Justin Bieber gives homeless woman cash & Instagrams photo evidence: douchey?

Justin Bieber

Once again, I find myself shaking my head at what I see on Justin Bieber’s Instagram. The above photos shows Justin Bieber “Chillin with the boys at home…” The boys in question? Two NBA players (Kevin Durant of the OKC Thunder and Tyson Chandler of the NY Knicks) and famed Hillside NYC pastor Carl Lentz. Yes, they are hanging out with Justin “The Spitter” Bieber. And we wonder why this “swaggy adult” often feels such delusions of grandeur?

That’s not the real story here though, which is even more disturbing in a sense. Justin was photographed in his Ferrari while handing some money to a homeless woman. TMZ has the photo in question, which was taken from a pap’s eye view. Of course, Justin wasn’t content to simply allow the photo agency to publish this photo and let the word of mouth spread on its very own. Nope. Justin swiped the watermarked version of the picture and Instagrammed that sh-t himself (with a saucy “Always give back… 😉” caption) so that everyone knows exactly what a wonderful person he beliebs himself to be. TMZ has an amusing perspective on the situation:

Justin Bieber wants the world to know just how incredibly generous he is, posting a photo of himself handing cash to a homeless woman on an L.A. street … through the window of his Ferrari.

Bieber — who’s worth a reported $130 million — posted the photo on his Instagram, along with the caption, “Always give back.”

So here’s a riddle for you: if Justin Bieber performs a good deed and doesn’t Instagram a photo of it, does it really count?

We’ll let you think about it.

[From TMZ]

I don’t know. On one hand, I’d like to think that Bieber was merely trying to inspire his young, impressionable fans to follow his lead and help out those less fortunate. But let’s be totally honest here — dude just wanted a pat on his scrawny little back.

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Instagram

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36 Responses to “Justin Bieber gives homeless woman cash & Instagrams photo evidence: douchey?”

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  1. Lulu86 says:

    Very Classy.

  2. Assistant Rachel says:

    At least the homeless woman got something out of the deal. And I think Biebs did it solely for a pat on the back.

  3. Fatty Cakes says:

    It frustrates me to no end that guys don’t realize how ridiculous they look when their pants are below their asses. Like, what’s the point? Either really wear those motherf*ckers or man up, be bold, and go entirely pantsless.

    Also, yes, Bieber is a douche and so this was most likely an act of douchery. I don’t even care about his intentions here; after the Anne Frank thing, I have nothing for this fool. Anyone who could visit the Frank family hideaway and still come out of it thinking of him/herself is clearly on the wrong track to being a decent human adult.

    • Shauna says:

      The other day I was doing housework in my pajamas. I pulled them down like Bieber does to see what it’s like. I couldn’t walk and looked stupid. I didn’t look badass (though my furry panda pajama bottoms contributed to that).

      I refuse to understand this decades long trend.

      • MonicaQ says:

        Furry Panda PJs are 46.23×10^89 power harder than Justin Beiber. It’s true. I read it on the internet somewhere.

    • MademoiselleRose says:

      I was going to say don’t give him ideas, but unfortunately he already thought about the no pants thing … and grannie loved it. I’m normally all for nekkid men, but the thought of looking at him nekkid makes me feel like a paedophile. I prefer real men, not scrawny boys.

      I know his fame and money is what’s turned this loser into a total t*rd, but I’m also wondering how much steroid use to get those scrawny muscles he’s obviously so proud of is contributing.

      Yay, burping baby Beib in the backseat at the end! It’s the only thing that makes me check out his stories now.

  4. Yelly says:

    OMG he just gets weirder by the day.

  5. MonicaQ says:

    Oh he did this so people would forgets he likes to spit up on people when he’s had too much formula and pee in places he’s not supposed to. JFC It’s like watching a 4 year old–at least when they piss in a plant at my house it’s because they couldn’t get to the bathroom in time, not because they wasn’t raised right.

    • aquarius64 says:

      It’s damage control PR for his latest dumb move: his nudie-gram to Grandma. I don’t care if his fans scream invasion of privacy; Bieber is co-signing on this because he is not suing TMZ. His team always plants stories of his charity work when he gets a wave of bad press.

  6. Mika says:

    Douchey indeed. Plus, if he didn’t lose any “BELIEBERS” after seeing those *leaked* photos of this naked ass serenading his poor grandma, I’m totally throwing out all my hopes for the future generation.

  7. Willa says:

    Look at my golden tipped microphone peen! That picture is all kinds of wrong! And look at the lady’s face eye level with it. Eww!

  8. DeltaJuliet says:

    If I was any of those basketball players, I’d be embarrassed to have my picture taken hanging out with that dweeb. Seriously.

  9. INeedANap says:

    Seriously. What is that face? Why do they make it? And the biggest question is, what do they think they look like?

    • Emily C. says:

      I keep asking this too, in the hopes that some gossip professional will research it and tell us.

    • Launicaangelina says:

      I know! I feel the same confusion about “the face”! WTH?! I call it the “I just smelled a fart” face. I notice this expression with Jaden Smith too. And my niece. Their all close in age.

  10. Jennifer12 says:

    Justin needs to date Miley; they’re both so try hard and ridiculous. Pick up your pants, you idiot.

  11. Cidee says:

    Again, many thanks for the Baby/Bodyguard/Putting Biebs in his carseat photo. Don’t ever stop including it. Ever.

  12. JL says:

    That’s called doing the right thing for the wrong reason. it Corrupts the whole concept and only a pre-teen is going to buy that bunk.

    BTW playing grandma a song naked with your peen behind a guitar is doing the wrong thing for the wrong reason.

    The bodyguard should have left him in his crib that morning.

  13. Keats says:

    Ack! I clicked on the link to his instagram by mistake…my eyes!!!

  14. Nicolette says:

    I’m sorry, I can’t get past the fact that this idiot is worth 130 million.

  15. Beth says:

    That last pic never gets old!

  16. lisa says:

    ugh, every biebs thread smells like vinegar

  17. Lady D says:

    I read an article on MSN.ca last night that said Beiber set a Make a Wish Foundation record with 200 wishes granted. Gotta give the little douche props for that.

    • DeltaJuliet says:

      The only props I give for that is that he no doubt made some young fans very happy. However, I believe (beliebe?) he only did it to feed his own ego. I can’t believe he does anything out of the kindness of his own heart.

    • Florc says:

      He mainly does meet and greets before concerts for a few minutes. That’s the bulk of this. And the record is for most wishes granted from music recording artist.
      Also, the details from some of those wishes were pre recorded video messages and pre filled gift baskets.
      Though he could have refused all this outright he gets a little goodwill for that.
      Also, when typing in to search for the article i put… Beiber sets… and the top search was beiber sets mom’s hair on fire.

      Meanwhile Zach G and Renee’ Z are doing sweet things for the right reasons and not just because it’s good pr.

  18. Emily C. says:

    He’s incredibly wealthy and he gave a little bit of money to a homeless person and he thinks this is “giving back”? No, Baby Douche. Giving a huge amount of money to charities that help feed people would be “giving back” for you. This little turd could give away millions upon millions of dollars and hardly miss it. A few bucks to random homeless people is nothing at all.

    • Barhey says:

      I went to college in a mostly impoverished city (think Detroit 2.0) and we had a ton of homeless people on/around our campus. Mostly I couldn’t help but give a little money because it just kind of breaks your heart. But people kept saying not to give money because it usually goes to support substance abuse. Instead give food or volunteer or give money to homeless shelters.

      So while I can’t sad he was wrong in giving money, I do think you’re right in saying he could be a lot more generous or do a lot more good in the world with all his money and opportunities.

  19. Tiffany says:

    The top photo makes me question my like for Kevin Durant and Tyson Chandler. Just…why? *facepalm*

  20. St says:

    That first picture! I can’t! Everyone have shirts except Justin. It’s crazy. He is sick. He likes showing himself. How many time before he will hide behind trees in parks and show off his little friend to people who walk by?

  21. chalkdustgirl says:

    Why, oh why did I click on this link

  22. Kat says:

    Yep, he’s just the exact kind if self important little twerp who’d promote the tired, disgusting, self-important concept of “giving back”. Possibly the worst phrase in the English language.