“Paris Hilton came to Cannes to snog her boyfriend in front of the paps” links

Paris Hilton is in Cannes so that she can make out with her poor boyfriend in front of the paparazzi. Because of course. [The Blemish]
Mariah Carey swears she didn’t lip sync on Idol. [Dlisted]
Gabriel Aubry carries his daughter to school. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Khloe Kardashian’s optical illusion dress makes her look butt-tastic. [ICYDK]
Some Daniel Day-Lewis is always welcome. [LaineyGossip]
Rooney Mara was named the newest face of Calvin Klein. [Pop Sugar]
I love Joshua Malina and these are the reasons why. [Buzzfeed]
Why does Kerry Washington’s leather dress look baggy? [Go Fug Yourself]
Everybody loves Star Trek Into Darkness: a review. [Pajiba]
I like Jennifer Lopez’s Dolce & Gabbana outfit. [A Socialite Life]
Selena Gomez has a sushi date with a gal pal. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Britney Spears did a song for Smurfs 2. [Evil Beet]
Everybody’s leaving SNL these days. [Moe Jackson]
Brooke Mueller has overdosed six times in two years. [CDAN]
Anthony Weiner wants to become Mayor Weiner. [Gawker]
Rihanna doesn’t want to shop with peasants milling about. [Celebslam]
Keith Urban wants to stay on American Idol next year. [Reality Tea]
OMG. This woman needs a breast reduction. [Seriously OMG WTF]

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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75 Responses to ““Paris Hilton came to Cannes to snog her boyfriend in front of the paps” links”

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  1. yolo112 says:

    OK, first…ew. And second, I thought she was banned from Cannes, no??

  2. ladybert62 says:

    Is her back broken? Why would anyone stand like that? He looks like he is 12 years old.

    She is such a pretty girl with such a wasted life.

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      debatable about the “pretty” part, but other than that, I couldn’t agree more.

      • FLORC says:

        You may not like her, but she is pretty. If we replace her personality with a charitable one she would be more than pretty.

        Personality does play a big role in a person’s attractiveness.

      • juststeph says:

        I got your back booboo. I’ve never seen her as attractive. Very average face. Her body is great, though, even if she is really thin.

      • Hakura says:

        @BooBooLaRue – I agree. I’ve never found her to be the least bit attractive. I just find something so odd & fake about her face. It’s interesting to hear that others don’t agree.

      • ms. deneuve says:

        debatable? she is soooo Fug! inside and out, from the eagle nose/ giant beak honker to those tired blue contact lenses to the wonk eye to the giant shiny forhead.

    • xoxokaligrl says:

      Yeah, she is pretty. There is no reason to be a hater about it.
      Her little girl voice, and personality is abrasive to my ears though.

    • JenniferJustice says:

      I’m with others here. Girl is not pretty. Ugly schnoz even after multiple nose jobs. Eyes are too close together. And no, not jealous or hating, just sayiing she is not pretty IMO. I’m allowed to have my own opinion and not finding attractiveness where others do doesn’t make me mean, jealous, or a hater.

  3. HotPockets says:

    I can’t get over the fact that she looks like she could be his mom.

    Paris, you’re not again well, so dating a guy a few years younger than you only emphasizes how old you’re starting to look. Goodness.

    • Petee says:

      She’s starting to look like her Aunt Kim.Not good.

      • HotPockets says:

        She does look like Kim Richards! I didn’t even realize it until now.

      • Miffy says:

        Was JUST going to say the same. She looks like she’s morphing herself into a Real Housewife. Replacing one of her aunts on the show is probably her only viable career opportunity at this point.

      • gg says:

        It’s the brown chav brows she’s recently painted on that does it.

    • TracyG says:

      I have a friend who does modeling and she stands like that, also can’t get my head around the pose…

      • littlestar says:

        Yup. My lower back is very sore today, just looking at Paris standing like that makes my back hurt even more somehow.

  4. Alexis says:

    She looks like his mother.

  5. DreamyK says:

    Nice passive aggressive bird flipping there, Paris. She looks quite like her sister these days. I hadn’t noticed that before.

  6. anoneemouse says:

    Boy she’s looking rough. I think she’s 10 years older than him. It shows. She takes ridiculous to the extreme.

  7. Bread and Circuses says:

    Hey, in that second photo–and for the first time ever–I can see her family resemblance to Nikki Hilton!

    And that is about as much interest as I can muster for Paris Hilton these days.

    **wanders off**

  8. bammer says:

    I thought Rooney Mara turned her nose up at fashion and hated premieres, attention & publicity. Why is she signing up to be the face of anything? Hypocrite.

  9. Kelly says:

    What happened to her face? And, wow, sh elooks like her sister there.


    • VioletCrumble says:

      She’s still flat-chested, but she has definitely had the lips pumped up. It also looks as if she’s had other work done on the face. She does look more like her sister, now, but has also achieved the fake, plastic look, like so many others. She’s a slapper, no argument.

  10. leo says:

    Her face is starting to look very ‘done’

  11. decorative item says:

    Once you hit your thirties you lose the baby fat or fullness in your face, it’s a natural part of the aging process. It’s a bit shocking, probably, because we haven’t seen pictures of her for some time and she has just aged a bit.

    • Thiajoka says:

      Oh, BUT, then there is that middle-aged widening of the face. Even to thin women and men.

  12. Susie Q says:

    The pics in the Daily Mail look like she’s trying to eat him, very unsexy. I have to admit that they aren’t as bad as the ones from the year she was there with Doug Reinhart (spelling?) He has his hands in her pants in front of everyone. This child’s contract must be coming to an end soon, it will be a new face that she has her tongue down it’s throat next year. I really despise this woman, I think it’s because she pretends she is classy and she is so far from classy it’s laughable.

  13. hazeldazel says:

    oof, she is looking ROUGH! Time to stop the partying, girl!

  14. Lauren says:

    He used to have a a beautiful down to earth Portuguese girlfriend who was around his exact age. Sad to see that he traded down in order to make himself more recognizable and famous. River was doing well enough in the fashion industry and one of the most talked about male models so I wonder way he had to ruin his image by dating Paris Hilton. She may bring him fame but not the type he led his fans to believe he was originally seeking.

  15. Kellz says:

    I am now certain that Halles ex calls the paps for these happy daddy shots. Why arent there shots of him living life without the kid around? Do we even know if hes dating. I think he believes that in cementing this image in the public psyche, Halle cant cut him out of Nahlas world (or cut him off from that bank account). And this is coming from someone who was grossed out by Halle and her new dudes conduct. I just dont think Aubrey is the guy I thought he was.

    • Tasha says:

      Then Halle calling the paps too because their are of happy mommy shots of her taking Nahla to school or picking her up fom school.

      The only time we really see Gabriel and Nahla doing school runs so unless you believe that the only time he spends with her is going to and from school.

  16. KellyinSeattle says:

    Paris has everything except a good personality – looks, money, health. She could’ve gone far in life, but traded it in to be a stereotypical little rich girl.

  17. Isabella says:

    Hmmm one of her eyes (Hilton) is bigger than the other.

    He looks really young.

  18. Miffy says:

    Well… at least she didn’t turn out like Lindsay Lohan. That’s all I got in terms of say something nice or say nothing at all.

  19. TheOriginalKitten says:


  20. satty says:

    tbh, if i were unbelievably rich and famous, i’d want to shop alone too! i can’t blame rih-rih.

  21. Waif says:

    Paris would be way more attractive with a make-under, she’s always looked so low rent. Can’t Nicole Richie help her out??? O_o

  22. Dawn says:

    Oh Paris please just stop. You are going to be 33 years old and the pose is just too much. Oh and by the by you are no longer relevent. Remember the person who used to follow you around? Well her mother made damn sure that she became more famous than you and now we have to put up with their krap. So come on Paris think of something new or better yet just go live your life and leave us all alone.

  23. Dedrie says:


  24. teehee says:

    She looks much older, but she hasn’t grown up a bit…

  25. Lama dos says:

    All I see is bronzer

  26. littlestar says:

    It’s wonderful that Paris has basically become a nobody.

  27. Pam says:

    Jeez Louise, how old is he? he looks 16 year old.

  28. I Choose Me says:

    Why does she always pose like a swaybacked nag? Something nice – I like her dress.

    Re: Mimi lip-synching. I checked out the vid and although she was stiff as hell, (except for the usual arm flailing) she looked like she was singing live to me.

  29. dorothy says:

    Does anyone really care? I mean it’s Paris Hilton. She’s so over.

  30. Nudgie says:

    Wow – does she know what that “backwards angle” pose looks like that now that she’s 40?

  31. e.non says:

    she’s really kind of a pathetic woman. isn’t she 30 — and still partying. what guy from her social class would even want to be associated with her at this point.. guess that’s why she’s going for the young ‘uns…

    • Nina W says:

      As her social class is the gutter I’m sure she has no problems finding dates.

  32. kc says:

    I love the word snog. It is so British like a spot of tea or saying BLOODY!

    Nothing like sitting in your cube and pretending you are a character in Harry Potter chatting with William and Kate at a Pub with your flatmates.

    I am practically not even from Texas I sound like a true Brit..ha ha ha

  33. Jenna says:

    Once again, I got excited at the sight of ‘Urban’ only to be let-down over that fact that it’s ‘Keith’ and not my hubby Karl. *pouts* 🙁

  34. Mew says:

    Paris is so last century. No matter how skinny she gets herself she’s just the past and can’t get to the headlines anymore. Muahahaha!

  35. Thiajoka says:

    I hate to have to compliment Paris Hilton about anything, but…sigh…even her hair looks better and healthier than Goop’s–and they have it in similar styles.

    • VioletCrumble says:

      Is that really her hair? I’ve never been into celebs, but from what I remember ~ when even *I* couldn’t get away from her ~ she had really fine, lank-looking hair, not these thick, luxuriant tresses.

  36. Str8Shooter says:

    Low class SKANK

  37. sarah says:

    she looks preggers

  38. Laura says:

    I think Paris Hilton looks pregnant…

  39. Thora says:

    They’ll let anyone into Cannes these days.

  40. DanaG says:

    Paris who and one day I hope it will be Kim who. Paris is just pathetic she has to kiss and behave like a tramp to get any attention. She has no talent and doesn’t work so it’s all she can do. Most rich guys from good families wouldn’t touch Paris with a 10 foot pole!

    • Nina W says:

      Nice guys from good families don’t touch Hilton’s with a ten foot pole. People assume the name Hilton means money and class and it doesn’t. Conrad Hilton was a grasping schemer who made piles of money and now we’re subjected to his spawn. That does not mean they had class then or now.

  41. Adrien says:

    She looks matronly and she’s only 33. She looks more like a Real Housewife than a party-going celebutante. She popularized that kind of red carpet posing (second photo). Nowadays, the only one posing like that is Paris Hilton.

    • xoxokaligrl says:

      I don’t think so.

      ma·tron (m tr n) n. 1. A married woman or a widow, especially a mother of dignity, mature age, and established social position

  42. ViktoryGin says:

    She was on Wendy Williams recently….doing press for her fledgling relevancy, I guess; and it was just pitiful how transparent her appearance on the show was. They had a laundry list of her “accomplishements”, i.e. everything that has been bought to some extent or another by her inheritance. How small a person she is quickly became obvious. It is nothing short of pathetic that one is over 30 and still clinging to their inflated, vapid, inconsequential self-image. I could see if she were your average income person with limited resources, but she has the money and connections to do some truly big things and add some substance to her life. But the rich often breed their children to he useless and entitled.

  43. Carolyn says:

    So not hot anymore.

  44. Norman says:

    A few years after being over by the shutterbugs and Paris still has nothing to offer, no music, no acting bit, no charity, just Paris’s posing image and a pretentious kiss for attention from the cameramen, nothing gained, nothing learned, nothing done, nothing really earned.

  45. Jennifer says:

    She looks different. Her eyes are less squinty- I think she’s there to show off her plastic surgery results.

  46. Sasha says:

    Paris was there because she allowed the Bling Ring to be filmed in her home. I think Sophia Coppola (or someone else connected to the movie) invited her to the screening in Cannes to thank her for allowing them to use her house…?

  47. Scarly says:

    I’m surprised she is only 33, I thought she was closer to 40. It seems like she’s been around forever..a relic from the late 90’s early 2000’s.

  48. daisy says:

    who cares

  49. Quinn says:

    ARGHHH!!! THAT FACE!!!!!!!!!!!
    Man, she is FUG.

  50. Kelly Ingersoll says:

    The green nail polish and the damn sore’s on her arm look hidious. She looks like a coldsore. Thats not her real hair, she has about 5 real strands of hair left. The baby boyfriend is a joke.This is what Kim K has to look forward 2.