Kristen Stewart ‘heartbroken’ & she hopes she can get back together with Rob

This is a photo of Robert Pattinson out and about in a sedan yesterday! There was something about how he maybe was driving in Kristen’s neighborhood…? I’ve yet to see that verified by any reputable media outlet though. What is for sure is that Rob drove himself to a meeting in North Hollywood. What is for sure is that Rob didn’t look upset in the least, and maybe he even wanted to be photographed looking not-upset. Well done, Rob.

As for the state of their breakup and what have you… there are a bunch of new stories. E! News has a source claiming that Kristen is “heartbroken” and that she and Rob aren’t even speaking right now, they’re just hanging out (separately) with friends. Us Weekly says that Kristen got invited to Taylor Swift’s house because they have mutual friends, and they all hung out in one big group on Monday. Speaking of Kristen and her girlfriends (side-eye?), Star Magazine insinuated that Kristen has declared “no more dong” and is now just focused on ladies:

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson called time on their rocky three-year romance in May, and Star has learned Kristen is seeking comfort in the arms of a woman! Rob and Kristen decided to part ways after a blowout fight on Robert’s 27th birthday on May 13, and the next day, Kristen was spotted in the Silver Lake neighborhood of LA – where she was seen getting extra cosy with a mystery brunette!

“Kristen seemed down,” an eyewitness says. “The woman kept rubbing Kristen’s back and putting her arms around her. They were so touchy-feely – and definitely seemed to have more than just a friendship going on.”

[From Star Magazine, print edition]

Eh. I always think that kind of speculation is cheap, especially when it comes to Kristen. Yes, she’s not a girly-girl. So what? There are tons of tomboys who prefer Chucks to heels and they still love boys. The problem is not that Kristen is kind of butch. It’s that she cheated on Rob and she seems incredibly unpleasant. Stay focused!

Additionally, In Touch Weekly has a story about Robsten’s split and what exactly happened. According to In Touch’s sources, Kristen and Rob had been fighting for a while and Rob came to the realization that “he’ll never trust her” after she cheated on him. They also fought “about how Rob couldn’t let go of the past. It was humiliating for him” and it was made worse by that incident where Kristen seemed to be getting into Rupert Sanders’ car – only her people said it was just the valet. Still, the incident made Rob realize that her infidelity will “haunt them for the rest of their lives.”

What else… Rob’s friends “shunned her” and “his family doesn’t like her.” The sources also say that Rob and Kristen “had not been together as a real couple since Rob went to Australia” which was January of this year. Meanwhile, Kristen thinks they have a shot at getting back together but friends say “he’s done. He’s not interested in talking about it.” Fascinating. At this point, pretty much everyone agrees: Rob dumped her and she’s more upset about it than he is.

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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111 Responses to “Kristen Stewart ‘heartbroken’ & she hopes she can get back together with Rob”

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  1. Lauren says:

    Never was going to work. Just prolonged the inevitable getting back together.

  2. Lb says:

    I do t think his heart was ever in it after the cheating. They may have tried but they also kept distant for several months when it would have been really easy for her to be with him in Australia. It suggests to me that they deliberately stayed apart.

    The only interesting component of this breakup is a) the back and forthPR suggesting there may have something big that prompted this (I doubt it though) and b) the fans in denial.

  3. hertz says:

    She wants them to stage more photo ops so she can prolong her relevancy.

  4. MonicaQ says:

    “There are tons of tomboys who prefer Chucks to heels and they still love boys.”

    DAMN RIGHT. I’m a 28 year old woman, DC skate shoes and football jerseys and my husband could give less of a crap. He knew 13 years ago in HS what was up. And it’s on the one hand annoying to have people just assume he’s “bearding” for me and that I’m this “raging lesbian” just because I feel like if I wear 5 inch heels I’m either going to a) fall and bust it all over the side walk or b) walk and drill for oil because I’m fat. Screw that–it just ain’t comfy for me and comfy ftw. (Not saying I don’t dress up for company events, anniversaries, etc.. My natural state is jeans/t-shirt/sneakers).

    Oh and homeboy ran so fast last weekend, Usain Bolt went, “Damn.” He ain’t comin’ back and Pouty FortuneCookieCrotch should know that better than anyone.

    • marie says:

      ha, you crack me up. I’m with you though, my everyday attire is jeans/tshirts/tennis shoes, I prefer to be comfortable.

      • Nan209 says:

        Yep. If style and comfort meets its purely an accident. Comfort always wins in my world.

    • loveisthecoal says:

      Thank you for the Usain Bolt comment, I really needed a chuckle this morning 😀

  5. Mia 4S says:

    LOL! So the story is she’s so devastated by the loss of Sparkle-dong it turned her into a lesbian? Oh tabloid media, you really all should be punched in the face. 😉

    If these two were half this entertaining in their movies they might be worth something. Sadly…they’re not.

  6. Lee says:

    I’m not a Kristen fan, but it’s a cheap shot that 2 seconds after her break up magazines are already pushing a girl-on-girl relationship onto her / her image. If she’s into boys, girls, japanese body pillows, whatever, then good for her, but just because she doesn’t ride glitter unicorns to work and wear heels to the grocery store a la Swifty, that doesn’t make her a lesbian or bi-sexual.

    She screwed up. She knows it. Now she’s paying the consequences and she will probably be paying them professionally and personally for a long time.

  7. Deb says:

    She’s always had the lesbian/ bi vibe. Another reason they pushed the fauxmance so hard for so long. Bella can’t be gay!!! But I guess the tabs will never stop playing this PRmance as the greatest love story ever RME.

    • Chrissie says:

      TOTALLY AGREE! I have always gotten a lesbien vibe from her.

    • *unf* Joan Jett says:

      Haha, me and my queer friends get that vibe too. But then again… maybe it is just our own wishful thinking?

  8. Annie says:

    I think we’ve established her relationship ended because she is NOT a lesbian lmao. It’s not like she was caught with Liberty Ross. She likes the peen. Discussion over.

    Anyway, STAY STRONG ROB! He never had the chance to deal with this properly with all the promo for Cosmopolis and BD2. And prepping for his new movie and then filming it. I feel like in Australia he got to talk to the men on set, bond, and they just gave him some sound advice, because he came back grumpier and determined. He gave it a shot and that’s good. He needed to see for himself that it was not going to work and what kind if person Kristen is.

    Meanwhile Kristen was flipping off the paps yesterday, not wearing the ring and necklace for the first time in years.

    • Get a clue says:

      Lol! No surprise she has gone back to flipping them off! It has probably been eating at her to do so ever since last July.

    • *unf* Joan Jett says:

      Okay, I am not saying that Kristen is or is not queer. We don’t know. But…

      1. Sometimes women DO sleep with men before they figure out that they are actually lesbians.

      2. Not all women who are into women are lesbians. Bisexuality is a thing!

      That’s all.

    • TG says:

      Someone commented on here yesterday with a link to those pics and they captioned it: “in other news the rebel is back”. I found that hilarious.

    • TG says:

      I meant to add I guess the paps shooting that weren’t the ones she likes to call so that is why she was pissed. She didn’t mind being papped laughing with friends after Rob dumped her .

      • Starbuck says:

        Yep. It’s very obvious she has been working with them for months. I find it quite ironic that they ended up being the ones who compromised her perceived control of her situation by getting the photos of her on his birthday crying and upset. That’s how this story started leaking out. A better team will not help her because she’s too arrogant to either find one or to capitulate to their strategy for turning this around.

    • MisJes says:

      Sigh…that’s all I have.

  9. Maria says:

    im tired of Kstew as a lesbian. but i gotta love those conspiracy stories. not that cheating with a married man is saying she is heterosexual, NO NO NO, it means she deliberatly cheated with a man to make people think she is into men!

    • hertz says:

      And you are naive to believe spleeping with the opposite sex makes one straight.

      In Hollywood sex is a currency, sleep with directors or producers for roles.
      The real sexual orientation of the person doesn’t matter in that case.

      The lesbian rumours have been there for years and it’s one of the reasons the fauxmance with Pattinson was pushed so hard.

      All of her friends are either gay or bi, I think she has more in common with them than just the drugs.

      • Annie says:

        That doesn’t make a person gay, just like wearing Converse doesn’t make a person gay. She was dating a guy before Rob, then Rob for 4 years, then cheated on him with a man. Enough with this gay agenda. Having gay friends doesn’t make you gay, FFS.

      • Another Ann says:

        Well, she wasn’t sleeping with Sanders to get a role. The movie was done and dusted. That was completely voluntary.

        And all her friends aren’t gay/bi. Some may be, but some of them have boyfriends too.

        I would think by now people would know that you can’t judge someone’s sexual orientation just by looking at them. Girls who aren’t “girly” are not automatically lesbians. Also, there are very girly girls who are. You’d be surprised.

      • pretty says:

        From her VOGUE interview.

        “You know when your blood pressure goes up and you are excited and you literally reach for your heart,” Stewart had said at one point over lunch that day, while describing life in general. “That’s the reason I wanted to make Snow White. It physically felt like the right thing to do.” And to work with the first-time Brit director Sanders? “Omigod,” she had said, eyes fluttering skyward,”just, I mean, to die.”

        Sanders was similarly effusive about her, taking time out to speak to me from his holiday in Hawaii. “She’d burnt her lower pelvis area, quite low down,” he had said of his first impression of the actress. “She was bandaging a bad burn there, in her very tight jeans, with a Camel clamped between her teeth. That was my very first image of her. She’s got this masculine edge. She’s like this beautiful tomboy or something. What surprised me most when I met Kristen was how unlike the character of Bella Swan she was in real life,” he added. “She was so tough, so grown up. She was exactly the modern badass version of Snow White that I was looking for. I wanted that young, spirited, rebellious warrior, and she epitomized all of that.”

        “She and Liberty didn’t have very many scenes together,” he said, when I asked whether she and his wife were friends, “so they didn’t get to know each other that well. But they definitely have similarities. There’s a look they share. Kristen is almost like royalty the way she understands what she has to do, in the way that she has learnt to compartmentalize… Well, Lib’s quite ‘regal’ or something as well.”

        I think they clicked the moment they laid their eyes on each other.
        LOL i mean so nasty. and that old shitbag of a director..

      • megsie says:

        I still can’t get over the fact he gave that little vogue interview while on vacation with Liberty and their children. I wonder how many times his kids heard the burnt pelvis story?

        Shameless, dishonorable bastard.

      • Thiajoka says:

        I didn’t know that I was declaring my sexuality by wearing Converse. LOL. Oh well, not that there’s anything wrong with it anyway.

      • Liv says:

        @Pretty, why do you have to remind me of his comments about her burned pelvis? Ugh! I’m going to throw up again! Don’t you dare mentioning her armpits! 😉

      • *unf* Joan Jett says:

        @ Another Ann:

        “And all her friends aren’t gay/bi. Some may be, but some of them have boyfriends too.”

        Fun fact: Bi girls can and do sometimes have boyfriends.

        @ Thiajoka:

        “I didn’t know that I was declaring my sexuality by wearing Converse.”

        Haha, no you don’t. But if you show multiple other visual signs of possible queerness like rings on a thumb or middle finger, short nails, tattoos, plaids, key chains, alternative lifestyle haircuts (undercuts and shags are quite common among queer women), rainbow-colored things, suspenders, bow ties + button-ups, skateboards or whatnot … chances are that some girls might approach you 😉

  10. Bored suburbanhousewife says:

    What a lovely, well brought up girl she is! These are obviously the kind of photos that have made her the international sweetheart of our day.

  11. Anname says:

    I am shocked by how much she seems to have regressed in the last year. All those uncharacteristic magazine interviews with weird quotes, the cheating, the degeneration of her appearance into just plain dirty/sloppy (past hipster comfy jeans/tees), and now she is back to angry bird flipping at paps. I don’t see this as fierce or tough, just sad and trashy. I thought she and Rob were great together in the past, but if this is the real Kristen emerging, then he seems to be better off without her.

    • Pastyousayyouneverknew says:

      +1 @Anname I agree with pretty much every comment you’ve made the past few days lol, you might as well just officially speak for us both 😉 It’s sad, her behaviour, it’s not edgy or cool, just sad because she seems to be maturing backwards lol. She was so much more mature prior to twilight/the twilight beginning. Hope someone close to her sits her down and tells her a few home truths. She seems to need it.

    • Tessa says:

      I totally agree. I think of those pics of her smoking a bowl on her stoop with Michael Angarano first thing in the AM, and in my head she’s CLEAN, better dressed, and fresher faced than she is now! Her worst moment 5 years ago would be considered a good showing now. It’s crazy how low she’s sunk.

    • nina says:

      she was really poised when she was younger, I remember seeing her in an interview for into the wild and thinking she was mature. Yeah, something seems really off with her though in the last couple years. She didn’t bother me for the first couple of movies and then at some point she went off the deep end. It’s like a mini-child actress breakdown, not amanda bynes level, but a more subtle one.

      • Sunrise says:

        I am so sick of all the blah, blah, blah about Kristen! Did it not ever occur to anyone that maybe it was “Rob” that put her on that downward spiral? For crap sake he would never even say he was her boyfriend! What a prince! yuck! I personally hope he hits rock bottom, where Kristen found him! You’ll be fine Kristen!! Since you all dress so prim and proper, don’t look then!

    • Anname says:

      🙂 Pastyousayyouneverknew!

    • balehead2012 says:

      Anname, we wrote almost the exact same thing 🙂

  12. Atlanta says:

    i dont care if she is gay, if she is she should come out. maybe it will make her less moody and angry.

  13. honeybee says:

    Now that Rob is gone and she doesn’t need to kiss up to the paps for their help with photo ops she is back to flipping the bird.

    She will never learn. To her this behavior is what comes naturally and her fans are just like her who are welcoming their ~real ~badass idol back.

  14. pretty says:

    wow i’m reading that thread’s comment section right now and there are a bunch of backstage/paparazzi videos of her and Rob.
    She really is a bratty ungrateful bitch. my god. With all that attitute and her interview which she said “i want someone to fvck me over” and all that poseur stuffs, i really don’t get how her fans think she is the victim of everything…whew…

  15. FreeSpiritedGirl says:

    lololol! This chick is pi$$ed! On second thoughts, she might be giving signs to other directors/producers out there, “Look! Look at me! Newly Single! Ready to fxxk!…errr…mingle!”
    On a serious note, KStew hasn’t matured with age. She is still a ‘rebel without a cause’ teenager. Rob, 27, deserve someone mature.

    • Annie says:

      Yeah, Rob needs a woman. He’s been dating a bratty teen for too long.

      Wait ’til he gets a taste of a ~real woman, he will not look back. I can’t imagine Kristen as someone easy to get along with or drama free. I think she’s incredibly negative and was holding him back.

  16. Tig says:

    Those pics from last night- agree with previous poster- that’s not “edgy”-its trashy and so stupid on her part. Flipping the bird repeatedly to paps got her fried last year, guess she wants a second scorching.

    If Rob is having any doubts, those pics must have been confirmation that he’s made the right move- she appears incapable at this point of mature behavior.

    • Annie says:

      She’s like Avril Lavigne. She’ll never grow up. I don’t get why Rob fell for someone like that. He’s well read, educated, polite, nice. And he went for the trashiest girl he could find.

      Sadly, he did get involved with her when she was with someone else. They broke someone else’s heart. And it was that darn cliché – she did to him the same thing she did to Michael. And like the laws of karma dictate, it came back worse.

      • Another Ann says:

        How do you know she broke Angarano’s heart? Neither she or he ever spoke a word about the breakup, he could have dumped her for all we know.

      • Tessa says:

        Yeah, we don’t know anything about her breakup with Michael Angarano. She was still a teenager, and she wasn’t seen out with Rob until after Michael seemed to be out of the picture. I believe she definitely moved on emotionally to Rob before they were broken up, but back then I somewhat think Kristen was a good girl, and all of this newfound sexual freedom and stuff has come about in the last year, or at least since she met Rupert. I think she struggled with her feelings for Rob and kept Michael around for too long. But Michael had to have seen the writing on the wall, and it’s possible he bounced on his own.

      • Annie says:

        PLEASE. Angarano was following her everywhere, always on set. He was on the set of New Moon towards the end and then all of a sudden he was gone. He adored her and was always around then nothing. Then by the time New Moon comes out later that year Rob and Kristen are seen holding hands in Paris, getting off a plane.
        It’s pretty obvious the relationships overlapped. I don’t even know why people are giving Rob and Kristen the benefit of the doubt here. It was around the same time Nikki and Kristen stopped being friends. Stuff happened.

  17. Kt says:

    The pictures from last night are trashy but can you IMAGINE what the paps are screaming at her? Look, she screwed up by cheating but so did Arnold and you don’t see him getting screamed at all the time. I feel sorry for her- she’s lost her career and her boyfriend and now the world hates her again. That’s a steep price to pay for cheating at 22.

    • Annie says:

      Yet she was begging for something bad to happen to her and the universe listened.

      She’s not a victim. She made the choice to cheat and be super insufferable. It’s called dealing with the consequences.

    • Anname says:

      I can feel compassion for her, but on the other hand, she brings much of it on herself. Her antagonistic ways don’t help her at all. Rob gets terrible pap taunting too, but he has held it together so far.

      • kt says:

        I think whatever they were screaming was so bad that she just couldn’t take it anymore. In one of the pictures her friends are looking at the camera in shock. Kristen has made mistakes but the constant scrutiny and being stalked everywhere she goes is obviously taking a toll on her. I have always liked her “alternative” attitude and demeanor but I agree that she has regressed. I feel like the media almost ensures that these impressionable child stars will go off the deep end.

    • Tig says:

      Paps screaming trash are nothing new- sadly. Regardless, does anyone, esp her, thinks this helps? Like they’ll stop yelling if she flips the bird? I’m starting to subscribe to others’ theory- she’ll do anything to stay in the press. And those folks bankrolling SW 2 are looking as well.

    • Nicole says:

      This isn’t just a tale of them constantly fighting and realising they can’t live together. This split was sudden, catastrophic and had Rob walking out in what looks like a blind fury. That suggests she did something that he found so unacceptable that there was no way he was willing to tolerate it at all. He gives the impression of being at least as pissed off with her as he was last summer. The only thing that fits the bill, as far as I can see is that, despite everything, she has had recent contact with Rupert and Rob found out. It is interesting that Gossip Cop, which normally rides to their defence whenever false stories are started, has conspicuously failed to quash the Rupert birthday text rumours. If they are indeed true, she either wanted out and deliberately brought the house down on her own head, or she has been so self-destructively stupid that it beggars belief.

      • Annie says:

        That’s true! Gossip Cop would’ve adressed that by now. Hmmmm….

        I competely believe something set Rob off. And I do not put this past Kristen. She’s not very smart, she’s heartless. Something happened there. She’s perfectly capable of doing something stupid while she should’ve been working out her issues with Rob. Rob had been pretty patient through all of this but something set him off. They were “fine” and then this huge fight happened that even got their PRs involved. It’s so over. I hope Rob can move and he doesn’t end up hating women thanks to her.

      • Nicole says:

        He won’t end up hating women. He’s lucky to have two sisters that will have set his compass about women from his earliest years. Plus he’s got close platonic female friends like Katy who obviously adore him and will keep him right. As for Kristen, to me at least, the Rupert story is the only one that explains everything. If that happened on his birthday, as rumoured, of course he would have refused to attend her party and they would surely have had an argument to end all others, where her affair would most definitely have been cast up at her. The stories released at first gave partial truths but didn’t mention why it blew up in the first place. Then somebody, presumably from his camp, leaked it and now it all makes sense, unfortunately, IMO of course. If it’s true, no wonder he won’t talk to her!

        Looks like her team have told her to make herself look visible and strong this time but I can’t decide if last night’s display was a demonstration of badass cool or impending breakdown!

      • lily says:

        Hmmmm. GC would jump at a chance to be superior to these rags by debunking their stories. Why stay quiet on the Rupert Texting one?

      • LJS says:

        I can’t agree with you more. I have the same opinion that something major happened to start this. I suspect something regarding trust and Rob had enough. can’t blame him. He loved her and still does but that was it, I mean come on, on his birthday! It was obviously quick and hurtful. Kristen when will you learn.

  18. Tessa says:

    Why is it three year romance now, when it was three years last year when she cheated? It’s four. They have been together since the spring of 2009.

  19. serena says:

    I think he is definitely over it now, he tried to work things up -and he should have let it go at the time the scandal broke- and it kind of disappointed him and hit him later that he should have broken up with her sooner.

  20. aquarius64 says:

    Is it really a surprise that Rob’s friends and family couldn’t stand Kristen after what she did? This part of the story rings true. All those reports at BD2’s premiere about Kristen being friendly with the family now seem PR-driven…by Team Stewart.

    • Annie says:

      Yes, I don’t understand what family would be super forgiving after their son is humiliated like this by someone you welcomed to your family.

  21. Inky says:

    I just feel awful for both of them. There have probably been mistakes on boths side, things we don’t know about. It is bad enough when your first love/relationship implodes without such large swaths of people analysing it. To break up right now is definitely the best decision for both of them. After infidelity it is difficult, if not impossible, to regain any trust, never mind reaching the same level as before. I hope they can both pull themselves together after, I don’t know that it helps assigning blame to either side.

    • Nina W says:

      Except for when one side is clearly at fault. You can’t really pin it on him. They never should have reconciled IMO but the relationship was destroyed by her behavior, there doesn’t have to be anything else, what she did was catastrophic to the relationship.

  22. Anna J says:

    Her reactive attitude toward paparazzi was overly influenced during her childhood by Jodie Foster and then Sean Penn. Jodie had a traumatic experience with the John Hinckley/Reagan assassination. Sean’s wedding was ruined by gossip tabloid helicopters hovering over the ceremony creating what looked to be gale-force winds, and afterward when Madonna kept calling them to ruin every outing. I can see being angry when startled and stalked in a parking garage. The standard airport-arrival photos of five minutes she should just smile for, or keep wearing her headphones to not hear what they shout.

    • kt says:

      I totally agree – she should wear headphones for the next few months and also get the heck out of LA. I am sure paps will follow her but a change of scene would help. And thanks to Twilight, she can afford it!

    • LJS says:

      After reading about her mothers run in with the neighbor and the conversation that consisted of a heavy dose of swearing. Not to say the neighbor isn’t a fruitcake but you have to wonder a little. Mom and daughter are both spunky women.

  23. Lucinda says:

    Or this is the story they agreed to after she screwed up the contract by getting caught with Rupert. I will never believe this relationship wasn’t at least 50% PR for the movies.

  24. Dedrie says:

    She’s richer than he is.. nawh!

  25. janie says:

    That relationship is kaput. I wonder if it started as publicity & he fell in love with her? He can’t forgive her, how many people could? She is very young & will be fine. They are in different stages in life.

  26. megsie says:

    she’s becoming a text book case of child star syndrome. 🙁 Always sad.

    • Apples says:

      She was a child actress but, not really a child STAR.

      Randomly, my book club of 13 people had a conversation about her and no one knew who she was by name until Twilight promotion. Even then, only about 1/2 of us knew her after the promotion.

      A child STAR has a lot more pressure being a household name, etc. KStew could disappear in a crowd and go to the movies/mall like any other kid. Her current situation is all her own doing.

  27. Perplexed says:

    Well, she sure is going out with guns blazing.

  28. megsie says:

    I have a maternal streak of sympathy for Kristen. She’s been plagued by legions of half crazed overzealous fans, highly questionable parenting, and suffocating hangers on. And all this descended when she still a teen who didn’t know her ass from her elbow. Girl needs to extricate herself from the LA fishbowl. Enroll in a university or travel cheap and solo. Sort herself out. Allow life experience and solitary contemplation to do its magic. Spend some time with ordinary, everyday people outside the business. Develop character.

    In the meantime, Rob is 27. Hard to believe. He needs a woman, preferably one of substance, not a moody self absorbed girl.

  29. Gabby says:

    I saw pics on another site of rob in this little Toyota car going through the gate to Kristen’s house. Hopefully picking up more of his crap?

    • Renne says:

      She was flipping the bird to the paps somewhere in LA at the exact time he was papped in Los Feliz according to camera data (11am and 11.10am – it’s all over fan sites). They did their best not to run into each other yesterday. But it looks like they are constantly being followed by paps craving for something juicy.

  30. balehead2012 says:

    Honestly, I find this whole situation pretty sad. I mean, I kind of liked her in Into the Wild and (contrary to probably everyone here 🙂 I even liked her in the first Twilight movie. Not a fan, but she was OK in my books, being a little different from the actresses at that time, dressing differently, being kind of shy in front of the camera etc. – I could somehow relate to that. Then over the years, as far as I have read and seen (not too much, to be honest), she started to change in a negative way. She became sloppy, almost dirty in photos, hanging around with friends equally sloppy and dirty, she flips the bird, she cheats in broad daylight, she has strange comments, strange behaviour. I mean, it’s obvious that all that fame, attention has taken its toll on her. She probably started as a level-headed teenager, but she obviously hasn’t moved on and stayed on the same level of thinking, despite the fact that she thought she did and that she’s so different, hardcore and all that. She was fun to watch at 17-18, she’s not so much fun now, at 21 (?), still playing the teenager. Those photos of her yesterday, flipping the bird are just sad. At this point, I really think she should just take a trip, do something, go somewhere where she isn’t constantly watched and where she has the chance of getting it together, reevaluating her life. Then come back and try to reestablish her position in small roles, in indies…

    • lily says:

      Yes I also thought she was cute and different from other starlets and a good match for Rob, especially till NM came out. Her obnoxious attitude started showing around Eclipse promos. She was called out for her rape comment. I understand that she may not have said it in an offensive manner and that she later apologized. But when Rob was siding with her in an interview that followed a few days after this episode, she threw HIM under the bus despite his support! She said something extremely crude to him. That was my turning point. I gave her the benefit of the doubt so many times since then.
      Her attitude became the worst during Comic Con 2012. She was just plain obnoxious. Telling Rob to STFU in a press conference no less!. SMH. During that time she gave the EW interview quoting how she would never hurt the 2 guys in the room (Rob and Taylor) and then a few weeks later the scandal happened. Around the time of that interview she was f^cking RS for sure. What a disgusting person. She bought into her own hype and obviously thought she was invincible.

  31. Amy Tennant says:

    I have two things to say. First, acceptance or rejection of cultural norms of masculinity or femininity =/= sexual identity or orientation (but I think most right-thinking CB readers agree).

    Second, I know people say “contract,” and it might be so. People say “whipped,” and it might be so. I suspect, however, that what you see may be what you get here. I think Rob was reeling from the infidelity, but honestly tried to see if the relationship was worth salvaging. I think he gave it a try, and he found that it was not. No shame in that. Forgiveness is wonderful. Trust, once lost, is very hard to regain. I give Sparkles credit for trying.

  32. Amw says:

    I just saw a pic of Rob and girls in a bar during his week in NY on Robsten site. No wonder they are no longer together. Kristen is growing up and figuring out the boyfriend she had since a teen; the one who never wanted to admit they were together, was not really a boyfriend.

    • Another Ann says:

      Um, no. There were both guys and girls in that picture, and one of the girls is a friend of Kristen. So no, there was no sneaking around there on his part.

  33. Dana says:

    Isn’t it strange that Kristen met this valet Rupert, Rob immediately left New York City and shortly afterwards, they break up?

  34. Source says:

    OK, wait, you guys are going to love this.

    The main thing the Krisbians get from these photos? No epic ring of love!

    Instead of dealing with reality after seeing twenty pictures of her flipping off the papps with no ring on her finger, they have come up with the following theory:

    The papps AIRBRUSHED the ring out.

    Yes. Really.

    They think this particular photographer is, in their words, making up a story. And if anyone believes that story, including their fellow Krisbians, well, they’re unfollowed and shunned from their world. It’s as simple as that.

    They also believe the photographer is airbrushing Rob’s beard off. JUST TO MESS WITH THEM.

    You can’t make this stuff up.

    Yes, these photogs have nothing better to do than mess with the mind of a Robsten/Krisbian.

    If a site runs a story on the breakup, the Krisbians immediately run over there to scream and yell and stomp their feet. They demand the story be taken down.

    As if by not seeing the facts, they can convince themselves these two are still together.

    I mean, WOW.

    • Janet says:

      They are also saying that photos of Pattinson in a car taken weeks ago are current photos of him on his way back to her for some great make-up sex.

      None so blind as those who refuse to see.

    • megsie says:

      Good lord. They’re really grasping for straws, aren’t they? Terrible, but once even the delusional can no longer deny the truth, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of these girls does something drastic and stupid. 🙁

    • Apples says:

      Ha ha ha!!! OMG, these kids are crazy.
      I’m starting to love the commentary on the gossip more than the gossip.

    • oivey says:

      I just saw one on tumblr who thinks that these two putz’s are going to “make it work” for THEM. As in the fans.

    • Source says:

      Megsie, I think you’re right. I believe if they’re going to these lengths to convince themselves what they’re seeing is not what they’re seeing, then if by some miracle, maybe a year down the line when they no longer see these two together and they have to admit the truth, I do worry about the reaction of these deluded people.

      Apples, yeah. At this point it’s the fan reaction more than anything else for me. What they have to make up to not tell themselves the truth. It’s both sad and funny at the same time.

      But the twitlongers are treasures.

      Janet, your “none so blind as those who refuse to see” is dead on!!!

      oivey (LOVE your name). oy vey indeed. Nothing like exaggerating your own sense of importance in this world in order to feed a delusion.

      • oivey says:

        They’re also circling stuff in red and using it as “proof”. Proof of what exactly? That he hasn’t cleaned his car?

    • Another Ann says:

      Wow. Where do you see this stuff, is it on tumblr? That does seem to be where the crazies get together.

      It’s pretty obvious to everyone that it’s over. I’d think the missing ring would be proof. But then again, these are probably the same people that think the minicoopering was a hoax.

      • oivey says:

        I’ve seen it on tumblr. I can’t help myself from looking at the Robsten tag. I have it black listed, so it’s my own stupid fault for looking…but it’s fascinating and REALLY REALLY creepy.

        As for the ring, it’s “been photoshopped out” and also “not that important”. These are people who saw significance in her wearing his clothes, but no significance in her wearing his clothes while she was having her little tete-a-tete in public with Ruppy.

      • Source says:

        oivey you’re like my new hero.

        Yes, the same red circles were employed to prove that she didn’t cheat on Rob even after she admitted it!

        They circled shoes, etc. as proof that the photog photoshopped different heads onto the bodies. Like, the Robstens would ignore 49 other pics and red circle the hell out of one.

        And yeah, she wears his shirt and it’s proof of epic love. Him taking his stuff from her house, her not wearing the ring, and them not being seen together? Totally unimportant. And as a matter of fact, further proof they’re in love as the Robstens spin it in a whole other direction.

      • Wizard says:

        @oivey – pretty sure it was actually a “tit-a-tete” during their time in the mini-Cooper.

  35. Dana says:

    Isn’t it strange that Kristen met this valet Rupert, Rob immediately left New York City and shortly afterwards, they break up?

  36. Blah says:

    Lol twihards were saying that in these pics Rob was driving the same car Kristen was, because there’s pictures of her driving the same type of car, and reassuring themselves that this is proof that they’re still together.

    • Another Ann says:

      Maybe he ditched her because she cracked up his car while he was out of town. 🙂

      It does make me laugh that this millionaire drives around in a redneck pick up truck or a Toyota Camry. It’s kind of cute, really.

  37. Starbuck says:

    Wow! What a shitshow this has become. Kristen Stewart cannot get out of her own way. It appears to me that she was playing along with her PR strategy somewhat with those staged shots earlier in the week of her smiling with her friends with makeup on and a shower. These shots of her not only flipping off the paps but dancing around with both fingers in the air like a petulant child make her look ridiculous. Instead of making her look like a badass with a spine she looks weak and ignorant. It seems pretty obvious that she is the one who got dumped in spectacular fashion. If this was indeed a long time coming then why has it come to this? Everything she’s done is contradictory to who she claimed to be but the most evident being working with the very people she loathes in the first place, the paps, and it just blows up in her face. I am very curious as to why the Rupert texting story has not been debunked by Gossip Cop but I wonder if the reason it wasn’t was because her PR people don’t want to prolong her association with the scandal but it’s too late now. My gut feeling is that Rob Pattinson just outgrew her antics and that everything he loved about her in the first place wasn’t who she had become. There is an underlying story here and I’m betting more will come out soon about how bad off she really is. I always thought they would at least remain friends but who knows now. I see absolutely no upside for her in this. She doesn’t have character, integrity or any wisdom and all of those things are required to be able to pull yourself up by your boot straps when things get hard – especially when your circumstances are of your own making. She did this and she can’t accept the consequences. That’s really what it comes down to. What a difference a year makes.

    • Another Ann says:

      She seems to be in a freefall in the last 10 or 11 months. I seriously wonder if it is something like bipolar or other mental issues involved here.

    • Janet says:

      What Starbuck said.

  38. Kelly says:

    Does anyone have the link to Comic Con where Kristen was rude to Rob? I heard about it but never watched it. Is it really noticable?

  39. Miss Thang says:

    Who has the photos of her crying?

  40. AustinMJ says:

    Slightly OT – The Headline and pics of her flipping off the paps over at The Superficial are hilarious.

  41. Jennifer12 says:

    Kristen spent a long time gassing Rob’s head, playing the badass, and he was intrigued by it. You could see he worshipped her from day one. I think he started maturing and realizing her Avril Lavigne act was just that and tired of her antics. There’s loads of video that shows her acting like a teenager, being rude to Rob, etc. I can totally see her feeling like she’s the victim in all this, even though she was cheating on Rob. Now she’s trying to sell stories about how hard she tried when Rob hasn’t said a word, and she was seen getting into Rupert’s car and there’s talk they were texting. She and Rupert will be spotted together in six months time, bank on it. She is just trying to maneuver the situation so that she won’t look like the bad guy when she’s with Rupert, as she probably wanted all along.

    • joycethomas says:

      I have to agree with you on this one!!
      Remember her “keep ’em guessing”. If she has been looking miserable last 10 months or so is because she’s had to play out being in a place she no longer wants to be. I continue to follow this intriguing story.

  42. Jennifer12 says:

    When the worship you’re used to goes? It freaks you out. Just saying.

  43. Frau from Fly Over USA says:

    Words can’t describe how much i dislike this over-rated little snot. I wish that Twilight Saga crap never happened. And the books suck too.