“The first trailer for ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ is melodramatic” links

Here’s the first trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past. [Pajiba]
Jessica Lowndes is Poison Ivy I guess. [Popoholic]
Kim Kardashian thought her vadge looked better post-baby. [ICYDK]
Kanye West will marry Kim next summer, so says Kanye West. [Starcasm]
Snooki was eliminated from DWTS. [CDAN]
Tara Reid was a Hot Mess for Halloween. [Celebslam]
Jane Seymour is done with her marriage. [Bitten & Bound]
Kanye West went on a rant in Las Vegas. [PopBytes]
Baby goat is so brave! I love goat videos. [The Frisky]
Will Smith & Jada are separated, probably. [Bossip]
Selena Gomez is showing Justin Bieber what he’s missing. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Star Wars blooper reel! [OMG Blog]
The Entourage movie is happening. [Life & Style]
Should Russell Brand lead the revolution? [The Loop]
Men walk slower when they’re thinking about sex? [Limelife]





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29 Responses to ““The first trailer for ‘X-Men: Days of Future Past’ is melodramatic” links”

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  1. kimmy says:

    Looks like every X-men ever cast is making an appearance…..

  2. tifzlan says:

    I think Russell Brand is a lot more intelligent than people realize him to be. He’s a kook, for sure, with quite a colorful history but it’s clear that the man knows his stuff. I love watching his interviews. He is eloquent and funny! I have also heard many stories of what a kind person he is. I am willing to overlook all his past indiscretions because of all of this!

    • Erinn says:

      I’ve always loved Russel. I would LOVE to spend even a half hour with this man – he’s just so damn charming, and eloquent and intelligent.

      • tifzlan says:

        Me too, but i won’t deny that i’d feel extremely intimidated by him. The combination of intelligence and wit is too strong for me to handle and i would most probably just embarrass myself!

      • magpie says:

        That’s how Katy musta felt.

    • SnarkyNerd says:

      He actually strikes me as VERY intelligent…and very humble about his intelligence (unlike certain celebrities who throw their noses in the air and act as if they are the chairmen of Mensa).

  3. Miss M says:

    Is it my impression or every single Super heroes movie has become so emo?!

    • Aggie says:

      No, I’ve gotten that impression too. And they’re all recycled, re-booted, remade, sequals, crossovers and spinoff TV shows. Enough already.

    • Samtha says:

      Yeah. That’s why I’m looking forward to the Guardians of the Galaxy movie. It’s pretty difficult to make a talking tree and a raccoon with a machine gun emo.

    • Side-Eye says:

      I could see how you’d feel that way if you hadn’t read a lot of comics. Maybe it’s just the ones I’ve read, but comics often deal with a lot of darker material. This whole Sentinel thing is a legitimate arc and one of the best.

      • Lex says:

        @side-eye I agree with you completely. Comics and many superhero lives are quite dark. At least the ones I’ve read and I found that to be the case with many Xmen story lines when I read those. But hey…that’s just me.

  4. mia girl says:

    Yes, is it melodramatic…
    melodramatic awesomeness teaming with Scottish, Aussie, English and Irish-German Thunder!

    In other words, HELL YES!

    • ichsi says:

      DOUBLE HELL YES! At first I was a little miffed that this will become a total sausage fest. But then I looked at the sausages *chrm* and WHOOOHOOO, this is going to ROCK!

    • MademoiselleRose says:

      Absolutely! I can’t wait. I love these movies.

  5. Anoninga says:

    I really love the links posted on here. Great way to spend my lunch break

  6. hadleyb says:

    Jesus, serious eye candy after eye candy for Xmen this time around.

    I love it.

    Hugh’s body is amazing!

  7. Tiffany :) says:

    I loooooooove the top picture of Ian and Patrick. They are so cute! LIke puppies!

  8. magpie says:

    This site has made me a McAvoy fan. He just gets hotter with age.

  9. vv says:

    I am kinda bleh about Mystique in that still shot. I really hope she looks much better on screen then she does there, because it looks like they just pasted some bits of rubber on her skin. Which I guess is what they did but still the detailing on those shoulders looks so budget!

  10. novemberscorpio says:

    Hasn’t the X-men movie franchise been beaten to death already!?

  11. Luna says:

    Damn Selena’s body IS seriously banging!!!!!

  12. IrishGirl says:

    Trailer looks great. Love the epic (John Murphy) music. I LOVE the shot of Jennifer Lawrence/Mystique where the tear is running down her face….Awesome!.

  13. IrishGirl says:

    The best trailers right now: The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, American Hustle, X-Men: Days of Future Past. Really psched for all three films.

  14. serena says:

    OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait!!!!!!!!!!!!
    This looks amazing.