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19 Responses to “Beyonce and Jennifer: Battling Covergirls (update)”

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  1. Kolby says:

    I really don’t see what is so hot about Beyonce. She seems to have a bad attitude, can’t act, has an annoyingly shrill singing voice, and wears so much makeup it’s hard to tell how pretty she might actually be. Will someone please explain this to me?

  2. Girlygrrl says:

    What ever happened to models on the cover of the swimsuit issue? They can’t ALL be in rehab….can they?!
    My head hurts a little more everytime I witness yet MORE exposure to the mediocrity known as Beyonce’.

  3. UrbanDK says:

    I love her … cause no matter she think I am ready for that jelly … they call me Smuckers … and Im here Beyonce

  4. Alex says:

    “and wears so much makeup it’s hard to tell how pretty she might actually be.”

    you’re right, Kolby. in the movie there was one scene toward the end where B wore almost no makeup. we finally got to see what she looked like after they scraped her face clean.

  5. kikistar says:

    B is the most beautiful by far….
    HUD looks like a… No I won’t say it.

  6. van says:

    Is that the best picture they could get of J.Hud for the cover of Vogue??

  7. Gigohead says:

    You know what? I’m happy for them both.

    Why be a hater. Good for them both.

    They are both big girls. Hooray! For big girls like me everywhere.

  8. m.a. says:

    Go Jennifer! Beyonce’s spotlight time needs to be up. She’s as annoying as J-Lo was during the whole “Bennifer” time period. I wish they’d both(J-Lo & Beyonce)just get stranded on a deserted island somewhere together. Hey, that sounds like a good reality show. I guess I wouldn’t mind seeing them that much, if they were in that situation. Could you picture them both having to survive on their own AND try to get along. Who’d be the top diva on the island? Hehehe, it makes me happy to think about it. 😉

  9. kikistar says:

    Yeah I am a big girl too. (Gigohead) I was just saying you know…

  10. Kiwi says:

    JHud is glowing, looks happy and fresh – Beyonce just looks tired and unoriginal. We’ve seen this pose a million times. we’ve all done it in the privacy of our own mirrors. I haven’t seen Dreamgirls and have no opinion about who is the more talented, this is purely objective, from looking at these two pictures.

    The Vogue thing is interesting, given the BMI debate raging on catwalks around the world. Could Vogue be leading the way, heralding a new era in beauty? If this is the first time a full-bodied model has been on the cover, you KNOW it’s been done with a great deal of thought.

  11. frewtloop says:

    Jennifer Hudson does look fresh and pretty but she is overweight, period. Its unhealthy and shouldn’t be accepted as a new standard of beauty.

    Beyonce is gorgeous and if you don’t think so you’ve got envy issues.

  12. Randi says:

    Hudson is a little overweight and I can’t say I thought she looked anything special while she was on American Idol, but damn she has nice skin.

  13. FF says:

    Yeah, I want to know what happened too. Did Anna Wintour hit her head in the shower or something and come to with some kind of personal ephiphany and say immediately: “Put Jennifer Hudson on the cover”?

    The mind boggles.

    Of course, this could simply be her way of getting around the size 0 debate with a pre-emptive strike.

    We don’t just put emaciated models and actresses on our covers, why just a few months back we had Jennifer Hudson.


  14. miss luigi says:

    Jennifer Hudson “overweight” and “unhealthy?” Jesus people, she’s a bit heavy, but there’s nothing unhealthy about her figure. She looks like she’s naturally curvy, and I think she looks quite nice. Have you ever seen an unhealthily overweight person looks like??

    That goes for underweight people too. Not all skinny people are unhealthy or starving themselves.

    It’s quite sad that some people get caught up in media scares about weight and health issues and are quick to judge people by their appearances.

  15. annelilly says:

    The Wintour is sure up to something. But could it be just that she wants to put an end to Beyonce’s 15minutes in the spotlight? Could this actually be more of a declared war against the talentless, tackiness and mediocrity that is Beyonce?

  16. Bex says:

    Jennifer Hudson is a size 12.. that is AVERAGE people. Not overweight. AVERAGE. I’m sorry, but that gets me fired up. She is lovely, HEALTHY, and it is incredibly awesome to see her on the cover of Vogue.

    You. Go. Girl.

    … Nyah indeed.

  17. HaHa says:

    Bex, just because size twelve is the AVERAGE size in the USA, doesn’t mean that ON AVERAGE, America is OVERWEIGHT.

    Anyhow, good to see JHud on the cover with that glowy skin. I hate Beyonce’s mediocrity.

    Oh, and on the whole JLo-Bey-on-a-desert-island reality show idea? Brilliant. It would turn into Celebrity Death Match, and I’d put money on JLo killing Beyonce. That bitch is ghetto, for real, and I love her for it.

  18. HaHa says:

    I meant to say DOES MEAN that North America is mostly overweight.

  19. wrik says:

    Beyoncé – She’s Irreplaceable

    I just found a neat Beyonce site with all her story detailed. Lots of interesting and unrevealed things in there.