explained that Marvel had actually been even more definite: “Under no circumstances are we prepared to hire him for any price.”) Downey persisted nonetheless, and eventually he was told he’d at least get a screen test.

[From GQ]

I skimmed the first page of the full article, and Robert seems to be discussing the twist of fate in his career, when he suddenly became bankable (because of Iron Man) and how weird the whole thing was and is. I actually love what he says about getting an Oscar, just because I can’t even remember a movie star being that refreshingly honest about their chances. Robert isn’t bitching about Oscar campaigns, nor is he cloyingly begging for an Oscar. He just seems to be like, “Yeah, chances are pretty good that I’ll get one for a role, or they’ll give me one when I’m old. Whatever.” It’s also interesting that he confirms that he ended up making around $50 million off the backend of The Avengers. That’s amazing.

Photos courtesy of Peggy Sirota / GQ.

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111 Responses to “Robert Downey Jr. on his chance of eventually winning an Oscar: ‘I couldn’t care less’”

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  1. eileen says:

    OMG I love this man. *sigh*

  2. MyLeNe - Montreal says:

    i like him !

  3. aims says:

    He came out of a dark place, addiction. He survived it, is healthier mentally and physically. So I have nothing snarky to say about him. He’s a good actor, funny and smart. He’s deserving of the goodness that is coming his way. I wish him well.

    • LadyMTL says:

      This is exactly how I feel about him, I have nothing bad to say. He’s been through hell and has come out a stronger man for it. He always was a talented actor (I love him in Chaplin) and it’s nice to see him on top.

      As for the photos…unf sums it up nicely. The man is yummy!

      • Lady D says:

        Please, what does unf stand for? Urban Dictionary says ‘unforgivable’ which doesnt’ make sense to me in this context.

      • Amelia says:

        “Unf” ~
        The sound some of us make (or think) when our biscuit sees something that pleases it.
        You’re advised to either think (or write it) if you want to avoid sounding like a gorilla in awkward places.
        For instance; if you happen to see Sherlock being filmed on the street, you don’t want to sound like a gorilla gone wrong in front of Cumby, do you?

    • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

      He came out of a very dark place and has earned ever bit of his success. I find him down to earth and real. He seems to say what he really thinks and feels, and isn’t too attached to what others think.

    • Kristine says:


      on a side note… why does his head look so big in this pic? Lol!

  4. Amelia says:

    Aw. Lovely bloke.
    He can get away with being cocky IMO because (to a degree, at least) he’s earned it and it’s not like Goop’s bitchy pandering to the peasants, passive-aggressively showing everyone she’s SO much better than the rest of us.
    He knows he’s good, he knows he’s bankable and he isn’t going to play the ‘holy-moly-aw-shucks, I can barely believe people actually like me’ card. But because he’s so off-the-cuff about it, he’s still likeable.
    Love ‘im 🙂

    • JenD says:

      I read a quote by her that her character Pepper “made” the Iron Man movies. It was typical Goop insufferablity.

    • Sarah says:

      I really wonder if a female celeb would ever get away with being this cocky though? Its kind of more charming from a man, which is sad.

      • Marty says:

        If it was Helen Mirren or Streep I would say yes.

      • NerdMomma says:

        I had those exact same thoughts, and came up with those same two names. Streep and Mirren could say this and I’d love them for it.

      • Chicagogurl says:

        I wish more women would be cocky/confident like this – the key is to be at his caliber or higher. Most people (men and women) who talk about themselves like this aren’t that talented or self-depricating, they have no real accomplishments or are too hungry for accolades as opposed to actually being proud of the work.

      • tracking says:

        I think there’s truth here; I’m trying to think of a female with his talent who effed up to this degree for comparison. But no one comes to mind. Definitely true that by the time of her “comeback” she would have aged out of the system. And true talents like Streep and Blanchett are very disciplined and self effacing, traits you see less often in most of these dudes.

    • popcorn11 says:

      I respectfully disagree, he gets away with it because he is a man. Take RDJ with his addiction struggles and comeback, make him female and put this cocky interview in her mouth and everyone would be losing their ish. It would no doubt cross into mainstream news. Im sure people much smarter than me have studied this double standard madness so i will just advice Dame Judy Dench and Meryl Streep that a lifetime of great work is only a haughty glance from public ridicule. But they no doubt already know that.

      As for RDJ

      • Lulu.T.O. says:

        You may have something there popcorn. Maybe. But I think that RDJ really is in a class by himself, and to attribute our reactions to his statements to him being a man ONLY is too simplistic.

      • FirstTimer says:

        I agree.

      • RN says:

        I agree with you wholeheartedly. First of all, I can’t see an actress still receiving the kinds of roles RDJ did after coming out of jail and at his age. That wouldn’t happen. But even if it did, if the actress then went on to give an interview like this? OMG, it would be backlash central. And a lot of it would be from posters on this site; especially the ones who are all, “feminists are icky”.

        Americans don’t love a strong woman, at least not on a subconscious level. Only if she’s self-effacing and downplays her talents. Then THAT’S okay.

      • Amanda says:


        He’s nothing but a man, and should stop being cocky. If he wasn’t a man he wouldn’t be where he is now and he wouldn’t be talking the way he does.

      • Becky1 says:

        Agreed. There’s a huge double standard. If RDJ was a woman it would be a whole different story. I doubt anyone would think her comments are charming.

        I like RDJ-he’s a good actor with tons of charisma-but I’m probably in the minority in that I don’t like the cockiness. I find cockiness unappealing in both genders. Humility is an underrated virtue. I love humility in a man (or a woman!).

  5. veronica says:

    I just adore him!

  6. i'm french don't kill me says:

    for sure that he never will win an oscar with the Avengers,Iron Man or Sherlock Holmes movies. Since his comeback,it’s all what he acted.
    He only is interested by money
    Before to become bankable,he was a good and interesting actor but now he becomes as parodic as Johnny Depp

    • V4Real says:

      Hater says what?

      If he’s only in it for the money please point a celebrity who is doing it for free. If anyone deserves to get paid it’s my boy RDJ.

    • Amanda says:

      I used to like him but now he’s become a “bankable” actor like any other and his personality is a big no to me for some reason, same happened with johnny depp. But I was never the greatest fan so there’s that.

    • Dutch says:

      I’m not sure it’s about “only money.” He doesn’t have much choice. When you do tentpole type movies likes Holmes and Iron Man, there are sequel clauses in the contract that the studio activates if the movie is successful. The thing that will hurt his immediate Oscar chances is his improvisational acting style. I works great in the action movies he does, but I’m not sure how it would work in a heavy Oscar-bait drama.

      • V4Real says:

        I guess you never saw Chaplin or any of his earlier work. The man has no limits in his acting abilities. He does have other projects in the work outside of the franchise films. He is actualy producing and staring in “The Judge” he also beat out Clooney for the movie rights to Charlie Brokers’s Black Mirror.

      • LAK says:

        What at V4Real said.

    • Severine says:

      I think it’s a bit his sweet revenge. Just imagine going through everything like he did and becoming one of Hollywood’s most bankable actors. But he’ll eventually leave Tony Stark behind. Also, I think working on these superhero movies must be good fun. I’d feel like being a kid again. I loved pretending I was Wonder Woman. Just imagine getting paid to do that ? I wouldn’t say no!

    • NM9005 says:

      I still love him but he definitely made a choice to appear in blockbuster.
      No way that he didn’t know what Iron Man could mean moneywise.

      And sure it’s fun to play an action hero and to make good money but to say it so cocky is only validating the ridiculousness that is Hollywood for paying actors too much money to play make-belief.
      Which means, he not only believes in the system but happily participates in it. Therefore, his Oscar quote should be taken with a grain of salt. He’s an industry darling for a reason.

      And sorry, but crawling out of a hell hole he brought himself in, does not make him more of a winner for making way too much money now.

      I agree with others who say that women could never get away with this.

      Not all actors are in it for the money and some actors switch between artistic films and films that made money. I can’t remember a quote about an actor talking about this balance: films for your soul and films for your bank account. RDJ is mostly the latter lately. It doesn’t charm my pants off but I’ll be paying to see Iron Man nonetheless.

      • Amanda says:

        “And sorry, but crawling out of a hell hole he brought himself in, does not make him more of a winner for making way too much money now”.

        I couldn’t agree more.

    • evie says:

      I don’t think he’s a great actor. He always plays himself!

    • Kate says:

      But he got nominated for an Oscar AFTER his big comeback! And I don’t think you could call playing a role in blackface him parodying himself. That was balls to the wall risky. And it was HILARIOUS. He lost that year because he was up against Heath Ledger, but I think he might have had a shot in a less competitive year.

  7. mel says:

    He gets by saying with saying cockey things without coming across cockey…how does he do that???

  8. Jenna says:

    I love that man so much. That is all.

  9. It is ME!! says:

    He’s a sexy sexy man.

    Oh yes. 😉

  10. V4Real says:

    God I love his honesty; can this man make me love him more. Even if he comes off a bit arrogant to some, this man can do no wrong in my book. He is a hot sexy, adorkable mother_ucker.

    Like Lainey said who would have thought that RDJ would be the biggest movie star today and Tom Cruise would just become a joke on the MTV Awards.

    • mom2two says:

      I don’t mind it when people come across a little arrogant when they have the goods to back it up. Downey is a good actor and always has been. And nothing for nothing, this is also the same man who credits jail for saving his life and getting straight. Lindsay Lohan and her enablers could take a lesson here.
      And now he’s got enough money for when he is no longer playing Tony Stark and Sherlock Holmes, he can do those projects that most likely will earn him an Oscar (and probably finance them himself). I won’t throw shade at a guy who turned his life around.

  11. lucy2 says:

    To me it doesn’t sound too arrogant because he’s not putting so much weight on winning an Oscar, it’s not the end goal for him like it is for some other actors. That’s probably a much healthier approach.

    Good for him for working out that deal – it’s less than 5% of the gross, they probably never imagined it would total up to that much. Hope he uses it wisely and generously.

    • V4Real says:

      His people were very smart in working out a backend deal for him. It basically said that he would get paid a certain percentage if the movie reached a certain amount, which it did. Some people are not aware that Downey only got paid five hundred thousand for the first Iron Man. Terrence Howard was the highest paid actor in that movie. I love how admits that his salary was 50 mil; well deserved IMO.

      I don’t understand how some people on this thread as well as elsewhere claims he is all about the money. This is a man who has real talent and has been in the business for over 20 years. He did the smaller roles, the independent films such as A Guide To recognizing Your Saints, Fur and so on. He started out as a solid actor; then he had his dark years. It wasn’t an easy road back for him. After his release from jail he contiously worked but on small projects that were not box office hits for him. Hollywood basically ignored RDJ untill the success of IM; so let the man have his turn in the sun. He has hit his stride and he damn well deserves it.

      • Crumpets and Crotchshots says:

        How does one find out how much these actors are actually paid?

      • V4Real says:

        I don’t know how these mags find out but I’m guessing they have some inside info. I’m sure at times they are wrong but ni this case I guess not since RDJ agreed that it was indeed what he received.

  12. Bacon! says:

    I didn’t even read the article, just the headline, and immediately felt the need to express how amazing it is that he used “couldn’t care less” properly, rather than “could care less” That’s the opposite of the sentiment one is trying to express with that statement, and it drives me NUTS. Praise be to RDJ. That is all.

    • doofus says:

      totally laughing because that was the first thing I thought, too!

      I HATE it when people use that incorrectly.

    • Miss Kiki says:

      Dude I posted pretty much an identical sentiment about 2 posts down. It’s like we’re internet twins.

  13. SydneySpy says:

    I think he’s being refreshing honest about it all, and with a nice dose of humour. I agree with him; one way or the other he will get get an Oscar. He knows the life of the business, and more importantly, he knows the business of life. He’s lived it. He knows which way is up. He faced his demons and won. I’ve met lots of people who’ve been down an identical road, and they all say the same thing: When, in the dead of night, you can face yourself and be brutally honest with yourself, you can face every other reality and be disarmingly honest about every aspect of life. It may appear to some as slightly arrogant (and he can afford to be), but not offensively so. It’s being self-assured.

  14. Miss Kiki says:

    I love RDJ at the best of times but even more so because he said ‘I couldn’t care less’ as opposed to the commonly misused ‘I could care less’. The incorrect use of that term occasionally causes me to shout at the internet.

  15. evie says:

    He’s so overrated!

  16. Nanz says:

    I wish him the very, very best. He has earned every positive thing in his life because he humbled himself and made a change. Love him.

  17. RHONYC says:

    fugging rock star! 😉

  18. Nicolette says:

    Very talented man who has come full circle. He battled his demons and I remember when you almost expected read about his demise any day. Can’t help but feel he would be a good mentor for The Cracken. He looks great, and I love his jacket on the cover.

  19. Loira says:

    He wears heels like Tom Cruise, he stars in action movies like Tom Cruise, there are some other small thingies that in theory would be alike between the two of them.
    Still, no way crazyCruise is up to Robert’s heels. In my eyes, RDJ is IN, and TC is “out”, even if he still makes millions, TC is for me, a has been.
    Oblivion is already in my coutry and receiving bad criticism. In comparison, RDJ all the way! Waiting for his movies.

  20. grabbyhands says:

    He’s one of the few actors who say this that I actually believe. I think that after all he’s been through, an Oscar falls pretty far down on the list.

  21. ctkat1 says:

    Some of the comments seem pretty tongue-in-cheek to me, which is what you expect from RDJ.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      Exactly. I read his comments as being these cocksure statements, then we got the little wink that said he doesn’t take it all that seriously anymore. It comes across to me like “planned arrogance,” which is tongue in cheek in nature.

  22. MonicaQ says:

    He says what he thinks, is emotionally constipated when it comes to the reaction and yet you can tell he’s a nice person (what he did for Chris Evans and helping him with his social anxiety, so amazing).

    RDJ is Tony Stark. And he is amazing.

  23. Dawn says:

    I love this guy. He fought his way back from hell so this proves it can happen. Plus I believe he is one of the best actors out there. Just watched him trace his personal history on PBS and he was so into it! Again love this guy.

  24. Amy says:

    Gee, I wonder who he was referring to when he mentioned that some people “literally hyperventilate” when they accept an Oscar?

  25. mar says:

    Less Then Zero was always one of my favorite movies- he is amazing at every role.

  26. GossipG says:

    God the 1st pic..I almost forgot about Hugh Jackman,almost!!

  27. Agnes says:

    LOVE RDJ!!!

  28. bns says:

    LOL at him calling himself one of the best actors of his generation when he plays himself in everything. If an actress said this she’d be ripped to shreds.

    Though, I am happy that he said he couldn’t care less instead of saying he could care less, like so many people do.

    • paranormalgirl says:

      He then went on to say “It’s not like this is the greatest swath or generation of actors that has ever come down the pike.”

  29. Allijo says:

    That’s a GREAT article. The paragraph about Jude Law and SS Debacle known as their above ground pool still has me laughing.

    I really need him and Benedict to be cast in a movie together because I can’t even fathom the bitchy comment gems that will come out of the promotional interviews.

  30. Ginger says:

    He may come across as arrogant? Cocky perhaps? (But I like that in a man ) however I think he is spot on about winning an Oscar. I’m sort if shocked he doesn’t have one already given the caliber of work that he has done.

  31. Hipocricy says:

    He must be the coolest guy in Hollywood.

    He sounds funny as hell with a sense of mischieviousness.

  32. Robot Rosie says:

    I really admire RDJ for his ability to lay all his cards out on the table and seem like a genuinely good guy…
    But I think what really works in this interview is the way the interviewer framed his responses – nothing really seems out of context.
    The interview is also successful in pointing out a marked differentiation between RDJ and other actors (both regular and “rehabbed” image-wise): he is intelligent… but he is also smart in that he knows what people want and knows how to dish it out.
    I also agree with his statement on how this generation of actors is lacking and therefore he is one of the best – a definite smile and nod in agreement moment! All in all a winning interview for him.

  33. Yes says:


  34. daisy says:

    What the hell is with the giant head, tiny body picture? Its like a bratz doll!! love this guy but WOAH!

    • jes_sayin says:

      you beat me to it…

      I’m surprised this post doesn’t even mention how his head is 5 times bigger than his body?! His head actually looks super-imposed.

  35. irishserra says:

    I cosign just about all of the above comments. I too love this man. He’s so down to earth, humble, kind, funny, dark, and definitely seasoned. And through all of that he’s still very, very good looking.

  36. Kaboom says:

    Some actors need an Oscar to become someone and others are someone who just happen to pick one up along the way.

  37. Jazz says:

    Love this man. He can do no wrong in my eyes.

  38. T.Fanty says:

    I don’t know – I generally love RDJ, but his sense of humor didn’t translate for me here. I found the quote about awe-stuck actors realizing he’s just a regular guy a little obnoxious. It kind of read like a GOOP interview.

    Plus, I always assumed that part of his charm was that he understands that deep down, in spite of his success, he really isn’t a very good actor. He does what he does really well, but Christian Bale he isn’t.

    • j.eyre says:

      Alright, I was about to jump off this thread but since you were bold enough to say it, I second you here.

      I love watching RDJ on screen but I do not always enjoy reading him or even listening to some of his interviews.

      • Suze says:

        I agree. He comes off as a bit of an arse, actually.

        I do think he’s a good actor. And I find his wife and kid adorable in the extreme.

    • V4Real says:

      I’m thinking you guys really haven’t seen a lot of his work. He is one of the greatest actors of his generation. I’m not just saying that because I’m in love with the man and thinks he’s the best thing since sliced bread.

      I have been following his career for a very long time and it is my opinion that he’s a very versatile actor. He can play the dark roles as well as comedy and serious drama. People who tend to think that he is the same in every movie are only basing this on his recent films of the last few years. You may think he is not as good as Christian Bale; but I have to disagree.
      I love Bales body of work (and his body period) but he can be a little one note himself at times.

      I love a man who can be self-deprecating unlike Bale.
      Also two Golden Globes wins and two Oscar nods aren’t bad for a guy you may not consider a good actor.

      I get the comment about the awe-inspired actors that are in awe of working with him. I would probably be that way if I got to work with Meryl Streep because I would be working with someone who I think is a great actress and I would have such admiration for her. Then I learn that Meryl is just a great actress who loves to kick back and cut loose in her downtime and frankly I’m bored with her now. I’m sure there’s young talent who might have been in awe of Downey and once they meet him; their like oh he’s just a regualar guy.

    • T.Fanty says:

      I simply don’t see it. If we’re going for less blockbuster work, you can make a case for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (but he still didn’t do anything different), The Singing Detective, Chaplain. He was barely in Richard III and he was a playboy. I would argue that even Johnny Depp has more range than RDJ. His filmography is extensive, but not that varied.

      ETA: If we’re talking about actors of our generation, it’s Matt Damon, hands down.

      • V4Real says:

        That’s your opinion and I can accept it as such. But I think you missed the point where I said he’s (one) of the greatest actors of his generation. I didn’t say he was the greatest; even Matt is not the greatest but he can be one of the greatest.

      • j.eyre says:

        And let’s be honest, as long as KELLAN LUTZ is out there, the rest are all just second-tier anyway.

      • Troubador says:

        Matt…Damon… the best actor of our generation?


        Bwahahahaha! I’m sorry let me catch my breath…


    • j.eyre says:

      My comment was not directed at his work. I find him to be a fine actor and in many case have found him to be a good actor. I have followed his career closely since Weird Science, I think that gives me some understanding.

      I was seconding the part about these being arrogant comments. Honestly, it does not affect my opinion of him on screen – I really, really enjoy watching him in films. And an actor’s arrogance is not necessarily a turn-off (I have no problem with James Franco). But I am more likely to turn off an RDJ interview than I am most.

      • V4Real says:

        I understand J. and I even said in another post upwards he comes off a bit arrogant to some people. But I must say no one pulls off arrogance better than RDJ who can say such things and still be likeable. I actually like that he’s not afraid to toot his own horn but knowing the kind of interviews he does he probably wasn’t that serious. Some actors look for validation from their peers or the industry to confirm how good they are at their craft;Downey is basically saying I know I’m good at what I do and I don’t need others to put their stamp of approval on it.

  39. yolo112 says:

    **swoon** ..he makes my pants shoot right the hell off..

  40. bullpin says:

    I love him, especially in Hearts and Souls.

  41. Jayna says:

    I have always loved how he fought for Iron Man. What a comeback. He was on Howard Stern years ago and was a total prick. My crush died a little that day. I do love how he didn’t marry a 20-year-old Victoria Secret model.

    • V4Real says:

      Which Stern’s gig are you referring to because he’s been on more than once. A few years ago he was on with his wife and he’s was very open and funny. We know what a prick Stern’s can be as well. Another time he was on there; he wasn’t at his best because something had happen before they went on air; which Howard kind of addressed the next time Downey appeared on his show.

  42. Miss M says:

    “I’m probably one of the best. …But it’s not that big a deal.”

    ” …Look, even if I don’t get one directly, eventually they’re just going to have to give me one when I get old. So no matter how you slice it, I’m getting one.””

    *Major side eye to you, RDJ.*
    These two sentences sum up how arrogant and douche he can be. But I still like you, RDJ!

  43. Agitation says:

    I feel like I should be feeling as if he’s a douche but…I just *can’t* somehow. What is this weird sorcery that dude has?

    • V4Real says:

      It’s trickery I tell ya. I think RDJ has amazing charisma that allows him to get away with it unlike Franco

  44. Jamnie says:

    He is more deserving of an Oscar then the likes of Anne Hatheway, Natalie Portman, Jennifer Lawrence, Ben Affleck, George Cloony type people.
    Seriously they have Oscars for doing mediocre or less than steller work but he doens’t have one yet? He is a great actor. Far more talented then any of the names listed.

  45. Original A says:

    He’s an excellent actor and I think he’s somewhat cocky but not over the top. He is one of the best actors in his age bracket…I love Clooney, but Downey is a far better actor. That said, he would get crucified if he was a woman for saying some of this stuff. I also saw the part of his interview on Gawker where he compared overacting to bestiality…it was wtf and hilarious.

  46. Laurie says:

    If this was an article about, say, Anne Hathaway, claiming she couldn’t care less if she ever wins an Oscar, I’d be calling BS at my iPad screen so loudly that the neighbor would start whispering, “see? I told you she was crazy.”. Bt this is RDJ and I totally believe that he genuinely doesn’t give a crap.

  47. Abby says:

    I freaking love him. He’s so witty, and handsome. I hope he hosts an award show someday.

    My husband loves him too…his favorite movies are the Sherlock Holmes and IM ones. He’s his movie star icon I guess. 🙂

  48. Toot says:

    This article shows me how he and Gwyneth get along so well.

  49. Jay says:

    He is fantastic, and he owns it.

    Confidence and charisma are sexy as all hell, and he has them both in spades. After working through all the stuff he’s been through, the fact that he’s able to own who he is this well is amazing. Mad respect for him. (And it goes without saying that he’s my forever dong.)

  50. DianeP says:

    RD Jr. is great. I am so glad he got his life back on track. I think his wife Susan was a huge influence in that. I would love to see RD Jr. and Johnny Depp do a movie together.

  51. sunny says:

    Can we please retire the phrase “greatest actor of his generation…?”…. I mean, come on, the phrase has become cringeworthy. Just my thoughts….