Brandi Glanville talks LeAnn Rimes, Eddie Cibrian: ‘I don’t think he’s a serial killer’

Here are some photos of Brandi Glanville at the Boardwalk Empire premiere several weeks ago. I just never got around to publishing them. Brandi looks pretty good here, although I would have liked this dress more if it had a few more inches on the skirt. Anyway, Brandi appears on today’s episode of Bethenny, or The Bethenny Frankel Show or whatever it’s called. I’ve caught a few episodes of Bethenny’s talk show while I’m at the gym and it SUCKS. Bethenny’s voice is terrible and she’s really bad at conducting interviews and sounding spontaneous. Everything sounds like she rehearsed it in the green room. Blah. As for this Brandi interview, she discusses LeAnn (of course) and what’s happening on Real Housewives. Here’s the LeAnn part:

And here’s the Lisa Vanderpump part:

When Brandi talks about LeAnn, she says: “It’s the worst pain you could ever imagine, you think your heart is broken after you get a divorce wait until there is a girl tweeting pictures of, ‘Oh, look at my family.’ You have no idea. I feel like she almost does it to antagonize me but at this point I accepted it….I have to admit it took me awhile, but Xanax was my friend when that started happening. I was like, ‘You can have the man but those are my babies.’” Not included in the video: apparently Brandi compliments Eddie Cibrian on becoming a better father, saying:

“I think he’s actually become a much better father through divorce because when we were together he wasn’t home alone. He didn’t spend a ton of time with the kids. Now, he is really present. That’s the one positive that I take away from it because the rest freaking sucks… I don’t think he’s a serial killer but you know he’s a *** for sure but, you know, it is what it is. If he saw someone who needed help on the side of the road he probably would help them. He’s not a bad human being. He wasn’t a good husband.”

[Via The Mail]

I think that’s the best she can say. He’s not a total toolbox, he’s become a better father, but he was a lousy husband. There are lots of men like that. And lots of women who can relate to it. You can read more of the interview here.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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87 Responses to “Brandi Glanville talks LeAnn Rimes, Eddie Cibrian: ‘I don’t think he’s a serial killer’”

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  1. DanaG says:

    Countdown to Leanne having a meltdown and responding…3,2,1

  2. Patricia says:

    That dress would look appropriate on a 22 year old. When she tries to dress like this it only ages her. And she should just go the “no comment” route when it comes to Leanne. We all know the b**** is cray, but this just fuels the fire.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      The dress is kind of tacky. She has a great body, but I think she looks best in casual outfits-skinny jeans, simple tank etc.
      For something like this, I think she would look good in a really simple dress that hits slightly above the knees, a la Aniston.

      Also, her and I have similar skin tones and that shade of lipstick is not good for us, not good at all.

    • bettyrose says:

      She has the bod & personality to pull this look off. She’s extremely leggy so the length of her skirts really stands out, but no way is the look too young for her.

      • Patricia says:

        OK yeah, I guess it looks fine if you like that look. But at what point does a grown woman realize she has much more to offer than in-your-face body showing? She makes sure that Aaaaaall the focus is on her breasts and almost-showing asscheeks. And I’m thinking: is that really all you have to offer? I mean, you have been alive for decades and you still want all the focus on your overly exposed bod? Grow up Brandi, you have kids and a mind.

      • Jennifer says:

        Yes, that is really all she has to offer….

      • themummy says:

        Patricia– 5 decades? No. Not even.

      • bettyrose says:

        I confess that it didn’t even occur to me to expect more from Brandi. I really do like the look, though, and if I saw it on a different 40 year old who was just dressing up for one night on the town, I truly wouldn’t think it was too young or sexy for a special occasion.

  3. EBonyS says:

    Well, in this case, she isn’t so much talking about Leann, as talking about what SHE went through in her divorce and losing her kids half the time.

    She is talking, quite candidly about her self-medication, which is a concept I will never understand. But I’ve never been in her position and the hardest thing I’ve ever taken is Tylenol PM :-/

    She has kept through on her word, sort of, about not talking about them. Only, truly, when she’s asked.

    Leann on the other hand watches a preview of the new season on RHOBH in EUROPE of all places and goes on a 100+ tweet rant about NOT BEING SILENCED BY BRANDI’S LIES, when for the first time in THREE years, the previews did not mention her OR her bought hubby. Is that not what they wanted?

    • claire says:

      HaHa. Seriously! They had to have googled it because it certainly wasn’t airing in Europe.

    • Jennifer12 says:

      Well said. Leann wants to believe that people are only interested in Brandi because of her, when the truth is, people are fascinated by Brandi because she’s herself. Hell, Leann is fascinated by her.

  4. Elisabeth says:

    Why are they STILL discussing this. They all (leann, Brandi, Eddie) need to move on. Stop letting people interviewing you rehash this horror show every time you appear on a show.

    • Macey says:

      I have a feeling its b/c she’s still living that horror show. If the LR bs would stop maybe she’d stopped talking about it. Lets not forget she was just randomly attacked by LR not even a week ago, she lives with this crap EVERY.SINGLE.DAY.
      I dont blame her for talking about it. I’d be on meds if I had to deal with the level of crazy she has had to and still does and always will until Eddie takes his balls back and gets away from that nut.

      • Cindy says:

        She states that in this interview “it will never go away.”
        This is a nightmare that Brandi lives every day, thanks to her ex-husband. Her ex-husband married his wealthy celebrity stalker and he gives their young kids over to her half the time. The psycho stalker puts the kids in dangerous situations, and exploits them constantly for money and attention. Leann and Eddie also taunt Brandi constantly in the press. Leann pays a team of people to stalk and harass Brandi online and she SWF’s Brandi’s lifestyle daily. The stalking has never stopped since the first time Leann and Eddie were together and it’s been years now. I would need more than Xanax to deal with this level of evil.

      • Jennifer12 says:

        Cindy said it perfectly. We are sick of it, but Brandi has to live with it, with no end in sight. This psychotic witch has control over her kids, gets to bring her crazy fans around them, post photos of them, talk about them, sell them to paps. And Eddie allows it- he SOLD their kids. I can’t imagine that kind of daily nightmare. Leann plays games like not letting Brandi speak to the kids when they’re with Eddie and her. I would be in a straitjacket, or possibly jail.

    • TheOriginalKitten says:

      ..because this tired-ass feud is the only thing making anyone GAF about them.

      • Sullivan says:

        Bingo! People seem interested in the triangle, not the individuals. It’s a soap opera. If the three of them behaved like mature adults they would have faded into obscurity long ago.

    • crab says:

      @ Sullivan your exactly right! Look at Jen, Brad & Angie and how long people we’re talking about that triangle! It’s been years and hell they’re still talking about it!!

  5. brin says:

    I adore her. She has come through a devastating situation with flying colors and a great sense of humor. Shine on, Brandi!

    • respect says:

      Ditto. Brandis truth seems to actually be truth. If i lost my girls half of the time to some trick that dad boffed on set i would have a difficult time keeping it so together. Leann should try to swf brandis candid honesty next time.

      • Cindy says:

        Great point this is the real truth. It’s good to remember that this whole situation, devastated family, pimped out exploited kids in the care of a psycho, is because this “good Dad” couldn’t keep it in his pants.

      • AnnE says:

        The sad reality is that I think Leann truly believes everything she says. Delusional. Narcissist. Sick Puppy! The only really evil one in all of this is Eddie who sits back and I suspect eggs Leann on, not putting his foot down saying his kids mother is off limits regardless of what they think, feel or is even the truth.

      • claire says:

        Wasn’t the little one only 2 years old?! I really could not imagine having your 2 year old taken away half the time, and then on top of that, have some nutjob woman rubbing it in your face all the time and sending her fans and employees after you.

        I saw someone on ROL recently commenting over and over how Brandi and her fans are the ones that started the online harassment, taunting, etc., 4 years ago. Leann was just like, being all peaceful or whatever. I just had to laugh so hard.

  6. Nadeni says:

    Those clips will probably be all I ever watch of Bethany’s show. I can take the manic talking over of people. Ugh! Amy Phillips impression of her is dead on.

    However, Brandi looks great! She complains a lot about her skin but I think she has great skin. Her neck and chest don’t show her age at all.

  7. Macey says:

    I actually like both outfits pictured here and I usually find her outfits appalling but she pulls this dress off.
    Its nice to see her dressing a little classier these days. she needs to get the “less is best” out of her head when it comes to her wardrobe b/c she really looks amazing when she chooses classier clothes. You can still look sexy without having all your parts exposed.

  8. Celeste says:

    I like Brandi but both her and the has been need to talk about something else. Brandi should take her boys and go help out at a soup kitchen, focus on positive things.

  9. Sleepyjane says:

    Brandi looks so much better with shorter hair.

    • emmie_a says:

      Her hair looks really good here. I hope she keeps the extensions out.

      • karmasabiatch! says:

        Ditto! Brandi is a lovely woman, but always so much prettier with a more natural look minus all the botox and fillers.

        I am soooo tired of people saying “Brandi keeps things stirred up”. When your ex’s wife is a big old bag of nut job crazy, who also holds your small children hostage 50% of the time, it has to be a total nightmare. Love that she hasn’t taken the bait on twitter with crazy LeLe’s manic tweeting recently. Keep up the good work, B!

  10. Krista says:

    Can we talk about the LIPS on those two women?! Their upper lips just hang there! I wish they would both slow down with the Botox and the fillers. But if they saw this comment then they would probably just get more things injected just to fix it.

    • Gia says:

      Omg I know right? She seems to have left her cheeks alone and put all of her focus on her upper lip! I do think she looks pretty good though, considering and that dress is perfect for a Boardwalk Empire premier.

    • emmie_a says:

      I just watched the video and Brandi’s upper lip does just hang there. It looks like it’s numb. Gross.

      I don’t watch the show bc I hate Bethenny — but omg her voice is annoying. And does she always talk about herself so much??

    • Jayna says:

      My sister saw Brandi in an interview once and she liked her but said she couldn’t stop focusing on her overblown lip and the way Brandi, like some others with fake lips, kept licking her upper lip. Melanie Griffith used to do that with her upper blown-up lip in interviews with her tongue also. I don’t know why. Is it because it’s numb or so blown up that — I don’t know the reason, but I’ve seen it before too. I’ve never noticed it with Brandi so much like I have with others. Maybe she had just gotten the injections the day before for the interview my sister saw. Who knows.

      • campbell says:

        I have to disagree here. BG looks less botoxy than normal and the shorter hair agrees with her. No matter how hard she tries, WeWe will never come close to being as naturally pretty (primarily on the inside) as BG is.

        Oh, and thanks Kaiser for posting video of the interview. Would’ve watched it, but I can’t STAND Bethenny Frankel. Poser.

    • Blannie says:

      Thank you! I couldn’t believe no one was talking about Brandi’s upper lip in the first few comments. I haven’t watched her on the RHOBH in a long time, but man, do her lips look ridiculous. She can’t move the top one. It’s like when you get your mouth numbed for dental work. It must feel really weird all of the time – like you’re talking through two sausages! Silly woman. Bethenny is just vile.

  11. Christin says:

    Her assessment of her ex seems fair. From what she described in her book, he sounds like a man-child who liked his free time. Like most situations, I bet there are things HE took for granted that he now misses. Whether he will ever admit that is another story.

    • Relli says:

      TOTALLY. What I walked away with from her book is that Cruds has been taken care of in one form or another his ENTIRE life. His parents were not only managing his career but also their money. What sort of 30 year old man or woman lives like that? That was so strange to me, like they didn’t ever have discussions about money her MIL had to tell her to encourage him to work becuase they needed more income. Money is one of the BIGGEST issues in a marriage (says my personal financial planning teacher and I) how can you have a 10 year relationship where in not once do you discuss your financial health!?!?!?!

      I had to read that section over a few times because I thought for sure I was reading it wrong. So the fact that once his existing world of support ended he jumped into a new kind of support system, that actually made a lot of sense. Knowing that he is that he is not emotionally nor financially independent totally killed his hotness for me. He’s a scrub.

      Brandi, is the clear winner here.

  12. heidi says:

    Reminds of the flappers of the Roaring 20’s

    • Jana says:

      Thats what she was dressed like. She was at the Boardwalk Empire premiere party, a tv show that is set in the 1920s.

  13. Mel says:

    I like the dress. I think it is appropriate for the Boardwalk Empire theme, flapperish and all. I personally would wear it a bit longer.

    • KAI says:

      When you’re 5’10” tall, finding a dress long enough can be a challenge. I’m the same height and more than a few years older and I gave up trying to find a dress this past season with the short, childish designs. Also, I would think Brandi buys off the rack and cannot readily afford custom made dresses.

      • UghInsomnia says:

        This. I’m 5’9″, but my legs are really long, so what would look appropriate on someone 5 inches shorter looks obscene on me. It’s frustrating at best.

      • Mel says:

        Well yeah, I can see that point. I wore a dress to church one day that my husband was shocked over. I forget that hemlines get shorter the taller you are. I didn’t know she’s 5’10

  14. DGO says:

    I love the dress.

  15. bettyrose says:

    I love that dress and she’s rockin it.

  16. That girl says:

    I can’t help but like her. I. Any imagine that pain but to magnify that with someone as LR in the mix…blah. LR is a real
    Piece of work and I think BG hits the nail on the head saying she does things like posting pics of her boys on twitter to purposely hurt her. LR is all kinds of “extra”.

  17. Maxybabe says:

    There is something about Brandi, that I really love. I think she looks gorgeous in the dress and her skin is fabulous. I hope she finds a man to love her as she deserves, but in the meantime still keeps us entertained with her exploits! Her book was so funny, sad, poignant and raucous, I liked her even more. Go Brandi and stuff the rest of ’em!!!

  18. Jayna says:

    Nice to see her horrible Adrienne Maloof cat face look is a thing of the past, I hope.

    “We talk about boys.” Brandi, you are 41. Try a man or at least call them men or guys. You sound like you are still trying to live in your 20s.

  19. Walt Jr says:

    She looks very pretty here. Very statuesque. Not bony

    • loveisthecoal says:

      She does look like she’s gained a tiny bit of weight, maybe. She looks great! I love the dress especially and pretty much everything else except that lipstick…I think I would have worn red lipstick with this, but that’s just me.

  20. Christina22 says:

    Someone made a good point above that she didn’t purposely bring up Leann, she was asked about her (I don’t see how this is avoidable) and she answered with a very realistic answer about the situation. It’s nice to see that she didn’t publically trash Eddie, but kept things civil and tried to bring up some good things about him. I know we can get sick of the drama, but we have to acknowledge how well Brandi has done for the most part when it comes to dealing with Leann’s crazy and taunting behavior. I for one as a mother, would not handle it half as well and especially not in the public eye. I also have to say brandi is looking good here, a little healthier and not too thin.

  21. juniper says:

    I WILL NOT be watching RHOBH this season. It looks like another season of fighting and I don’t want to see Lisa and Ken “taken down.” UGGH. And more big-mouth low classy Brandi. I’m officially out. Who wouldn’t be?
    I actually like this dress though.

    • claire says:

      Ditto. Those shows have too much fighting. I like Brandi and Lisa’s friendship so it’s a bummer they’re not getting along. I’m not going to convict Brandi though over it. Gotta see what actually happens.

  22. Rita says:

    Brandi looks great however, I do agree the skirt could be a bit longer but it’s Brandi’s style and she certainly has the legs for it.

    Her comments about the Ediot seem perfect and honest. Basically what she’s saying is that he’s a complete failure as a husband, had to lose his children half the time before he became a decent father, and as for the rest of the world: he won’t run over you if you’re lying in the street bleeding but he’s not getting out of the car to help if it’s raining….and isn’t that the sort of man that makes the world a better place?

    • Christin says:

      Well, he might get out in the rain to help if the damsel looks enticing enough. What I take from her assessment is that he’s not likely to take a life, but screwing up one is another story (key word is screwing).

  23. Beatrice says:

    Looking good is the best revenge and Brandi looks great. Leanne who is living the dream with Eddie looks worse and worse.

    • Christin says:

      She does look good.

      I’d rather put up my own decorations and organize my own stuff than live the dream. When two people appear to have aged a decade in a mere couple of years, I have a hard time believing it’s a peaceful life of two soulmates.

      • Lady D says:

        Good point Christin. These 2 soul mates should be just glowing. No arguments, no heavy drinking, days packed with sharing their joy, and helping out the less fortunate because they want everyone to experience their joy. Not so much, eh wewe?

  24. SuperStef says:

    She looks great here, healthy and confident, more natural.

    I agree that Brandi’s truth seems the most sincere and real. Leanne likes to whine and complain a lot about her ‘truth’; yet it’s her who caused a great deal of pain to Brandi & the boys, without remorse.

    Leanne must understand by now that her posts about Brandi’s kids being hers are painful. Out of respect for those boys, and their loving mother, and her husbands role as a father, she needs to stop posting ANYTHING publicly about the boys. No exception – it’s not necessary!

    They will grow up knowing that their stepmom consistently hurt and tried to humiliate mom publicly without remorse or empathy. They may eventually hate her for that, and it will likely destroy her.

  25. judyjudy says:

    These people need to find something else to talk about.

    LOVE the shoes she’s wearing with the silver dress.

  26. Cinderella says:

    When you look like Brandi, you can pull that dress off as is. No changes needed.

  27. Dana M says:

    Those legs can pull off a short skirt any day regardless of her age.

    • Trek Girl says:


      A longer skirt wouldn’t look right with that dress, either. I think it would throw off her proportions a bit.

      She, and nobody, else should change what they wear if they have the body for it. Age doesn’t matter — if it looks good, it looks good.

  28. L.E. says:

    “a girl tweeting” lol. A perfect description of LeAnn. Brandi is good, she didn’t even call LeAnn a woman.

  29. betty says:

    Brandi looks hot! You don’t have to be 20 to wear that dress just have the right proportions. Halle, Jennifer ,JLO all women over 40 and still look sexy. Since when is there a certain attire for mothers. I am a grandmother and I don’t dress in the rocking chair look. Women today are active and outgoing and dress the part. Brandi is right about Eddie being a lousy husband . I bet that is one truth Leann found out.

  30. Virgilia Coriolanus says:

    My second cousin’s ex husband is like Eddie. A shitty husband, but a good provider and father.

    • Jennifer12 says:

      Who does Eddie provide for?

      • renie says:


      • Jennifer12 says:


      • Virgilia Coriolanus says:

        True, true. I was just reminded of him, with this post. Because he and my cousin are actually better as friends (they don’t meet up once a week like girlfriends, but she doesn’t actively avoid him like her second ex-husband), and whenever she or their daughter needs something, he’s there. And he’s never shirked his responsibilities toward his daughter–unlike some POSes out there.

        Eddie, if he ever wants his kids to have a good, loving relationship with him later on, better dump Leann and do it with a quickness. Because they might not understand now, but in a few years they’re going to look back and know exactly WHO loved them and had their best interests, and who didn’t. And I guarantee it won’t be Leann or Eddie.

        And pretty soon his boys will be having kids, and he’ll only be able to see them MAYBE because his sons want their kids to know their grandfather. That’s how it was with my mom. She told my older sister that if she had based her action of letting my older sister spend time with her grandfather (my mom’s dad), based on how he treated her as a kid (he just ignored them–like he would literally treat all 6 of his kids like they didn’t exist), then she wouldn’t have known her grandfather.

        And that’s going to be Eddie–if he gets lucky.

    • karmasabiatch! says:

      Virgilia Coriolanus, PULEEEZ!!!

      We love your input and enthusiasm. Really. But, my dear…does it ALWAYS have to be in essay form??


      • briargal says:

        Your post is fine! Write what you want and as long as you want. If people don’t like the length–they don’t have to read it! Loved all your points in your post.

        Although I will say it is possible for a father to become a much better grandfather than he was a father. My dad was that way. Maybe because he finally matured??!!

  31. Nicole says:

    i freaking LOVE her

    • Jane says:

      Same here and I totally adore that dress on her. I don’t care that it is short. I say, if you have the legs and body for it—go for it.

  32. Ming says:

    I love the dress. She looks great and kind of glowing. Love the hair too.
    Once again brandi is being straight up, honest about her life, and I admire that.

  33. Jennifer12 says:

    Brandi looks great with shorter hair, but it’s still too blonde. SUCH a pretty woman, and while the skirt needs a little more fabric, this looks much better than some of the skankier dresses (neckline is lovely on her) and she looks stunning in both pictures. But her cool personality is what draws people in. She is talking about the situation when asked, which isn’t perfect, but she’s a lot more restrained than I’d be. She wakes up to this nightmare daily. I bet it KILLS Leann that Brandi is truly over Eddie- you can hear it in her voice and words. Leann wants Brandi to be heartbroken and destroyed. That’s a part of the reason she tries to get control over the boys, because she knows that will hurt their mother. Leann is VILE.

    • Jane says:

      ^This! Leann exists for one reason only: to make certain that she is not ignored and to be the center of the universe. True, it indeed makes her totally crazy (or should I use her favorite word: BEYOND)that Brandi is succeeding so well. I am certain LeAnn wanted to destroy Brandi to the point she would be left homeless and begging for a job. If anything, LeAnn’s antics are fueling Brandi and she’ll have the last laugh—all the way to the bank.

      • Jennifer12 says:

        I think Leann believes if she symbolically kills Brandi, then she will be the mom, etc. Creepy, crazy, UGH.

  34. Sonia says:

    I will never understand why LeAnne tries SO HARD to convince everyone how happy she and her bought man are….I mean who cares? Who is she trying to convince? I don’t think brandi or anyone else he slept with gives a crap. It’s pathetic. He is no prize.

  35. lisa2 says:

    Whenever I see her now all I picture is her being helped out of that place (bar) drunk..

    • Jennifer12 says:

      Whenever I see Leann Rimes? I picture her dry humping Eddie and grabbing his crotch in front of Mason, Jake and all their friends. 🙂

  36. DeltaJuliet says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever commented on a Brandi story before because I don’t have two shits to give for her, but honestly, I have a lot of respect for what she said “he’s not a bad person. he was a bad husband”. That is not always an distinction to make in ones head.

  37. I think Brandi looks fabulous especially when you compare her to the new Mrs. C. I would hate to be critiqued every time I went out my door. But, I guess she knows that is what she signed up for. I am so glad she seems to have given up the dresses that covered half her breasts. Was not her best look. With a new hair style she would look even more stunning!