Sandra Bullock on Jesse James & divorce: ‘We’re all where we’re supposed to be’

Ack! Her hair. As I previewed on Sunday, Sandra Bullock covers the October issue of Vogue. She’s promoting Gravity, which could seriously be an awards-contender this awards season. I wouldn’t mind it at all if Sandra got nominated for some stuff, but we’ll see. As for this Peter Lindbergh photoshoot… it’s pretty except for the hair. I don’t know why they gave her bangs and a bouffant…? My first thought was that they were trying to do a retro “Astronaut’s Wife” hairstyle, or am I overthinking it? You can read Sandra’s full Vogue interview here – I’ve just skimmed it, and while it’s interesting, the most interesting quotes are kind of buried at the end.

On Gravity: “You check it off and go, ‘If it ends here, I’ve ended up on top.’ There’s nothing else to do.”

After filming Gravity, she did The Heat: “I need my funny… In comedy you just know right away,” says Bullock. “Melissa’s pure genius, you know? Everyone was just waiting to see what would come out of that woman’s mouth.”

On The Blind Side: “I turned it down three, four times,” she says. “I was so worried about it being a Lifetime movie.” Director John Lee Hancock convinced her otherwise, but the first week of shooting was rocky. Bullock admits she struggled to find her rhythm playing Leigh Anne Tuohy, a larger-than-life Memphis powerhouse. “I could not make it work,” Bullock recalls. “I thought, I’m going to get roasted. I’m going to get creamed for this.”

On Jesse James and her divorce: “We’re all where we’re supposed to be,” she says now. “I am exactly where I want to be now. You can’t go backward. I’m not going backward. I’m grateful that I’m here, blessed to have what I have. Nobody can be prepared for anything. If you end up in a place where you can look back and go, ‘It happened, but I’m so lucky to be sitting where I am sitting. . . .’ ” Bullock doesn’t complete the thought, but it is clear what she means.

On Louis: “I think this business can take the child out of kids so quickly,” she says. “I don’t want him to have pressures brought on by what I do. I will quit. I will leave. If I see whatever I’m doing affecting him negatively, I will pack up and move to Alaska.”

Future plans: “I’m just sort of seeing where life goes,” she says. She is open to the idea of more children. “If all of a sudden someone said, ‘You have five more kids,’ I’d be totally OK with it.” At the moment, “I’m having such an amazing time. Whatever comes our way, we handle as a family. It’s not just me anymore.”

[From Vogue]

Most of the piece is about Gravity, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that Sandra is positioning herself – and that she’s being positioned by producers and the studio – as an awards contender. And Sandra seems “up” for it this year. She’s matured a lot the past few years, although it’s not like she was ever flaky or immature in the first place. She just seems calmer, less eager to please, more reticent. It will be interesting to see how that plays out when the studio really wants her to campaign.

Photos courtesy of Peter Lindbergh/Vogue.

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41 Responses to “Sandra Bullock on Jesse James & divorce: ‘We’re all where we’re supposed to be’”

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  1. itstrue says:

    She was always just kinda cute to me, but as she gets older, she is becoming a real beauty. Gorgeous.

    • HappyMom says:

      She’s gorgeous-but all the botox is so off-putting. When you see her interviewed, parts of her face are frozen-and that makes me sad.

      • itstrue says:

        awww, I didn’t know she was doing that. I guess I haven’t seen her in motion for a while. So sad.

      • moon says:

        She doesn’t botox I think, could be photoshop. I saw her up close at the premiere of Gravity at Toronto, she looked natural, lines and all.

  2. mia girl says:

    I can’t wait to see Gravity, and yet at the same time I am so afraid to see it! The idea of being stuck, floating in space is freaking me out.

    • mercy says:

      I really wanted to see it, but chickened out last minute. I need to psyche myself up for it, because if it’s what I think it is, it’s going to be an intense experience. Still, I made it through a movie about a guy buried alive. This one will be dark, but least the characters will have space to move around. I think. I hope. Ugh.

    • blue marie says:

      I’m right there with you, the idea scares the crap out of me but I can’t wait to see it.. I get the same feeling about the ocean as well.

    • Liv says:

      Pretty scary, I’m curious how the film turns out!

    • Anki says:

      My thoughts exactly. I get all sweaty just watching the trailer!

  3. Andrea1 says:

    Now this is a woman I love and respect she never talks trash about her ex even though she was really wronged no crying and whining to magazines she just moved on. She didn’t play the victim card and trash the other party! Side eye to Aniston.

    • brin says:

      I agree, she is a class act.

    • mercy says:

      I agree she handled the situation well, but Jesse and his hookups weren’t Brangelina. If I were in her shoes, I’d want to diassociate myself from that creep as fast as possible and hope people forget.

    • Sonya says:

      She is very classy. Of course, you don’t exactly need to talk trash about that idiot–he just kind of speaks for himself, doesn’t he?

      I wonder how he’s liking life with the white power stripper ho he thought sacrificing his marriage to Sandra Bullock was worth.

    • El says:

      I don’t understand why people are so critical of Aniston. In my opinion she had a right to be mad, she got screwed over by someone she thought she was going to spend the rest if her life with. I can only imagine what that feels like, so I wouldn’t even think of judging her. I don’t get it.

      • mercy says:

        I tend to agree, and I’m not an Aniston fan (and don’t like her fiancee at all), nor do I dislike Brad and Angelina (They fell in love, what can you do? They seem like a better match, too.)

        Not to derail the Sandra Bullock thread, but the situations aren’t that similar, imo. Jesse James self-imploded and his sex partners were randoms no one gave a toss about. Brad and Angie were both superstars and it was obvious a “great romance” narrative was in the cards. Aniston was caught up in it. She was going to be compared and linked to them forever, no matter what she said or did. I don’t blame her for trying to look out for herself because no one else was.

      • Kim1 says:

        She and her BFFs are hypocrites.Courtney had affair with married Michael Keaton.Laura Dern had affair with married Ben Harper and married Billy Bob.Chelsea Handler had affair with married boss at E.Sheryl Crow was dating married Lance Armstrong in 2003.Aniston started dating Theroux while he was in a relationship with Heidi Bivens.Yet I have never heard any of these women referred to homewrecking cu*t .Hypocrisy

    • Andrea1 says:

      Thank you Sal you summed it up pretty well I don’t need to say much again.
      @El Jennifer has no right to be angry you can’t fix what’s already broken jen and brad had problems from the time Brad was filming Troy she never even bothered to visit him on set.. She has no right to be angry or trash talk Angie to magazines and also instigate her friends against Angie. If you are really close up with HW people they don’t take Jennifer serious they also call her a vindictive woman.

  4. CaribbeanLaura says:

    I loved her comment about her son (who reminds me alot of my little man) I believe her too. I think that she puts her son first in everything that she does. I like her.

  5. Tish says:

    I want to see the whole dress on the cover!

  6. Beep says:

    Her hair on the cover shot makes her look like Kris KArdashian (Albeit a younger, prettier, KK)

  7. snappyfish says:

    sandra seems to always take the high road, a difficult thing to do in a profession as cutthroat as acting. she looks great, but I also wish she’d back off the botox.

    she looks lovely here.

  8. break says:

    She sounds mature and content. I just wish that she (and magazine editors) would embrace the mature part, and let her face show a little of the age-gained wisdom that’s reflected in her thoughts.

  9. bondbabe says:

    What a weird-ass photo shoot!

    SHE’s awesome though.

  10. Megan says:

    she looks amazing, and sounds so happy. I think she is past the Jesse crap and happy with her adorable little man.

    Don’t know how I feel about seeing this movie, it looks beyond creepy. But I love Sandra and George so I will probably work it up to go.

  11. Dawn says:

    That’s what I used to say about my divorce too but it took me about 6 years to feel that way. Now 20 years later I am just thankful for my kid that came from that very short time period of my life. Truthfully I am not sure if I would know my ex now if I met him in the street. Looking back at it’s like I went from intense love to intense hate to intense indifference to feeling nothing. Weird I know but I absolutely understand what she is saying.

  12. nicegirl says:

    Love me some Sandra!! she is awesome! I love the shot of her with the astronaut, and the billowing gown one is cool, too.

  13. Snazzy says:

    So i’m basically commenting because I’m irritated that that idiot Miley gets so much feedback and Sandy doesn’t. And I don’t want that to mean fewer Sandy pieces – so just showibg some love for Sandy!! 🙂

  14. Common Sense says:

    Gosh I love this woman! She is one of the very few celebs I have the deepest respect for. The moment I saw her in a movie some 10 years ago when I was 15 I was hooked. The manner in which she handled herself after the JJ scandal cemented my respect for her. It showed that she is just human, she has flaws and rose above adversity. I love the love she has for her adorable son.

    • ncmagnolia says:

      Ditto! Sandra has always been a complete class act. Now, a devoted mom, as well. Nothing but love for her.

  15. Claudia says:

    It’s funny how some people are scared to see the movie because of their fear of the idea of being lost in space. I’m not making fun, I’m just trying to think of movies that would make me scared to see it because of similar themes too. Lost at sea? Marooned on an island? Apocalyptic? Stranded in a desert? Going underground? Hmmm… nah. I think any movie that has a swarm of something (e.g. insects, arachnids, rodents) would freak me the hell out. Maybe also movies that focus on the claustrophobic– like if they take place in one room, and that’s emphasized. Didn’t Ryan Reynolds do one in a coffin?

    Anyway 😀 I like the hair. I’m excited to see Gravity when it comes out!

    • Bridget says:

      Apparently the way they did the 3D for this movie is amazing.

    • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

      What freaks me out is all those end of the world movies—I think that stems back to when in church we read through the entire book of Revelation–my God. I hated it. That kind of thing freaks me out.

      • I Choose Me says:

        The left behind series gave me nightmares. I used to dream about the trumpet sounding, a giant angel with a voice like thunder, the ocean burning up and waking up and finding my whole family had been ‘raptured’ leaving me behind. And so for a long time I couldn’t watch apocalyptic movies either. Now I’m over it thankfully.

  16. Justme says:

    LOVE SB!! Can’t wait to see this movie. Don’t like the styling of her on the cover though.

    Wish she would date someone though (enough time has passed so I would like to see her with someone), she deserves a good love after what JJ put her through.

    But think SB does need to STOP whatever she started doing to her face. In Interviews at TIFF, her face was looking very rigid and like talking hurt. STOP before you become Kidman SB!!

  17. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    I first started reading this site (and I don’t read any other gossip sites before or after this) in 2011. All that I knew about any of the three was that I liked Brad and Angelina’s movies, didn’t really care for Friends, and absolutely HATED “The Bounty Hunter” i.e. I didn’t think Jennifer could act at all before I started reading gossip.

    I was very much meh on the whole triangle thing, until last spring I had a week and a half off, nothing to do, so I read through the archives of Jennifer/Brad/Angelina.

    My dislike of Jennifer is because whenever she or anyone affiliated with her would say something negative about the JPs, it was always about Angelina or the kids. Never Brad. That’s pretty much my issue with her. I’d be applauding her for playing the hollywood game, by bringing up/having it brought up that Brad cheated on her. But she doesn’t do that.

    Like the Vogue interview, where she says Angelina was uncool about saying she liked to go to work, with Brad. That was uncool. It wasn’t uncool for Brad to ever say that he enjoyed going to work with Angelina (I don’t know if he ever explicitly said it, but I’ve seen interviews from MAMS and they BOTH had a good time), but because Angelina said it, it’s a big deal.

    Or when the interviewer asked her about Angelina, and she asked him to turn the recorder off, and proceeded to tell him. She wants to talk about stuff being “uncool”? That’s uncool. She never has said a bad word about Brad, but she has a hate on for Angelina.

    But back to Sandra, I agree with the poster who said it–Sandra needed to separate herself from that douche right quick and move on, and hope no one remembered she was married to that idiot. So I don’t think it would’ve helped her career (not that she needed it), to play a victim.

    Edit: This was meant to reply to someone, have no clue how it ended up down here.

  18. mayamae says:

    Am I the only one who hated The Blind Side?

  19. Pancake head says:

    Why are you bringing angelina up in this thread when she has nothing to do with the topic?This thread has to do with sandra not jen/angelina

  20. Grant says:

    I think Sandy is pretty much a lock for an Oscar nom for Gravity at this point. The film is getting rave reviews, for the direction/cinematography and her performance in particular.