This is just a nice story that makes me love Pink even more than I already do, but with full disclosure, these photos are not from the concert in question. Instead, these pictures are from Pink’s April performance in Paris during her “Truth About Love” tour, which is still ongoing, and she performed in Sydney the other night. During one point in the show, an audience member offered up a rainbow flag, and Pink grabbed it and started dancing around while wearing it. Here’s the video:
In the aftermath, some people on Twitter (which is kind of a madhouse for mob mentality these days as Kaiser mentioned in reference to Chris Brown) decided to get nasty. I love Twitter because it’s great for news updates, etc., but if anything ugly is going to show up on the internet, it will definitely surface on Twitter — maybe because it’s so easy to set up an account and stay anonymous. At any rate, certain users started calling Pink a lesbian, and she took the remarks in stride. In fact, she says that’s a major compliment in her book.
Fun fact:when you twitter me and say "you're a lesbian" it really doesn't bother me at all. It's a compliment. Most of my fav ppl are, so…
— P!nk (@Pink) August 4, 2013
I'm sure all of you hate filled humans can come up with something a little worse than that?!? Come on- be creative. You have 140 characters!
— P!nk (@Pink) August 4, 2013
She’s so cool. Pink has always supported and received support from the gay community, but newer pop stars like Lady Gaga have muscled in like ruffians and acted like they’re the first musicians ever to have a gay fanbase. Sure, Pink wasn’t the first either, but I would bet my favorite running shoes that Pink will be around a lot longer than the likes of Gaga.
Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet
Love Pink! And doesn’t she have the most adorable daughter? (after my niece, of course! *winks*)
Very hard not to love her!
See Baby Bieber, this what BADASS really looks like. In a really good way.
Great comment
Bravo for P!nk. How lucky for Willow to have a cool together mommy.
That’s the truth! She is the definition of badass but she’s not mean or rude. I love her! And I lover her music! She manages not to go overboard with auto tune crap like most other pop stars.
I Agree!!!!!!!!!!! I just love this woman. She doesn’t get the credit and praise she deserves, (cause, you know, she should get ALL if it 😉 Being a badass is being tough when you feel weakest and doing what’s right when it is hardest to do so. Pink makes it look easy, she’s my hero <3
Except – being okay with queer people only requires a minimum amount of human decency. So I wouldn’t call it “badass” exactly.
umm, that comic may be my new favorite thing ever.
Love. Her.
Love her response. Way to Go!
Love her and her response.
You go Lady!
I heart P!nk!!
She is really the damned best, the fact she got that voice is only the cherry on top
She really is a great pop star. She gives her all in live performances and has an amazing and powerful voice. She seems like a fun chick to hang out with too!
I lover her.. love her music. I’ll take her over Katy, RiRi, Gaga or Taylor or Miley and 5 or 6 more.
She is the real deal.
OH I like that she actually sings live on TV shows.
Yeah , I like her to. If someone is questioning my sexuality, that is their issue. I do not see it as a flaw in my character. She does not either and that is awesome.
She’s said she’s bi in many interviews before, so I don’t know why anyone would think that calling her a lesbian would be an insult. With that said I live P!nk.. She’s a class act.
I don’t know why some idiots on twitter think that they have the upper hand by calling someone gay or bi. I’m with Pink if someone called me a lesbian I would just say thank you, what a compliment.
Yeah that is only an insult to homophobes. The rest of us awesome people would just say “thank you” and walk away.
All that wonderful talent, along with sensibility and a heart. Gotta love her!
Gosh, I love her! Also, I swore that was Ke$ha being a back up dancer in that first photo.
obviously, this woman is fabulous! Why can’t SHE be the one in the news all the time instead of the annoying celebs?
It’s because she’s an entertainer, not a famewhore. And I love her for that <3
Pink is my honorary BFF. I adore her!
Rock on, Pink.
I want her cut stomach so bad! She’s great and subtle. Gaga is such a megalomaniac at this point.
Love her. She’s got a great voice & writes good songs but usually gets overlooked for the likes of Katy perry, miley etc. She’s deserves more credit than she gets.
God I love this woman! I have told my daughter many times that if she needs a celebrity to look up to (which my daughter thinks celebrities are total losers btw. lol), that Pink is a great place to start.
Agreed! Pink is a good example of someone who partied hard, boldly exercised her right to wear whatever she damn well pleased, and did not censor herself as an artist in order to pacify the uptight masses, (see Lady Marmalade and some of her other songs) but can still be called a ‘role model’, if you’re going to call a celebrity a role model anyway. The celebrity female ‘role model’ doesn’t always have to be the girl who dresses conservatively, abstained from nudity and partying, and kept her music and vids devoid of overt sexuality. We really don’t need to have such a strict, narrow limit of what a female celebrity is allowed to be. The good girl being held as The Standard for all female entertainers is so stifling and dull. I like that there’s a variety, and there shouldn’t just be one or two acceptable types of female artist. This isn’t 1950, after all. I like Pink and some of the other ‘wild’, grandma-disapproved ones too.
Exactly this. Plus she’s a huuuuge breastfeeding and natural mothering advocate which is awesome on top of awesome.
She is so awesome! A true rock star!
I love her!
Isn’t this why we LOVE pink??
Love her!!! Probably the coolest mom to have!!
Pink’s picture needs to be next to the word fabulous and cool in the dictionary. I just love her because she walks her talk and she doesn’t b.s. anyone. You know where you stand with this one!
What a beautiful person, Pink rules
I love her even more!
I’d lesbian-date her :^)
We could have a lesbian threesome.
make that a 4some! :O
Pink ROCKS!!!!! Heart after heart after heart!!!!
I can’t stand how people act like Lady Gaga is the First and Last LBGT icon celebrity. To be fair to Gaga, she is very supportive of the community, and she cares about LBGT causes way too much for it to be a publicity schtick—but it really does annoy me how she & her PR team seem to have appointed her the exclusive celebrity spokesperson for queers everywhere.
P!nk never claimed to be the first& only LBGT-friendly celeb out there, but she was rocking the cause way before they started playing ‘Bad Romance’ nonstop. And she was doing it with way more clarity and artistic intelligence.
On a related note–
It’s pathetic that in this day and age, there are still idiots out there calling women ‘lesbians’ derogatorily on Twitter, all because they refuse to act like dainty little flowers.
Yup, came down here to say this basically and you took the words right out of my mouth.
Aw, thank you. I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one who has this love/hate thing with Gaga. On the one hand, even though I think her music is overhyped crap, she does seem to be a nice person who does sincerely care about LBGT causes, and always is gracious to her fans. On the other, I feel that her PR team definitely spun her as *the* LBGT celebrity icon, and it really cheapened the artistic scene in the LBGT community (I am also not naïve enough to think Gaga herself wasn’t complicit in the spinning).
I mean, every time I go to a major LBGT rally in my city, I don’t even need to ask who is performing. It’s always her and a few artists they let squeeze in to do a few songs alongside her. I’m not knocking Gaga fans or anything, but there are waay braver artists out there. Jennifer Knapp, for example, put her career on the line and basically told fundies that they didn’t have the option of ‘loving the sinner but hating the sin’ on her. I understand that a lot of (though not all) of her music is religious, and a lot of LBGTs have suffered from religious abuse (I’m not Christian myself, or a huge fan of Christian music). But, at the same time, Knapp & her music are in more of a position to take a stab at religiously-motivated bigotry than that silly, shallow, condescendingly didactic ‘Born This Way’ track will ever be. P!nk, too, stands to put a dent in bigotry far more than Gaga.
They act as if the 70s never existed.
I haven’t heard anyone, even Gaga herself, claim that she is the first and last celeb to support the LGBT community. I get the feeling Gaga would be fine if everyone joined the cause.
Uh, you pretty much just did say that. There are truckloads of artists who do not have to ‘join the cause’. They don’t have to ‘join’ Gaga–she joined them. Including, as another poster pointed out, plenty who were on ‘the cause’ way back when it actually had the potential to damage their careers. Just because they aren’t on the Gaga-express doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
They were doing the cause way before Gaga was a bizarrely-costumed speck on the horizon. And continue to be ‘on the cause.’ And they will most likely be part of the ’cause’ when Gaga evaporates in a cloud of stage makeup.
Did I say “join the cause owned by Gaga” or “join Gaga”? No. I said “join the cause”. I never suggested that it was Gaga’s cause to join, I merely said that she encourages people to support the LGBT community. Nothing to be offended by there.
Oh, Sweetie–don’t hide behind the ‘but I didn’t say that VERBATIM’ line. It’s lame. And embarrassing. The fact that you would phrase it like that speaks for itself.
I’m going to put the troll on a starvation diet now. Have a nice day :).
I think what is truly embarrassing is when people try to put words into people’s mouths. I don’t think Gaga invented activism for the LGBT community, it started years before she was born.
You are trying to say that I was saying something that I not only didn’t say but also don’t believe. Talk about trolls!
“I get the feeling Gaga would be fine if everyone joined the cause”? LOL Do you know how silly that comment sounds. Celebs have been joining the cause for years and and years. But I’m glad you get the feeling Gaga would be fine with anyone joining the cause. How big of her. That statement I hope came out wrong. She is just another person out there doing good for the LGBT community, nothing less, nothing more.
What is so outrageous about what I said? Seriously. I find the reaction completely overblown. I simply said that I think she wouldn’t mind more people supporting the LGBT community and working towards equality. Do you really think that was an incorrect statement?
Gaga supporting the LGBT community now in no way suggests that no one has ever done it before or won’t do it again. Some people are rabidly anti-Gaga (which is understandable, she can be super irritating), and sometimes I think it leads to overreation where she is concerned.
This…SO much. The whole “lesbian/gay as an insult” thing really needs to go somewhere and die a quick death.
On a related note: Pink is made of awesome!
…and my personal hero Ani DiFranco. I love Pink, but I like to think she has a little bit of Ani in her. Anyone who is looking for a “new” artist/activist/all around truly amazing woman should definitely at least google Ani.
Thanks for the advice. I did google Ani, she really is amazing!
Great response from Pink! Don’t know why some people are so eager to pass judgement so quickly and give labels to others. Small minded people are small minded.
I adore her. Love her. Love her music. Love everything. Love love love love LOVE!
Class act. Rock on Pink!
I am not sure how being called a lesbian is an insult let alone a compliment.
Agreed. Maybe one day we’ll get to a place where it is just a statement of fact.
Not to shade Pink, because I really do like her, but taking it as a compliment may have been a natural response to people trying to insult her, but really, it still seems backward.
It would be like if someone said “you have green eyes,” and I replied, “no, they are blue.” No judgement with either option, no emotion, just a fact. That is where we need to get.
I remember maybe 7 years ago — Pink was quite famous at the time but the pop landscape was different— an article on Britney Spears in RS and the author mentions that Britney was driving around, top down, listening to Pink. I remember thinking- ah yes, that makes sense. Bc Pink is everything. She is everything Britney- the celebrated and fragile illusory femme fatale pop star- could never be.
I love Britney but she is a hodge podge mix masterpiece of pop. She is an illusion an image a creation.
Pink is pure and real passion. She has all the skills and stamina to deliver again and again.
I love her and I wish I had her body!!
Love her dearly! I only know a few of her songs. I mostly love her because I get the feeling that if we ever met, I’d like to be her friend. As you put it bed head, she is cool! I can’t believe she’s had a child with that rock hard stomach!
Love Pink and love her response. Only close-minded, immature, unenlightened people use things like sexual orientation as an insult.
P!nk is so awesome in all ways. Love her.
Yet another reason to love her. My girl Pink stays badass all the time!
I saw her this tour. Ah-mazing.
Try (in the air –
Perfect – acoustic
I watched the video of her performing Try bc I love that song and I had no idea she was so athletic. Very cool! … Also her male counterpart was smokin’.
True story: my best friend and I were walking around a college campus at night after the bars let out. It basically becomes frat boy city at that point. For some reason guys think its funny or cute (I think its weird) to always ask for high fives. So as we were walking along, a guy comes up to us and says, “High five me or you’re gay!”
The kicker – my best friend is dating a woman. We were able to laugh about it, but still, I cannot believe we didn’t leave behind “gay” as an insult in 4th grade. Ugh.
I love her. If young girls are going to have a celebrity or rock star as a role model, she should be it.
And Deschanel complains getting sht because she likes pink and being girly? I think Pink has got far worse (even though being called a lesbian is really not an insult, no matter how it’s meant as such)… And I’m sure there’s plenty who hate her body type and tell that straight out. I’ve never seen anyone go hate a celeb because she’s feminine.
If no one has ever seen this side of Pink, I love this performance. She performed a song her dad wrote 40 years ago while in the service, and she brought him out to perform with her. It was so moving. It cemented my love for Pink.
Thanks for video link.
I never saw her do that one live before. I play that one all the time. Its one of my favorite songs on her “Im not Dead” CD.
I LOVE her! but I’ve never heard her claim being bi as a poster referenced above… everything about this woman that I’ve ever known/ heard is smashing
1. Love her.
2. The last pic made me lol
I think Pink is cool and i’m glad she is standing up for gay rights, but I don’t think being called a lesbian is a compliment – it’s neither an insult or a compliment. Would you say it’s a compliment to be called hetero? No, because then you would look like a homophobe.
It’s irrelevant what sexual orientation people are. It means nothing, really. Well that’s my opinion, anyway.
Agree agree agree. It just is, or isn’t. Not an insult, not a compliment. Just a fact.
being a female casual athlete in field hockey, I get called a lesbian all the time. To which I now respond, if you mean by lesbian, an athletic strong woman who wont take your sh*t but still likes d*ick? cool Im a lesbian LOL
Pink posts are literally the only posts where every single comment is positive. Every time there’s a post about her, I think, “Surely THIS time somebody will badmouth her,” but it has literally never happened. It’s a rare person indeed about whom no Celebitches have anything negative to say.
12 years ago I got my hair cut really, really short, and this little boy told me I looked just like Pink–I took it as a supreme compliment.
Love this woman.
Totally off topic, but you might want to edit the bottom of that second pic. There’s a bird in it.
Agreed! Pink is awesome and Gaga is already passed her shelf life.
I was out of pop music for so long, my excuse was the kiddo zone, not enough time for solo pursuits, etc
now that my kids are older i’m exploring music again, and I must say Pink has an amazing voice, and she seems to have sown her oats & is mature and healthy now
that might happen for some of the reckless younger ones like biebs miley etc
Too cool for school ;p Loves me some PINK!
I can remember seeing her debut album in the music store way back in 2000. I only had enough money to buy one CD because I had just moved into my first apartment but I needed some new tunes for when my friends came over that night to celebrate my new place. I had heard only one of Pink’s songs but I thought I would take a chance and buy her album. And 13 years later, I’m glad I did and count myself as one of her biggest fans!
I have loved P!nk for years, and all you teenage girls out there…this is how an intelligent, beautiful, talented and gifted artist acts…classy!
I definitely have a girl crush on Pink. Such a kickass lady. Due to my support of the LGBT community, I’ve been “accused” of being a lesbian as well…now I have the best example of how to act to this non-insult, thanks to Pink!
Love Pink too!
Love her so much.
Of course she doesn’t care what they say, this is why I love her. I have all her songs, her voice is awesome.
Her personality reminds me of Joan Jett because she’s badass and doesn’t give a damn, and she just rocks it.
True Love is always on my play list.
Joining the chorus. Pink rocks and she can say whatever she wants.
I’m taking my daughter to see Pink on 23 Aug. Can’t wait!
I’m sure I’m able to give her goose flesh!!
I think she’s way too underrated!!!
I wish all women had her strength and honesty…there’d be much less girl drama in the world. 🙂
I love her. I think she is fabulous, and has been for years. She has a real talent and doesn’t come across as some prettified tool of the music industry, if that makes any sense.
I read on Tom and Lorenzo that as soon as they saw her they could tell she was a Philadelphia girl – I am English so don’t know what this signifies, Is Philly a hotbed of really cool artsy women or something?
Love her music, but don’t like her personally (I can remember her saying some mean girl stuff, which is funny because everyone thinks she’s the anti mean girl. Whatever.)
Anyways, I also think it’s silly to say that ‘lesbian’ is a compliment. Do I think it’s an insult? No (though I have been accused of being homophobic before). But not a compliment either. My best friend and I are so close that some people have suggested we’re more than friends. It doesn’t bother us, but we don’t think it’s a compliment either.