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18 Responses to “Anna Nicole to be prepped for final day of beauty in the dress she had made”

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  1. Viv says:

    You’d think if she was so obsessed with death, she’d have updated her will.

  2. Bex says:

    Just.. a shame really. So, so sad….

  3. Diva says:

    I think we all know she would want to be buried next to her son. Her mother is an awful, hateful woman for asking anything else. I just can’t belive anyone who cared at all for Anna would even CONSIDER burying her anywhere but right next to Daniel.

  4. m.a. says:

    Are you kidding? Her scuzzy mom wants to take her body back to the place where Anna hated being(her hometown in Texas, I assume) to bury her? Of course she wouldn’t want to be buried there. She got out of there as soon as she could get a way out. I think Howard is on the right track, in this case, at least. Anna should be buried beside her son. I don’t know anything about her, really, but what I have seen in tabloids and stuff, but from what I have seen: Anna loved Daniel, in her drugged-out, more-like-a-friend-than-a-mom way. Did you ever hear her talking about, or see her hanging out with her other family members? No. Because she wanted nothing to do with them. I think it would be a grave (no pun intended) insult to a dead person’s memory(ANY dead person) to make their final resting place a place that they didn’t want to be. She should be buried beside Daniel. Anyway, I don’t have much to say about anything else in the article. I just think it’s wrong that people are trying to take advantage of a dead person. I hope when I die, that people don’t disregard my wishes and do whatever THEY want to do, instead. That would suck.

  5. Mr. T says:

    Bury her with her head sticking out of the ground and I will take a piss on it. Face it, the bitch is a loser and a horrible mother (ANS). The woman is the tragidy de’jour.

  6. m.a. says:

    Mr. T~

    That’s just rude and disrespectful. Do you always have so much disrespect for the dead, or just ANS? I’m sure you are perfect in every way, however, so you have room to judge others and piss on their faces etc… I am not a big fan of hers, but I DO have respect for the dead, since we’ll all be there someday, and I’d hope others would afford me the same courtesy. Think about it.

  7. Mr. T says:

    m.a. I am only kidding, sheesh, I would never do that. I am just tired of hearing about this bimbo. Face it, she sucked as a mother, sucked at a person, at best was a narcisstic leech in life. The only redeeming thing this woman did was give birth to 2 children and may be culpable for the death of her son. So point the finger at me, there are three more pointing back at you!

    PS, Jesus loves you and so does Madge!

  8. lyric says:

    After all this Anna might end up being buried in an unknown location.

    VIV…excellent point.

    I wish this story would die too. At first I was intrigued by it, but now, its a complete freak show.

  9. m.a. says:

    Mr. T~

    Sorry, I guess your joke seemed a little too harsh to be funny, to me, but that’s just me, I tend to be a little sensitive, sometimes. Anyway, I never said Anna was a saint, I just think that people should be a little less mean about her, because she, EVERYONE else, had her issues, but I don’t think she was a BAD person, she just went about things the wrong way. It could happen to anyone. I mean, Anna was probably never really the sharpest tool in the shed, and then she had all of these people trying to use her for whatever they could get, and she didn’t know how to deal with it all. I just feel bad for her, that’s all. I did like your reference to Madonna Luther King, Jr. hehehe…

  10. m.a. says:

    Oops, I should have proof read FIRST, I meant to say, “she, *like* EVERYONE else, had her issues”. Anyway, I need to take a break from all of this celeb gossip and get back to work! 🙂

  11. i know Virgie is the devil says:

    she just wants to beat the girl one last time by dumping her in the ground in Texas and sell tickets to visit her grave.she hates her and doesnot have her best interest at heart. she needs to step off this funeral and keep her grubby paws off Dannielynn. If I were Larry Birkhead I would be super pissed at her interference and block her from seeing the baby after he finally gets custody. hag-from-hell!!!!

  12. aquawoman says:

    mr. T your post made me piss my pants laughing. she should be buired with her face sticking out. that makes a lot of sense. or maybe madame toussauds could pose wax likenesses over her grave, so that everyone could man handle her.

    this is just all too damn much.

  13. shh says:

    see, thats what is so fucked up with out society now, the whole mantra…
    DON’T JUDGE. yeah, dont judge anything , dont judge it at all. what bullfreakingcrap.
    listen hon, i might have compassion on the most basic human level, but i sure dont have any respect for this irresponsible crackho.
    people who lived respectable lives deserve respect post mortem.

  14. ab says:

    here’s the thing, being completely irresponsible IS being cruel to other people.

  15. m.a. says:

    Yeah, THAT’S what’s fucked up with the world today! People don’t JUDGE each other for their mistakes enough! Riiiiight! We need more judgmental people to make everyone feel bad. Sounds like the perfect world to me. Thanks for setting me straight, hon.

  16. w says:

    anna nicole smith used people in varying capacities her whole life. she had several fake names, she swindled an old fart of his bijillions, she expected everyone including howard and her son to wait on her hand and foot. she contributed to the death of her son. she used drugs while pregnant. she screwed around so much that she didnt even know which man was the father of her baby. a lot of the people who worked with her, including her television show and as far back as the guess ads finally dumped her because she was a wasted impossible bitch. she wanted to stay completely obliterated, drooling whining and wasted while everyone took care of her. what a pathetic life.

  17. Gigohead says:

    Anna will not be going to Texas. Despite the fact that she didn’t have a will to stipulate where she will be buried, the fact that she bought a plot next to Daniel is evidence that she intended to be buried there.

    According to lawyers interviewed, it’s the easiest part of this whole ordeal.

    I think what’s scary is that Howard K is the guy holding all the decisions. That’s frightening.

  18. gg says:

    She was a blight on anybody around her and she was abusive. See the damage and danger connected with addiction, don’t gloss over it. The woman was a danger to society. plain and simple, dead or no.