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18 Responses to “Uma Thurman needs a little more makeup, self esteem”

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  1. miss luigi says:

    I love that Uma Thurman isn’t conventionally pretty. I imagine she must have had a few rough adolescent years because she has some gawky features – and yet she’s so hot.

  2. AC says:

    She just looks exaughsted in these pictures, but she’s so pretty we can forgive her 🙂

  3. JUST ME says:

    WTF..She was never a sex symbol! I don’t know what she was thinking. She has the face of a bird and the body of a 55 year old women…can u say saggy skin. NEXT!

  4. countrybabe says:

    She’s okay. She’s been through a couple of kids and a failed marriage. Did anybody see those pictures of Jessica Alba who is only twenty something with those huge bags?

  5. Anonymous says:

    She was always ugly and strange looking. The only reason people made such a fuss over her is because of the blonde hair and blue eyes on a young slim body.

  6. Kolby says:

    Isn’t she a former model? And she looked amazing in The Producers – those legs! I think she’s gorgeous, and she should embrace her age and body.

  7. Carol says:

    Ugh, I have never thought she was even remotely attractive.

  8. MaiGirl says:

    I think that her carriage and attitude help to make her more attractive than she would be with her looks alone. I quite like her and the fact that she refuses to go the plastic route. Youth obsession is a ridiculous, losing game.

    I do wonder what’s up with her right eye in those photos–why is it smaller than the left?

  9. FF says:

    I always wonder if women like her pick partners like Ethan Hawke and become insecure or if they’re insecure and that’s why they pick partners like Ehan Hawke.

    She shouldn’t worry – everyone who lives long enough is going to get old and saggy. She’s lucky she was considered a sex symbol for so long.

  10. Carol says:

    “I do wonder what’s up with her right eye in those photos–why is it smaller than the left?”

    Her whole face is asymetric. My sister thinks she’s gorgeous and mainly because she loves the way her face is oddly proportioned. I dont get it but different strokes….

  11. Other Karen says:

    I think she’s just female. I don’t know any female over 25 who actually likes the way she looks. Movies are so beauty-oriented that it must be more-so for actresses. And she sees all those papparazzi pictures.

    Guys may not chat her up much because she’s tall? Some guys are insecure about that sort of thing. She should go to Sweden! Or any place in Northern Europe.

  12. Toubrouk says:

    Do this is me or this is the second celebrity in two months whining about how mens don’t talk to her anymore?

    A little while ago, Elle Macpherson came with the same dumb plight about not having enough mens. Well, I have a newsflash for those two dimwits; the days when you were able to pull the “Guys, I am burning oxygen over here!” move (A.K.A. doing nothing) are long gone. You are both divorced and with childrens. You can’t compete with the new 19 years-old starlet.

    When those two womens will stop acting “High and Mighty” in their Ivory tower and stop equaling “No Mens” with “No rich, model-looking 25 years-old stud”, they will get a better lovelife.

    As far as I am concerned, it’s in their hands.

  13. gg says:

    Okay, she is NOT a dimwit.

    But not using correct english doesn’t make you look like Einstein either, hon.

  14. Toubrouk says:

    gg, english is not my native language. I keep on getting better but it takes time.

    On the other side, I never claimed to be an Einstein. I am just allergic to celebrities that whine.

  15. sabine says:

    I love Uma Thurman. And yes, she is very attractive in a strange, interesting sort of way. She doesn’t look like anybody else and i like that.

  16. frewtloop says:

    Yes she’s unique and natural and that makes her beautiful. She just looks exhausted in these pics.

  17. coochie coo says:

    she is doing just fine, she still has contracts with tag heuer and another one like louis vuitton, or some such. with the airbrushing magicians tweaking those pictures, she still looks just perfect.

    she just looks tired…or stressed.
    i thought that ethan hawke was cute, well that was before he cheated on her with some lady in canada. what kinda turned me off to uma is when all the buddhism and the dalai lama is the new big guru movement went on and on and on about it. whatever, everything goes in cycles, and the dalai lama probably raked in enough money to have a big flat in manhattan and his own island. lol

  18. Caz says:

    Its easy to bitch about people you havent met but I’d bet all my life savings on the fact that if Uma Thurman was someone you and your circle of friends and relatives actually knew, that she would be considered one of the hottest. She’s tall, blonde, blue eyed and has amazingly high cheekbones with luscious lips and some of you still think she’s fug?? Man, you need to get out more and see what’s actually on the street. In fact, you dont have to go out, just have a look in the mirror. I’d love to look like her, she’s dynamite.