Gwyneth Paltrow covers the new issue of Red, and she and her “Goop team” (it takes a “team”?) guest-edited this issue too. Which means that this is one of the better photoshoots I’ve seen with Gwyneth in a while. I mean, the photos are still annoying me (why does she have to be staring into the distance with that gassy look on her face?!), but her hair looks much better here than it usually does. As for Goop’s interview… well, Dame Gwyneth deigns to curse like a peasant! *clutches Goop pearls* Some highlights from her interview:
Goop doesn’t give a f—k: “The older I get, I realize it doesn’t matter what people who don’t know you think. It doesn’t matter. You’re wasting your energy. It’s like, if your partner comes to you – or your best friend – and says, ‘Listen, I want to talk about something you did that hurt me, or I think you could improve,’ sit down and listen to what they have to say. But some friend of so-and–sos – it’s like, who gives a s—? And for me, obviously, I have it on a very large, global scale. I don’t have it in the village gossip way; but it’s the same thing. That’s why I really don’t read anything. Because if it’s important, it filters down to me.”
Goop does not like women who judge other women: “Nobody else can tell [a woman] how many hours a week she needs to devote to this, that or the other … F— what anybody else says … It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. That’s what we’ve got to let go of. That idea of ‘Oh god, if I don’t show up to this concert, all the other mums are going to think I’m terrible.’ Well, so f—ing what.”
Working motherhood: ” When I’m with my kids, I give them everything I have. And when I’m not, I give whatever I’m doing everything I have. That’s my work/life balance. I’ve made it work for me, but it doesn’t matter what my specific thing is … It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks. It matters what you think of yourself. And what your children think … So if anyone is going to ask my advice, I’d say, do what is right for you, and don’t give a s— what anyone else thinks.”
The idea of having more kids: “I’m feeling at such a comfortable point in my life right now, like I’m starting another chapter. Like today I was sitting in the bathroom with Moses, and I was like, ‘Oh my God, I’m so glad he can wipe his own ass.’ I’m so glad I don’t have to do that anymore. I don’t know if I could go all the way back.”
She’ll move back to London after living in LA for a few years: “I don’t want [Apple and Moses] to be teenagers in LA. No way. I’m looking at this like two years, three years tops, then we will go back. It’s part of my parenting philosophy that children should get the opportunity to reinvent themselves at a few points in their childhood to see where their strengths and weaknesses lie and to experience living in different cultures … It’s an experiment. We’ll see.”
Whether she’s the next Oprah: “[Do I see myself as ] the next Oprah? No, not the next Oprah, but I do think the idea is to grow Goop in a number of ways… My dream would be to have somewhere like [a spa]. A center where you could go and have the best people, and detox and reboot and start afresh. I’d love to get to that point one day.”
[From Red via People]
Oh, Dame Gwyneth was in quite a bad mood when she gave this interview. What’s that, Goop? It’s super-hard to pretend that you’re perfect at everything and that your farts smell like orchids? It’s fine. I actually prefer this version of Gwyneth because A) I think this is closer to who she really is, an f-bomb-soaked peasant and B) because I like my Goop a little rough-and-tumble. Now, does Gwyneth really give a s—t about what people say about her? Of course she does. She wouldn’t be this irritated if she didn’t give a s—t. She’s just used to people kissing her ass and talking about how amazing she is, and she really doesn’t know how to handle herself when people start trolling her, mocking her or criticizing some of the legitimately crazy things she says.
Photos courtesy of Red UK.
BS she reads it all.
Of course she reads it all. She’s saying this so she can say she hasn’t read her VF article.
SHE may not read it, but her minions do so she is not oblivious to it all by any means!
I’m not a fan of Paltrow but I do say good for her. It is extremely liberating to finally in life not care what other people think of you. It’s wonderful really to be yourself and make reasonable decisions about your life and choices without worrying about what people think of you, how they will judge you. It’s hard to get to that point and it covers so many areas, what you wear, what you say, how you raise your children, etc.
I doubt she reads any of the stuff written about her. There’s too much of it to bother with and after you’ve read it a few times which I’m sure she did initially, what’s the point, same old drivel on a daily basis, a waste of time.
Ooh, if someone is having “potty” difficulties, it sounds like the colon cleanses aren’t working out so well.
HA!!! LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!!! She doesn’t read any of it – PLEASE. That is just plain comedy right there, y’all.
I picture her sitting at her computer seething, absolutely FURIOUS at the things people say about her. Trust me, she reads it ALL.
That’s the truth.
Yes she does! She’s probably reading this Celebitchy article. HI GOOP!! I can’t wait to read about Goop in Vanity Fair. That is going to be pure joy.
If she doesn’t read it, why did she have her publicist release a denial about her (alleged!) affair?
and if she doesn’t have a f*ck to give, why is she so up in arms about the VF piece that’s supposed to trash her?
some of these celebs apparently think the public forgets their previous statements/behavior.
She can read?
Yes she can, English, Spanish, French and a little bit Italian too!
I doubt she gives a shit!
“Who gives a sh*t?” says the person who most gives a sh*t.
P.S. Sounds like she might have had a couple of cocktails before this interview.
Oh, yeah.
OOoooh, someone is trying to backtrack! It’s the “I don’t judge women” part that had my blood boiling.
Gwynnie, didn’t you say that every woman should be able to exercise, no matter now busy she is?
Didn’t your business partner compare some pregnant women to dumpsters?
Didn’t your business partner even INSULT YOUR BODY SHORTLY AFTER YOU GAVE BIRTH?!
She has so much internalized sexism.
This ^^ I’m fairly certain she’d judge the hell out of the fact that my thighs rub together and my shirts are from Target.
sounds like GP completed the “how to warm over the peasants” online class. read the entire article, it is pure gwyneth.
“Win over” or “warm over”? However the second phrase does present nice mental images of Goopy braising the heathen over a nice hot fire…. I do think you are spot on.
You got IT! Your good.
Children re-inventing themselves is a pretty stupid concept to me. Where does she get this stuff?
Agreed. Sounds like something you say to justify your own choices. And I wonder why she thinks LA is a bad place to be a teen (wasn’t she a teen there?) and London a good place.
I don’t know about the “reinventing themselves” stuff, but I do like that she at least (claims) to give her kids the opportunity to find their strengths and weaknesses on their own and experience different cultures. I grew up with two very very very controlling parents who never let me experience or explore what I wanted, so I appreciate her for at least ACTING like she doesn’t do what my parents did. Now, it’s GOOP, and I’m not some big fan of hers, and I think her diet choices for her kids are weird, so I’m not defending her, but I don’t disagree with that particular concept about exploration that she claims to be embodying.
I call BS. She is so neurotic, of course she reads everything. And Goop, public opinion on you is not good. I agree, I’ll take an F bomb person over a pretentious douche bag anytime.
She says she doesn´t “give a s— what anyone else thinks”… how does she know what others think? Because she reads it all
I’m so sick of these overly photoshopped photo shoots.
So many pixels have been pushed around, she’s virtually a modernist painting.
Goop, we know you don’t look anything like this, darling.
She can’t even swear creatively. She’s utterly vapid.
Love that comment. May I borrow it?
Sure :).
Lol. This legacy would have no career were it not for her parents, godfather etc. No charisma and a sense of entitlement that is deserving of a Jobesque karma. Luckily her karma will occur in public. A dirtbag with money.
Who is she trying to fool with this bullshit? We all know she’s judgemental as hell and that she cares what people think more than she wants us to know.
Oh she definitely cares, this is just preemptive to the VF article I think. I think I’d actually prefer her this way, you know, without the stick up her butt. As for the women judging each other, and working mom stuff I actually agree with her. (I believe Hell just froze over)
She looks like her mom in these photos I think. I’ve always wondered what kind of relationship she has with her mom?
She’s bringing up the working mom stuff in an attempt to get other women on her side. I’ve never actually seen criticism of the fact that she works or how much she works, ever. I think this is a coldly manipulative ploy on her part.
THIS! Obviously, she’s trying to start spinning all the flak from the upcoming VF article. “It doesn’t matter what everyone says” “It only matters what my kids think” “I’m starting a new chapter in my life and I’m sooo happpeee” Yeah, whatever. Yawn.
yeah, she obviously cares. given that, it must be an intense experience for someone so used to being flattered by YES-people to move through this kind of strong and public backlash. there’s a lot of real hate and vitriol out there for Gwynnie. granted, she set it motion to a degree herself — unknowingly and unintentionally (i think) — with some of her out-of-touch comments, but I don’t think she’s prepared for how intense it is. That feeling has grown over time and it seems like it’s finally strong enough to dictate media narratives and headlines. I think the media may find that casting Gwyneth in a negative light sells better than continuing to put her on a pedestal, and that’s a dangerous turn for any celebrity who’s managing a public image.
I believe her. She’s out of touch with reality.
Like hell she doesn’t care.
She’s ‘shopped like crazy in these photos, but she looks awesome. I love the blue and silver color combo with her silvery blonde hair and blue eyes.
And I want that blue sweater and that blue velvet jacket.
“Goop does not judge other women.” Isn’t this venture aspiring to a certain lifestyle? Not a lifestyle just anyone can have but a particular, affluent existence. The sites purpose is to judge consumers and say buy this and your life will be better. As for not reading or listening to what anyone not in her immediate circle says her recent Vanity Fair interaction puts a lie to every statement above attributed to G.
She cares. People who say they don’t care and are promoting themselves as she does–Liars. Indifference would kill her. And as rich as she is, why does her hair look like crap?
i don’t think it’s she doesn’t give a shit..she doesn’t understand. It is simply beyond her that anyone would think anything other than what she has told them.
‘People don’t like me? but everyone I know likes me!”
I think you nailed it.
A spa, where only the best people work, and you go there every day and detox and leave the world behind, and then – you go down a slide and emerge from a mock vagina and are reborn into the world with perfect skin and children! That is my dream! *stares into the distance at far off object*
Funny comment.
Always the detoxing with this one. She must be the only living mammal walking around without a liver.
They all say the same thing when the public begins to turn on them, until they stop getting hired because the public feels the same way about the star as the star does the public! Kanye West says the same thing all the time about the public and he is about to get a big slap down too! That makes me happy I must say. The deal in KW’s world is that Jay Z gave him the chance but the public made him wealthy and so it’s never good to tread on either but Gwynne was born into money and into snobbery so I doubt she truly cares one way or another.
“the public feels the same way about the star as the star does the public”
well said! it does feel like it’s turning that way for her, doesn’t it?
does she have a farm? because one bull can’t possibly produce that much manure.
Pretentious twat. I hate that she’s permanently ruined Iron Man for me.
Of course she knows and cares. And I would expect her to, she’s human. Pretty much everyone cares to some extent. If she didn’t pay attention to it and didn’t care, she wouldn’t have put the No Vanity Fair mandate down on her friends.
If she wants to talk about how people shouldn’t judge each other, she needs to go back and revisit her own words. Didn’t she go up to some friend and tell him he was getting fat? Doesn’t she go on and on about telling people what they should eat and how they should exercise?
Everyone else has already said (more eloquently and less rambling than I would) what I think about her comments.
BUT- I will say I literally laughed out loud at her comment about Moses wiping himself because I said almost the exact same thing to a friend the other day. She asked if my partner and I planned on having more kids. We get asked this all the time because my partner is not the bio dad of my 6 year old, but might as well be since he has been there since the beginning. Literally.. he was in the room when my son was born! So people always say.. doesn’t he want one of his own? Well, he considers my son his own.
ANYWAY… my response was something like “We’re happy with the family we have and we don’t want to start over from the beginning.. feels like this one just started wiping his own butt!”
So for maybe the first time ever.. I actually identify with something Goop has said! I’m scared.
Ha! Is potty-training not the worst? I can’t imagine starting over, either.
“And for me, obviously, I have it on a very large, global scale.
I don’t have it in the village gossip way”
she’s so f*cking Goopy that even her GOSSIP / HATERATION ‘cannot’ be peasantry. LMAO 😆
Well, obviously. She’s very globally important, dontcha know?
right? oye vé!
That reminds me, recently someone I know bought a sticky substance to reattach their rear-view mirror. It was called “GOOP” (yes, in all caps) and I had a good chuckle. It didn’t work, either, but it was expensive.
Ha! Awesome! Somehow fitting. lol.
I need photoshop in my life.
I like her sweater and the outfit she’s wearing in the header photo over at People. Otherwise, I don’t give a s–t!
I never liked GP – until now. Seriously, we don’t know her personally. What does it matter what we think of her. Good for her that she can say that. Won’t stop us from gossiping, but if she’s unaffected by it, then a slow clap for her.
After Vanity Fair publishes their piece, she better hope Chris Martin isn’t reading anything either! Then she can hope that when her kids grow up, they don’t read. Seriously, if all the names put out there are true, how does she have time to raise her kids? I’m just astonished!
She is hilarious. She so convinced she’s exceptional and important, she’s got no clue that that that everything she says and does is really nothing special at all.
Didn’t read the article of the comments (bashing her just doesn’t seem that fun or interesting — she’s too vanilla), but I do have to say that they made her look quite pretty in the pic with the blue sweater.
I think she’s full of it. I think she probably reads an awful lot about herself. She seems exactly like the type who would care. And if she does well, she needs to pay attention to the comments about driving her moped with her child on it in front of a school bus with others children on it!
Seems she needs a friend or two based in reality and on the planet Earth.
SHE doesn’t like women who judge other women? BWAHHH!!!! I think she meant to say, “I don’t like other women who judge me, but I, of course, have better taste than most women so it is my duty to judge them.”
Okay, why was she sitting in the bathroom with Moses? And, is it a good idea to call out one of your kids publicly while referencing butt wiping when he has classmates who might taunt him because of it? Because, I guarantee, some teenaged sister of a classmate will read this and pass it on. I know she was just answering honestly, but if they were mine, I’d try to avoid getting anecdotal while using their names during interviews.
Hm. Gets the ‘gas face’. And not even the one she shares with Beyonce, you know, that middle distance gaze.
Does she care that her gossip worshiper Lainey blind-itemed her just a few days ago?
OH, the BS!!!!!!!!!!!!! She puts herself out there, and then says she doesn’t read about herself???? She is in almost every freakin magazine!!! I guess she just doesn’t read period!!!
Crap queen is what she is!!!
She looks very pretty in these photos. And yes, she does care because she wouldn’t have tried to get her friends to not use VF in the future…it was one thing to ask them to not cooperate in a hit piece on her, another to ask them to never use VF in the future.
Love that blue sweater. I have got to find it. Gorgeous
I could care less who this bimbo screwed… That bring said, That’s a really pretty photo of her. It must be a special lens for her global appeal.
Correction “to kiss her 22 years old stripper ass”.
She reads it all, it’s obvious. No more kids? Smart move as she has 41 year-old eggs. I’m surprised she uses curse words…they’re so (sniff) common.
When her VF article comes out, she’s going to put on giant sunglasses, rent a shitty car, pick up a copy at an out of the way store, pick up some secret McDonald’s, drive to KFC for a secret bucket, then to Wendy’s and order three Frostys. Then she will drive to Griffith Park to read, eat and cry in the car.
Well, we can certainly hope! 🙂
To be fair, she’s saying she doesn’t care SPECIFICALLY about the work/life balance that mothers strive for. She’s not talking globally about everything in her life. Keep to the context.
No you got it wrong, you are blending question 1 with question 2 together when she give two separate answers.
She said she didn’t care what people/media said about her in question 1.
In question 2 She said she didn’t care about work/life balance.
Goopy swears like a trucker all the time, always has, this is not a new thing.
‘Goop does not like women who judge other women: “Nobody else can tell [a woman] how many hours a week she needs to devote to this, that or the other … F— what anybody else says … It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.’
Isn’t this EXACTLY what she does on her website and cookbooks? telling women what to do. Ms. I work out two hours a day with the kids crawling around, there’s no excuse.
Sure she doesn’t read them. It’s just a gigantic coincidence that she would come out with an interview about how she doesn’t care what others say about her right after a stream of negative articles have hit the streets. She’s just too smart for me.
+1. Exactly!
She’s too much of an idiot to read ANYTHING that she doesn’t “write herself”. Soooooo self-involved….and why does she always do interviews if she doesn’t care?
I have lost all respect for Goop. I figure her anger stems from an unfaithful husband and aching hunger for solid food. Not being sarcastic, just relating to her plight. My ex-husband cheated on me repeatedly no matter how slim and perfect I tried to be, have a successful career, create beautiful children- 1 boy and 1 girl. Goop is simmering with anger and disappointment over her failed marriage. Goop was much nicer before she got married, or at least more likable.
True. And if she doesn’t really care, she would not even comment on it. She DOES seem upset and obsessed with what people say about her. She knows she gets a lot of negative publicity.
I agree with what someone said above. This is a huge photoshop job, it almost looks like a painting. Why do celebrities want to present such a false version of themselves????????
I watch the scene in Contagion when she dies..and I laugh.
this is what happens when you spend your entire life striving and climbing up the social ladder, acting like you are so much better than everyone, especially your audience.
people are thrilled to see you get knocked off your high horse.
goop invented judging. she judges cities, thread counts, how little everyone else works out, cleanses, how terrible everyone else’s diet is, people, the list is endless -so much so she started a blog and she even has an app for that.
“Goop does not like women who judge other women: “Nobody else can tell [a woman] how many hours a week she needs to devote to this, that or the other …”
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. So what was the point of starting Goop then? I guess since she’s The Goop, she’s not judging, she’s ‘helping’ you.
Of course she reads it… AND she cares. Only people who care shout that loudly about how much they don’t care.
She is still a pretentious, obnoxious twit.
quoth the goopster: “if your partner comes to you – or your best friend – and says, ‘Listen, I want to talk about something you did that hurt me, or I think you could improve’ you should sit down and listen.”
does anyone else think that goop does this all the livelong day – telling everyone she knows how they can improve?
me too.