Teresa Giudice’s husband Joe wants his own reality show from prison

This is just a pipe dream from a mafioso reality show husband from Real Housewives of New Jersey, but it’s still rather mock-worthy. You know how Teresa Giudice’s shady husband Joe, the cheater, drunk-driver and identity stealer, is pretty close to being sent to prison? He has to have his trial still, but rumor has it that there’s plenty of evidence against him. I mean he obtained a driver’s license under his brother’s name after his got suspended for drunk driving. He’s pretty much cooked. (Especially since he lives on the East Coast instead of California.) Well Joe thinks he can have his own reality show from prison so that he can be famous in his own right, and not just because of his combative, delusional, trashy wife. (There are so many more adjectives I can use for Teresa.) The thing is, there are allegedly producers interested and they think they can convince the New Jersey prison system to let them film there.

Sources say Joe Giudice, who could be tossed in the slammer for more than 10 years, is scrambling to set up a reality show behind bars.

“The show would focus on Joe’s day-to-day life in prison,” said a pal.

“It would follow him as he comes to grips with being stripped of his freedom and interacting with other inmates.”

The beleaguered businessman’s legal woes date back to December 2011, when a grand jury in Passaic County, NJ, handed down a two-count indictment against him for allegedly obtaining a fraudulent driver’s license using his brother’s name.

Giudice, 42, faces 10 years behind bars for the first count – wrongfully using identifying information of another person. The second count, impersonation, is punishable by up to 18 months. His trial is set to start July 15, and prosecutors are confident Giudice will be convicted…

“Joe has already spoken to producers who’ve said they believe they could work out an arrangement to film at a New Jersey state prison,” said another source.

“Joe wants the show to be a ‘Housewives’ spinoff on Bravo so he could include scenes of Teresa and maybe even other cast members visiting him. Filming would also make doing his time a little easier. It would break up the daily routine and give him something to look forward to.”

The father of four has apparently already started outlining possible plotlines for his proposed “Joe-in-the-joint” series.

“He’s got a cafeteria scene, a visitors’ room scene plus scenes from the exercise yard and in his cell,” said the source. “Joe envisions himself sitting around with his posse and dispensing advice like the godfather. And if Joe is convicted, he wants to fire his lawyer in the opening scene.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, June 24, 2013]

HA! Joe thinks he’s going to be like the Godfather in prison, when in reality he’s going to have to kiss someone else’s ass on the daily. I would say that there’s no way they can get permission to film in prison, but MSNBC does have that show “Lockup” and I’ve seen prison documentaries on Current.Tv. Plus Spike.TV has a show called “Jail.” I’m not familiar with “Lockup” or “Jail” but I would imagine that they’re realism-type shows and don’t involve invented plot lines. (You know they do that with Real Housewives.)

No one wants to see Joe in prison but I wouldn’t be surprised if this got made somehow. There are all sorts of bizarre reality shows, and some of them are much more entertaining than you would expect. People would love to see Joe get his ass kicked that’s for sure. Maybe he’s so scared about it that he hopes some cameras will offer him protection from the gangs and beat-downs. It’s not going to happen.

Joe and Teresa are shown in 2011. Credit: WENN.com

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41 Responses to “Teresa Giudice’s husband Joe wants his own reality show from prison”

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  1. Elisabeth says:

    she has the smallest forehead in the world

    • mimifarrow says:

      The universe maybe. (Tho I think Fergie pulls a close 2nd.)

    • JudyK says:

      Must explain her incredibly small brain.

    • lisa says:

      she looks like someone put false eyelashes on the missing link statue at the natural history museum

    • Pollo says:

      She has the forehead of a caveman.

    • The Original Tiffany says:

      I see nothing but that every single time I see a picture of her. She looks like she is part wolf man, for real.

      That isn’t even a 2 head. Why doesn’t she do something about that??? Shit, she’s done everything else to herself.

      How delusional is this guy to think anyone would watch a show starring him. Who does he think watches Bravo? 30 something yo ladies do not care about “juicy” (barf) Joe.

      • Pollo says:

        I don’t think there’s really much she can do about it surgically. That’s just genetics. Doctors can’t change the shape of someone’s scull. Look at tory spelling, she just has the kind of face no doctor could ever fix.

      • Shannon says:

        She could laser about 4 inches of hair away from her brows and I bet it would make a HUGE difference.

      • The Original Tiffany says:

        Exactly Shannon, get that laser out and go all Kim Kartrashian on it!!!

        I was watching some RH thing and even my son looked up and asked what the heck was up with no fore head lady.

        I just had some major surgery, hence the lying around watching crappy TV. Amongst all other time wasters. Books, computer, TV, jello…

      • lisa says:

        rita hayworth had electrolysis to change her hairline decades ago

    • Angie says:

      I feel sorry for Theresa. Joe cheats on her, drinks too much, and is a terrible role model for their daughters. I hope he goes to prison and she finds out life is better without him!!

      • jes_sayin says:

        I agree… it must be absolutely exhausting trying to keep up that facade.

        Not to mention what her husband has done/is doing to her self-esteem.. Hate to see their daughters grow up thinking that’s acceptable behavior from a husband. Ugh, it’s 2013 people!!

      • Shannon says:

        Why does she stayed married to this schmuck? I just don’t understand. He’s the biggest bastard and treats her like shit. He’s also so unintelligent it’s ridiculous. Not that she’s brilliant or anything but God he is such a moron and he never says anything nice. Ever. And lets not even talk about all the cheating he does. I would have kicked his ass out long ago if I were her. I don’t get it.

  2. neelyo says:

    Who does he think he is, Michael Lohan?

    • Chichai says:

      All I kept thinking when I read this is what Caroline said about Teresa in the finale. That there could be a time where Joe has to go away for awhile and Teresa will switch gears to show how strong she is raising her family alone “maybe there is a book in that”

      • Angie says:

        I hope Theresa does get stronger without him, writes a book to support her girls, and learns she is better off….and dumps his ass!!!

  3. Rikki says:


  4. Yelly says:

    Haha, I love them!

  5. Chichai says:

    All I kept thinking when I read this is what Caroline said about Teresa in the finale. That there could be a time where Joe has to go away for awhile and Teresa will switch gears to show how strong she is raising her family alone…,”maybe there is a book in that”

  6. Dhavynia says:

    Oh God can they just stop with this reality shows crap?
    I know its here to stay but I cringe at the thought of what our current society is turning into. Every asshole wants the easy life and these networks promote a lifestyle that is unreachable unless you can outdo someone in a negative way. Disgusting

    • BorgQUeen says:

      OMG I was so glad to read your comment. Its so true. Look at that teen mom who did an anal porn video just to get famous.

  7. Talie says:

    The spin-off will probably just involve Teresa… divorcing him and living as a single mom.

  8. RHONYC says:

    working title: ‘BUNGHOLE BADABING BADABOOM!’ 😉

  9. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    So he should be rewarded for breaking the law by earning money from his prison cell with yet another tasteless reality show? That’s a great message.

  10. Cody says:

    I bet he doesn’t go to jail and ends up in home confinement for 6 months with an ankle bracelet and community service.

  11. Shannon1972 says:

    Oh my god, we have hit rock bottom. This is it; the end of civilized society. I couldn’t even read the whole thing. When I read that he had scenes already prepared for his time in prison, and that it would give him something to look forward to, I just lost it.
    I live in New Jersey, and if Jersey Shore wasn’t bad enough, this will add to the ridicule a hundred-fold. Prison is for PUNISHMENT, not so that someone can use the system for his own enrichment and benefit from his incarceration!! Whoever green lights this in our penal system should be fired.

    Man, this story really pissed me off.

  12. Quinn says:

    The NJ prison system is in such bad financial shape…if they can squeeze some money out of Bravo then I could see this happening, depressingly enough…

  13. Shannon says:

    Like a prison would ever allow this. Give me a break.

  14. Gia says:

    This is the greatest idea I have ever heard! It’s so unpredictable in that you can’t script a bunch of criminals, locked up for god knows how long for god knows what! Oh please let this happen!! The only thing I don’t get is how Joe can be compensated for this? I don’t thin it’s legal to profit from a crime, so ow would that work? He’d do it for free??

  15. lem says:

    ugh. so it’s not bad enough that their daughters have to deal with them as parents and have their messed up lives filmed and aired to the entire country, but now he wants to make it so that his daughters also see what happens to their father in prison? that is so so so awful. i really hope this doesn’t happen b/c those poor girls have done NOTHING to deserve any of this.

  16. Lisa says:

    Why do these people think anyone gives a rats ass?

  17. K-rock says:

    Where do I start??? First off he is as interesting as a dry toast sandwich. Second, if the prison lets BRAVO film him and his everyday life there then there needs to be a massive overhaul. Third, what in the hell are they gonna film? His dumpy ass trying to act all mafia? All he’ll be doing is sleeping and eating. Just when I thought the Guidicis (how ever the hell you spell it, I dont care enough to look it up) couldn’t be more insufferable, I read this and I am blown away by the sheer lack of souls they have. This is one show you can’t count me out of watching. Andy would have to be a complete fool to do it.

  18. Kim says:

    Highly doubt any prison would allow this.