Pink: ‘I’d love to be 10 pounds thinner, but it’s not in the cards for me’


The eternally loveable Pink covers the October issue of Women’s Health magazine. I’m glad to see she ditched those long hair extensions from several months ago. She looks so much more like herself with this short, cropped ‘do. Miley may have tried to co-op this same hairstyle, but it will always belong to Pink.

This photoshoot looks fantastic. Pink also reveals she works very hard to stay in shape. She says she works out five times a week, and her routine includes circuit training and running intervals. She shakes things up with hot yoga — that’s Bikram yoga, right? (I can never keep yoga varieties straight.) Pink freely admits she has to work her ass off at fitness. For once, we’re not hearing that light yoga or occasional pilates sessions simply melt off the pounds. Pink refuses to fake anything including her fitness:


Her fitness practices: “My favorite workout right now is hot yoga, but my favorite workout in general is my show, being onstage because I get to have fun while I’m sweating! Don’t even know how many calories I’m burning!”

Hot yoga is the hardest: “I had to sit down four times and really decide who I am and whether I wanted to stay.”

Her fears: “I’m afraid of spiders. I am afraid of sharks. I’m afraid of the world running out of cheesecake, especially Cheesecake Factory. And then I would also have to be afraid of the world running out of key limes because key lime cheesecake is the best kind of cheesecake there is.”

Keeping a realistic body image: “I’d love to be 10 pounds thinner, but it’s not in the cards for me. And I’m totally OK with that.”

On risk taking: “One of the most daring things I’ve ever done is skydive, and that’s because [her husband, motocross champ] Carey [Hart] surprised me with it and I had no choice. But then I did it twice; the second time is much more enjoyable. Another daring thing I did was marrying Carey Hart.”

[From Women’s Health]

I think Pink’s attitude about her weight is a healthy one. Many of us feel the same way about being 10 pounds lighter. Then we reconsider the matter when it comes to giving up our guilty pleasures. Like, I keep thinking losing 10 pounds would help me be a faster runner but the struggle isn’t worth it to me. When it comes to choosing between ice cream or being 10 pounds lighter, the ice cream wins every time.


Photos courtesy of Women’s Health

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63 Responses to “Pink: ‘I’d love to be 10 pounds thinner, but it’s not in the cards for me’”

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  1. Timber says:

    She looks great and has a great attitude.

    • brin says:

      Yes to both!

    • Stef Leppard says:

      I love her, she’s my fave.

    • Meegs says:

      I am NOT making this comment with even the slightest reference to weight or anything… it me, or does every major mag cover for the past 6 months or so have terrible lighting, weird expressions, odd clothing, etc? I mean, is that the best pic they had of Pink from the shoot? She looks good and I respect and like her, but her expression in this pic is just not “glam” and honestly kind of goofy. Hey, we all take a few bad pics. But this is a major mag so I have higher standards.

      And I’ve been wanting to say this for months based on several other covers of several celebs. Thoughts?

  2. It'sJustBlanche says:

    Awesome. She looks amazing. So smart too.

  3. blannie says:

    Love her and love her body! So strong and fit.

  4. QQ says:

    She is strong, Fit Beautiful, Makes me think wtf are they doing to our psyche as women that a badass, strong, CLEARLY NOT AN OUNCE OF FAT ANYWHERE woman such as this is hoping for 10 lbs less?

    • LadyMTL says:

      It’s sad, but it’s true that we women have it pounded into our heads that thinner is better. I myself recently lost 10 pounds but it wasn’t because I HAD to, it was because those 10 pounds meant I couldn’t fit into my clothes anymore, lol. Now, I could have bought new clothes but in my head it was like “Oh, it’s better to lose the weight, you’ll be 10 pounds thinner!”

      And I’m nowhere near overweight…even before the diet I wasn’t even 140 lbs at 5ft7. So yeah, it could for sure be a mental thing, for Pink and for most woemn.

    • Mo says:

      That’s exactly what I thought.

    • Jayna says:

      She’s very short and tends towards a stocky build. Pink is always at her thinnest when on tour because of the aeribic and gymnastic nature of the show. When off tour she can’t maintain that. My friend is built like Pink as far as no waist, flat chested and short legs that if a little weight goes on her legs tend to look stocky. Pink is only like five one, so I get what she’s saying. I think she has a great body self-image and isn’t starving herself to have an ideal weight but instead maintains a realistic best version of herself.

    • Cel says:

      That’s what I wondered too. Where exactly would these 10 lbs come from because she looks phenomenal? But I guess she’s human like the rest of us. We see our friends and think they look great. We look at ourselves in the mirror and we see that break out on our forehead, that weird cowlick, boobs are too big/small, legs look too thick here, too thin there, etc. etc.

  5. RocketMerry says:

    She is gorgeous, super fun, totally relatable and seems so honest, too.

  6. Oops says:

    Love Pink. I always think that her daughter will be the only hollyweird young woman with no food problem and no body issues thanks to her.

    • janie says:

      Love Pink!! She looks great! I love her attitude about life in general! Her little girl is just the best part of her & Corey! Mini version of mom!

  7. E-v-E says:

    love her and I feel for her struggles. I am of similar body type and figure that’s what I would look like if I worked out vigorously, but I don’t like being boxy, pilates would be goood for elongating those muscles a bit. I admire her strength and willpower though, rare role model among today’s pop stars.

  8. pao la says:

    Being 10 pounds lighter is not in the cards for me either. I used to be very uncomfortable going out with my best friends being tall and slender while I am shorter and muscly, but I run 15k every day and i do lots of sports so i got to terms with the fact that to be like them i should quit with my ice cream obsession and stop doing what i love. last year on the beach when i was playing volleyball in my bikini my friend told me ‘ God i wish i had your body, no cellulite in sight!’
    So i guess the neighbor’s grass is always greener and we’re never really happy with what we have. I know i’m not perfect and i wish i had a different body type, but now i feel confident enough to show some skin even if i’m not a model. All this to say that Pink rules and i would choose her every day over Gwyneth Paltrow, Gisele, Miranda Kerr or whatever.

  9. lucy2 says:

    She looks amazing, and her attitude on everything is always great.
    She works hard and it shows. I’d rather see that than some starlet talking about how she “never diets or works out” and then guzzling Adderall every 5 seconds.

  10. Frida_K says:

    She’s awesome! I love Pink. She seems like the kind of person that, if you see her in the grocery store and blurt out, “wow, hi there Pink!” she’d smile and say hi right back to you. She seems really down to earth. And I think she and her husband and their baby make a beautiful family.


  11. Lulu86 says:

    she looks great and has an amazing voice, her first 3 alums are my fave. she always said she never felt that appreciated in her own country but atleast she will have longevity.

    • Jayna says:

      She is finally being appreciated here after her Sober performance at the Grammys. Australia is the country that really got her when America didn’t and she had a massive tour over there last tour compared to here, but this tour she filled a 21,000 arena in my town packed and she was awesome.

      • Apsutter says:

        I’ve always loved her but I think the world really took notice a couple years ago with that album and when she performed Glitter in the Air at the Grammys

      • Shoe_Lover says:

        We Aussies LOVE P!nk!!!! I have been to this tour and last tour and she is so bloody amazing in concert. and I just want to point out, she does all that acrobatic work etc while singing live. No lip syncing at all.
        And even though she does 11 or more concerts in some cities (this tour was 46 concerts in Australia) its really hard to get tickets. it was a pure fluke I got them last time and this time. There is even a P!nk bathroom at the entertainment centre in my city. it’s painted pink, it has pictures of her all over and she signed a plaque near the door. it says “don’t forget to wipe…love P!nk”

        anyway, she is amazing and she flew right over my head and hovered a metre from my face so I can say she is fit as and doesn’t have a gram of fat anywhere.

  12. Mo says:

    why would she want to be 10lbs lighter? her body is rockin’. sounds like she’s feeling the pressure of that stick thin holywood image. no one SHOULD look like that. she’s beautiful – that statement made me sad.

    • Sisi says:

      yeah I agree.

      Pink has a lot of muscle mass (for Hollywood standards. She is STRONG. Muscle is heavier than fat. So it’s not very odd that the numbers on her scale are different from other stars who are just thin. And there is nothing wrong with that difference. The numbers shouldn’t matter, including those 10 pounds. If pink lost 10 pounds, it would be 10 pounds of muscle probably. And she looks amazing the way she is.

  13. Feebee says:

    I don’t know where she has 10lbs to lose but it shows that even fabulous women with great attitudes who are on top of their games still have weight hangups. She looks perfect.

  14. Cari says:

    I never understand why a lot of women in Hollywood act like they don’t workout a lot (I am not referring to Pink)
    I proudly admit that I work out daily, and workout hard to maintain my figure. It takes a lot of dedication, and I am proud of it.

  15. Nina says:

    I’ve always been a fan of hers. It’s too bad that the likes of Miley and Taylor Swift are the kinds of girls tweens and teens seem to be looking up to the most.

    And I agree that it’s sad that as women, we’re conditioned into thinking that being tiny and fragile is what is desirable. I used to obsess about being waif-thin, lamenting my wider hips. By the end of highschool I’d starved myself down to 90 lbs., only to follow the anorexia up with a really emotionally draining binge eating problem as soon as I got to university. I’d binge and starve, binge and starve. I felt wretched.

    8 years later, I’ve finally taken a healthier approach to food. I’ve accepted that I have a certain body shape, and I’m learning to embrace it. I still get a little self-conscious about my thighs sometimes, but now instead of working out to be teeny tiny, I’m working out because I want to be stronger and have defined muscles. I’d rather look like Wonder Woman than Kate Moss, now! I’ve also embraced my inner foodie – it’s just so damn good! I’ve lost over 10 pounds since February, and I feel better now than I’ve felt in years.

  16. Mar says:

    I like her a lot. She is creative and unique and very pretty

  17. Nicolette says:

    Love! I swear she is one of the few celebs that doesn’t induce severe eye roll in me. Smart, talented, real and down to earth. She looks great and there is no need to fret about another 10 pounds.

    That she’s such a fan of Cheesecake Factory (they do have amazing cheesecake) makes me like her even more. 🙂

  18. jamminatorr says:

    FYI – hot yoga is just yoga in a hot room. Bikram yoga is a patented (by the creeper bikram) set of poses inside a hot room.

    • m says:

      yeah, I do Moksha and it is in a hot room too

    • littlestar says:

      Oh my gosh, I didn’t know Bikram yoga was patented! Weird!!!

      I absolutely love Bikram. I agree with Pink, it can get really tough at times. There’s a new hot yoga studio where I live, and man is it intense – my first class there, halfway through I contemplated leaving lol.

  19. Lucy says:

    I absolutely love this lovely lady!!! And the fact that she has no problem admitting her flaws, insecurities and fears makes her a bazillion times more badass.

  20. MistyNinja says:

    Why do some women feel the need to “humble” brag when there is any mention of body image and sizes. For instance @ pao la, @ lady mtl. The same thing happens when people review clothing on amazon. It seems like they are just bringing up a personal tidbit agreeing with someone- they are really just bragging. I am onto you.

    • Ok says:

      Helps boost our inexplicably low self esteem 🙂

    • Ok says:

      Pink said her one of her biggest “risks” was marrying Carey. Hmmmm. Maybe it was one of her biggest mistakes.

    • Lisa says:

      Are only certain people allowed to share their experience? Who decides? They don’t really sound like humblebrags to me. Personally, when I put the work in, I should be allowed to pat myself on the back for it when discussion turns to it.

      edit: though I am annoyed that I still have cellulite when I work harder than some women who don’t do a damn thing and have none! But genetic lottery, etc.

      • Stephy says:

        STOP fretting over cellulite. That is about genes, not weight control. That is like trying to work on changing your eye color. Outside of cosmetic procedure or getting your body fat percentage down to 0 (which is incredibly dangerous so please don’t) you will have it. I am lucky enough not to have any but I am bit overweight and all of it is in my stomach. I am going to guess yours is flat. There are certain things about our bodies no amount of exercise and/or diet will change. Work and being the best you and don’t worry about the things you cannot change.

    • pao la says:

      No no no. I wasn’t humble bragging. I was just pointing out the fact that sometimes we think other people are better than us when from their perspective they might think the same looking at us. I wish i was 6 feet tall and skinny so i could wear pretty much any type of clothes without looking ridicolous, but I’m not and I’ll never be and now i’m aware of it. When i was in high school lots of people made fun of me because i was quite muscly and very into sports, this took me to a lot of occasions where i felt really uncomfortable around other people, especially when i tried to wear something really feminine, and sometimes i still feel like that. I think now, being older, i can get over the fact that women come in different sizes and shapes and i should just embrace mine instead of trying to be something that I’ll never be.

  21. Cirque28 says:

    Love her. She has a fantastic attitude, a sharp mind, a killer body… really, I don’t know why Pink isn’t in charge of everything.

  22. Jo says:

    I’m so sick of reading about celeb women and their weight issues and food choices! It’s boring! There is so much more to talk about. We as women feed the weight obsession machine by constantly talking about it. Move on already…

  23. Lindsey says:


    Variations of this hairstyle also belong to Robyn. Her and P!nk only, though.

  24. Apsutter says:

    I love Pink and her body and outlook remind me of Ellie Goulding and Robyn. I feel like those three ladies would get along fabulously

  25. Lisa says:

    She has a great body, anyway.

  26. Justme says:

    I love her, she is s so talented and keeps it real. I feel like everybody in music today is all smoke and mirrors and over-produced and more about the booty-shaking than the music…Rhianna, Beyonce, Miley, Lady Gaga ect. all need to prance around in their undies and be sexual to get us to notice them yet Pink is the real deal and her talent is enough.

  27. Jay says:

    I loved her until I met these two guys at a bar in London who work at a swanky hotel. They said of all the celebrities they have dealt with, Pink is by far the rudest and most stuck up.

    Boo 🙁

    • Jay says:

      as for the nicest: Robert Deniro

      • Mean Hannah says:

        Never met Pink, but I’ve met “Bobby” Deniro and he was racist, sexist, and mysoginist, so…

    • Tiffany :) says:

      They might have said that…but you have to take it with a grain of salt.

      Once I was with a friend trying to catch up in their hotel room, and the front desk was calling every 2 minutes: can we get tickets, can we get passes, can we get vip passes, etc. When the celeb finally said they would get them tickets, but please stop with the calls I have a friend visiting, the hotel employees got SUPER rude.

      Sometimes folks are rude and invasive to celebs in ways that you would not imagine. If the celeb has a kid like Pink, I am sure they would be even more protective and defensive.

  28. Steph says:

    Hot yoga does not equal bikram. Bikram is a very specific type of yoga done in a heated room and from what I understand, you do the same series of poses in every class. It is very strict. Hot yoga is basically any type of yoga done in a heated room. I go to a hot yoga studio where they do vinyasa (flow). I love it, too!

    • littlestar says:

      Yep, it must be true. Every Bikram class I’ve gone to, it’s always been the same. Still so weird it’s patented!

  29. dj says:

    I love Pink! Talented, smart, savvy, feminist! So awesome.

  30. ol cranky says:

    Cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory? I thought she was a die-hard vegan, does cheesecake factory now have a vegan cheesecake?

    • raincoaster says:

      I don’t know if Cheesecake Factory carries it, but I’ve had vegan cheesecake and it is AMAZING. They make it with nut cheese. My ex roomie is a raw vegan chef and his stuff is incredible, although it will never convert me to veganism.

  31. raincoaster says:

    Damn, I love this woman. I’ve been a fitness writer off and on for more than a decade, and she now has the kind of body everyone in the 90’s wanted: with muscles AND curves. The only way she could lose 10 lbs would be to stop working out and stop eating.

  32. Barhey says:

    What if you’d love to be like, 40 pounds thinner? Lol being 10 pounds away from my goal weight sounds great to me!

  33. Pears says:

    Why does Pink look so hot with this haircut but Miley looks so fug with it?