Over the past week, Brad Pitt has been to five countries promoting World War Z. And this is pretty much the first time in a week that I’ve paid any concentrated attention to him. I can’t help it, when Angelina Jolie is beside him, she is the only person I’m really seeing. It’s not even that I dislike Brad – I’ve grown to like him so much in the past decade – but when Angelina around, no one really matters. I feel bad for Mireille Enos too – she was at the UK premiere of World War Z and no one paid any attention to her (and she’s Brad’s costar!) because it was Angelina’s big post-surgery debut.
Anyway, these are some new photos of Brad at the Sydney premiere of WWZ. Mireille Enos was not there, which is too bad because I would have finally paid some attention to her. Angelina Jolie was not there either, hopefully she’s resting at home after getting some crazy birthday booty. So Brad was flying solo at the premiere. God, I know Brad’s critics are always pointing out that he “blends” with whatever woman he’s with, but it really seems that Brad is now wearing sack-clothing more often. What is with his late-in-life conversion to slouchy linen and baggy suits? Ugh. And I’m pretty sure he’s worn that nearly-see-through black shirt every day for a week.
Incidentally, Brad has been really working hard to sell this movie. He’s made personal appearances at local screenings in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago, LA and Austin. He was in Austin on Friday – here’s the video:
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Maybe he’s trying to hide some middle aged gut…that he’s getting finally.
I’ve never been attracted to Brad Pitt in the way that I will obsessively watch as many of his movies that I can get ahold of..coughralphfiennescough..but I do think that he is a ridiculously handsome guy, who makes it a point to try to be more than pretty. But it is amazing to see how much younger he looks when he cuts his hair….cut it!
I hate him with long hair…very few guys can pull it off. I think only Viggo Mortensen and Gary Oldman can. Just looking at Moneyball, he looked (to me) to be in his early forties….in Mr. and Mrs. Smith (he had just turned forty, right), he looked to be in his thirties….hair needs to go!
I’m guessing Angelina went to the red carpet to support Brad, and to show the press that she’s not dying, they’re still together, blah,blah,etc. But now I think she’ll set back for a few premieres…or maybe not. If I were her, I’d want to sleep for a week, watch Ice Loves Coco, and eat chocolate in bed. She needs some rest.
Gary Oldman? Ick! He can’t pull anything off. We won’t even go into his rep as a wife abuser.
Brad looks great especially considering his crazy, whirlwind traveling. The man is near 59 and his face and his body still look fine to me. And these aren’t staged, styled photo shoots.
I think you had a typo: Brad Pitt is 49.
I think he looks his age. Nothing wrong with that.
I’m more concerned about the potential BO
Brad looks terrible. Overweight or bloated or whatever.
Things must not be good in Camp Jolie.
You wish!
Since when has Gary been known to be a wife abuser? From what I’ve read that crap was made up by one of his ex wives during their divorce…..and no other partner has ever accused him of being violent. The guy may have been an alcoholic (which he freely talks about), but I’ve never heard of him being an abuser.
Look up when he played as Arthur Dimmesdale in the Scarlett Letter….he’s the only reason I watch that piece of crap….he was the only one good in it.
Oldman was the only reason I’ve watched that movie more than once too. I actually liked his and Demi’s chemistry in it. But the Scarlet Letter was grade A terrible.
Alcoholics by the nature of their disease are abusive. They might not be violent physically, but in every other way, they are abusive to their spouses. Neglectful, selfish, emotionally unavailable, never present, lazy, money drains…etc…and that’s just the nice person alcoholic list.
He may have gotten sober, but if his ex-wife lived with him while he was actively drinking, I tend believe her claims of abuse.
That being said, I love Gary O and congrats on his sobriety.
I’m not saying that when he was drinking-which he was for YEARS, not just with that one particular wife-he wasn’t a selfish, moody, self destructive douche…I’m not saying that. Maybe he was; maybe he wasn’t. Who knows?
But there’s a difference between destroying yourself and your closest relationships with alcohol, and being an abuser. My grandma was an alcoholic for the past twenty or so years. She was moody, sorry for herself, maudlin, and so on when she was drunk, but never violent.
Especially since (from what I read), Oldman claims that she only got with him because he was famous/rich. His two other wives before her never said anything about him being violent, and he had kids with one of them too. Plus being an abuser eventually gets out…Sean Penn anyone?
So I don’t believe that, and I don’t think people should start saying stuff like that unless there’s proof. That’s more than the regular grade “he’s gay” rumors…
Brad is losing the pretty IMO. Still a good looking guy and still a great guy – doting husband, father. But not the pretty he was 10 years ago. I agree that when Angie is there, I only see her.
There’s no point in putting his new pictures. He’s wearing almost the same thing in all of his premieres anyway. Come on, Brad! You need to put on some effort!! Jolie won’t be there to distract people of what you’re wearing! 😀
Agree! I can only tell its a new photo when Angelina has something different on beside him. Otherwise Brad has looked the same for the last 5-6 years lol
Oh for Pete’s sake, it’s amazing how people in the news media get it wrong all the time, it’s not about Angelina, Aniston or any of Brad Pitt past ladies, it’s Brad Pitt who made them something not the other way around? Angelina might be beautiful and a humanitarian but I don’t think we would be hearing about she or Aniston (pardon my being redundant) if these ladies were not linked up with Pitt.
Angie was already someone before she hooked up with him.
So true, without Brad Angie and Jenn would not be in the public mind like they are today.
Jesse I tend to agree with you somewhat. Brad also put GOOP on the map. I first noticed Angie when she played Gia. I thought what a beautiful/talented girl. But I probably wouldn’t have followed her career if she was still married to BBT. JA, never peaked my interest pre-brad. But I did watch Friends once just to see who’s this girl that’s dating Brad Pitt. I never followed them as a couple. They were a boring couple. I’ve learned more about their relationship by reading comments on these blogs. I believe she didn’t get nominated for any awards until she dated/married Brad Pitt.
I love seeing both Brad and Angelina together on the RC. I have to admit I got bored with her solo premieres promoting Salt throughout Europe. But together they are sizzling.
I just can’t think of another HW couple that both of them are so good-looking. Add the beautiful kids, charity, globe-trotting, wealth and power. They are just an exciting couple and family.
Let me just add I wouldn’t be as interested in Brad today if he had stayed married to JA. JP’s forever!
Not really a fan of Jolie, Pitt or Aniston. (All three milk that triangle.) But Jolie had her humanitarian efforts going on before she ever met Pitt. Was it during the filming of the first Tomb Raider movie that her awareness for int’l issues kicked in and she adopted her first son? That is one side of her that is really awesome. And Pitt came along for the ride.
The point is without Pitt she would not have the same celeb profile. Pitt was more famous around the world than Angie.
With or without Pitt I believe that Angie would have continued on her humanitarian path.
Not only looks-wise but career-wise, Jolie was in the gutter until she became part of the Triangle. The Oscar did nothing for her, as she kept making bomb after bomb and started collecting Razzie nominations in record time (7 in 4 years).
In 2003/2004 where was her career? She was playing third fiddle to Paltrow/Law in Sky Captain. Pitty had the Ocean franchise but he was part of an ensemble, then he had Troy and the studio made him share top billing with Bana and Bloom because he wasn’t bankable enough.
Pitt simply left Aniston- there never was a triangle. Aniston & her PR created a “Bermuda Triangle” in the press for attention and continue to fuel it to this day. Facts show that Aniston really was in a triangle with.Heidi Bivens and Justin, but you don’t see her talking about it in magazines or on Oprah- truth has never been important to Aniston.
@Mordor: Your hatred for Brad and his partner is absolutely pathological. What in the world did they ever do to you? I hope you find peace one day. I really feel sorry for you. Carrying around that much spite and bitterness all day long must be hell.
Mordor: Pitt and Jolie’s careers peaked at different times. That’s all. She’s much younger than him. It makes sense. She’s had a few blockbusters since that time period.
No Triangle: Agree that The Triangle was created by the media. (Of course, it makes $$$$.) But the media has had very willing participants. Every time Pitt drops a line about his “previous relationship” or “that marriage,” he knows he’s stoking the fire.
What’s more interesting to me a la Aniston, JT, and Bivens is whether that experience (of falling madly for another who is already taken) gave Aniston some perspective regarding what happened to her with Pitt and Jolie. That’s the question I would like Oprah to ask…
Again, I don’t have a horse in this race (Belmont on the brain right now), but it’s fun to watch, analyze and snark!
Do you think JA is in love with JT or do you think she just sees him as her last chance?
Janet: That’s a good question. She’s attracted to him. He’s good looking, smart and presumably funny, given the stuff he’s written. (Tropic Thunder is a fave of mine.) So why not? She could be in love with him. BUT he also might be her last chance to get a guy like him. And she probably knows it. Kind of sad. (Aging is sad for all of us…) I don’t think this makes her pathetic in any way. If it does, then we’re all pathetic.
However, Aniston just seems sooo Hollywood. She grew up there, like Jolie. She knows the system and the game. But unlike Jolie, she comes across sometimes as inauthentic. And Jolie—love her or hate her—never seems inauthentic. In other words, I think it’s this quality in Aniston that makes people think her relationships are somewhat fraudulent.
Yeah, I think she loves him. And I think he’s her last chance at a guy like him. (Edgy, a little unknowable, but with some Hollywood polish) Maybe that makes her love him more.
I think you need to go back in time and get your facts straight.
Jolie and Aniston had bona fide careers before Brad came along.
I think it’s the other way around. Angelina was always the more interesting one and if he had never hooked up with her no one would care about Brad.
I knew Aniston from Friends (hate that show) and Jolie from Tomb Raider, kissing her brother and wearing BBT’s ‘vial’.
Friends was and is still a big deal. She might just be a former TV actress but it was on one of the most popular sitcoms in history. That counts for something. Being with Pitt just made them into a powercouple but she was no nobody at the time. I guess the marriage made it easier to turn her into a film actress.
Jolie her work in the 90s was great. She won an Emmy for George Wallace and an Oscar for Girl, Interrupted made her seem a credible actress with Tomb Raider making her into a bankable one with worldwide recognition. You don’t get to pull in that much money if she would be a nobody. She’s also one the few leading actresses who can do action. Her Q score grew when she started her activism so there’s that but it was at a peak around MAMS. It just elevated her status, not started it imo.
This+ 10,000
Are you saying that these two women, Aniston and Jolie, were successful without Pitt, The Almighty, and that they would still be successful (or not) today regardless of Pitt, The Almighty? My goodness, you may be onto something!!!
Good Post!
@NM9005, Spot on on both Jolie’s and Aniston’s career analysis. Getting with Brad helped expand their careers, but both were already well known stars prior to hooking up/marrying him.
But FYI, the cast of Friends were only making $75 thousand per episode in 98′ prior to Aniston hooking up with Pitt. The fact that their salary jumped from that to $1 million in 2002 through the cast contract renegotiations (led by the intelligent Lisa Kudrow) shows how smart they were to take advantage of the worldwide publicity their show received due to a cast member hooking up/marrying a huge movie star known around the world.
It’s definitely interesting to think about if either of them would’ve been successful if they weren’t with Brad. On a pure talent level, I think they would both be at the same level.
I have always been interested in Angelina, even before reading gossip. I remember I was ten years old when MAMS came out on dvd…and I wanted to see it so bad, just based on the cover. Jennifer, not so much. I’ve seen some episodes of Friends- I thought the guy who played as Joey was funny, but other than that, meh-, I tried to watch The Bounty Hunter when it came out on Netflix…it was awful.
But I think that Jennifer wouldn’t get as much attention as she does now (and who knows? That could’ve forced her to be a better actress…I think she’s a very lazy actress i.e. Ellen promo), and with Angelina she would be like the Mia Farrow of her time. I’m torn to think if there would be this interest now, from the media. Because she is very interesting by herself, just like Brad is (though not on the red carpet, alone), but maybe if she hadn’t gotten with Brad there’d be something else that would catch the attention of the media like they do now.
He doesn’t have a gut. I saw video and loads of pictures and there was no gut. He is wearing black on top and brown pants. I wish he had worn something different, but he still looked great in the pictures I saw. and the crowds were crazy. He spent lots of time with fans. He must have taken hundreds of pictures because there are so many.
He took Pax with him and they went sightseeing. He said in an interview that they were having a BBQue today.. so nice that Pax is getting an ALL ME DADDY time.
Brad is forever for Me HOT ALWAYS. and the people in those crowds were all over him.. the guys were screaming too.
He’s working hard, no doubt, but I wish he would change up the clothes and hair. Looking forward to this movie!
People forget he also rocked this look in early 90s, way before Kid Rick was a thing. Is he too old for it now? Who knows. The only person it should matter to is Angie, & she seems to love him just fine. Heck, she didn’t even mind the goat beard & beads from a few years ago. BTW, he brought Pax with him- some news sites have a cute video of Brad talking about how they went to see koalas & kangaroos.
Actually, your comment couldn’t be more wrong. His appearance is part of his brand so it’s very important. Saying it should only matter to Angie is totally off base. Part of Brad Pitt’s box office draw has always been his appearance. His acting is average, whether you want to agree or not. I know he wants to be a serious actor and tries to downplay his looks but the fact is, he was a very good looking man, but his looks are fading and his acting skills leave a lot to be desired. He shouldn’t be so quick to let himself go. Looking like you don’t shower is not hot.
His acting skills leave a lot to be desired? What is up with you and the truth?
His fanbase has GROWN because of his accomplishments. Brad is an accomplished actor and producer.
He was nominated for an Academy Award for Moneyball, The Curious Life of Benjamin Button, etc… In fact, BRAD HAS EITHER WON AN AWARD OR BEEN NOMINATED IN EVERY MOVIE THAT HE EITHER PRODUCED OR PLAYED A ROLE SINCE 2005.
There are very few actors left in Hollywood that have his CV profile AND have that box office appeal. His uber-sized global fanbase did not get there solely on his looks. The whole package, personal and professional, is the reason why people like and admire him.
Go check out his IMDB online. His careeer has really taken off since Angie (2005), and it certanily has not dwindled.
The industry and fans regard him for much more than just his looks. He has a very successful production company called Plan B.
These pictures are mild. There are many recent pictures posted all over the internet of Brad’s recent visits over the last few days. And yeah, he is STILL HOT. Check out YOUTUBE and get the facts. The fans are screaming when they see him. His fan base grew even bigger when he coupled up with Jolie. Likewise for Jolie. Brad and Angie are individual magnets, and a good match for each other.
You do not need to be a fan to know any of the facts. It is what it is.
He looks like Scruff McGruff! Please cut that hair Brad!
Looks like this time Pax got to have Dad all to himself. Nice.
His clothing choices are horrible lately. He used to dress really sharp for the red carpet when he was married to Jen.
Don’t get me wrong, I prefer him with Angie and I think he’s much happier now, but I do miss the way he used to dress. He could wear the hell out of a suit back in the day.
I’m always confused when people claim he dressed better with Jennifer. If I recall correctly Brad was not working a lot. and the only premiers they went to were small and for her TV or her small movies. If you go back and look at his fashion things actually started to improve when he went back to work beginning with the promotion of Troy. And that was actually near the end of his marriage. He dressed in designer suits when he did the first Ocean movie because of the character he played.
some of you I think are confusing the times. Go look at older pictures of him on RC.. he had a huge scruffy beard or longer hair. Take a look and you will see exactly what I mean.
It has been over 8 years since Brad and Jennifer were together. If you actually think the man hasn’t been bringing it on the RC in 8 years check again.
between his premiers and Angie’s he has lived in a suit. And really there were not many Red Carpets when he was with Jennifer. Definitely not big ones
Carys, if you go on Google, you see he’s worn a lot of suits on the red carpet since he’s been with Angie. In fact, in the time that Brad’s been with Angie, he’s been nominated for two Oscars, several SAGs & GG, and a few BAFTAS, so you can throw a several tuxes to the mix of suits Brad has worn since 2005, too. One of fav red carpet looks of his was the white dinner jacket he wore to the Jesse James red carpet at the Venice FF- so gorgeous. Angie wore a long, lace dress with her hair up- they looked SO GOOD!
Oh, yes, they looked so fabulous at that red carpet!! My favorite was the 2008 Independent Spirit Awards, not because of Brad or Angie’s clothes (though they looked damn good), but bc it was Viv & Knox’s red carpet debut!
mccora96- I loved that ISA red/blue carpet, too- they both looked so hot & happy! Angie is such a beautiful pregnant lady! Just a slight correction- Brad & Angie hit red carpets for the Critics Choice & SAG awards a few weeks BEFORE the ISAs that season, so that would have been the bump “debut”. Neither Brad nor Angie confirmed the pregnancy until after Jack Black let it slip about the twins months later.
And don’t forget the fashion choices at the Cannes Film Festival. I think they’ve attended four together and they ruled the carpet at every single one!
I hope Brad and Angie really do it up for the big LA premiere. I love Brad, long hair or short, he is my forever dong…but even I am sick of seeing him in these dark, baggy clothes…
I really wish be would cut his hair! I’m sorry, but short haired Brad has always been hotter than long haired Brad in my humble opinion! I think this movie will do well, but I’m not sure of it’s going to do as well as Brad needs it to.
I think Brad looks tired and he’s also getting old. He still is an attractive man but he’s not aging very well. Yes his pretty looks are starting to fade but I think that’s normal for anyone. He does look boring without Angie next to him. I guess that’s why they make such a dynamic couple. When they are together, it’s like fireworks!
Brad is really handsome and has always had a fabulous bod, imho, but he looks happier and way more magnetic when he’s WITH Angelina. Which makes perfect sense as she’s his soul mate and ALL he talks about is how he started really ‘living’ when he met her.
I like how his light shines brightest when he’s with his love – I think it’s true of Angie too.
I could care less what he wears, he’s incredibly good looking and gets better with age, not to mention he is an amazing actor. Brad Pitt can do no wrong in my eyes. Clothes do not make the man!!
Not a fan of the long hair and I don’t care if it’s a different pair of black pants a shirt at every premier I wish he would change to a different outfit choice, it’s making all of his appearances blend in. I don’t blame him for promoting the heck out of this thing, he’s got a ton of money invested in it. I’m kind of on the fence about it, I’m a huge walking dead fan so now I’m over critical of a lot of the zombie stuff that’s coming out now.
Love him. In an industry where so much value is placed on looks, and some act as if they are better than anyone because of their looks, he just seems so down to earth and real. Never for a moment would I think he is one of those celebs who would instruct people not to speak directly to them, refuse to pose with a fan, not take time to sign an autograph, or display any of the other self-absorbed behavior so many of them seem to do.
Agree 100%. He showed up at a WWZ screening in Hoboken, NJ (which got smacked by Hurricane Sandy). They weren’t expecting him, but since he was in NYC and he had the opportunity to greet some fans, he took it. That’s a true celebrity to me.
Totally agree. Both Brad and Angie give their fans a significant amount of face time when they’re on the red carpet by signing autographs, taking photos with them, talking to them, etc. They know what it means to the fans and they’re very gracious and humble about it. At the World War Z London premiere, there’s a photo of a female fan crying when she meets Angie, and Angie comforts her and then takes a photo with her. Very sweet. And you never see them going off and punching paparazzi, flipping the middle finger or complaining about the media intrusion in their lives. They know their level of fame brings responsibility, and they act accordingly.
What interests me here is the dynamic between studio and star. I would think the studio would arrange tuxes, grooming etc. as part of marketing. Guess he’s powerful enough to say no, but why? It’s strange to make no effort (ie same clothes, messy hair) for repeat appearances. In terms of photos, they all look the same now and with him not at all at his best. Since the movie is riding on his name alone, I don’t get it.
For those who don’t get it….please stop and think. If you were traveling thousands of miles day after day, would you want to carry a lot if luggage and bring a retinue of people to take care of your hair and wardrobe? It is obvious that Brad and Angelina are genuine down
to earth people who care more about. each. other and their children. Brad has madean incredible effort to present for many
Nan- that’s beautiful! Yes, they really do light up around each other and it is so great to see them still so in love after so many years together. That much electricity is so rare and an awesome sight to behold.
Brad didn’t make Angelina anymore then she made him.
Women are the gossip market. And women focus on the woman. Angelina was popular around the world all on her own. The fact that 2 really good looking people got together and some people got pissed is what happened. If Brad was with some average looking girl that was not in the business this would be a none issue.
They both generate the crazy. There is not another celebrity male that is obsessed over like Brad. People count how long he has not shaved, how long his hair is what he wears or doesn’t wear. There have been how many other movie premiers of other actors. I bet not many people here could tell you what any of them wore.
Brad is different and always has been. But he and Angie together is a Super Nova. And one would think it would have burnt out for the public. But no. And their attraction has nothing to do now with his ex.
i always find this conversation about Brad pretty interesting. He has always been treated like an actress in terms of his appearance…that’s how pretty and magnetic he is.
Of course there is always other stars who are more handsome or of the moment, but none have been instantaneously, consistently been subjected to the same gaze as the female actresses.
it’s kind of funny.
I was so sad to find out he was in Chicago and I missed him! I’m not living that he’s wearing basically the same outfit to every premiere but I think he looks nice. The long hair had grown on me. Not many men can rock that look.
“God, I know Brad’s critics are always pointing out that he “blends” with whatever woman he’s with, but it really seems that Brad is now wearing sack-clothing more often.”
It’s not a criticism, it’s a pure and simple fact. His personality on its own doesn’t standout. Maybe it’s a good thing for him to morph into his current partner’s personality and taste.
Everyone is complaining about his hair and clothes. Have you guys thought that maybe just maybe he is staying character for this promotion until the openings? Could be requested by the studio. From what I’ve seen on previews the character dressed laid back. I mean his hair was grown out for the roles in WWZ and The Counselor. So unless he starts a new film soon that requires a clean cut he will be rocking the hair until it’s required of him or he chooses to cut it. I am not a fan of long hair but if it is a part of his job what do you expect him to do? Just like the vampire movie he kept it long for long time after filming and during promos. My favorite Brad Look are the Oceans collection and Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Regardless, clean cut or scruffy Brad is still a hottie.
Someone has been hitting the ganja. Guess the stress of his wife’s surgery (It wasn’t cancer surgery people! As a breast cancer survivor, I get extremely offended calling it that. It was ELECTIVE!)- and the stress of sinking his own money into this movie has taken its toll on him.
He is looking Russell Crowe’ish. Must be an emotional eater.
Thank you! Glad someone is thinking with a clear mind.
He looks pretty stoned in these pix.
He is always stoned… We never see him public when he isn’t!
The promotion on this movie just wreaks of desperation.
He must have a lot riding on this film and not be too sure about how it’s going to be received. Not my kind of film, so I won’t see it, but when is the last time Pitt showed up in person at random screenings? Has he ever before this? Imdon’t remember any occasions, but then I’m not an avid fan who follows this guy’s doings.
Eli you only wish that were true! At least he doesn’t turn up to present awards drunk and slurring like Aniston.
No offense to those normal ladies getting their photos taken with Brad, but my first reaction to those photos was realizing how incredibly gorgeous Angelina Jolie is!! Just so used to seeing Brad pose with her that to see him posing with someone else makes me realize the “normals” can’t really compete. Haha
That’s probably why in many of his past relationships; his beauty outshone theirs. I mean people were more focused on him than them. I don’t think it bothers him in the least that Angie is beautiful. He never seems jealous or envious. He lights up around her and she does too around him. It is a very nice thing to see. I’ve really enjoyed seeing them together.
reports say (grain of salt) that the entire family will go to Brazil (Rio) for a few days when WWZ premiers there on June 24th. I see them then taking a long break before Brad goes back to work in September. Angie said Unbroken will film at the end of the year. So they have a long Summer off.
Brad and Angie just shine on the red carpet together. As a fan of both,it just seems like something is missing when the other isn’t there. Brad also doesn’t seem as happy walking the red carpet when his lady isn’t on his arm. I can’t waiting until the Rio premiere on the 24th. Yes, they have the entire summer off. I’m hoping for a wedding. Rumor is Angie had Yves Saint Laurent design her wedding dress. Take it with a grain of salt, but ST looks fantastic on her. I just think Versace wasn’t working for her.
I still love him.. but agree re: his clothing. I don’t get the black attire all the time? I think that’s what bugs about them both? My kids went thru the “goth” stage, but outgrew it in their late teens. Pop of color would do them both some good.
He looks less Kid Rock and more Steven Segal.
Ooh! Love Brad! Hope he wears something different next time. Omg, bring it, Brad…. you ve got fashion cred ….!
Does no one remember the homeless hobo look during the early 90s when he was with Juliette Lewis? And general hobo days until he started dating GOOP.
As for looking immaculate during the Jen Aniston years, clearly people glossed over the homeless hobo beard [with tiny braids and beads worn with hawaiian shirts] phase he went through during their marriage.
He seems to keep the look required for whatever he happens to be filming eg the cleanshaved look in pic i’ve just posted was for TROY. he went around with that hobo beard for awhile.
I don’t understand why people think a person should look the same at 50 as they did at 30 or 40. no one does. Not even Tom Cruise who is using surgery to try to hold on.
Thanks for the links. Some people are practicing revisionist history on this site. Brad has always seemed to enjoy down-playing his looks, although, his level of handsome is impossible to hide.
I do not expect Brad to look the same. His life has evolved tremendously since he started a family with Angie. I do not care either if he cheated with Angie while married to Jen-we may never know the truth anyway. I always felt that the Jen-Brad marriage was a PR creation. If i was married to Brad, i would have done everything in my power to have a child with him–he is a devoted father! Never understood the robotic coldness sometimes between Brad and Jen either. Not bashing Jen..just observing. Angie and Brad appreciate & fulfill eachothers feral & emotional needs, and have a lovely family. Brad has matured, become a family man, and is bloody tired. He is the sexiest damn hobo i have ever seen, despite being overworked & exhausted.
The outfit and hair are giving me a Steve Segal vibe
Yes, Steven Seagal. (Eeeew!)
I was going to say “boring AND Kid Rock-ish” but Seagal is more to the point. Definitely NOT sexy. 🙁
I just wrote the same thing before i saw you comment. He totally looks like steven segal.
Kid Rock-ish? NEVER!! Kid Rock is one of the most unsexy men on the planet imo. Probably because his IQ is the same number as his shoe size.
Brad Pitt in the other hand…. I remember clearly watching him in Interview with the Vampire and Legends of the Fall (god that movie sucked) when I was a young teenager. I could barely speak after watching those movies. I had my first celebrity crush!
Ditto to this. I was 13 when I saw Legends of the Fall and it was love at first sight. I remember having a poster of him as Tristan on my wall in my room and it having lip marks on it from me kissing him. Hahahahaha I still love him.
I will never understand why Angelina Jolie ended up with this guy, but oh well. He apparently makes her happy, so whatever. He does nothing for me, and even less now that he looks like my 60-year old father. Seriously, it’s creepy how close they are in looks, though admittedly Brad has substantially more hair.
Your father looks like Brad Pitt? ahem, is he single?
me first! she can send her dad to florida (where i am)! lol.
Nope :P.
Looks wise, I have never seen a man fall so far, so fast. Maybe he just needs some rest and he’ll look perky again. (fingers crossed)
What is it about handsome men and their need to so totally hide their attractiveness behind gross hair and unkept facial hair.. he and Johnny Depp are aces at hiding their good looks!
well, hes also the producer of this movie and it was expensive. its just normal that he promotes the movie like this. i heard the movie is great, cant wait to see it 🙂
Sexy as ever. But I wish he’d wear something different. And although I like his hair, I wish he’d cut it too.
I agree with folks who say they wished he would have worn something a bit more exciting… the dark, baggy clothes really don’t do him any justice. He looks good otherwise, the guy still has “it”, likely always will. In fact, the older he gets, the more lines that appear and the less pretty and perfect he looks, the more appealing I find him.
I agree that he looks much younger with short hair. Plus it’d take years off if he shaved. IMO, the only men that look better with beards are those with weak chins or really bad skin. (Don’t get me started on stubble. That’s not sexy, just lazy and sloppy, as far as I’m concerned.)
All that aside, what really makes a man attractive in my eyes is his personality. The way Brad takes his role as father seriously and how he has supported Angie throughout her recent surgeries makes him super attractive in my eyes, no matter what.
why do you think Brad would wear the same shirt day after day? If he likes a shirt or jacket or trousers or whatever garment he probably gets half a dozen at least, that’s the sort of practical thing men do
Oh you stirrer you lol 😉
*rubbing hands together*
tee-hee 😉 👿 😛
Don’t make fun of my Val RHONYC, I just saw Tombstone today and remembered why I fell so hard for that man. His handsomeness along with Kurt’s and Michael Biehn in the same movie on a rainy Sunday was dessert time for me. 😀
I used to absolutely adore Val as a teenager. Not anymore though :\. His face looks like it is made of dough now :(. He’s still a good actor though.
And Tombstone- great movie.
He needs to go back to the first Ocean Eleven or Seven look. He could really work a suit
So true. Clean cut and wore the hell out of that wardrobe. I enjoy this Brad too. I like how rugged he looks.
He has jennifer anniston hair, its gross
He is sexy as hell and always will be. Even when he’s 80 I’m going to want to bang him.
Wish he’s change up the clothes though. He wears the same shit to all these premieres.
The guy has it hands down
‘Fight Club’ Brad will always be my favorite…slightly dirty, tough, amazing body and short hair. He was gorgeous in Legends of the Fall, but Fight Club Brad really did it for me. That was about the last time, too.
Noboby ever says he disappoints in person. And that is something to note. especially when people can and do tweet reactions. All the tweets I have seen talk of how wonderful he looks. How hot in person. How he just commands the room. That is Brad. And yes I would have him anyway I could get him.
He is and will always be a gorgeous man. Only one Brad Pitt.
To those saying Angelina wouldn’t be were she is without Brad, I STRONGLY DISAGREE. Aniston yes, Angelina no. Angelina already had international appeal post Brad. She was just getting heavily involved in her humanitarian work, consistently ranked high as the sexiest women alive, and she is known as the only female action star who did her own stunts because of the Tomb Raider franchise. Now Angelina and Brad’s pairing took them both to a whole new level because you had two huge international movie stars and both are incredibly beautiful and ranked sexiest alive people coming together in a relationship!!?? Paps, journalists, media, fans and haters all creamed themselves and almost 9 years later they still do.
So, Brad helped the popularity of Goop and Aniston (Aniston and her pr made sure no one forgets that she was with Brad, they created the triangle and the media ran with it) but Angelina was already popular and internationally know all by herself. Angie was doing commercial campaigns for Shisheido beauty line in Japan way before Brad came along. But the pairing skyrocketed them both to a whole new stratosphere.
Angelina did not do all her own stunts in tomb raider. She had a male stunt double.
You are absolutely right. Every time there is an article about Maniston there is always a reference to her marriage to Pitt, just in case someone forgets or the younger crowd did not participate in the Friends sitcom era. The coattailing certainly is not accidental; it is a paid-for strategy.
And yes, two very likeable, dynamic, sexy, beautiful, international movie stars having a beautiful family and staying in love is something to watch and look for on the red carpet.
David and Victoria Beckham have seemingly similar sex appeal with a big family as well.
I’m not sure if anyone said it yet… I think that the reason why he shows up at these cities is of course because of promotion, BUT if you read the book, the main character goes from one city/country to another. It’s almost like Brad’s promotional strategy are based on the book. IMO anyway.
I honestly think he is desperate to have this movie succeed. He has a lot riding on it.
He looks like Steven Segal
The informations are so lovely and so usefull so thank you very much. Be sure i will use all of them keeping in my mind.Have a goog luck.
I wish he’d cut his hair, but otherwise, I think he just looks exhausted (from travelling, doing the movie, which sounded like a nightmare to get out, promotions, father duties, dealing with Angie’s health issues, etc.). I thought I was getting the deep sadness vibe from him, but then again he sort of reminds me of my brother, who is a dad with two rambunctious boys and a teacher and who always looks like he needs to sleep for a year. Just pulling on clothes in the morning to get out the door is a major achievement.
So maybe Brad just needs a good long vacation (during which time I hope he cuts his hair and ditches the baggly-waggly look).
I see some ppl have totally bought into the fairytale romance of the Brange. The triangle made all three of them more famous than they would have been otherwise. The rags have made a ton of money off of all three. If I were Aniston I’d be furious at being potrayed the way she has. As for Angie, she would have faded away. I only knew of her because of her kissing her brother and her outrageous behaviour with BBT.
I see you’ve totally bought into the fairytale fake and phony persona of Aniston. Aniston and Huvane have controlled how she is portrayed and she is portrayed just as she wants to be: as a victim who shits ponies and rainbows and you gullibly buy it. What about how Angelina has been portrayed? As a villain when she never did anything wrong to deserve that? Aniston is a manipulative bitch who has milked this for 3 years, you better believe she is in full control and approves how she is portrayed because she is the one giving Huvane the ok to give stories about her to the sympathetic pro-Aniston media. Open your eyes, stop buying the fairytale Aniston victim bullshit. Without Huvane and Handler keeping her in the public, Aniston would have gone the same way Kudrow, Perry, Le Blanc etc has, and we all know it. Angelina would still have been a famous humanitarian, with or without Brad. Sad for you, but true. Deal with it.
Um Sal I’m just stating my opinion. I really dont care that much. And who is Huvane? I think you give Aniston too much credit when it comes to controlling what magazines choose to write. Do you honestly think she wants to be portrayed in that light? If she has that much control then isnt it fair to say Angie has just as much control and approves of what the rags say about her? I dont read any other gossip sites. And this one drools over AJ and BP. Sounds like you’ve bought into their sales pitch. There’s a ton of money riding on this Brangelina product. They’re going to play the game. Who really knows what goes on? I dont and neither do you!
Maggie Huvane is her agent.
Huvane is her agent, Angelina doesn’t have an agent.
If you don’t care so much, WHY are you always defending Aniston but snarking on the JPs like the typical passive-aggressive Aniston fans on here? We’ve seen your type dozens of times before, the passive-aggressive act is such a staple of the Jenloons. Huvane has been caught out before ringing up to give stories then ringing up to deny. From the same phone. The articles benefit her and they all include the word ‘beautiful’ as in the beautiful Aniston. Do you honestly think she doesn’t want to be portrayed in that light? Its the reason so many feel for her and support her, because people truly bought the lie that she was cheated on, and it works. Its a formula she has used for 9 years. She with Huvane and Handler’s help has manipulated so many people into believing in a lie that she is a victim. OF COURSE IT HELPS HER!!!Angelina doesn’t have an agent and why would stories of her being a homewrecker or cheating around on Brad help her? You truly are deluded and have bought Aniston’s sales pitch hook line and sinker like a true Anistonloon. Wake up.
Why do you get so angry about it? They are celebrities. I certainly don’t know the names of their agents. It’s not that serious. It’s a gossip website. Why do you feel the need to respond to every perceived negative comment about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie? What do you care if we like them or don’t? For the record, just because someone may not be a Brangeloonie does not mean they’re an Aneloonie or whatever you call them.
This should be fun. I’m gonna go make myself some popcorn.
He looks good.
I just can’t. I can’t comment on anything because I’m too busy LMAO at Pitts grampy face in photo number four. Good day and good night. 🙂