Denise Richards on watching Charlie’s twins ‘You figure it out, you don’t have a choice’

Denise Richards has her hands full now that she’s caring for Charlie Sheen’s twin four year-old boys along with her three daughters aged nine, seven and two. She’s a single mom busting her butt, but she does just fine on Charlie’s $55,000 in child support a month. She reportedly turned down his offer for additional money now that she’s guardian to the twins. As for how she does it, Denise recently said that it’s hard work, but that she manages because she wants “to be there for them.” At least someone in that wacked-out extended family is sober and responsible. Here’s what she told US Weekly:

Us Weekly caught up with the star on Saturday, May 18, at Carolle’s Adopt-a-Doll event at the Grove in L.A., where she opened up about her fuller-than-usual house…

You just figure it out because you don’t have a choice. You have these children depending on you,” she explained to Us of how she manages. “You prioritize. I had children because I want to be a parent, and I want to be there for them.”

“I think my biggest challenge is [that] their different activities sometimes overlap,” she added, noting that she tries to attend everything. “I have a good schedule going. You just manage.”

For legal reasons, Richards couldn’t talk specifically about the situation with Mueller and Sheen’s kids — the twins were placed under her care earlier this month, when Mueller checked into rehab for the 20th time — but she could (and did) talk about her relationship with her ex. “My situation with Charlie is that we’ve gotten along for quite some time now, and it’s so much better,” she told Us. “There are a lot of feelings and emotions there, but at the end of the day, our daughters benefit from us getting along, and [I do], too.”

“I don’t want to have an unhealthy relationship with him, something toxic with a lot of animosity. Life’s too short for that,” she continued. “We actually enjoy hanging out, and we enjoy being with the kids.”

[From US Weekly]

Denise knows how to hustle and gets headlines, but she’s been nothing but gracious about Charlie and their situation for years. Plus of course she has help, but I buy that she does most of the parenting on her own, and that she cares deeply about those kids. It takes someone with real heart to open their home to their ex’s kids. She is giving those boys a stable home after they were (presumably) neglected by their drug addict mom, Brooke Mueller, although the good news is that Brooke had nannies. Brooke has been trying to strip temporary custody of her boys away from Denise so that Brooke’s brother can get $55,000 a month in child support. Her second attempt to do so failed last week. Brooke’s lawyer was trying to argue that Denise was only watching the twins for the additional money, but the fact that Denise refused to accept any more money from Charlie blew a hole in that.

Brooke is still at Betty Ford rehab, which she chose because she was hoping to be besties with Lindsay Lohan. That’s not going well, according to a source quoted by Radar, who claims that Lohan goes out of her way to avoid Brooke. “Lindsay has said that Brooke is a drug addict, and wants nothing to do with her. Lindsay has told her treatment team to keep Brooke out of her group sessions.” What a bitch. Not that this 20th stint rehab would have stuck for Brooke, but Lindsay’s rejection has to be hard for her to take.

More details are coming out about Brooke’s addiction, with Radar recently reporting that she overdosed six times in the past two years. Brooke is said to have seen her boys for a few hours yesterday when they visited her in rehab along with a court appointed monitor.

Denise is shown on 5-19-13 at an event and earlier that day out with her daughters. Credit: and FameFlynet. Brooke Mueller is shown on 12-7-12

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88 Responses to “Denise Richards on watching Charlie’s twins ‘You figure it out, you don’t have a choice’”

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  1. aims says:

    She did have a choice.But probably for the first time in those boys life, an adult stepped up and said, I want you, be apart of my family. It was out of love that she volunteered to give them a stable home. I, again respect the hell out of her.

    • Jane says:

      You are right, she did have a choice, but she didn’t see it that way and that says a lot about her. They aren’t her children, but they are her daughters brothers.

      I don’t think that was the only reason she agreed to take them, I think she did it out of the kindness of her heart and that she felt they needed a responsible adult to step up and take care of them. I also think she loves those little boys and they feel that from her.

      One day her daughters are going to see clearly who was there for them and their brothers when all was said and done. They are going to see Denise as the only constant in their lives that put them first and acted as a parent should always act.

      I just wish she would eat more. She is too thin.

    • phlyfiremama says:

      You got that right aims!! Well said~Charlie & Brooke both had choices, they just chose the wrong ones.

      • Ravensdaughter says:

        Choice for Denise-yes and no. I think when you have a heart as loving as Denise obviously has, turning away the twins-who IMO should never have unsupervised visits with eiher of their biological parents-it would break your heart to throw them to what sounds like a pack of wolves, especially since her girls are biological sibs to the twins (except the very youngest girl was adopted, right?)
        Look at the picture of Brooke-Jeez, is she some sort of 60’s flower child?-not a grown up.
        Oh, and if Lindsey doesn’t wasn’t someone who is arguably more f-d up than she is, that’s her right. No boo-hooing for Brooke-sorry…

  2. Pixie says:

    I have so much respect for Denise it’s untrue. At least those boys have someone decent in their life who will look after them. I also have to give kudos to Charlie for realising what’s best for his sons.

    • mabooski says:

      SO much respect, i mean raising kids is hard enough, but to take in those of your former abuser and his drug addled ex really is something. Giving denise custody was the wisest choice that monster has made in recent memory.

    • emmie_a says:

      Agreed Pixie. I also respect that she did not want additional child support money to watch the kids. She definitely deserves the extra cash but I give her props for saying she doesn’t need it.

      I hope Denise always has a huge presence in the twins lives. I hope Brooke can overcome her demons and get her life on-track for once. Her future sort of seems doomed (at the moment) but hopefully her boys can grow up happy and healthy and sans drama.

      • gg says:

        She really doesn’t need it. Charlie bought and paid for a house near him. She has probably very few expenses. Still, most people would go ahead and take the money.

        Good job she loves children so much, because, 5, yikes.

  3. anoneemouse says:

    My best wish for these boys is that Denise raises them full-time forever. Neither Brooke or Charlie deserves the right to be called Mom or Dad at this point.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      I HATE Sheen with a passion but it seems that he does put at least a modicum of effort into raising those children. That plus the financial support he provides entitles him to at least supervised visits.
      As long as Sheen is not physically or verbally abusive, I his think children deserve to have their father in their lives, however limited their interactions may be.

      • FLORC says:

        Denise has said she keeps her girls in the dark about their dad. No conversation, tv, or magazines that discuss Sheen’s antics ever reach their ears or eyes. And Sheen isn’t allowed to visit his kids until she gives the ok that he’s not on anything.

        Charlie sucks, but he’s never late with a child support check and realises Denise is the best thing for all of his kids.

      • Kellz says:

        I am sorry Kitten but I dont get where you get off giving Charlie any credit whatsoever here.

        This douche has for all intents out sourced his parental responsibilities. Paying for your kids isnt a commendable act, its a moral and Legal duty! And a man who buys his prostitutes rolex watches and pays IRS arrears for a starlet he has barely met, should be a thousand times more generous to his kids without getting praised for it.

        Whats his excuse? Hes working? Denise is too. And she doesnt have the clout he does to force better schedules. Infact her show films in NYC and shes having to commute back to LA. I dont even think hes show is filming currently. Even if its filming, he wouldnt be the worlds first working single parent. And he can get help when absent.

        The only reason he didnt get the kids is that hes too selfish to change his lifestyle. Their mother is ill, their dad wont step up, those kids will have some major angst when they are old enough to know whats happened.

        Thank the heavens for Denise. Charlie should go to hell where the devils first act should be to cut off that dick with a blunt butter knife. Some people shouldnt reproduce!

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Whoa-slow your roll, please. I don’t think saying Sheen puts a “modicum of effort” into things is really giving the guy a lot of credit..? (FYI modicum means “very little”)

        My point was that children deserve to have BOTH parents in their lives and most people would agree that having a father, even in a very limited capacity, is better than having no paternal influence whatsoever. Obviously Denise and the courts agreed, which is why he is allowed supervised visits.

        If it were you, would you cut the father out completely? What would you tell them? “Dad wants to see you in a limited capacity but I decided that it’s ‘all or nothing’ so I’m forbidding you from seeing him.” I’m sure that would go over well and your kids wouldn’t resent you down the line when they find out you prevented their father from seeing them.

        The point is that Sheen WANTS to visit them and be involved to some degree. IMO Denise is doing the right thing by allowing this. They didn’t ask to have a selfish ass for a dad but they shouldn’t have their biological father taken away from them when two of them already have an absentee biological mother. The kids shouldn’t be further punished because their parents can’t get their act together.

      • MisJes says:

        + 10 Original Kitten!

      • Mrs. Peacock says:

        Ms. Kitten-
        I respect your opinion. It is different than mine. Throwing money at children entitles one to nothing. Also, what’s better for the children, you ask? I would think consistency in this case. While not ideal, it’s likely less damaging for the children to experience a consistent and loving household with one parent, than hope for glimpses of humanity (which may exist) from the other. Chuck Sheen should absolutely have a chance to redeem himself- prior to involving any children. Time will tell.
        Respectfully disagreeing with you.

      • Kitten says:

        You guys are extrapolating things from my comment. Reading comprehension is everything around here. Nowhere did I say that financial support entitles one to visitation rights. My point was that it is something and it helps Denise to be a better mom to those 4 kids. Nobody is saying Sheen is an adequate father. In regards to the rest of your comment, well yeah I guess we disagree. Team Denise on this one. Selfless and mature, she’s putting the kids’ needs first instead of using them to punish her ex.

      • swack says:

        @TOKitten: I agree with you. As long as the father wants contact with the children then he should. There are too many men and women who don’t want to see their children. I know many single parent dads also.

      • Mimo says:

        Those kids are better off without Charlie, honestly. I didnt even know the courts had restricted his contact. There must be a reason for that, the Courts would not base a ruling like that on tabloid reports from 2 years ago. Charlie must have failed some assessments. OR just straight up refused his own children.

        Providing the genetic material should not entitle him to contact. I am not convinced its in the best interest of the kids at all.

        Who wants to bet that in afew months, we will hear that he is inconsistent with the visits? Deadbeat dad!

      • Nina W says:

        I agree with you Kitten, I can’t stand that a-hole Charlie but he deserves a tiny amount of credit for paying his bills and having the good sense to let Denise do the real work. As the daughter of a complete f-up of a father I have to say, as horrid as my Dad was, he was a father, he was there, he paid bills and was in my life. Even though he didn’t do a good job as a Dad he didn’t abandon me and he loved me in his own screwed up way, kids need that from their parents even when it’s imperfect.

    • TG says:

      I agree 100%. I hope Brooke’s parental rights are permanently stripped. She does not deserve another chance with those kids. I think Brooke only cares about the money.

    • Suzy from Ontario says:

      I’m glad that the kids are with Denise versus their Dad because at least with Denise they are with their sisters and part of a family instead of just a nanny looking after them, because that’s what would happen with Charlie (and has already happened with Brooke). I think Denise may end up being the one person in their lives that they trust and feel secure with…someone who loves them not because of a paycheque, but because they are part of the same family and deserve love and a stable environment.

      I wish more parents out there felt like she does…she wanted to be a parent and like she said, that means those little people are relying on her. She gets it. Too many don’t, unfortunately.

      As for Charlie visiting. I think it’s a good thing under the conditions that Denise has put in place. The last thing the boys need to feel is completely abandoned by their parents.

      For all we know, Charlie and Denise may have talked about it and decided that it was healthier in so many ways for Denise to take custody rather than him. That may be wishful thinking, and he is probably not that mature or unselfish but who knows. If that is the case then good for him for realizing that she can provide a much healthier and more loving environment than he can right now.

  4. MsAubra says:

    Now that right there is a real ride or die bish…making sure it all works for the kids even though it didn’t work out with their father!!

  5. Lulu.T.O. says:

    She serves as a model for why getting along with your ex benefits your children (and you). A few years ago I would have never thought she could be so wise. But she is a good person who has learned from her past mistakes. And I LOVE how selfless she has become. She turned the money down, because she genuinely loves those boys. They will always know that, and benefit from that. I so hope their mom can put her demons to rest. They are too young to lose her.

    • beanie says:

      My feelings exactly! She has handled the entire Sheen escapades amazingly. I commend her for what she is doing.

  6. jc126 says:

    Good for her, and she’s clearly not a petty or vindictive person.
    Kind of reminds me of Bob Geldof adopting the child of Paula Yates and Michael Hutchence after they both died, saying she (Tiger Lily) should be with her sisters. Completely awesome thing to do, and the mark of someone who is putting children first, not festering on broken relationships.

    • don't kill me i'm french says:

      do you remember how it was nasty betwwen Geldolf and Yates ? probably because of the drug rumors on Hutchence and Paula Yates

  7. Cece says:

    I never thought much of her in the past, but man has my mind changed! She has really stepped up as a mother and obviously it’s a full-time devotion for her. I wish her and all of the kids the best.

    • Cazzee says:

      Me too I really hope she gets permanent custody of those two children.

      Poverty is needing more than you have and those two poor little boys need a stable, loving, sober mother who can take care of them and always puts them first. Denise looks to be the person in their lives who can actually do that, and I hope she gets the job permanently.

  8. Turtle Dove says:

    Denise is amazing. It takes a good woman to step up like this. She’s a bigger person than I am because I don’t know that I’d want to be a part of that drama. I just hope that after all this life chaos settles itself that Denise will be able to revive her career with some more mainstream fare.

  9. pandora says:

    I remember the avalanche of hatred in the press towards Denise when she was going through court with Charlie Sheen, she was for a period of time one of the most hated celebs in hollywood, I think I even remember posting something here about it, it was so appalling.

    I find it insane that going to court and reorganizing custody arrangements because your ex is a drug addicted porn addicted hooker dating loser and proud of it made DENISE the biggest bitch in town. Some of the things said about her were unbelievably hateful, vicious and in some cases scary and creepy.

    Its those same convictions and beliefs in being a good parent which has found her with the custody of her successors children by her ex husband.

    She deserves huge kudos for being an incredible Mom THEN and NOW.

    • FLORC says:

      I remember that. Not the hate on here, but just the courtroom battles.
      She may not be a talented actress, but she’s showing herself as a fantastic mom that puts the kids first. She kept her mouth shut through it all and raised her girls in a drama/gossip free environment.
      It’s troubling to her her lose so much weight though. I’m sure she’s stressed out and exercising to vent. She’s an amazing woman.

    • Faye says:

      THANK YOU!!!! I remember being verbally attacked years ago when I defended Denise post-divorce. Everyone knew Charlie was an alcoholic, women-abusing bastard, but because he had more clout in Hollywood she was the one getting called every name in the book, while he had his ass kissed every way from Sunday and back again. She had never been anything but a good mother, and the worst you could say about her was that she wasn’t the greatest actress and had really bad taste in men, but the level of vitriol against her was scary. It was really misogynistic, in my opinion, and sadly was coming from men and women.

      I have nothing but sorrow for two innocent little boys who probably witnessed horrible things and had God knows what kind of an upbringing. But part of me can’t help but feel a little bit triumphant at being proven right about Denise.

    • Badirene says:

      I must be the only person around here that remembers the time that “supermom” Denise falsely accused her ex-husband of molesting their kids to limit/terminate his parental rights.

      But let the great whitewashing of her character continue, to me she is the best of many bad options for those kids.

      • Pandora says:

        Molestation can and does include exposure to pornography and sexual activity.

        a drug addicts house with sex workers or pornographic actresses or pornographic materials is by definition an unsafe environment for any child, and yes, that CAN be defined as molestation.

      • Badirene says:

        @ Pandora tell that to the judge, after investigation he threw her case out of court, he also denied her request to allow reporters into chambers.

        In my opinion it is the vilest thing that you could knowingly falsely accuse someone of doing, and its all on the internet for her kids to read when they are older.

      • springingforward says:

        I agree on the best of not-so-great options available.

        Time will tell, when these kids are grown, what the real story on their home environment did for their well-being.

      • Kim1 says:

        Well Charlie praises Denise constantly would you praise a woman who falsely accuses you of exposing your kids to porn? She was telling the truth IMO

      • Mimo says:

        Exposing young children to sexual material or sexually charged enviroments=molestation.

        Their divorce was a little before my time here but I dont get why anybody would ever take Charlies side on anything. That guy has been a known violent drug abusing sex addict for decades. Or did people think that he was the harmless womanizing character he played on TV LOL.

      • FLORC says:

        I have to agree that Denise was not out of line to accuse Charlie of that. The legal definition of things and how that’s interpreted in court is pretty different from the layman’s definition.
        She did not deserve what was tossed at her because Charlie was the bigger star and the media had a field day with trashing her to sell papers.

      • Badirene says:

        Quick question to everyone that replied to me, where is the proof that Charlie exposed their kids to anything? Show me and I will revise my opinion, and in reply to the question of why he praises a woman that accused him of this, why would Denise tolerate being around a man that would do that to any child?

        If any man did that to my child, he would be screaming for mercy.

      • Lumpy says:

        Charlie Sheen is a shitty shitty person. I didnt even realise how bad until the hookers started talking. Porn playing on every screen, piles of drugs everywhere. Just a totally shit human being.

      • anon33 says:

        Badirene, I guess you missed the whole thing where Charlie was having his harem of “goddess” pornstars perform childcare services? He BRAGGED about that during his last meltdown. If that was going on with his twins, I am more than positive that it went on while Denise’s daughters lived there too.
        Do you truly and honestly think that in that environment, the kids were just fine and never witnessed anything? if so, I’ve got a bridge to sell you…

      • Joanna says:

        @ badirene

        i agree. the whitewashing is amazing. p.s., for $55,000 a month, I’d take care of ten kids. call me Charlie!

    • Jaye says:

      I thought the cause of all the hatred was the affair she had with her friend Heather Locklear’s husband.

  10. MsAubra says:

    I think alot of it also is that when she adopted her youngest daughter she talked about wanting anothe rchild, I think she’s happy being that mom that is always with her kids even though she’s a single mom, she’s more than making the best of it. I think she’s always wanted a little brood to look after, and this is also her way of taking it on however it comes to her…

  11. janie says:

    Denise has always been good to the boys. They are her kids brother. If you watched any of her reality show, you saw it. I thought she was a bimbo, i was wrong! She is a good woman. I hope Charlie & Brooke appreciate it.

  12. Denise says:

    Based on the assumption that Brooke would have wanted to be ‘besties’ with Lindsay so she could benefit from the publicity and everything that comes with that, I don’t feel sorry for her for being rejected.

  13. Isa says:

    “You prioritize. I had children because I want to be a parent, and I want to be there for them.”take not note Brooke.
    Denise you are doing a great job and we are proud of you.

  14. Holden says:

    If Lindsay Lohan thinks you have a problem, it’s serious.

    • FLORC says:

      And if Brooke Muller thinks you’re a solid drug connection you must be rolling in crushed up pills and blow.

  15. BRE says:

    I saw previews that she is on a new ABC family show coming out called Twisted so it looks like she is getting some work too.

  16. Claudia says:

    This is one thing I can’t hate on Lindsay Lohan for. Who the hell wants to be friends with a person like Brooke? She’s got serious serious issues, and her kids are suffering for it… for all her problems, Lindsay’s situation in no way compares. It’s probably best for her recovery if she doesn’t hang out with someone we all know will be using her children’s support money and pawning jewelry to get more cash for drugs when she gets out of rehab.

    • bluhare says:

      I can. Lindsay Lohan is no better than Brooke Mueller. She just hasn’t racked up as many rehab stays (yet).

      • MisJes says:

        You’re spot on Bluhare, +10.

        Lindsay is every bit the drug addict she is snubbing Brooke for being. Pot, meet kettle.

      • Jennifer12 says:

        Lindsay at least has had the brains not to have children. And since they’re both addicts, I would bet Lindsay has the instincts to smell an opportunist when one comes around because SHE is one as well. Brooke enjoyed bashing Denise in the press and she is the one who cannot even raise the two children she brought into the world. I hope she is permanently stripped of her custodial rights and that Denise keeps the boys forever.

      • Claudia says:

        I disagree. With Lindsay, there are no kids involved. She is a miserable person but there isn’t anyone relying on her to be there for them, like Brooke has. Two wrongs don’t make a right, they shouldn’t be friends.

      • bluhare says:

        I stand by my statement, Claudia. You said “Who the hell wants to be friends with a person like Brooke? She’s got serious serious issues, and her kids are suffering for it…” like that made Lindsay a better person than Brooke. She isn’t. She’s an addict 14 rehab stays behind Brooke and that’s all.

        Jennifer12: The fact that Lindsay doesn’t have children has nothing to do with her addiction, and the fact that Brooke does has nothing to do with hers. Ergo, they’re both addicts and I personally can’t say that one is better than the other.

      • MisJes says:

        Precisely, Bluhare. The fact of the matter is that regardless of how Lindsay perceives herself, she is just as much an addict as Brooke is. The fact that one has children is of little relevance to their drug dependency. It makes it more tragic, yes – but to say that Lindsay is not a better person or less drug addicted than Brooke simply because she hasn’t children (thank God).

      • Claudia says:

        Fair enough, bluhare. I don’t think Lindsay is better either, but I have a deeper and more intense disgust for Brooke because children are involved. I guess for me, as much as Lindsay is undeserving of anyone’s goodwill, I still hold a sliver of hope that she can turn her life around (I think it’s because we’re the same age). At the same time, I don’t see it happening… you can’t help delusion. I hope she never reproduces.

      • Jennifer12 says:

        Bluhare, I was not defending Lindsay and I said that she is an addict, an opportunist and much like Brooke. The differences being that Lindsay was once a talented actress and- the big one- that Lindsay has at least had the foresight to know that she should not birth children. If you’re going to ruin your life, at least don’t abuse and neglect your children while you’re at it. Don’t have any. I give Lindsay credit for that, and that’s all I give her credit for.

    • FLORC says:

      No part of me thinks LILo would pass up a solid drug buddy unless it brought too much speculation to her being an addict. Brooke would do this. I also kind of wonder if Brooke has unpaid drug debts. She needs the child support to [ay for her drugs and is now cut off and probably has significant debt to the wrong people. Lindsey is dumb, but also smart enough to know she shouldn’t be friends with someone who owes dealers.

    • gg says:

      Here’s the thing – Lindsey needs to learn humility. If she had any, she would stop thinking she’s better than another common addict. She’s no better than Brooke in the least. The sooner she learns to count her blessings and humble herself, is when she will begin to heal.

      But LL going down on record as mean girling somebody else in rehab is just wrong and as immature as she usually is.

      • Emily says:

        Imo, Lindsay’s worse than Brooke. Brooke strikes me as someone who really is completely addicted to this stuff. She needs to take responsibility for that, but at the same time, the drugs are her real problem.

        Linsday’s likely an alcoholic, but she’s able to keep everything going when she wants to. I don’t think her primary problem is being an addict; I think her primary problem is being an asshole. Take the drugs away from Brooke, and you’d have a different person. Take the drugs away from Lindsay, and you’re still stuck with an entitled, narcissistic brat.

    • Joanna says:

      oh, please. lindsey doesn’t even admit she has a drug problem. so i don’t buy her saying whats her face is a drug addict, keep her away from me!! if anything, those two are teaming up and sneaking off and getting high.

  17. Faye says:

    Hurray for Denise. How refreshing to see someone stepping up and looking out for these kids. The fact that she didn’t accept any additional child support makes me admire her all the more.

    Brooke should be very, very worried. If Lindsay Lohan thinks you’re too much of a mess for her, you know it’s bad!

  18. neelyo says:

    I’m waiting for the breaking news that Lohan and Mueller escaped from Betty Ford together and are on the lam with a stolen vehicle and a bottle of Oxy.

  19. Mew says:

    It’s true, she’s been a class act with the situation and she’s been much more low key anyway than for example Rimes is in her life. I think maybe there is after all some class in Denise, and she’s not maybe exactly as much an airhead bimbo as I previously thought. She seems to be doing ok with the kids.

    • karmasabiatch! says:

      For sure, NeighAnn Rimes could take a few lesson on how to be a gracious step parent from Denise.

      I’m pretty awed by Denise Richards. Charlie, Brooke and certainly all of their kids, are SO lucky to have her.

  20. Audrey says:

    Denise was always too good for Charlie

  21. dorothy says:

    For the sake of the boys, I hope they stay with Denise permanently. It is their only hope for a decent and normal childhood.

    • Claudia says:

      My heart breaks for those boys. A crazy dad, a drug-addicted mess of a mother seemingly only interested in their custody just so she has a steady supply of money to bankroll her addiction…

      I hope Denise is awarded permanent custody. She has proven herself to be such a great human being; those boys are in a stable, loving home. That’s what family should be about. On top of that, she does a lot of work with animal shelters and fostering dogs 🙂

  22. F5 says:

    Heidi’s girl turned out nice:)

  23. phontaxme says:

    Poor Denise…. She is great, despite of Charlie

  24. serena says:

    What an ungrateful b++ch. Not only Denise is caring for her boy but she accuses her to do it for the money, while just before she was all friendly with her -because it was easy for her.

  25. Carolyn says:

    If I was receiving $55K PER MONTH!!! in child support I’d look after the children too. Caring for multiple children to make sure they’re safe & well would be easy on that kind of money.

  26. jojo says:

    everybody is hating on Sheen here, but i really think he’s getting his life back to together. Kudos to him to realize that he shouldnt have full custody right-now, and assigning someone who is both responsible and trustworthy to do it speaks volumes for him. He cannot fix himself in a day, this is going to be a long process, but he put into place the best possible scenario for his kids, while still remaining involved (which i assume will eventually increase as he sorts his life out even more).

    There are plenty of douche-bag fathers out there that would have either dropped the kids and ran, and tried to power-play to get them placing them in a bad envirnoment. My hat goes off to Sheen for choosing making the right choice here, its a real sign that he may be maturing and getting better…

  27. maxine says:

    Denise Richards is a saint. . . . and I don’t care if Charlie Sheen were giving her $1,000,000 a month, opening your home to children who are not biologically yours, given the hurt and pain I’m sure she still feels over the ending of her relationship with him (she’s better off without him obviously) takes the kind of person that is rare in our society today.

    Bravo to you Denise Richards. Karma will treat you kindly I promise. PS – she did have a choice – – the choice the biological parents of these children chose. She made a different choice and these children will be healthier because of it.

  28. Sugar says:

    Denise is alright by me she is a true lover of animals a great mom to her three & being a very supportive loving adult to the children of her ex’s ex for the love of God! Bless the beast & the children, thank you Denise:)

  29. Lauren Carter says:

    Something about Brooke gives me major Johnny Depp vibes. Like, she looks like the female version of Depp when he’s dressed to the nines in scarves…and rings…and looking woozy and boozy.

  30. J.G says:

    Hard work? on 55,000 a MONTH???????? How many families live off of less than that a YEAR??? OMG, so SICK of this kind of stuff. Get real you spoiled bitches and idiots, life is actually hard out here for the rest of us.

  31. Dirty Martini says:

    Being rejected by Lindsay Lohan must be the mother of all rejections of all times.

    Man that @h!T is low…..

  32. Flower says:

    So Brooke was getting $55,000 a month, what fool of a judge allowed a never recovered addict to get their hands on that kind of money without strict court supervision of the financial expenditure.