Kirstie Alley denies targeting Leah Remini, claims she’s for freedom of religion

Last week, on Wednesday, Kirstie Alley tweeted some messages that were an obvious jab at her friend, Leah Remini, for leaving their Scientology cult. She tweeted some messages about losing a friend, about getting revenge, and then about hanging out at the home of a mutual friend she shared with Leah. It seemed targeted at Leah, particularly since it was around that time that the news broke of Leah’s defection from the cult. (Which she has confirmed without elaborating on.) What’s more is that there were stories up to a week prior, published in insider Tony Ortega’s blog, that Leah was done with the cult. Now Kirstie has some lame excuses in which she never directly addresses the issue. She’s tweeted the following:

Only Kirstie didn’t tweet those earlier before the “events occurred.” She tweeted them a day before the news broke about Leah on The NY Post. It’s clear that Scientology folks knew that Leah was leaving before it hit the mainstream press, since it was news in Scientology-busting blogs a week prior. She’s so lame.

Kirstie Alley is Scientology’s pit bull (no offense to pit bulls) and she’ll go after anyone that dares question her precious cult. Of course she’s disconnecting from Leah and trying to send her stupid, obvious messages through Twitter. There’s no subtlety in her game, just like there’s no subtlety or room for questioning in Scientology. You’re either in or your out, and Kirstie is wildly clinging to the idea that things are somehow better, more privileged and more enlightened on the inside. To admit that she’d like a taste of something else would be to question her entire worldview and to realize she’s wasted decades of her life and millions of her money. (Yes, millions.)

Radar Online has another story about how people in Scientology are being told to the Leah is a “suppressible person,” that they should have no contact with her and defriend her on Facebook. “ooh they’re defriending her!” I’m sure chica is well rid of them.

When we learned that Leah was leaving, we heard that the alleged catalyst to her departure was an innocent question she asked about the disappearance of cult leader David Miscavige’s wife, Shelly. Scientology expert David Ortega has a new article with details of Shelly’s whereabouts. She’s essentially in a Scientology internment camp, where she’s been for about eight years. She’s only been allowed to leave once for a funeral while under guard. It sounds a lot like prison to me.

photo credit: and FameFlynet

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36 Responses to “Kirstie Alley denies targeting Leah Remini, claims she’s for freedom of religion”

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  1. gg says:

    How bout just plain old freedom to speak with your friends and family members without some unnecessary controlling mandate forcing everybody to comply?

    • Masque says:

      If you are going to continue using logic and common sense, I may have to disonnect from your suppressive personage. Repent before Xenu hears you!

  2. Anna says:

    When i see kirstie Alley all i want to do is brush her hair and put my GHD through it, it always look like she never bother to brush her hair in the morning or ever.

    • Arock says:

      She always looks like she’s doing the day after walk of shame regardless of place or time. A large bottle of conditioner and some coats that weren’t vinyl would go a long way to helping out But then again, she might she might just be itchy looking. Some people are.

    • lucy2 says:

      I wish she’d go back to brunette, and comb it. She had gorgeous hair in her Cheers days.

  3. JL says:

    Kristi is backing down because all accounts say the Leah is woman enough to stand her ground and NOT be intimidated, NOT shirk away and NOT keep her mouth shut.

    Amazing how bullies back off when you just won’t allow their threats to affect you.

    • Sonia says:

      I totally agree! Her calling her other friends to devise a plan of attack blew up in her face! Or, her hair…

      • JL says:

        THAT hair, jeez have some self respect Kristi.

        Bottom line I think Leah could just flat out whoop her ass on any given day in any given game Kristi wants to play. Better yet Leah probably isn’t afraid to do it.

  4. Nikollet says:

    CB, love that you refer to it as the ‘Scientology Cult’.

    I wish all bloggers/media would do the same. Why show such a crazy dangerous cult the respect of calling it a religion just because that’s what they claim to be?

    • Belle Epoch says:

      Good point. It is DEFINITELY a cult.

      Wikipedia has a list of countries and their position on Scientology. Not everyone is buying the “religion” bullsh*t.

    • LadyMTL says:

      It’s definitely a cult (if you go by the textbook definition) but the thing with the COS is that they have the money and the power to go after people if they think you’re trying to slam them. So for the mainstream media it’s probably safer to just call them a religion.

      Also, if they got the religion certification (or whatever it’s called) from the government then technically they are one.

    • DEB says:

      They pursued religion status relentlessly and finally won it, all to avoid taxes is exactly why.

  5. Lucy2 says:

    Wow, Kirstie is dumb. It’s not the “lying media”, it’s her own words on her twitter! She’s such a middle school mean girl, it’d be funny if it weren’t so sad.

  6. marie says:

    if only Scientology were a religion and not a cult. Although, there are people who would say all organized religions are cults. but to me the difference is being allowed to freely speak to family, friends even if they don’t believe what you do..

  7. OrangeBlohan says:

    Have never cared for this big mouth and see no reason to start now!

  8. Mich says:

    Sounds to me like Kirstie can dish out the hate but can’t take it coming back to her.

    Note to Kirstie: Keep the crazy to your own cult echo chamber.

    • Masque says:

      She reminds me of the bigshot Mean Girl who is desperate to be the queen bee and desperate to to hide her own failings from criticism. Can you imagine what’s on her auditing tapes/records?

  9. rianic says:

    I wonder if the Co$ powers that be told her to tone down the crazy.

    • lovegossip says:

      They ENCOURAGE it. She is just one small crazy in a big fish bowl of crazies! 😉

  10. FLORC says:

    What gets me is Kristi is going after Leah with a lot of hate. This action within the church is called an overt act. She’s committing an action that leads to a downward spiral in the Scientology belief system. Once you commit this action of being nasty you have a skewed perception of life from there out until you’re cleansed. But if you’re doing it to someone within the fair game lines it’s totally ok and their whole doctrine doesn’t apply anymore.

    I get why many that leave the church still practice it. It’s a little funky with the aliens and volcanoes, but the main bit is you should be an honest and nice person. You should come clean to those you’ve wronged. The money, intimidation, and mystical powers part seems to distract from that.

    • Nerd Alert says:

      As far as rules, I think you’re right that there are written and understood exceptions to the LRH teachings.

      My understanding is that the rules of CO$ are also such that celebrities cannot over-act. Since they are representing the church to the public, their priority is their public image, as opposed to their family life, personal care, auditing, $ci classes or actual job. There are eight sections of life…I forget what they call them, but it’s some stupid CO$ term. The gist is you have to do the best you can (LRH’s definition of “best”) in all eight, unless you have the means or opportunity to what others can’t in one area. Since celebrities have the profile peasants lack for spreading the good word publicly, they don’t have to actually follow through with the auditing and classes normal scientologists have to take where they learn not to “over-act” or read dictionaries or learn why gay is bad.

      I can tell I’m muddling this…if my interpretation is inaccurate, feel free to correct me. There are lots of people who have read more than me about this $hit. I learned this part jointly from Jenna Miscavige Hill’s book and Tony Ortega’s blog.

  11. Dawn says:

    I think that two things cause the biggest issues in this world and that is money and religion. I really don’t give two snaps for what most people believe in as their religion as long as I am free NOT to believe it. In other words I believe in freedom FROM religion. And yes even in the 21st century there are still too many countries world-wide that would see me dead for not believing their way. How sad is that? That being said I do believe that members of a certain level in CO$ have so many spies in their cult they sort of do know what others may be thinking. Still team Leah all the way.

  12. val says:

    I just want to see who gets to develop “flying” powers first, lol.

  13. Radar says:

    Latest update on Shelly being missing. Xenu has ordered and instructed Kirstie Alley to stop eating twinkies, ice cream, bon bons, & rolos and start eating humans. Xeunu says if you eat human’s Kirstie, it’s “The Gateway to Eternity”. David Seville is the decoy in all of this. He kisses up to their alien king and keeps dirty secrets. Oh by the way, the chipmunks movies are getting boring and old, LMAO.

  14. Kiddo says:

    Better statement than before, but it would have been nice if she avoided blaming the media. At this point, blaming the media is so cliché.

  15. BooBooLaRue says:

    And in other news, Kirstie Alley is a nice person. . .(not!)

  16. Emily C. says:

    It’s “Suppressive Person”, not “suppressible”. And, more importantly, TONY Ortega, not David.

  17. erika says:

    Kirstie you acting like a 7th grade bitch! To call you a cow is a insult to cows grow the F up!

  18. Radar says:

    Kirsite looks like a scary old hag, oh Scientology has done wonders for her, not! I want to put these famous scientologist on the front line and slap them in back of the head one by one and then take the auditing machines out their ass, b/c apparently they are stuck up their asses perpetually. I may read about this stuff, but I do not have use for any actors or actresses who practice this scientology. Call me judgmental, I couldn’t give one bit of care if you do. Greedy, sneaky, mental people and their famous too, wow what shock. They should be ashamed of themselves.

  19. SusieQ2 says:

    Does she really believe we’re gonna fall for her lies? Is she THAT stupid?

    She’s digging herself further and further into the hole.
    Carry on Kirstie, you’re doing just fine.

  20. SusieQ2 says:

    The cult has gone into spin mode!

    Post just up at the Underground Bunker says the ‘church’ is denying there is such a thing as forced disconnection, that it doesn’t ‘order’ its members to disconnect, it’s a ‘personal’ decision.

    Tell that to the thousands of broken families, just some of the victims of this hateful cult.

    Keep strong Leah. The truth has set you free.

    • TrustMeOnThis says:

      That post is a heartbreaker.
      So awesome that Leah got her whole family to leave with her instead of facing disconnection orders!
      Her sister was interviewed on a radio show (link on Tony’s previous post) and she sounds like a real firecracker.
      Also, word is that she not only asked “where’s Shelly?” but also objected to some hanky-panky she saw Miss Cabbage engaging in with his assistant Laurisse “Lou” Stuckenbrock. NO ONE criticizes the CABBAGE and gets away with it!!!

  21. napy says:

    who cares that she’s out of that religion? I do not believe for one minute that Kirstie gives a care…this is Amerikkka

  22. Maisy says:

    What a whackadoodle! We are praying for you Kirstie.