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10 Responses to “Did crazed Britney write 666 on her head and try to hang herself in rehab?”

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  1. Dia says:

    Anna Nicole Smith, hold on honey, company’s coming

  2. Kolby says:

    “I am the Anti-Christ”??? Priceless!

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m with Simon Cowell and really don’t have any sympathy or empathy for this overprivelidged bitch. If she does have post partum depression or is bipolar get help. However, I tend to believe that all she wants is attention just like the rest of these hollywood f**ktards.

  4. Wendy says:

    This story sounds fake to me.

    And as for having a baby to ‘seal’ a marriage… WORST IDEA EVER! Get a goldfish, or something that won’t live that long, just in case…

  5. Adam says:

    got meth?

  6. Vcitoria says:

    Britney is crazy all she needs to do is get a grip oh and a wig!!!

  7. Toubrouk says:

    The story just sound so fake. If there’s a shadow of truth, there’s wouldn’t be only one source talking about it.

    Once again, it’s the typical trash chow put inside celebrity rags.

  8. m.a. says:

    I’ve, personally, ALWAYS felt that having MORE kids is DEFINITELY the answer to ANY kind of marital problem. Seems like a GREAT idea, Brit! 😀 Sarcasm aside, let’s just hope this IS just a tabloid rumor!

  9. xiaoecho says:

    Why are all the really ugly people called anonymous? Whatever you do people, don’t name your baby anonymous.

  10. Miller says:

    Why is that being female on these damn sites automatically triggers slurs like bitch and ho? (Yes, fools they are indeed slurs b/c gender is the determining factor and standards of “misbehavior/immorality” are arbitrary at best) I wish “anonymous” and the like would have the integrity to use other slurs like “porch monkey” to denounce a black person’s laziness or stupidity, or “faggot” or “kike” as a general put-down and see people go absolutely ape-shit. I don’t give a fuck what anyone says, female-bashing is straight-up bigotry. Period.
    Goddamn haters.