Denzel, Beyonce, Bono, Queen Latifah set to perform at inauguration

President-elect Barack Obama visits Bens Chili Bowl in Washington

President-elect Obama’s inauguration entertainment line-up is coming together nicely. Considering people are auctioning off tickets for thousands of dollars, it seems like even celebrities will do anything to be invited to the party. The inauguration committee has set a star-studded ceremony that will feature some of the greatest performers, past and present. Bruce Springsteen, Beyonce, Bono and Shakira are all set to perform musical numbers. Denzel Washington and Queen Latifah have signed on to read historical passages.

The opening celebration of the presidential inauguration will feature a massive line-up of musical all-stars performing a free show in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial, the Presidential Inaugural Committee said Monday.

The event will feature performances by: “Beyonce, Mary J. Blige, Bono, Garth Brooks, Sheryl Crow, Renee Fleming, Josh Groban, Herbie Hancock, Heather Headley, John Legend, Jennifer Nettles, John Mellencamp, Usher Raymond IV, Shakira, Bruce Springsteen, James Taylor,, and Stevie Wonder,” said the committee. “Among those reading historical passages will be Jamie Foxx, Martin Luther King III, Queen Latifah and Denzel Washington.”

The release confirmed that Rev. Gene Robinson, an openly gay Episcopal bishop, will deliver the invocation, and that additional performances may be added.

The event will be televised by HBO on an open signal accessible to all U.S. viewers with access to cable, telcos or satellite television.

From CNN

MSNBC and CNN have been running stories for the past two days about the inauguration rehearsal they had in Washington, where a young soldier who looked remarkably like Barack Obama was the president-elect’s stand-in, even trying out his own six-word inaugural address, “My Fellow Americans, God Bless America”. The inauguration will be January 20th, and most likely, it will be absolutely freezing. Here’s hoping the performers (and the president-elect) remember their long underwear.

Obama is shown at Ben’s Chili Bowl in Washington on 1/9/09.

President-elect Barack Obama visits Bens Chili Bowl in Washington
President-elect Barack Obama visits Bens Chili Bowl in Washington

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18 Responses to “Denzel, Beyonce, Bono, Queen Latifah set to perform at inauguration”

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  1. Ruby says:

    “Jamie Foxx, Martin Luther King III, Queen Latifah and Denzel Washington…”

    What no Morgan Freeman? 😉

  2. mojoman says:

    Shakira? isnt she colombian? what is she doing there?

  3. HEB says:

    phew for a second there I thought you meant Queen Latifah was going to perform…like sing/rap…geesh. Public speaking is definitley better for her.

  4. Ned says:

    Shakira and Bono are not even American and are just opportunists.

    Bono is pretty disgusting given he’s using these events to get more famous women.
    Did I mention his wife has to go through the humiliation?

    Breaks my heart every time I see her.

  5. Tia says:

    This is going to be an historic event. I can’t wait to be apart of it. Obama is amazing and like Lincoln, WORLD CHANGING

  6. Jenny says:

    Like Lincoln? ROFL!!! What has this guy done? Seriously? I just don’t get it, other than convincing 5 million koolaid drinkers that he IS qualified to run our country even though he has 140 days experience, is all he has accomplished.

  7. daisy424 says:

    It sounds like one hell of a party! But I will be watching the coverage from home like most of us.

    Holy hell, I am going to agree with Ned re;Bono.

  8. Samoa W. O'hekie says:

    Well from the looks of it Obama is continuing all of …GEORGE W. BUSH’S…policies so maybe HE WAS RIGHT TO BEGIN WITH. Just the leftest media pluging away…

  9. Jay says:

    1)How can you say Obama is World Changing? He hasn’t done anything yet.

    2)Only black speakers…quite interesting

  10. Trillion says:

    Kanye West must be PISSED! Will he storm the stage during Warren’s prayer? (Don’t worry Jay, there’ll be no shortage of white people. You’re gonna be OK)

  11. Annie says:

    ike Lincoln? ROFL!!! What has this guy done? Seriously? I just don’t get it, other than convincing 5 million koolaid drinkers that he IS qualified to run our country even though he has 140 days experience, is all he has accomplished.


    That was the most racist thing I’ve read today.

    You’re an embarrassment to yourself.

  12. Mairead says:

    DAISY!!! Noooooooooo! *sad-face*

    They’re just performing, relax the kacks! Maybe the administration is using them to symbolise the high proportion of immigrants (legal, before I get my head bitten off) including those who would have voted for him? Either that or perhaps Obama actually likes Shakira and U2’s music?

    Now what i’d love to see is Wyclef Jean singing “President” – just for the laugh *wink* Don’t think it would go down well though, lol.

    Bono may be an opportunist, but when he admires someone he genuinely does celebrate them – himself and Simon Carmody spearheaded a tribute for a well-respected local folk musician last year with other current artists and released a single in support of a cancer charity. (it’s a bit of a mess, but their hearts were in the right place)

    Bono is infinitely more famous than Ronnie Drew, but was humble enough to recognise and celebrate Ronnie’s talent before he passed on.

    (as an aside, Ned I assumed you were based in the US and so was surpised that you would see Bono’s wife in the media all that often. Not a dig at you, just an interesting tidbit of info).

  13. daisy424 says:

    @Mairead, okay, I’ll give you that, I do love U-2’s music….

  14. NotBlonde says:

    I’m watching it from my campus. They are having an event for it. Should be fun.

    Jenny quit harping. He’s the President Elect now. Deal with it.

  15. RReedy says:

    Interesting line up of talent.Like something a Chicago community organizer would put together. Include me out.NO change coming, he is crippled already by all the Clinton baggage.

  16. kaligula says:

    @ Ned– how do you know Bono has extramarital affairs?

    and does this mean Dianne Reeves is not performing? Beyonce yes, Dianne no????????

  17. kendra says:

    ew ew ew the first thumbnail pic is grossing me out. i hate chili dogs. and beyonce seriously? she has no talent.

  18. hello world says:


    if Bonos cheating soooooo much then why isn’t his wife divorcing? Huh? Ah……. MONEY!

    I wonder what Shakira and him are doing there anyway….