Lupita Nyong’o vs Jessica Biel: who looked better in Chanel at the MoMA event?


Here are some photos from last night’s Museum of Modern Art Film Benefit: “A Tribute to Tilda Swinton”. The reason I’m not leading with Tilda is because… well, she was dressed like a very chic middle-aged mom on Christmas. No disrespect! But her outfit was kind of boring and conservative. So let’s start with Jessica Biel, who has absolutely no connection to Tilda but I guess Jessica felt like getting dressed up. Jessica – like most of the women at the event – wore Chanel. Chanel was one of the sponsors of the event. I think the cut of Jessica’s dress is a bit overworked, but overall, she looks great. Thankfully, The Biel Bangs Experiment is over. Hopefully.



Lorde was there. I want her to be successful and to stop trash-talking everyone. But mostly I want her to stop with that lipstick.


Here’s my new favorite Fashion Girl, Lupita Nyong’O in Chanel Couture. I have mixed feelings… on one side, I think it’s cool to see this beautiful, talented Kenyan actress in a label like Chanel. On the other side, this is not Karl Lagerfeld’s best work. Lupita comes close to pulling it off, for sure, but that because she’s so cool, not because this is a good outfit.



Alexa Chung in Chanel. She goes to the opening of an envelope at this point.


Here’s Tilda in Chanel. This is what I’m talking about with Tilda looking like a chic mom – there are grandmothers in the Connecticut suburbs with this exact outfit. Look at how Ralph Fiennes and Karl Lagerfeld want to stand next to Tilda! It’s because she’s the best.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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44 Responses to “Lupita Nyong’o vs Jessica Biel: who looked better in Chanel at the MoMA event?”

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  1. Kiddo says:

    Tilda and Lorde were the only ones who didn’t look absurd.

    • bns says:

      I think Lorde looks the most ridiculous of them all, even though I do like her dress.

      • Kiddo says:

        It’s (brooding) kid appropriate.

        Lupita’s outfit is almost okay, but the neck looks really strangling and the length is too short with the jacket. I guess it is a dress underneath?

  2. QQ says:

    Lupita hands down, Alexa Chung actually doesn’t suck for a change! Overlord Swinton, of course, reigns supreme

  3. jinni says:

    I wish Lupita was wearing Jessica’s dress, she’d kill in it.

    I’m surprised that little Miss “I’m soo not Hollywood” Lorde would show up at such an industry event especially when it has nothing to do with her music, since she likes to act like she only about the music, but in every interview seems to talk about anything but. Maybe she’s trying to find more people to call gross, throw shade at, and feel superior to that this event for her next interviews.

    • V4Real says:

      After yesterday I’m on the fence with Lorde and I agree with your post. Lorde claims to be against photoshop but in that same post a pic of her was photoshoped. She dislike makeup but wears more lipstick than a bargain base street walker. She’s starting to seem like a walking contradiction.

      People are saying she is not packaged but she is. She has just been marketed in a different way. She’s just taking a different direction than the other pop stars. That’s not a bad thing, she has her own brand. Her problem is she seems to have to shade other entertainers to garner recognition for herself. I also think someone might need a little ego check. Yes and I agree she rarely talks about her music and spends much of her interview shading others. She’s also not the first teen to take the non sexy route into music industry. Avril Lavigne (who Lorde reminds me of for some reason) took that route as well.

      Lastly what is Ms. Anti- Hollywood doing at an event such as this.

      On a good note; I do love baby girl’s hair. Those beautiful bouncy curls are to die for.

      • Erinn says:

        This exactly – I don’t think there’s a celeb that isn’t packaged in SOME form. I have issues with the amount of Photoshopping they do on her. They don’t NEED that much photoshop. She’s young. She’s pretty.

        My main issue now is the amount of makeup – I think she’s trying to hard to be that ‘low maintenance cool girl’, but she seems to be like any other 16 year old.

        I also love her hair. It looks so healthy too.

  4. Violeta says:

    I’d still go for Lupita, albeit the minor ick factor is the vest on top of her dress makes it look weird combined together.

  5. serena says:

    Jessica looked great! The best out of the others here.

  6. Tiffany says:

    Well Kaiser, when you are feeling down about
    Tilda’s wardrobe choice. Just throw in the photo from the Hugo Boss event a few years ago. That was perfection.

  7. LAgirl says:

    Everyone looks so “meh”. Lupita’s face is so beautiful! Saw 12YAS the other day and she is Such a talent!
    Good day wishes to all. X

  8. Erinn says:

    Lupita is stunning! What a gorgeous woman! I’ve never seen her before – she has one of those smiles that just seems so cheerful and fun.

  9. GoodNamesAllTaken says:

    I like Alexa’s outfit the best. Very classic. Lupita is beautiful, but I think the outfit is a little unflattering and matronly. Don’t like Jessica’s dress at all.

  10. blue marie says:

    Lupita, now and always. Seriously what the heck is Biel wearing? No to the necklace and washcloth dress.

    I don’t like the lipstick or the choker on Lorde. She looks like a girl I used to go to school with, awesome artist. (both my friend and Lorde obvs.)

    Tilda always looks so comfortable, lovely.

  11. The Original G says:

    Tilda’s pants are art!

  12. Neelyo says:

    I’d love to see Lupita’s dress without the jacket. I will never be able to see past Jessica Biel’s nosejob.

  13. Dani2 says:

    It’ll always be Lupita – I don’t love the look here but she’s so stunning, it doesn’t even matter.

  14. moon says:

    Lupita wins hands down. She looks both chic, elegant and fashion forward which is hard to pull off all at once.

  15. naomiNOTcampbell says:

    Jessica biel looks really stunning! And Im definitely not her biggest fan. In my eyes she has zero personality and try too hard to be a fashionista. Also Im so glad she’s not sporting those awful bangs anymore.

  16. taxi says:

    Biel needs a hairdo and lipstick. That odd dress needs bright lipstick & a coif to make it work. Lupita is gorgeous but the skirt is unflatteringly short & makes her legs look bulky.
    Chung needs to go home & eat. Please tell Lorde that GaGa has already done that shoe to death.

  17. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Lupita FTW (obviously) but I think they all look pretty damn chic, even Biel looks great.

    I love what Lagerfeld’s been doing lately.

    • Kiddo says:

      Really? I think Biel’s dress is ridiculous. It looks like they re-purposed a portion of an 80’s shoulder pad nightmare gown and just cut out the marching band gold bling at the top and attached it to an otherwise casual dress.

      • Kiddo says:

        Addendum: I didn’t mean to yell @ you, O’ Kitten!

      • MissCherokee says:

        Yeah, that’s Chanel, the slightly avante garde collar attached to a evening dress – in woven boucle – a nod to traditional boucle wool that CoCo Chanel made famous. Luckily, those who don’t get it, don’t wear it. Or else the fashion world would be a rather bland, and banal place.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Ha ha…Yeah stop yelling!

        Ok I see how you could look at it that way, but I still love it. However, I will concede that I may be temporarily blinded by my all-consuming obsession with Chanel’s fall line..

  18. bns says:

    Alexa Chung looks great here and she wears red lipstick so well.

  19. Teeny says:

    I love Lupita’s ensemble except the weird choker thing as it doesn’t look very comfortable. I can’t see anything wrong with Tilda’s outfit because, conservative and boring or not, she looks amazing in it – plus it looks comfortable 🙂

  20. Jaquebelle says:

    Team Lupita!!! Her outfit looks amazing and is extremely fashion forward. Not understanding Jessica’s dress. Love the necklace, but would have been better served w/ a different dress. One love.

  21. wonderwoman21 says:

    Lupita wins to me, just because her face is too beautiful to be stifled by an unflattering outfit.

  22. mytbean says:

    Man Lupita Nyong’O is beautiful! The clothing not so much but her incredible SKIN… (jealous)

  23. mk says:

    But I wanted to stand next to Tilda first!

  24. loveisthecoal says:

    I didnt even need to look at the pictures to know that Lupita looked better (that outfit is awful though…it only works because it’s her). But since I did look, I might as well toss out some snark, I guess. Jessica’s eye makeup is awful and her nose seems to get smaller every time I see her. Lords looks like she rolled through an Urban Outfitters and left with whatever stuck to her (also, 1996 called and wants its lipstick back). I am mad jealous of her hair, though.

    Alexa looks ridiculous but my god is she gorgeous. That face! And of course, I still bow to Tilda even dressed as a middle aged mom on Christmas (also, I kind of want those pants).

  25. umyeah says:

    Jessica wants to be high couture, but end up looking like she’s playing dress up every time. Maybe it’s because I know she’s a horrible actress and is married to justin douchebag.

  26. MissCherokee says:

    Lupita and Beale should’ve switched.

    Lupita’s dress is looks like – is wrong length for her frame and her Loubatins disrupt her leg lines. Ankle straps have tendency to do this. She should’ve just rocked Chanel head to toe.

    Lupita is washed out by the gray.

    Beale washed out by the white.

    A switchroo and kill the ankle strap Loubatins. A Manolo BB pump would’ve been better, but all the celebs think Manolos are too understated…they love to broadcast with red soles . The Olsen twins rock Manolos on the red carpet. Respect.

  27. wtf says:

    I came just to say Lupita. And that was before I even looked at the pictures. Jessica Biel is a beautiful woman that seems to put a lot of energy into making the worst out of every look. I mean, I just don’t understand how you can have that face and that body and still manage to look a hot mf’ing mess every single time?!?!?! It’s like a weird talent or something.

  28. RHONYC says:

    i actually don’t like either. Lupita usually goes with more striking colors.
    this i don’t like so much.
    & Jessica will remain ‘meh’. sorry. the clothes CONTINUE to ‘wear’ her. smh 😐

  29. Megan says:

    What the hell is Wednesday Addams doing there???

    Oh wait, that’s just Lorde…

    • cs says:

      What the hell is Wednesday Addams doing there??? LOL

      Lupita, is drop dead gorgeous. However, that dress would’ve work had the length came to the knees, the jacket is too casual and I would’ve preferred a pointy toed stiletto shoe.
      I love Jessica’s look except for the shoes, a gold sandal would’ve worked better.
      Lorde, looks harsh… beautiful hair tho.

  30. GIRLFACE says:

    Luptia! Wow she’s gorgeous. I just think she needs to lose the top, is it a jacket? Does she have a cooler dress underneath? I agree J Biel needs to swap her weird collar necklace shoulder garland for a hairdo and an awesome pair of earrings.

  31. mikhail says:

    Being a native Kenyan myself i am inclined to go with Lupita not because she is my homegirl but because she is an exceptionally beautiful and talented young woman. (not a fan of the loubatins though)
    watch this pace y’all!

    Also: Tilda is just and alien goddess. She must be out of this world kuz she is just stunning
    Jessica needs to take a chill pill n stop trying too hard!