Prince Harry tours Sandy damage in New Jersey, plays baseball in Harlem

Finally! I was running out of excuses for why we didn’t have access to any Prince Harry-in-America photos. Harry was all over the East Coast yesterday, touring the Seaside Boardwalk in New Jersey with Gov. Chris Christie, then going to New York with David Cameron for a visit to Milk Studio (the goal: to promote tourism to England), and then Harry went solo to Harlem to play baseball with some kids.

I think my favorite photos are the ones with Harry in Harlem, just because he looks so cute in that crisp white shirt and because I feel like Harry had no idea what he was doing with that baseball bat. Oh, and those pics are my favorite because the WENN photographer got a TON of Harry-butt shots for no particular reason. I’m including one of Harry “assuming the position” so to speak.

Let’s see, what else? So far, the Good Ship Ginger has been sailing free from catastrophe. No “strip billiards,” no random hookups (thus far), and Harry has been keeping a constant schedule. Gov. Christie – who had been publicly teasing Harry in the press – gave Harry a personalized fleece to get him to cover up. When Harry toured the damage on the Jersey coast, he was astonished by the state of damage which still exists more than six months later. Harry seems to have been very well-received by Jersey residents, and here’s a lovely photo of Harry greeting a little Jersey princess. Here are some videos:

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and WENN.

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46 Responses to “Prince Harry tours Sandy damage in New Jersey, plays baseball in Harlem”

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  1. brin says:

    Love Harry’s Hot Ginge Tour of the East Coast…how could you not?!

  2. Zelle says:

    God, he’s hot.

  3. Val says:

    Plentiful butt shots of Harry? Yes, please and thank you.

  4. m says:

    Apparently he hit a home run playing baseball even if he did seem afraid of the ball!
    God, hes so much like his mum. He has passion for helping people, you can tell that he hates seeing people hurt. Harry is a good guy, its nice seeing him shine. He has a real way with people, much more caring and charismatic than his brother and his false facade.

    • Lex says:

      They are different people with different personalities but also different responsibilities.

      Harry grew up his whole life knowing he would never be King but would have access to the money and ‘fame’. He has been able to be a whole lot freer with his actions than William. If Harry was in line to be King and was doing all the stuff he does, people would be outraged about how inappropriate he is.

      Sure he may seem like more fun and the life of the party but that is because his position allowed him to develop that way.

      • Angelic 20 says:

        I have to disagree. Diana did a lot of things that were considered inappropriate by the palace staff for a future Queen but these were the things that made her popular among masses like supporting AIDS which was then connected to gay s.

        Harry have Diana’s personality, charm, charisma, her gift that enabled her to connect to people from all walks of life. In addition he seems to be very passionate about his causes and really helping people. you can’t take this away from him just because of his position. William is a typical Windsor by personality, he is stiff, lacks charisma, uptight, ability to laugh at himself, to able to connect to people things his brother inherited from his mother. He got her looks but they have now gone and he even looks like Windsor. In addition to this he resent all the responsibility and duties that comes with his job, something he have said it himself several times. All these things arenot because of his position but personality and nature.
        Yes Harry did do things that were very self destructive but William have done his share of things also that is really inappropriate, offensive, and disrespectful to his people like lying g about working and then get caught vacationing during para olympics closing ceremony or flying a helicopter he wasn’t even qualified to fly to Kate’s backward when his country was at war and defence budget was overstretched. His actions are more disrespectful to his people, army, disabled then his bother taking his clothes off in his room but media chooses to forget everything William does, hence he is the suitable, appropriate brother.

      • FLORC says:

        Just to add to the other comment. Will and Harry were different from the start. Diana didn’t call a then toddler sized Harry “Good King Harry” for nothing. He had a better temperament than Will. W was bratty from a young age and the fact that Diana used him as a therapist must have been traumatizing. He was always protected from bad press and could do whatever he wanted with almost no public consequences. Now that everyone has a phone, camera and, internet we can see his behavior before the press office spins it.

        Harry does some crazy things at times, but when you pull back to see the bigger picture he’s acting totally normal. He had a 1 night hurrah in Vegas before he went to a country loaded with people ready to collect a price on his head. He also, handled the press flawlessly. He didn’t cry that Diana was his mother. He just kept working.
        With William he has to cry, because he always gets his way if he throws a tantrum. He is set to be King and yet he hates working and has been putting off being a full time royal.

        To sum it all up, to say the spare gets to act fun because he never got that pressure that the heir did cannot apply to these 2. The heir is in no way acting like he wants anything except the fame and the spare is hard working, balancing a full work schedule. He also gets no positive press and sometimes isn’t covered at all because it would make the heir and the heirs wife look lazy…because they just don’t work.

      • JulieM says:

        Lex, one more thing (don’t mean to pile on). If you look throughout history, may second sons have inherited the throne. Look at the Queen’s father. Harry is closer to the throne than you make him out to be. Of course, once Willy/Waity have kids, Harry will move further away. But in this world, a lot of crazier things have happened.

        And as others have said, William has always gotten away with a lot more than Harry has. His charm is in how he gets past his screw ups and moves on.

      • FLORC says:

        Edward abdicated because he was smart imo. I draw many comparisons between Edward and Henry to William and Harry. The heir and spare. 1 more able to be king than the other. Better temperament and charisma. Henry had a speech impediment which he overcame and Harry has dislexia which he’s overcoming. The spare was a harder worker and the heir seemed burdened with a role they never wanted. With those comparisons I see William as the Edward of our day. He is not fit to rule in time and he needs to either sack up and become a full time royal or step aside and let his far more qualified brother take over.

        I will not compare Wallis Simpson to Kate because WS seemed more sympathetic. She fell in love with a man who gave up everything for her. And by everything I mean a Kingdom! The country and the royal family saw her as all the worst America had to offer.

      • Boxy Lady says:


        Queen Elizabeth II’s father, the one you keep referring to as “Henry” was named Albert and he ruled under the name George. On the other hand, Prince Harry’s real name *is* Henry. I think you’re confusing the two, but other than that, I agree with your point about the “spare heir” often being a harder worker and thus better suited to be a ruler.

    • The Original Mia says:

      ITA. William has been overindulged and uses his mother’s death as a shield against his & his wife’s lazy, elitist behavior. No one can criticize him because he’s Diana’s son and she died. Forget about the fact that Harry is also her son, but the press has no problems throwing him under a bus.

    • MAP says:


  5. marie says:

    yay, Hot Harry makes my morning, always up for a butt shot. seriously though, I can’t help but smile every time I see him interacting with kids or anybody really, he’s just good at it.

    also, that little princess is adorable. I need that crown.

  6. A says:

    Daaamn, he’s fine. And what a good heart.

  7. HH says:

    Kudos on the buttshot. I find him incredibly attractive. And I readily admit I have no idea if he actually is good looking or if its because I have an attraction to gingers.

  8. Apples says:

    He’s cute.
    Anyone know if he’s still with that dancer Cressida girl? She’s very pretty but, can’t picture her as princess. I know her mother is a “Lady” but she personally has no title. Right?

    • m says:

      They never really were dating. Shes just friends with Eugenie and they hang out lot and Eugenie and Harry are close so they are at the same place a lot.
      And yes, she has no title.

      • Apples says:

        What?! Not together ever?! That was a really sweet cuddle on the ski slopes. Are you sure?!

      • FLORC says:

        They were/are together. No one can say otherwise because they are so private and aren’t flaunting their relationship. The best evidence is the tabloids trying to fish out some dirt about Cressida. The tabs will jump at any chance to make W&K look better by making Harry and his gf look bad. After all. The tabs don’t want to get shut down for reporting on W&K with out the article and pics being pre approved by William first! They saw what happened in France. All they could find last I saw is her mother has been married a few times. The fact that they’re still fishing is evidence enough to say they’re together on top of many couple-like photos.

  9. Angelic 20 says:

    Oh I loved the dolls that were given to Harry, they even copied his ugly shoes but all in all this has been a great success.

  10. Angelic 20 says:

    Oh I loved the dolls that were given to Harry, they even copied his ugly shoes but all in all this has been a great success.

  11. The Original Mia says:

    Kudos to Harry. His tour has been going real well. He’s done well. I like his choice of charities and how he really gets hands on with those that come to see him.

  12. Talie says:

    Even though he did it to himself, I I do feel bad for Chris Christie… that is going to be a lot of loose skin.

  13. LaLa2 says:

    Love me some Harry. He’s always a big hit on these promotional tours!

  14. QueenFreddie says:

    Harry’s doing what William should be doing, reaching out to people, helping and working.

    • Angelic 20 says:

      I agree. It’s surprising that William have never set a foot in Washington DC, and never did a USA tour or a white house event ( going to aLA to meet celebrities is not a royal tour) and he is a30 year old future king while his brother will be completing his second DC tour and white house event.

    • FLORC says:

      I wouldn’t hold it against William if he lacked Harry’s ability to interact with kids. I always though he was more of the adult conversation kinda guy anyways. Behind close doors discussing and such, but I guess he just hates work. BTW i’m sure it was covered, but when Harry 1st came here (states) the DM couldn’t give him the lead article?! They gave us a Fluff piece on How Kate works, but we’ll never see her working over an hour every few days so we must be told this.

      Even with Harry not getting any good press he is still showing them up.

      • Grace Under Pressure says:

        I can’t understand why the DM is focing Kate and the Middletons to happen so badly.

        Meanwhile, Prince Harry is already popular, but they bury his work stories, and constantly rehash that stupid Vegas “scandal” that was barely a scandal when you consider Kate’s Boobgate.

      • FLORC says:

        Harry handled Vegas amazingly well! It was PR perfection! No one cares anymore. I get the feeling the DM hangs on to it because the Middletons are throwing money their way and William is constructing a tower to throw people that don’t paint him in a positive light. If William was working like Harry and took his military career seriously we wouldn’t need stories telling us how much they work and how terrible of a human being Harry is.

    • LaLa2 says:

      Honestly, I think Harry would make a better King than William.

  15. Helvetica says:

    I always love Harry’s casual shoes.

  16. Audrey says:

    He looks even better than usual


  17. Grace Under Pressure says:

    Prince Harry has a really great phyisque…. In other words, hot bod from the hot ginge. Yum!

  18. Sachi says:

    Harry in aviators and a crisp white shirt. So hot. 😀

  19. Belle says:

    Oh Lordy… I.LOVE.HIM.SO.MUCH.

    that’s all(:

  20. Reece says:

    He has done so well representing the UK this whole trip.
    I was drooling all over the baseball pics yesterday. So damn good looking!! He’s so scared of the balls, his face is pretty funny. My absolute favorite picture of the whole trip so far is the one with the family of redheads. It’s a Ginger Convention!

  21. Rikki says:

    Harry is the star of the Royal Family. His mother would be very proud

  22. KellyinSeattle says:

    I’ve fallen more and more in love with him as his tour went on…! He’s grown into his looks; whenever I see him, part of me sees that little red-haired boy in the pic with his brother, and with Diana…in a little knicker outfit. So cute. It’ll be interesting to see if Harry marries – I think sooner rather than later as he’s already 28…(hopefully he’ll marry a Yank!) , who he’ll marry (he’s still close w/ Chelsy but apparently not with her…supposedly is with Cressida)..and how his kids would be so adorable! I loved him in the white shirt and jeans! And when he played games and won a prize – and he told the little girl that maybe she’d like a blue (pony, bunny , I don’t know) and she went and got a Hello Kitty prize instead, and he laughed and said, “Don’t listen to me.”

  23. the original liv says:

    Did anyone watched the daily show last night? They did a segment on Harry, it was cute – especially the part when they played “take my breath away” to Harry, in uniform, abruptly ending an interview to go into combat.

  24. tifzlan says:

    Jesus, i’m in love!

  25. Mandy says:


  26. Thank you I guess, no problem I’m glad you like my photos of Harry’ butt 😉