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12 Responses to “Madonna wants to be a Not Dead Gandhi”

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  1. Girlygrrl says:

    Isn’t this the same bullshit that she has been spouting for years? Madonna on a mirrored cross, Madonna wearing her crown of thorns…ughh, so 1994! She’s a trite pop music singer with a bloated ego and seems to be the only person who doesn’t see that observation.

  2. Iva says:

    When will this b!tch ever go away – is she serious – Gandhi. She has one overblown ego!

  3. Mr. T says:

    Madge is really a hoot. Does she think people take her seriously? She must believe her own PR machine. HEY MADGE! WE KNOW YOU ARE FULL OF CRAP! NO ONE BELIEVES YOU! Sorry for yelling, I had to get it across the Atlantic ocean. Peace!

  4. Toubrouk says:

    Ghandi definited what he saw as his seven sins. Here’s they are:

    * Wealth without Work
    * Pleasure without Conscience
    * Science without Humanity
    * Knowledge without Character
    * Politics without Principle
    * Commerce without Morality
    * Worship without Sacrifice

    If she can achieve that (witch i believe she won’t), we will examine her “Zombie Ghandi” idea.

  5. MaiGirl says:

    Wow. I guess Kaballahlahhalahhala gives one the same type of God complex as Scientology. Xenu be praised!

  6. im tired of drag queens. says:

    i saw maddonas concert that was broadcast on tv before christmas…i think that it was an awesome concert, it was like she was doing aerobics for hours. (lol) after her accident from falling off that horse, she must be taking some good painkillers. there is something about madonna that i like..she just rips it right out there, or so it seems.

    btw, the kaballah that she practices has nothing to do with judaism. its more like some man who was formerly an insurance salesman took one esoteric book and uses it to make his own little cult to sell fake miracle water and red string bracelets that they sell for about thirty dollars. again, that shit is its own bullshit cult, which yeah could actually be like scientology. wow. sad.

  7. vdantev says:

    2 names that NEVER belong in the same sentence together – Madonna and Ghandi. Poor man must be whirling in his grave.

  8. leni says:

    Hehhheeeeeeee, hhhahhhhhaaaaaaaaa, RLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. luste says:

    What is the big deal? So Madonna wants to be a Good Person and because she is famous, the fact that she wants to be a Good Person is broadcast for the world to hear. So she might have delusions comparing herself to some truely great people… but isn’t it a good thing that she would strive for that greatness, if in her own eyes?

    It’s so so easy for people to laugh at these famous people when they talk about wanting to help the world. “oh they have so much money they live the shallow life” blah blah blah. Here’s a secret: pretty much everyone in the ‘West’ lives the same life, adjusted to their own income bracket. People don’t complain when you ‘only’ dontate a few hundred bucks a year to charity (or, lets be honest, possibly nothing) when you might very well be able to afford more.

    Giver her a break. Better that she behave like this than how she was 25 years ago. (and while I’m at it… comparing someone at 45 with their self at 25 is hardly fair… can you be sure that you would have been super responsible if you were suddenly a kajillionaire and famous at such a young age?)

  10. frewtloop says:

    Oh fuck. Poor little meglomaniac madge. You forget a few small details. To be like Lennon, Luther-King or Ghandi you either need to be 1. talented or 2. an inspirational visionary or 3. a great humanitarian and politiician.

    phew, what a wanker…..

  11. Clarimonde says:

    All the great people she wishes to emulate have one thing in common which she lacks….humility.

  12. chris says:

    How deluded are H&M and the PR men…can they really persuade us that teenagers shopping at H&M really want to dress like a 48 year old??? ..and how many 48 year old want to dress like teens???…..yeah she’s skinny, yeah she looks good (with airbrushing, discreet cosmetic surgery, makeup++ and special lighting…what is she like au naturel?? any other scrawny 48 year old…..get some dignity!!