Tom Hiddleston did a NYC charity screening of ‘Thor 2’ for children: adorable?


This should show you how bad my Cumberbatch Withdrawal Syndrome has gotten – I’m writing about Tom Hiddleston. I do like Tom, even though he’s made of Try-Hard. I would just prefer him with a dash of danger in his English Thunder, and perhaps with some facial hair too. But I will give him this – he did a really, really nice thing last night. In fact, Tommy was so sweet last night that I’m going to give him a week-long freebie pass. If I talk about Tommy in the next week, I will be really nice to him (even if he’s wearing VELVET). This is what Tommy did: he flew into NYC for a special kids’ screening of Thor 2: The Magnificent Loki, all for charity.

Actor Tom Hiddleston flew in from London on Halloween just to trick and treat kids from two charities in a special screening of his latest film, “Thor: The Dark World.”

“I am Loki and I am filled with glorious purpose,” Hiddleston said in the menacing voice of his character as he stepped out to surprise the crowd at the event co-hosted by Disney, Marvel Studios and the Daily News.

He then dropped into a more regular register to thank the charities being honored at the AMC Empire 25 in Times Square — Variety the Children’s Charity of New York and The Children’s Aid Society.

“It was amazing,” a beaming Hiddleston, 32, told The News after leaving the theater as the kids watched the movie. Though he had landed at JFK just two hours before the screening, the British thespian said the screening was worth the long journey. “I just landed from London at 4 p.m. and to sort of come through the airport, throw on some clothes and come into that response where there were just 300 kids so excited to be there. To see that enthusiasm, to see them clap and cheer, wearing Loki T-shirts and swinging hammers, that was really gratifying.”

Little did the kids engrossed in “Thor: The Dark World” suspect that [Hiddleston] crept back inside to watch a bit of their reaction to his movie after his interview with The News.

“For charities like Variety of New York and Children’s Aid Society and UNICEF, who I have done some work for, I believe so strongly in their work,” he said. “There are armies of people behind the scenes who do tireless work on behalf of children all over the world. So it’s nothing for me to turn up and introduce a screening for them. I hope it’s a nice reward.”

[From The NYDN]

You can see photos of Tom at the screening at the NYDN. He wore a vest, because brother loves his vests. No! I said I was being nice to him. I’ll be nice. He looks very cute with the kids.

Tommy also has some new interviews out. Nothing groundbreaking, but I thought you’d find some of the quotes interesting:

His fan-girls: “I have been in receipt of mostly nothing but the sweetest, most generous attention and affection. It feels like it diminishes them to call them ‘fans’. They are not just one homogenous lump. Anyway, I Iove their enthusiasm. They are more sophisticated than people realise. They love the complexity of it. But they also love that it is tongue-in-cheek.”

He was asked about Eton & his posh education again: “I don’t know. It’s all about someone else’s interpretation. I would counter you with Michael Fassbender and Idris Elba and Tom Hardy. I don’t know that it is a phenomenon. I would say that my becoming an actor was a very unconventional thing in my peer group. That was not what people did. So the idea that it’s become ‘a thing’ is very strange to me. I have always felt like I was going off-piste. To be told that I am the one skiing down the main track is so strange to me.”

Filming Only Lovers Left Alive in Detroit: “I really fell in love with that place. It changed my entire perception of America. I had been to New York, Los Angeles, San Diego and all those coastal places. This was something else. In the 1920s, it was the centre of the world. Now there are only 300,000 people and looks like the set for a post-apocalyptic movie. But the people are so incredibly kind.”

He was given a treat by a journalist: “Ohh, oatcakes? How lovely! I’m going to have one right now… Haggis flavoured,” muses Hiddleston, as he checks out the packaging. “And yet ‘vegetarian-friendly’! It’s yummy, but one wonders where the flavours come from.”

The story for Thor 2 was his idea: “I was quite vocal that after seeing Thor and Loki as antagonists in two films, we couldn’t just do that again. And Chris was equally vocal about avoiding identikit scenes. Everybody pitches in ideas, so when I said ‘wouldn’t it be amazing to see them fight side-by-side?’, Kevin Feige of Marvel immediately said ‘yeah, let’s see how that works.’”

On his dancing skills: “It’s organised flailing. I didn’t learn any steps, I didn’t train – that’s my misspent youth in the 1990s, I have always loved dancing. When my sister got married in India, I missed the dinner because I was dancing. And Tilda has a line in Only Lovers that she wrote herself ‘Life is about appreciating nature, nurturing kindness, friendship – and dancing.’”

[From The Scotsman and Irish Times]

I get the feeling that Tom is really trying to repress his upper-crust education, but for the life of me, I don’t understand why. It’s his shtick! He’s a nerdy Shakespeare guy with a great education. Own it, Tommy! And I’m sorry, but the haggis-flavored vegetarian biscuits were the best part of the interview.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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125 Responses to “Tom Hiddleston did a NYC charity screening of ‘Thor 2’ for children: adorable?”

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  1. aims says:

    I think it’s adorable. He looks like he was having a blast.

    • IzzyB says:

      He comes across as a bit of a pompous arse, but his heart seems to be in the right place. It was a sweet thing he did for those kids.

      • JJ says:

        He is a great actor, but something about him is off putting. I don’t know he is trying too hard, he seems phoney. Marvel is probably putting him out there because he is connecting with audiences, Hemsworth seems a bit stiff and boring.
        Well at least Hiddles is more fun than a smug Portman and a stiff Hemsworth.

  2. j.eyre says:

    I am half-tempted to be a raging b!tch just to be contrary.

    Alas, I can’t. I love Tommy and it’s really hard for me to be cruel to him, like taking a lollipop from a baby. Plus, this was super cool and what a great treat for those at the screening.

    But if he says “yummy” again, I am opening that can up.

    • ncboudicca says:

      mmmmm, yummy. LOL

      I’m sorry, but I’m just getting a visual of you getting so enraged that you jab him in his lovely behind with a knitting needle, and it’s making me laugh.

      Maybe it’s the “fun sized” Baby Ruth, Kit Kat, and Butterfinger that I ate for breakfast that’s making me so punchy, sorry.

    • Miss Jupitero says:

      He gets a free pass from me as well. Haggis flavored oatcakes sounds just dreadful. We have a wonderful Scottish restaurant here, and even they would not do that.

    • blue marie says:

      Do it J., do it!! Make him earn those ‘yummy’ oat cakes (which sound extremely disgusting)

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        I have had oatcakes mixed with seaweed, fried in fat. The fat part is pretty damned nasty.

    • j.eyre says:

      OH! All of you! I have two bags of sugar in my living room, don’t make me break into them.

      Well, now that we are poking my TommyAnna with knitting needles, I am starting to want to make him say it. I could use the exercise of chasing him down the block wielding my best double-pointers.

      And I must make one correction, he is allowed to say in one instance and one instance alone… any time he is speaking of CHemboy. In this case, I heartily encourage it.

      • Anna says:

        There’s a yummy Russian-flavored biscuit I’ve been saving up for him…

      • TommyAnnE says:

        I will eat anything for your undying love and attention!

      • j.eyre says:

        Well, Anna… when you say “yummy” in Russian, that is a whole other set if circumstances.

        I would like to note this may be the most I have ever said “yummy” in my entire life. Thanks.

        TommyAnne, darling – the only thing I can you to eat is me.

      • Eve says:

        @ Anna:

        Saw Thor: The Dark World today — or Loki: The Dark Loki as I like calling it.

        Can’t say much because I don’t want to spoil it for you, but it’s fun, I didn’t hate Natalie Portman (well, maybe just a little bit), there is typical HAMS shirtlessness (brace yourself) — I could hear girls sighing in the back of the theater.

        But yeah, Loki was the best part of it, in my opinion.

        Flaws: I thought it was too short (less than 2 hours — it’s very fast-paced). And Christopher Eccleston was underused — but the good thing is that the makeup doesn’t completely hide his features (I mean, it’s not like Colm Feore in Thor).

        P.S.: Totally thought of you when he showed up shirtless.

      • Anna says:

        Thor tonight! IN ENGLISH! Melting with happiness 🙂

        (and Eve – aww)

  3. Leah says:

    Aw shucks, I just can’t help it… I like the guy. Even when he’s being partially oblivious and kind of ridiculous. But I’m sure those kids were thrilled to see him and I can only imagine his enthusiasm feeding into THEIR enthusiasm, in some strange enthusiasm feedback loop, possibly further fueled by candy.

    • duchess of hazard says:

      Yeah, I like Tom Hiddleston too. What’s not to like? He gives great interviews, does all the publicity for the projects he’s attached to. He doesn’t seem one to grump, or be faux hostile at the fact that he’s famous, or that Loki will be forever his ‘role’. Hiddleston is the personification of Emma Thompson’s comment about being the shill man for your own product. Of banging about the movies you’re a part of, because it’s the best thing in the world. Everyone was in agreement when Ms Thompson said that, and now that Hiddleston is showing it, he gets ragged on.

      • ctkat1 says:

        Totally agree- he’s clearly so very thrilled to be doing the work that he is doing, and has so much enthusiasm and good cheer about all of it that I can’t hate him. I don’t follow him that closely, but has he ever complained about any of the downsides of his job? Because everything I’ve read/seen has him being really positive about all of it, which is a nice change from so many of them.

  4. Nikki says:

    A British guy…that’s my next target. Challenge Accepted!!!

  5. Stacie says:

    I was starting to have Hiddleston withdrawals from the lack of Tommy posts…Those pictures of Tom with the kids are too precious! As if I needed another reason to love this man!

  6. Samtha says:

    I can’t figure out if I loathe him or adore him. He’s a strange one.

  7. Hypocrisy says:

    He is super adorable !

  8. blue marie says:

    Every once in a while even smarmy cat catches a break, that’s a really sweet thing he did so I will refrain from pointing out his Beaker like tan.

    • LadySlippers says:

      I thought at first it was better (the ‘tan’) until I looked again and saw splotches. 🙁

      Oh well, just means this Lady will have to roll up her sleeves to give TommyBoy a much needed bath… complete with LOTS of scrubbing. 😉

    • lunchcoma says:

      I don’t know why he uses so much bronzer. People with very fair skin generally can’t pull it off, and he looks much better with his natural skin tone.

  9. T.fanty says:

    Dammit! What’s the point in having children if I can’t use them as pawns at a time like this.

    Am also starting to worry about Kaiser a little.

    • Kaiser says:

      You should be worried! I seriously don’t know what to do with myself without a daily intake of Cumberbatch. *sob*

      • T.fanty says:

        Me either. You’re forcing me to resort to tumblr *shakes fist*

        But I am trying to help you. I even sent you a pic today! Maybe that wasn’t right. Maybe we need to formulate some kind of twelve-step detox program. I think pacey, Scottish Thunder and HiddleyAnna are an admirable steps 1-3. Please don’t let step 4 be a recap of the Ibiza/birthday debacle.

      • Kaiser says:

        Ha! Yes, that would be the easiest way to break up with Cumby, just look at those photos of Katia touching his thigh.

        I’m honestly just waiting for new photos or interviews with Cumby, I’m hoping he does some press for 12 Years or August soon enough. Until then, I just have make do with Band-Aid Dong like Hiddles, Scottish Thunder, etc.

      • LadySlippers says:

        Kaiser, they had the premiere of ‘Little Favour’ and some divine pics too!

      • j.eyre says:

        I’m sorry, who is this “Cumberbatch” of whom you speak – is he someone I might have heard of? He sounds just lovely.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        If we don’t get some Cumberbatch around here soon….why, I’ll……I don’t know what I’ll do.

      • curlsunited says:

        @Kaiser: Easiest way? Ha! I have spent the best part of the day staring at the pictures of him and Katia and the redhead and his unfortunate Jim Carrey hair during the STiD promotion tour, but all to no avail. My infatuation with Cumby the Glorious is getting well out of hand.

        Mr. Curls is currently away on a business trip, so I grabbed a bottle of red wine and a very young Cumby, went aboard a decrepit war ship and sailed with him to the Antipodes last night. Goodness, I daren’t tell you what four hours with this exquisite, delicious creature have done to me (apart from leaving me slightly hungover and grumpy due to lack of sleep).

        So pleeeeease, give me some Cumberbatch!

      • Leah says:

        Oh thank God, I thought it was just me!! I’ve looked for other strictly Batch comment boards, but it’s not NEARLY as fun as here- either too many people who haven’t seen the light that is the Batch, or too much gushing and worship, not affectionate enough snark and sexual innuendo. I’m starting to think I should brave Tumblr, but I feel it might be best to do that with plenty of alcohol…

        Saw some cute pics of him, though- did he dress as the invisible man? Or was that someone else they were trying to pass off as the Batch?

      • Green Girl says:

        @Leah – I think that’s an old picture, and that it might be a few years old. But yes, he has dressed as the invisible man. I don’t know if this was deliberate, but the wrapping even covered his top lip (that cupid’s bow lip would be a dead giveaway!).

        I’ve seen BC-centered Tumblrs, and I’ll just say they can be hit-or-miss for me.

      • curlsunited says:

        @Leah: Cute pics? Where? What? When?

      • Leah says:

        @green girl- Ah, okay, that’s what I figured- if he had been spotted out on THIS Halloween, it would have been an explosion. As for Tumblr, I suppose it’s just best to proceed with caution! (and alcohol)

        @curlsunited- appears it may have been a false alarm! I thought he’d been out over the holiday, but now thinking pic might be a bit dated. There were some nice pics released from the Little Favor premiere, though! Always lookin’ good in a suit! And reports he went to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with T.Hardy and child

        (kind of amazing the info you can glean from a brief perusal of tumblr! and no emotional scars- hurrah!)

      • curlsunited says:

        @Leah: I just tumblred and came across pictures of him at the 50 years NT London, wearing what seems to be a brand new scarf and one of his inevitable flat caps.

        You mentioned alcohol (twice!) – as a disinfectant to destroy possible tumblr viruses?

      • Leah says:


        I wish the flat cap wasn’t inevitable. Although, perhaps I should embrace the flat cap as I have embraced the jorts.

        Yes, obviously, alcohol to disinfect. 😉

      • Green Girl says:

        We must resist the flat caps, regardless of how often he wears them!

      • curlsunited says:

        And if he turns up in a mauve velvet suit plus matching cap I’m afraid I will embrace it as well (btw, why are we picking on Hiddles when Hugh Grant gets away with his velvet suit?).

        * grabs bottle and gargles with burgundy *

        @Green Girl: I am sure those tumblr girls sent him DOZENS of flat caps for his birthday and he feels obliged to wear them.

        * gargles again *

  10. duchess of hazard says:

    I can understand Hiddleston not wanting to harp on his education. Cumberbatch bemoaned his upper crust education (Harrow, iirc) along the lines of knowing poverty because his parents were actors and got some stick for it. In the same breath, I can see Hiddleston downplaying his education because people who attend Eton are those who are given the keys to the kingdom, so to speak, (Prince William, Prime Minister Dave Cameron etc).

    On the other hand, I do think Hiddleston is a bit disingenuous re this comment: “I don’t know. It’s all about someone else’s interpretation. I would counter you with Michael Fassbender and Idris Elba and Tom Hardy. I don’t know that it is a phenomenon. I would say that my becoming an actor was a very unconventional thing in my peer group. That was not what people did. So the idea that it’s become ‘a thing’ is very strange to me. I have always felt like I was going off-piste. To be told that I am the one skiing down the main track is so strange to me.”

    Please, a LOT of British actors have come from upper crust schools (before and well within his peer group), and it’s easier for actors from comfortable backgrounds to make a go at it as a career, versus those without that cushion. I do remember an article in the Guardian a few years ago decrying the fact that a lot of the younger actors getting opportunities in plays were comfortably middle class as well to do because working class actors weren’t necessarily getting the same opportunities

    ( FYI: Tom Hardy isn’t from a working class background, as much as he tries to act ‘hard’- his parents were professionals- and Hardy went to a good public – private school as well). I’ll give him Fassbender and Elba – they got grants, true, but they really didn’t have the comforts like Hiddleston.

    • Green Girl says:

      “I do remember an article in the Guardian a few years ago decrying the fact that a lot of the younger actors getting opportunities in plays were comfortably middle class as well to do because working class actors weren’t necessarily getting the same opportunities ”

      I think that’s a really interesting point. I would think it’s (relatively) easier to break into a super competitive field like acting if you have a solid financial safety net to fall back on. If someone’s family already has money, then they can pass on the low-budget commercials and wait around for something better. You can also pay for acting classes, have better headshots, etc., and if your family’s wealthy, then you might already know directors and producers through your connections.

    • icerose says:

      I think there is no question that people from a well heeled background find it easier to survive in the acting profession but coming from affluence helps in lots of areas housing, education, career etc.I agree if you look at most actors the majority in the UK probably come from well educated backgrounds with families who support them.
      I think Tom was primarily referring to Eton in this case. If you look at the number of graduates I doubt being an actor is high on the percentage list. They are however high profile graduates.
      Damian Lewis also commented in the Observer recently that Eton graduates tend to come under attack more than any other public school. He also said it goes in waves but generally as an Eton graduate he tried to stay under the wire when possible.
      Most actors do not seemed to get quizzed over their educational backgrounds as much as those with Eton backgrounds which is why it must be kind of annoying to have to answer the same question again and again when your life has moved on. Tom I think gets approached more because of his family back ground on his mothers side. On his fathers side it was Scottish working class.
      In Benedict’s case he brought the attention on himself through his unprovoked comments in the radio times which were then picked up by the nationals .I did not even know he was public school until then.

      • joe spider says:

        The reason why old Etonians are getting stick at the moment is mainly because the PM and some of his cronies went to Eton/public school and they aren’t popular.
        You didn’t get the same attention to where an actor went to school before 2010.

      • Katie says:

        @ joe spider

        Partly, but it’s also may be because Eton is more than twice the price of Harrow and offers a lot less grants? You’re far more likely to see middle class kids in Harrow than Eton.

        Eton offers some grants but nothing in full. Harrow offers fee reduction (up to 0) based on the parents’ income if the kid wins a scholarship.

        That being said, the whole ‘where the actor went to school’ thing is annoying. Doesn’t give them talent and shouldn’t lock anyone into role typing. Who wants to repeatedly play themselves? I realize they’ll have advantages, but that’s true of a better education in any field.

      • Froop says:

        Eton and Harrow are the same price, about £31k per year. I don’t think you are likely to see kids from lower income families there.

      • Katie says:


        You’re right, I was thinking of another school re: Eton’s fees, my fault there!

        Low income, unlikely. Middle class you’ll see at Harrow but not so much Eton was my muddled point, sorry (I’m cheating here, I know someone who went to Harrow and wasn’t rich or alone).

        Currently, Eton will cut down tuition by about 33 percent but no lower. Harrow will go down much further, but the slots are obviously limited — 30 kids per year. Those kids who win an arts scholarship there, the 10% one, become entitled to bursaries based on their parents’ income.

    • LAK says:

      It’s not a secret that Eton and Harrow have amazing acting programmes and support any budding thespians in their midst. It is amazing though that the new crop of British acting stars are from Eton or Harrow. Everyone from Robert Pattinson to Damian Lewis [he’s been around decades, so he receives a pass]. I think the actors from working class background had their moment back when everyone was pretending to be a cockney.Tom Hardy came up during that era so he has to keep the mockney up. I think Guy Ritchie has been rumbled for the mockney he is.

      • icerose says:

        I think changes to the grant systems have played there part as well -there was a time when you could get funding for drama/art colleges s well as day to day expenses as well. So even embarking on a drama career is more precarious for someone from a background who’s parents cannot help with support.

  11. Londongal says:

    He’s adorable for trying gifts he’s given in intervierws, I find it utterly charming. If he said the word ‘yummy’ in my presence in any context I’d kiss his face off too. In his voice? HELLO! :-}

  12. T.fanty says:

    Citing Tom Hardy as his pet chav?!? As an Essex girl, I take offense to Hardy costuming himself in the trashiness of my people.

  13. MissThing says:

    I think he genuinely likes children. I am happy to see something like this.

    • icerose says:

      There was an interview recently where he mentioned he likes to play evil god father to Chris Hemsworth’s daughter and according to Mark Ruffalo his son adored Tom who always ha time for him when he was visiting the Avenger’s set.
      The little boy beside him in the picture looks happy anyway but I did feel sorry for who ever was behind him when the film was showing if he stayed and I think it said he did..

  14. tifzlan says:

    People like to rag on him but you have to admit, the dude is a genuinely kind-hearted soul (as far as i can tell) and i can’t find any reason yet not to like him.

  15. Tiffany says:

    I always liked Hiddles. Some call it try hard, I call it enthusiasm. After seeing the photos over on the Daily News, I am a fan girl. There are just some things you cannot fake. I am kind of jealous of those kids. Yeah, I need to work on that.

  16. kaisei says:

    That was very nice of him, kudos for making so many kids happy.

    What do you guys make of this though, it’s an interview with Lawrence Fox where he scorns Tom for his singing and dancing in South Korea.

    • Miss Jupitero says:

      Ouch. Well he does have a point. Some people get carried away with turning themselves into a “brand”. Being TommyAnnE must be a 24/7 job and then some. I blame his PR team.

    • T.fanty says:

      Fecker. Let’s beat him. Nobody scorns our Puddletom. Except us, obviously.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        I don’t care if he is Laurence Fox of The Foxes, he’d best shut his gob about Tommy’s dancing!

      • kaisei says:

        For the record LF also made fun of TH’s singing and dancing on his twitter account, or better he was very sarcastic about it.

    • Kelly says:

      He kinda has a point, but unfortunately he ruins it with “I’m not much interested in being Laurence Fox in that sense” – oh really? So media promotion and light fun is beneath you? That just reeks of resentment and jealousy.

      • T.Fanty says:

        Also, it’s easy to be sanctimonious when you come from an established thespian family and your wife is wealthy enough for 90% of your career to be in the theatre.

    • Ag-UK says:

      He sounds jealous and resentful.

    • joe spider says:

      From the Fox article –
      “He and Piper recently spent a short time in LA, trying to get auditions”

      Hiddleston went to LA and got work. Says it all really.

      • kaisei says:

        That’s taking a few words out of context, he also said that he wasn’t willing to do the kind of suck up required, that work done should be enough to get you other work.

      • Roberta says:

        Hiddleston went to LA to sign with an agent who saw him on stage in London as I recall. He got the role in Thor through his Brannagh connection.

      • Miss Jupitero says:

        Hiddles actually left LA after trying to make a go there. He said in one interview that he thought he would stay there permanently but changed his mind. I don’t think much came of it. In my opinion, this is very much in his favor.

    • icerose says:

      well this does not make sense
      “That’s not necessarily suited to the way I do things, recording an audition tape during kids’ naptime.” He’s more of an instinctive, method sort of actor, responding to live emotions, he says — not necessarily so great on the first take. “”if you are recording yourself you can go for as many takes as you like.

      The Jackson number was not Tom’s finest moment but lets face it the guy knocks Daniel Day Lewis as well-does sound a bit like sour grapes.

    • lunchcoma says:

      I wouldn’t have thought much either way about the Hiddles comments (it probably is a 24 hour a day job to be Tommyanna), but the snark directed at Daniel Day-Lewis is completely out of line. Fox and Hiddleston are basically peers who have made different choices and who have different temperaments. Day-Lewis is the most acclaimed actor of his generation. If that means he runs off to make shoes in between roles, well, maybe some more actors need to take up cobbling.

  17. Ginger says:

    A generous, good hearted, intelligent, lanky, nerdy Shakespeare Brit…yes please! (and with facial hair! He looks yummy with a bit of scruff) The photos of him with the children made me tear up a bit. They look so happy! How cool of him to do that for the kids.

  18. FW says:

    That’s a really cute thing to do, for kids! and anyone saw him as Loki on Comedy Centre? sooooo adorable!!!

  19. Janeite says:

    It was a sweet and generous thing to do. And I understand why he seems to want to downplay his education and background. My own is similar and I have endured more than my share of comments and aspersions about it. If you talk about it, people resent you. And if you don’t talk about it, some people resent that too. You can’t win no matter what.

    • icerose says:

      I completely understand as my ex was public school and the first time I ever saw him he was apologising for his educational background on a” getting to know you session” on a dance/drama course which was primarily made up of state school attendees.

  20. flower19720 says:

    New interview on tumblr with Tom where he says he does not Google himself or look at tumblr at least in the last three years. He so does and he has been spotted doing it.

    Three years ago he wasn’t even a fart on tumblr or on google. LOL.

    Nice interview.

    • icerose says:

      I have googled myself and I was not famous and I know lots of people who do so the three year thing seems reasonable.
      As to his whether he has recently some proof other that an anonymous person saw him doing it is helpful if we are to take this seriously.

      • flower19720 says:

        He was photographed looking at the tumblr dashboard on his phone, the fans in denial thought it was twitter for ipod, but tumblr has a totally different interface than twitter.

        As for this rubbish about three years, I have been a fan of his since Thor came out. That’s two years and five months ago, and I remember that he was asked by a crew member while shooting the Avengers if he had seen Tumblr (in fact fans were writing to him to tell him about his tumblr tag). He said he had not, but would check it out and he did. His months and years do not match up. Thus he is lying or maybe this Englishman who professes to have such a perfect memory just does not remember that far back (doubt it).

        /I know you think he’s a perfect prince who never lies, but honestly give me a break. Everyone lies, even him.

      • Janeite says:

        Flower, I don’t think anyone is saying that he is a perfect prince who never lies. But what you said just all seems sort of like hearsay to me. Just the fact that fans disagreed about what was on his phone via a photograph seems to me that there is no way to definitely say that it was Tumblr. And that story about an Avengers crew member, is there an interview about that or something that can be verified?

      • MissThing says:

        There is no way someone that self aware doesn’t track the places where his fan base is the largest. You all have commented in the past on how quickly he reacts to news on tumblr and twitter. You have done the math and heard the conflicting interviews. You have seen the cell phone photo.

        If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck… Then it is safe to assume it is indeed a duck.

      • DahliaDee says:

        That’s a lot of frustration for some throwaway reply concerning something that is at best a pleasant waste of time, at worst quite a toxic environment (I’m talking about tumblr).

        I think Sixer made a smart decision, and I’m going to follow suit. there’s just too much uncalled for aggression and frustration here.

      • Roberta says:

        @MissThing It’s good to see you back, was a bit worried about you.

      • MissThing says:

        Thanks. I have been lurking all the while but it is hard when people start piling on personal accusations and such. I do enjoy reading the banter and speculation on Tom though.

        I still say that if other actors and studios are aware of and admit lurking on tumblr then why is it a stretch to include Tom? Regardless of what he says in interviews… an above comment says it best: everybody lies and when PR is involved you can almost guarantee it. Tom seems to have crafted this ultra nice guy public image so he has to maintain it regardless of what may or may not be the truth.

        What I don’t understand is why it even matters (with regards to tumblr).

    • Janeite says:

      For some reason that I don’t understand, the idea that he spends time on Tumblr is important to a lot of the fangirls. I have no doubt that he knows what it is but I find it highly unlikely that he spends any time on there at all.

    • flower19720 says:


      Google is your friend, go for it.

      • Janeite says:

        Sorry Flower, but that’s not how it works, with all due respect. I’m not the one making that statement; you are. If you can produce it, great. If not, I’m not going to waste time searching for it. And to be honest, whether he was on Tumblr 2 years and 5 months ago versus 3 years ago does not exactly make him a liar, in my humble opinion. That seems kind of like splitting hairs to me.

      • flower19720 says:


        Not interested in being an errand chick to a stan tbh.


      • Janeite says:

        Flower, no need for the hostility and name-calling. If you can’t or won’t find anything to prove your point, that’s no big deal. You believe what you want and I’ll believe what I want. I think we can both coexist that way, yeah?

    • joe spider says:

      Don’t suppose he was thinking it was important to pin it down to an actual month, was probably generalising.

    • T.Fanty says:

      *blows a kiss to TommyAnne*

      Own it, darling. Come and join us celebitches. We’ll be gentle with you. For the most of it.

  21. Mary-Rose says:

    I’m sure the kids would of loved it if he came to the screening as Loki! You can tell he’s good with kids but I still don’t see him having his own till he’s career is more established. Imagine him telling them he was Loki

    • icerose says:

      h needs someone to have them with anyway and apart from speculation there does not seem to be any one on the horison

  22. Ag-UK says:

    Love him and just saw Thor and he was great in it.

    • icerose says:

      Thor was pretty good especially when Thor/Loki were interacting. The film lit up when he was on screen.

  23. SAHARA CHAN says:

    I will drop my knickers at his Command! It’s like that forever with TOM HIDDLESTON!

  24. allons-y alonso says:

    very sweet thing to do

  25. Naddie says:

    I swear he’s a Care bear in disguise. I guess he’ll be that daddy his kids will adore, and his wife will have to be the harsh one. He can marry me anytime, just saying.

  26. Gin Princess says:

    Did anyone watch him on Alan Carr tonight? He came across really well… And danced. He’s actually got some killer moves… I went all hot and clammy and had to fan myself. Hard to do with two glasses of gin in ones hands….

  27. iCali says:

    Has any interviewer ever asked him what kind of woman he looking for to settle down with? He may be only 32 so no rush to marry but I would still like to know his views on marriage and relationships.

  28. icerose says:

    flower19720 says: You may be right but proof is always helpful when it comes to winning a point. He may have his times scales out-mine are pretty wonkey at times especially if a lot has happened in that space of time. He said he does not go on tumblir again on Chatty man tonight but hears about some of the stuff. After seeing the fan art on the chatty man show he will probably steer well clear. He took the pole dancing and pregnant Loki in his stride but the masturbation piece seem to catch him out. But I do think he must have known that the hip thrusts he did while dancing at the end would make the perfect TUMBLIR GIF.

    • joe spider says:

      Must be difficult to know how to respond to that sort of stuff without coming off either crude or a prude.

    • GrannyPants says:

      I imagine Tom would have an idea what to expect with Alan Carr though. Wonder how he’s going to cope with Chelsea Handler?

  29. browniecakes says:

    He doesn’t have to Google or go on Tumbr. TH follows over 1000 sites on Twitter including 10 or 11 TH fansites . It’s like the Gumdrop Pass to TommyAnnE land. He can learn everything there is to know about himself just by scanning Twitter and opening the links. These sites are thrilled he follows them, many are about the charities. All are like him, positive, excited and sweetly twee – and are all over the world.

  30. Mary-Rose says:

    I don’t actually think he has properly watched Alan Carr to know what his show is all about. I do liked him unscripted as it showed his personality more.
    Can anybody tell me more of what Chelsea lately is all about?
    Also I’m loving TommyAnnE’s curls, it’s a welcome come back. Stay off the straightens Tommy!!!

    • Janeite says:

      Mary-Rose, Chelsea Lately is a late-night talk show hosted by Chelsea Handler. She’s a very nice person in real-life and well-liked in the entertainment world but on the show she is quite acerbic and raunchy and vulgar. She’s definitely not afraid to voice her opinion. If you Google “Chelsea Handler” or “Chelsea Lately” you can probably find a wealth of info.

      I’ve no idea what to expect from her talking to Tom, except that it will most likely be…interesting.

  31. Ag says:

    Robert Pattinson went to Harrodian in SW London.

  32. Mary-Rose says:

    Thanks Janeite. Just googled Chelsea lately and I can’t wait to see him on it. Someone has to post the link here. TommyAnne has a sense of humour I think he’ll take it in his stride and play a long

    • Janeite says:

      You’re quite welcome, Mary-Rose. I think it will be a good interview too. I’m sure the link will be on Tumblr as soon as it’s available or if you don’t want to venture into Tumblr-land, I can repost it here for you.

  33. MegG says:

    I saw The new Thor movie this week too. Without seeing the first one or Tom in anything before. Loki really gets all the good lines I think. Predictably I liked the bad boy (Loki) over the hero/ main character. I maybe converted!

    • ThunderGoddess says:

      Me too! It is funny that the villain in Thor (well, excluding Malekith of course) is more successful and loved than the main character.. And I was becoming a Hemsworh fan…
      Chris’ Thor in the new movie seems even more boring and dull than in the first one, if that was possible….
      Anyway Hiddleston steals the movie from everyone else when he is on screen!
      Thumbs up Tom, wherever you come from…

  34. Mary-Rose says:

    Can you post it here Janeite? I tend to avoid Tumblr as its mainly fandoms arguing against each other all the time. Thanks again